
The canyon where the nine pyramids are located.

Cai Jin arrived here with 26 astronauts and scientific researchers.

Each one is wearing a mecha.

The astronauts wear relatively high-end mechas, and the scientific researchers wear D-class mechas.

Cai Jin was wearing his mecha.

"Everyone, these are the 9 pyramids found on Mars." Cai Jin pointed to the pyramids in front of him and said.

Everyone stood in the sky and looked at the pyramid below. Even if they had seen pictures and videos before, they were still shocked.

Because the traces of erosion by time on these pyramids allow people to feel the years, which cannot be produced by special effects.

Just by looking at these nine pyramids, they were extremely sure that a Martian civilization did exist on Mars or that aliens had arrived on Mars and built these nine pyramids.

The mere traces of erosion over time on these pyramids are enough to preliminarily determine that these pyramids have existed for at least millions of years.

"This pyramid is a mural of the Martian civilization." Cai Jin pointed to one of the pyramids and said.

Then, he led everyone into the pyramid, whose doors are now controlled by robots.

When the murals of Martian civilization came into view, everyone was deeply shocked.

They can all understand the story that the mural tells when they look at it.

The world is so wonderful. You may not understand the words, but the paintings are the same.

Cai Jin kept these scientists in this pyramid, and then he took other astronauts to another pyramid.

The astronauts then began carrying the gold bricks to the spacecraft.

Wearing a mecha, the gravity here on Mars is only about half that of the Earth. Each astronaut suddenly becomes like a strong man, able to carry two cubic meters of gold at a time, which is 38.64 tons.

"Hiss~~" When the last gold brick was moved to the spaceship, Cai Jin couldn't help but gasp.

Because there are 12,000 tons of gold stored in this pyramid. According to the current gold price, it is almost equivalent to a wealth of 7.8 trillion yuan.

All of a sudden, gold far exceeded China's gold reserves.

You know, 7.8 trillion yuan of gold can not only print 7.8 trillion yuan, but 78 trillion yuan!

Cai Jin knew there was a lot of gold here before, but he never thought there would be so much gold.

It's incredible.

Cai Jin boarded the spaceship and took off directly in the spaceship, heading for the earth.

This weight has reached the limit of the spacecraft's load capacity.

Therefore, it is impossible to drive a spacecraft and land directly on the earth. That would be too dangerous and could easily cause the aircraft to crash and people to die.

Therefore, the best option is to transfer space shuttles in Earth orbit.

Although it is more troublesome, it is the safest.

Only 2,000 tons of gold need to be reduced, and the spacecraft can land directly on the earth's surface.

At this time, the leaders who received the news from Cai Jin immediately arranged for the space shuttle to go to space orbit.

When Cai Jin's spacecraft arrived in Earth orbit, ten space shuttles were ready.

Cai Jin then put on a mecha and began to transport gold.

The load capacity of these space shuttles is far less than that of spacecraft.

2,000 tons, they have to be separated.

2,000 tons of gold were transferred to the space shuttles, and these space shuttles began to head towards the earth.

This kind of changing orbit does not require precise orbit changes one by one to find the best window like the previous Shenzhou spacecraft. The space shuttle spacecraft was rough, changing its orbit directly, and then entering the atmosphere.

Cai Jin also let the spacecraft fly into the atmosphere.

Soon, the spacecraft stopped at the designated base.

Here at the base, soldiers are fully armed and there are military vehicles.

These were intended to carry gold.

Even if a vehicle carries 40 tons of gold, 10,000 tons would require 250 trips.

All this gold will be transported to the national treasury.

After all the gold is transported away, the spacecraft takes off again. It still needs to go to Mars to carry the metal.

Cai Jin got into a military vehicle, and the leaders were still waiting for him.

Half an hour later, the military vehicle arrived. When Cai Jin got out of the car, he saw the leaders one by one. These leaders were very excited.

None of them expected that there would be as much as 12,000 tons of gold.

With so many tons of gold, their wallets can suddenly bulge and their waists can straighten up.

I couldn’t do many things before because I didn’t have that much money.

Now with this windfall, it means that a lot of things can be done.

Many countries now dare not print money indiscriminately, because they have reached their limit, and if they print more money, the currency will depreciate.

And if you don’t have extra money, you can’t spend it randomly. Every dollar must be calculated carefully.

"Boss Cai, you are really the God of Wealth. This unexpected windfall is so amazing!" The leader held Cai Jin's hand and said excitedly.

Cai Jin touched his head in embarrassment: "Leader, I didn't expect that there is so much gold there. It seems that the gold stored by the Martians is cheaper than China."

"Haha, no matter what, with these 12,000 tons of gold, many things that were just plans before can now be implemented," the leader said.

Although it is said that in more than five hundred years, the sun will rapidly age and expand into a red giant, and the entire earth will face the crisis of destruction.

The first priority is naturally to solve this crisis of destruction.

But that doesn’t mean nothing else needs to be done.

The crisis of destruction, no matter what, will happen more than five hundred years later, and the resolution of the crisis will be step by step.

Social development also needs to be taken into consideration at the same time.

After all, live in the present and plan for the future.

As social order faces increasing challenges, it is not only necessary to increase the number of patrol robot dogs, but also to increase the number of police officers.

Social stability is always the overriding priority.

Developing the economy is also conducive to maintaining social stability.

What's more, society now needs money everywhere.

The transformation of the desert in the west requires money, the development of the central region requires money, and the upgrading of industries in the east also requires money.

Many people shout that this needs money and that needs money, but it is often difficult to get solutions because there are so many places that need money.

"I think we can add a few more aircraft carrier battle groups. Didn't we previously propose that 12 aircraft carrier battle groups can just meet the needs of the maritime areas? Let's implement this proposal now." A leader said with a smile.

An aircraft carrier battle group requires a lot of money. Just building it requires about 50 billion yuan. The annual maintenance cost is about 10 billion yuan, and the operating cost is about 56 billion yuan.

Currently, there are a total of five aircraft carrier formations in service, and one aircraft carrier is about to enter service.

A 12-carrier fleet means that 6 more aircraft carriers and a large number of ships have to be built.

This is the confidence brought by 12,000 tons of gold.

"Now that we have this gold, cities can build airports with guaranteed quality and quantity, and project fees can be paid in time!" a leader laughed.

In order to improve the three-dimensional transportation system and promote economic development, the country's biggest recent initiative is to build an airport for each prefecture-level city and realize city-to-city airport connectivity.

By then, the time distance from one city to another will be greatly reduced.

A lot of money was invested in this project.

It is also controversial in society, because China already has a very complete high-speed transportation system, national highway transportation system and train transportation system, and so many people choose to fly when they travel without money.

Many people believe that building so many airports will cause a huge waste of resources.

But we pushed forward unswervingly.

It’s not for anything else, it’s just to stimulate economic development, improve transportation efficiency, and shorten time distances.

"Leaders, the joy is yet to come. There are seven pyramids above, all of which contain metal. The total value of these is not necessarily less than gold." Cai Jin said with a slight smile.

You must know that the pyramid inside contains rare earths, which are all refined. These rare earths are widely used in electronic products, semiconductors, and aerospace.

Rare earths have always been regarded as a treasure given to China by God. China has the largest reserves of rare earth resources on earth and is the only country with the technology to refine them.

So much so that there has always been a saying that "the Middle East has oil and China has rare earths."

It's a pity that China didn't take good care of it. In those years, it sold rare earths at cabbage prices.

In recent years, with the presence of Future Technology Group, a large user of rare earths, the price of rare earths has skyrocketed.

In addition, there is titanium metal, which can be used to develop titanium alloys. Titanium alloys are widely used in aerospace, petrochemical, shipbuilding, automobile, and medical sectors.

12,000 tons of gold seems to be very valuable, but the wealth brought by the other seven pyramids is not necessarily less than 12,000 tons of gold.

"Yes, yes, that's what Boss Cai said, haha, good times are yet to come!" The leader laughed.

Sure enough, as the resources of other pyramids were transported back to Earth, the value of these resources far exceeded the 12,000 tons of gold.

Most of the blue gold inside was transferred to Cai Jin, and a small part was left to scientific research institutions for research.

Even if Cai Jin provides the technology, Blue Gold must conduct research so that it can be fully understood in the shortest possible time.

It has to be said that although with Future Technology Group, China's basic research seems to have suddenly reached the world's leading level, in fact, excluding Future Technology Group, China's basic research can only be regarded as world-class.

The breakthroughs made in materials over the years are actually from Future Technology Group. To be precise, most of them were obtained by Cai Jin through Golden Finger.

Only a very small part of it has actually been developed by scientific research institutions.

However, these scientific research institutions still persist in research, step by step, moving slowly but firmly.

After Cai Jin obtained these blue golds, he used them to make Crow alloy to build high-level mechas.

While Cai Jin was busy building high-level mechas, the 7 o'clock news was broadcast live around the world. Now, the 7 o'clock news has become a news that many people watch, because it can learn about world trends.

"Recently, the my country Space Administration's Mars base discovered nine pyramids on Mars. Through research and testing, it was found that these pyramids were built more than 600 million years ago. There are Martian murals inside the pyramids, describing the Martian civilization."

"Our country has always insisted that Mars belongs to the common wealth of all mankind on earth. No country or organization may occupy Mars without authorization and declare the sovereignty of Mars. We welcome all countries around the world to explore Mars."

As soon as the news about Martian civilization came out, it shocked the whole world.

You must know that according to previous NASA research, the Martian magnetic field disappeared about 4 billion years ago. When the magnetic field disappeared, the Martian environment became harsh, and naturally life could not exist.

But now, CNSA has announced the discovery of Martian civilization. Martian civilization existed more than 600 million years ago. This undoubtedly subverts previous research results on Mars.

Although in the past few years, the scientific research results on Mars released by CNSA have been quite disruptive, such as the discovery of water on Mars and the discovery of more than ten elements that do not exist on Earth.

But there is no result comparable to the discovery of Martian civilization!

This not only means that life existed on Mars, but also not only overturns the time when Mars lost its magnetic field.

It also shows that the earth is not what has been discussed all these years. The earth is lucky and unique, the only living planet in the universe.

The existence of Mars civilization now proves that the earth is not the only living planet, and there are other living planets in the universe.

I have to say that in the past, many people were so arrogant that they thought that the earth was the only living planet in the vast universe.

Later, on the international channel, a documentary on Mars civilization was played.

This documentary lasted for thirteen episodes, but it caused a huge stir in the world.

caused widespread discussion in the scientific community.

Many scientists have left their original places and come to China just to participate in the study of Mars.

The world has never been peaceful, but we live in a peaceful country.

Now, it's just that there are more uneven places.

But there is one certainty in this, that is, China is the determining factor.

In just two or three years, many places have broken their understanding of China. Only then did they realize that China is not what the previous media described, but a modern industrial country. China has many high-rise buildings and wide roads. Heavy traffic.

China controls the world's only complete industrial chain and is also the only country that controls the world's most advanced technology.

What was once known as the crown of mankind, now only ballpoint pen refills remain.

Yes, there are still some people who will laugh at you, saying that such a big country cannot produce ballpoint pen refills, what is there to be proud of?

The influx of a large number of talents has greatly enriched universities and scientific research institutions.

All of a sudden, the development time was greatly shortened.

This is the terrifying effect of the inverted siphon, which can continuously absorb talents from all over the world and make these talents available to me.

Excellent mathematicians, excellent physicists, excellent astronomers, excellent biologists...

Many of them have already made significant achievements.

And now they can’t help but come to China for development.

Of course, there are many people who don't want to leave, after all, they are used to it.

Cai Jin did not expect that the country would announce the news of the discovery of Martian civilization so quickly, but thinking about it later, it was actually made public once it was made public, and it would not cause changes at all.

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