The discovery of two living planets in the Proxima Centauri galaxy is definitely a major discovery. If it were announced, it would definitely be shocking.

In the past, humans on Earth were very arrogant. Most people believed that Earth was the only planet of life in the entire universe, and humans on Earth were lonely intelligent beings.

But now the two living planets in the Proxima Galaxy prove that there are other living planets in the vast universe.

Of course, Cai Jin has no plans to announce this discovery to the outside world now.

What is needed now is to formulate a complete set of plans to provide reference to superiors.

Next, Cai Jin still has something to do, which is to further improve his spacecraft and increase its speed to close to the speed of light, so that he can deploy navigation satellites in the vast space to navigate the spacecraft and the earth.

There are two key points here. One is the thruster, which needs to provide greater power, and the second is the reconnaissance system, which needs to detect farther places.

At the same time, astronauts can also be sent to the Proxima Galaxy in advance to prepare for what will happen next.

In the days that followed, more and more information was transmitted back to Earth.

Some time later, another probe arrived at Barnard's Galaxy. Barnard's Star, like Proxima Centauri, is a red dwarf star.

As a steady stream of information is transmitted back to Earth, there are planets in Barnard's galaxy. There are three planets, but these planets are neither life-bearing nor suitable for life.

There is also a very vast death zone between Barnard's galaxy and the solar system. These places are not suitable for life to survive and move.

As time goes by, more and more detectors arrive at the target galaxy, and more and more information is transmitted back to Earth.

On this day, Cai Jin came to the Tarim Basin again.

It is no longer appropriate to call it Tarim Basin. It should be called Tarim Lake.

What was once the largest basin in China has now become a huge lake. The entire lake covers an area of ​​300,000 square kilometers.

There are also 100,000 square kilometers of grassland and woodland.

In a total of ten years, the core of the entire western desert transformation project had been completed.

This place is no longer an endless desert with endless yellow sand, but now green.

Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall is already worthy of its name.

Thanks to the entire western desert reconstruction project, the entire north is no longer as dry as before. The area of ​​the three-north protective forest has been greatly increased, making it difficult for the north to encounter sandstorms.

Even if there is, it comes from Outer Mongolia.

Cai Jin came to Tarim Lake again because he wanted to attend the completion ceremony of the western desert transformation project here, which was also a commendation ceremony.

It has been ten years since the project started.

In the past ten years, there have been a lot of touching stories. Some people died suddenly at work due to overwork, some died in danger, and some came up with brilliant plans.

"Boss Cai, we meet again!" An old man's voice was hoarse.

"Director Qin!" A strange color flashed in Cai Jin's eyes as he recognized the old man.

Over the years, Director Qin has spent most of his time in the central and western regions, presiding over the development of the entire central and western regions. Director Qin is indispensable for what the entire central and western regions are today.

Cai Jin has received the news that Director Qin gave up the opportunity and wrote a letter to withdraw from the election.

The reason is that his body is no longer strong enough to support the tiring work.

After this commendation meeting, he will resign from all positions and retire early.

"The old leader is right. This undertaking is of great benefit to the present and will benefit the future. Now we can already see that this place will become Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall, which will greatly increase the living space of our nation." Director Qin said with a smile: " My mission has been completed, and in the future I can also take off my burden and go see the great rivers and mountains of my motherland."

Director Qin had a look of expectation in his eyes.

"Then I welcome Director Qin to visit our group headquarters. There is a blue sky and blue sea there, so that I can fulfill my duty as a landlord." Cai Jin said solemnly.

China is what it is today because of the unremitting efforts, perseverance and courage of a group of people with lofty ideals like Director Qin.

Ten years ago, a large number of people chanted for entry into the country.

But no!

Instead, he chose to continue practicing his inner strength and maintain world peace.

Deal with external matters fairly and fairly rather than being overbearing.

And in just ten years, earth-shaking changes have already occurred.

China’s gold reserves exceed 10,000 tons, and its people’s gold consumption capacity has ranked first in the world for ten consecutive years.

If based on previous GDP, China's total GDP has undisputedly ranked first in the world, accounting for more than 40% of the world's total.

The proportion of RMB as a settlement currency has increased more than ten times.

Apart from the third brother, China is the largest trading partner of neighboring countries.

As for military power, there are twelve aircraft carrier formations cruising the oceans to fight pirates, protecting the safety of routes and maintaining the security of world trade.

There are more than 30 supply ports around the world, making it easy for warships and ships to supply supplies nearby.

In terms of the Air Force, it has the largest air force in the world, with J-20 series fighter jets, J-10 series fighter jets, F series fighter jets, Su series fighter jets, and H-20, Y-20, Y-30, and WZH series helicopters, plus a large number of drones. constitutes the most powerful air force.

It is also the only country in the world that truly has a space force.

As for space, this is the only one.

Other places use services provided by Chinese satellites.

The original GPS global navigation system, as the last satellite was scrapped a few years ago, only the Beidou global navigation system is left in the world.

In the past ten years, Beidou Global Navigation System can be used for both civilian and military purposes as long as you pay. The Beidou Global Navigation System has never been suspended due to some factors.

In terms of transportation, as various prefecture-level cities have built airports, aviation has developed greatly, and many people have begun to choose to fly.

The C919, C929 and C939 domestically produced large aircraft are very different from before.

Of course, there is another big change in China, that is, smartphones are no longer invincible. Now not everyone has a smartphone, and some people go out with a smart robot dog.

It is already an obvious trend for smart mechanical dogs to replace smartphones.

Future Technology Group now has six production bases.

"I will definitely go to your headquarters to have a look." Director Qin said with a smile.

Cai Jin hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Director Qin, you can actually choose to enter the dormant warehouse to see the future world."

Director Qin smiled, waved his hand and said: "Forget it, people of my generation seize the day and live up to their time! Now I have no regrets. Why do I enter the dormant warehouse and go to the future world?"

Cai Jin sighed.

The dormant warehouse is no longer a secret, but none of these people are willing to choose to enter the dormant warehouse.

Seize the day and live up to your time!

There are few people who can compare to this kind of courage.

The completion ceremony of the western desert reconstruction project was held grandly in Tarim Lake!

Fully 30,000 representatives participated in the completion ceremony. Some of these representatives came from the designer, construction side, management side, supervisory side, and also from the local government and the army.

The leaders personally attended the completion ceremony and spoke highly of this century project.

The merit lies in the present time and the benefit lies in the future!

The entire western desert transformation project has invested a total of more than 10 trillion yuan, and this is only part of the project. This project has changed the climate conditions of millions of square kilometers, making the rainfall in these places much higher than before. Water resources are continuously transported from the Yarlung Zangbo River, Nu River, Canglan River, etc. to the central and western regions.

No matter how highly we evaluate this project, it cannot be overstated.

As for the development of the entire central and western regions, it has invested and driven social investment, exceeding one hundred billion yuan.

After the completion ceremony, there was a commendation meeting.

Each participant received a commemorative medal specially designed and produced by the state to commemorate their participation in this great project.

This is followed by commendation units, which commend units with outstanding performance.

Finally, there is personal recognition.

For individual commendation, in addition to commending outstanding individuals who can come, posthumous gifts are also given to outstanding individuals who have passed away.

For each individual who was commended, it was a gold and jade medal specially designed and made by the country, with the name of each winner engraved on it.

Ten years is a long time and a short time, but it is enough for a group of people to stand out.

After the commendation meeting, a grand state banquet was held in Tarim Lake. This was the first time such a large-scale state banquet was held.

And it’s in Tarim Lake!

This shows that the country attaches great importance to this.

The first glass of wine at the state banquet was a tribute to every struggler who died at work. Their ashes were buried in a cemetery next to Tarim Lake.

In ten years, even though the new shield machine has solved the most difficult and dangerous tunnel project, more than 10,000 people still died on the job due to various reasons, including ordinary workers, professor-level senior engineers, and even one An academician!

This century project has gathered the efforts of countless people and overcame many difficulties to achieve what it is today.

After the commendation meeting, Cai Jin and the leaders left Tarim Lake. Next, they had a high-level meeting, which had an impact even far beyond the Western Desert Transformation Project.

Because this is related to the entire human race and the fate of the earth.

There are a total of 39 people in the conference room, including Cai Jin.

"Dear leaders, currently the detectors have arrived in nine star systems. Three star systems have living planets and have given birth to life. Among them, the Proxima Centauri galaxy, which is the closest to the earth, has two living planets." Cai Jin introduced using the projection. With.

The leaders who attended the meeting couldn't help but become excited when they saw these star maps and life planets.

That comes from the deep joy and excitement in my heart.

In this position, they are not only thinking about the present, but also the future!

From the current perspective of the earth, the future will only be more than five hundred years from now!

Now Cai Jin's words mean that earth's civilization can be continued on alien planets.

"The current life on the two living planets in Proxima Centauri has not yet given birth to intelligent life like humans, and has not yet developed civilization. Currently, human-like life has been discovered on the living planets in this galaxy, which is roughly equivalent to our ancient Chinese dynasty. ." Cai Jin introduced these living planets.

"Based on the research of our group's scientific research team over the years, the most suitable place for us to go is the Proxima Centauri galaxy. We can temporarily settle in the Proxima Centauri galaxy, use the resources of the Proxima Centauri galaxy, and then go to other star systems." After introducing these life planets, Cai Jin emphasized Introducing the "Wandering Earth Project": "By mining the resources of the moon, Mars, and Venus, we will build a planetary engine. In 450 years, we will start the planetary engine and push the earth to leave the solar system and go to Proxima Centauri."

In recent years, the resources of the moon and Mars have begun to be mined, and the exploration of Venus has basically ended. The next stage is to mine the resources of Venus.

"As it moves away from the sun, the earth's surface temperature will drop sharply, and the surface will no longer be able to survive. Therefore, we need to build underground cities and spend our wandering years in underground cities until we reach the appropriate orbit of the Proxima Galaxy." Cai Jin said in a deep voice: " But now we need to send astronauts, scientists, and engineers to Proxima Centauri to build a stellar navigation system, and at the same time build a base to prepare for contact with the Earth!"

Everyone in the entire conference room looked solemn.

Because this is a huge plan, it can be said to be unprecedented.

The idea of ​​taking the Earth out of the solar system and heading to the Proxima Galaxy is crazy.

The manpower, material resources, and financial resources that the entire plan requires are extremely terrifying.

"Boss Cai, have you ever thought about how huge the underground city project is? Even if you only build a hundred underground cities, each underground city will need 15 million people to live in!" The leader's voice was heavy.

A city of 15 million people consumes huge amounts of resources, including food, water, air, and electricity.

What's more, building a planetary engine cannot only be done in China, it will inevitably have to be done overseas.

Most of the 3,650 planetary engines are located overseas, which adds to the difficulty.

"Leader, we actually have no choice, do we?" Cai Jin smiled helplessly: "Even with the most advanced spacecraft today, it will take twenty years of flight to reach Proxima Centauri. How many people can we send at one time? ?”

"We can't build that many spaceships!"

It seems like there is a choice, but in fact there is no choice!

Taking the earth to Proxima Centauri is actually the best choice.

Because Cai Jin knew very well that the first batch of people going to Proxima Centauri were actually very dangerous, and if they were not careful, they might be killed.

Because the universe is full of too many unknown dangers.

There is actually not much time left for the earth.

For more than five hundred years, it is impossible to really wait until the sun ages rapidly and expands before leaving. At that time, even if you want to leave, you will not be able to leave.

"And underground projects and planetary engines cannot be built in a short period of time. We can build them in batches. It will always take one or two hundred years to complete the construction!" Cai Jin said.

One hundred underground cities or even two hundred underground cities can be built and tested at the same time.

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