Rebirth of a technological power

Chapter 32 How to get rich quickly

The next morning.

While having breakfast, Nie Xiaoyu and the others were scrolling through Douyin.

"Wow, the Narcissus City Public Security Bureau solved a major case last night, arrested 25 people, and seized 40 kilograms of flour."

"Tsk tsk, the flour seller is so rich that he can even drive a Land Rover."

"Don't you see? How expensive is flour now? That flour is worth 40 million."


Nie Xiaoyu and the others were chatting happily.

Cai Jin smiled and did not participate.

He would not tell them that he was able to solve this major case, but he had his own merits.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy for the police to catch them.

But this kind of thing has to be kept low-key, the lower-key the better, to avoid retaliation from gangsters.

After all, those people are all desperadoes, and they even have guns.

"Look, Bitcoin has soared. If I had bought Bitcoin back then, I would have made a lot of money now and achieved financial freedom easily." Donna exclaimed when she saw a Douyin video.

The topic of Nie Xiaoyu and the others immediately turned to Bitcoin.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Cai Jin's heart moved.

I am short of funds. Isn’t this virtual currency used to solve my own shortage of funds?

After hurriedly grabbing a bowl of sweet potato porridge, Cai Jin couldn't wait to return to the master bedroom.

Open your laptop and check the current cryptocurrency prices.

Soon, Cai Jin understood that the most popular thing now is Bitcoin. At the beginning of the year, 1 Bitcoin = 7,000 US dollars, with a market value of 130 billion US dollars, but now 1 Bitcoin = 9,200 US dollars, with a market value of nearly 170 billion US dollars.

Bitcoin has surged 31.43% in the past six months!

Not just Bitcoin, several virtual currencies are rising sharply.

Ethereum, which ranked second, had 1 Ethereum = 130 US dollars at the beginning of the year, and now 1 Ethereum = 230 US dollars, a surge of 76.92%!

Litecoin, which ranks third, had 1 Litecoin = 47.42 US dollars at the beginning of the year, and now 1 Litecoin = 89.53 US dollars, a surge of 88.80%!

With the popularity of blockchain technology, many people directly equate blockchain technology with virtual currency.

In fact, this view is completely wrong.

"Safe? Are you kidding? The Internet is 100% safe, isn't it just the algorithm?" Cai Jin sneered in his heart as he watched various virtual currencies flaunting their security banners.

There is no safety at all in these virtual currencies!

It’s all about operations.

In Cai Jin's view, this is a typical Ponzi scheme that spreads flowers by beating the drum!

The fingers of both hands were tapping quickly on the keyboard.

As the fingers waved rapidly, lines of code appeared at the top of the screen, more and more, like a swarm of tadpoles.

Cai Jin's eyes followed the movement of the cursor and gradually entered a state of selflessness.

When people work selflessly, their efficiency is amazing!

Not tired or sleepy, highly focused.

"Dong dong~~" There was a knock on the door.

Cai Jin came out of this selfless state and saved the program.

I opened the door and saw Nie Xiaoyu. I looked at the time again and realized that it was almost time to go to work.

Cai Jin put his laptop into his bag and went downstairs with Nie Xiaoyu.

Upon arriving at the office, Cai Jin immediately turned on the computer.

Click to run the program, run it through once, encapsulate and encrypt it, and store it in the hard drive of his laptop.

This is a program to crack the Bitcoin algorithm!

Since it is an algorithm, it can be cracked!

This program can also be regarded as a plug-in!

Copy this program to your computer and click Run.

Generating 10 Bitcoins in one hour and running continuously for a day can generate 240 Bitcoins. According to the current price, he can get 2.208 million US dollars in one day, which is equivalent to 15.034 million yuan.

Following the same example, Cai Jin soon figured out the plug-ins for Ethereum and Litecoin. A computer can generate 1,000 Ethereum and 5,000 Litecoin in one hour.

Every hour, every time the virtual currency is generated, Cai Jin trades and cashes it out immediately.

The trading volume per hour is undoubtedly quite small, equivalent to a splash.

But in the long run, when someone discovers something is wrong, the entire virtual currency will be shattered, and countless people will lose all their wealth overnight, and many will lose their entire fortune.

But what does this have to do with Cai Jin?

To put it bluntly, virtual currency is a kind of gambling. If you win the bet, you will make money. If you lose the bet, you have to accept your fate!

The country has said countless times not to play with virtual currencies, but there are still so many people investing in it one after another.

Who can blame this?

Cai Jin opened the planning document, and now he suddenly realized that the original planning document still seemed too conservative.

Directly build the second and third phases together!


Cai Jin called a few people and held a meeting.

"Vice President Liu, how's the loan negotiation going?"

Liu Wei said: "The loan has been negotiated, the loan is 500 million yuan, and the three-year interest rate is 4.75%."

Cai Jin nodded slightly. This loan has been negotiated for some time, and the interest rate is quite satisfactory.

"Then speed up the construction. You also need to contact Huawei. They will help with equipment and equipment." Cai Jin said: "Next, I will appoint you as the general manager of the new energy company, and you will be responsible for the affairs there."

"Next, we will build the second and third phases together." Cai Jin said.

Liu Wei frowned: "Boss, is this a big step? Our funds will not be able to keep up!"

"The company will raise funds next, so don't worry about the funds!" Cai Jin waved his hand and smiled.

Everyone was excited when they heard this.

They did not expect that less than three months after the company was established, venture capital would come to their door.

In fact, they didn't know that Cai Jin had no intention of selling his knowledge and looking for venture capital financing.

The ancients said it well, if the king is not secretive, his ministers will lose; if the ministers are not secretive, they will lose their virginity; if the secret is not secret, it will cause harm!

He absolutely does not want to one day, as a founder, be swept out by other shareholders.

This kind of thing is not a rare thing in the capital market.

Look at Sina founder Wang Zhidong. In the second year after Sina successfully went public in the United States, it was announced that Wang Zhidong was relieved of all his duties at Sina.

Therefore, if the time comes, he will choose to list the company, but he does not plan to seek venture capital financing.

"Xiaoyu, you will be responsible for the construction work of the second and third phases. You can choose the people yourself, or you can recruit people." Cai Jin handed over the matter to Nie Xiaoyu.

For him, there is no difference between old employees and new employees.

Because among all the people, no one is more than three months old.

"Boss, I" Nie Xiaoyu's eyes widened in surprise.

You must know that she is a pure rookie and has just graduated.

Cai Jin actually entrusted such a big matter to her.

"Stop me and me, just do it as arranged for you. If you don't understand anything, ask Vice President Liu for advice." Cai Jin said domineeringly.

Jade is not cut, not a device!

He is not afraid that the people below him will make mistakes, but he is afraid that the people below him will not dare to make mistakes.

Only by making mistakes can you make progress, discover your own shortcomings, and grow quickly.

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