Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 101 Flirting long hair (please vote for recommendation!)

McLaren Bar.

"I'm sorry, Owen, it's all my fault!"

After a reasonable and measured questioning, Irving made Matthew, a 193cm tall man, so ashamed that he cried. Yes, this big man from Minnesota, the future supreme justice of New York, hugged Irving. How? Like a child, crying loudly...

"You punish me, Owen, as long as you can forgive me, please punish me as you like!"

"ok, ok!"

Listening to Matthew's confusing words and looking at the meaningful smiles of the passers-by, Owen couldn't hold it in any longer and quickly pushed Matthew away: "I forgive you, don't be so excited, God. Ah, if you look like this again, others will think that I did something to you."


Matthew smiled sheepishly: "Owen, you know, I have so many emotions, sometimes I really can't control myself!"


Although Owen understood what Matthew meant, he still rolled his eyes speechlessly: "Okay, okay, can we go in?"


Matthew wiped away his tears and nodded. When he saw Owen taking steps to leave, he stretched out his hand to hold Owen again.

"what happened again?"


Matthew said sheepishly: "Please be gentle later. Even if you and Robin fall in love at first sight, please try not to show it too obviously in front of Ted. Ted is my best friend, and I don't want to see him... …”


Owen's eyes narrowed, interrupted Matthew, and said seriously: "I will try my best! Matthew, being able to be friends with you is really the greatest achievement of Ted's life!"

"Don't say that~"

Matthew said this, but he couldn't stop the smile on his face.

"Hey guys, Owen is here!"

As soon as he entered the bar, Matthew greeted him warmly.

"Hi Lily, Ted, long time no see."

Owen smiled and greeted Lily and Ted, then set his sights on the dazzling Robin, stretched out his hand and said: "Hi, I am Owen Lee, you must be Robin, right? Nice to meet you !”

"Robin Spassky."

Everyone sat down again, and when Owen and Robin were chatting, the eye conversation between Matthew and others began again.

"Matthew, what happened? Why are you so close to Owen?"

"Lily, it was my fault before. Owen is such a good friend. I shouldn't be hostile to him."

"Oh~ great, I'm glad you think so."

"I'm sorry, Ted."

"It doesn't matter. You're right. Everyone has the freedom to choose. Besides, they are just chatting, and the atmosphere of the chat is not comparable to the first time between me and Robin. They are definitely out of luck."

"Oh, Ted~"

"What's wrong, Lily, what I said is wrong?"

"Although I really don't want to say it, in order to prepare you mentally in advance, I still have to say it. Owen and Robin had a very good chat. They were very friendly. At least from my female perspective, Robin must have seen it. Fuck Owen."

"What??? Where did you see it?"

"Ted, look carefully at Robin's movements..."

Under Lily's reminder, Ted discovered details that he had never noticed before, and then with a click, his heart was broken in half.

"Owen, you are so interesting, very, very interesting~"

While Robin was smiling exaggeratedly, he kept pushing her long hair back with his hands. The alluring scent of perfume wafted in waves, and his leaning position became wider and wider with laughter...

"Oh, my god!"

No matter how stupid Ted is at this time, he still understands what this action means, not to mention that he is also an apex predator!

Fortunately, Owen had Matthew's reminder and did not face Ted in front of him. While hugging Robin, he exaggeratedly covered it up: "We are innocent, brother, we are innocent~"

According to Barney, Owen's night is definitely a legendary night...

Robin is not an ordinary girl. She has been raised by her father as a son since she was a child. She rides horses and shoots guns. She is good at everything. Her personality is more masculine and does not have the pretentiousness of many beautiful girls. If she were replaced by other girls who are not good-looking enough, it would be appropriate. A proper female man.

But the strange thing is that Robin is good-looking enough, so tomboys can't be put on her head at all. Instead, it has become a unique temperament of hers, which really makes Owen enjoy it and opens his eyes. !

"is this real?"

After several soul-deep exchanges, Robin, who was obviously exhausted but didn't want to fall asleep, leaned out of Owen's suit and took out the scientific experiment report that Owen always carried with him. He flipped through it with interest. asked.


Owen responded sagely.

"Hehe, hehehe..."

Robin watched, laughing continuously. He patted Owen and said with a bold smile: "This routine of yours is so amazing and so interesting. It's really good news for girls!"

"Hello, hello, hello to everyone, hello to everyone is really good."

Owen also smiled somewhat complacently.

"I heard Lily say that you are a playboy like Barney?"

Robin asked.

"Barney and I are different!"

Owen said sincerely: "He is a liar, but I am a dedicated man. I only have mathematics and science as my only girlfriend. No disrespect intended. Everyone else, including you, are my inspirations."

Robin couldn't help but pat Owen: "You are such a frank bastard! But I quite appreciate your attitude."

Owen joked: "Is it really my attitude that you admire?"


The two days of the weekend passed quickly.

Monday night.

McLaren Bar.

"Owen is back?"

Ted forced a smile.


Robin laughed.


Ted secretly made a victory gesture and said to himself: "Distance is the biggest enemy between men and women!"

Unfortunately, in the next two months, Ted painfully understood that this truth is becoming less and less applicable in the global village. Every weekend, either Owen flies over or Robin flies eight thousand miles to California to date Owen. .

And what makes him even more painful is that Owen and Robin made it clear that they are not boyfriend and girlfriend...

One week before Halloween.

McLaren Bar.

"So, guys, do you have any plans for Halloween?"

Lily asked.

"You know me."

Ted said with a shock.

"Are you still waiting for your slut pumpkin girl?"

Matthew winked.


Ted nodded affirmatively: "Robin, what about you? How are you and Owen lately? Do you have any plans for Halloween?"

"Speaking of it, it really does."

Robin's lips curled up: "Owen said he had a great idea and invited me to California to spend Halloween with his group of scientist friends. He even prepared the uniforms and costumes for Halloween in advance."


Lily exclaimed, her devilish eyes began to wander again, bit her lip and murmured: "That must be a very, very good idea..."

PS: Thanks to Wushuangguigu and Bad Dog 2012 for the reward! This book is still in the state of asking for recommendations, so the number of words must be controlled and it will not explode until it is on the shelves. Please forgive me. Otherwise, if the recommendations are not enough, the results will be very poor after it is released. How can the author be in the mood to publish updates at that time, so I beg everyone to continue to vote. Recommended votes, if you have a book list, add a book list, thank you! In addition, if you have favorite American TV series or European and American movies, you can leave a message and the author will selectively incorporate them.

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