Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 106 The final act of madness (please vote for recommendation!)

Outside Chicago.

Samson Manor mansion.

In the courtyard.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and directly asked the question she was most concerned about: "Ever since Bianca was misdiagnosed with cancer five years ago, there has been something strange between you."


Owen denied calmly: "Elizabeth, you know, my relationship with Bianca has always been average since we were young."

"I know."

Hearing this, Elizabeth frowned unconfidently and began to doubt her sixth sense. She murmured: "But in the past few years, I always feel that you are avoiding each other, even taking turns coming back for Christmas, isn't it? If you go abroad for something, she has to work overtime, so there must be something wrong!"

As he spoke, he stared closely at Owen's expression, trying to find any clues.


Owen's expression remained unchanged, he pretended to frown and thought for a moment, then shrugged and said, "I really didn't notice it unless you reminded me. Elizabeth, you also know that Bianca and I are very busy."

Bianca is a doctor, so of course she is very busy, while Owen is not busy with work and busy with life, but Elizabeth, who is far away in Chicago, doesn't know that. She only knows that both doctors and scientists are indeed very busy, so she is even less confident. It was her own guess.

"Am I overthinking it?"


Owen smiled and said: "You must be overthinking it. Although Bianca and I have a normal relationship, we are not avoiding each other, right?"


Elizabeth opened her mouth, wanting to speak out another bold idea, but now there was no evidence to prove her guess. Once it was finally proven to be wrong, it would be too embarrassing, so she could only say the words again. Swallowed it back.

Owen and others have been very sensitive to women's thoughts in the past few years. Seeing Elizabeth's expression, he understood that Elizabeth probably had some guesses, but he was not sure, so it was difficult to mention it.

But not mentioning it was the best way to deal with it, so Owen was happy to pretend not to know, after all, it would be bad if he really told the truth.

Although Owen has no blood connection with the Samson family, and he was adopted as a nephew rather than an adopted son, and he cannot be blamed for the original incident, he is still the same as Elizabeth's biological siblings.

Once things are exposed and embarrassing, there will definitely be more troublesome things, so it is the best choice for Bianca and him to pretend that nothing has happened.

This is the end of the chat.

Owen returned to the mansion and played with Elizabeth's pair of cuties. Next to him was Aaron chatting with Jack, while Elizabeth accompanied Lisa and directed the maids to prepare dinner.

An hour later, Bianca arrived belatedly.

The atmosphere is completely different between a family dinner with children and a family dinner without children.

Owen had never thought about having children in his life, but because of Elizabeth, he still loved the cute twins who were very attached to him.

Therefore, the whole family dinner was lively and lively, which temporarily gave up Elizabeth's idea of ​​further exploration.

After dinner.

Elizabeth and Aaron went back with their reluctant children. Bianca was summoned back by a phone call from the hospital during the dinner. Lisa and Jack took Owen and sat on the sofa to chat. The inevitable conversation An unavoidable topic arose.

"Owen, you're already 30, don't you have an official girlfriend yet?"

"Aunt Lisa, you know I'm very busy at work and talking about a girlfriend is a waste of time. But don't worry, I have female friends."


Lisa thought of Owen's style in high school, rolled her eyes, and said angrily: "I know you have many female friends, but you always have to find someone to marry. Do you want to find someone at random, or do you want to marry your female friends?" Bring them all over to live with you?"

"Hey, that's a good idea."

Owen clapped his hands and smiled. When Lisa glared at him, he shrugged and said, "I'm just kidding, Aunt Lisa, don't be angry, but in our scientific community, there are still many unmarried scientists."

"Are you kidding me again?"

Lisa's eyes widened and she said in disbelief: "You also plan not to get married for the rest of your life?"

"Owen, are you serious?"

Jack's face turned serious.

He remembered that he had heard Irving mention this casually before, but they all regarded it as an immature idea when they were teenagers playing with flowers. But now, it doesn't look like a staged immature idea at all.

"I've always been serious."

Owen said sincerely: "What's the point of getting married? To inherit children and live together? These have no meaning at all to me, right?"

Lisa and Jack heard this, and after a moment of silence, they couldn't help comforting them: "Owen, with modern technology so advanced, there is always a chance that your disease can be cured."

"To me, it's not a disease at all, really!"

Owen smiled and said: "On the contrary, it is a very useful super power."


This time not only Lisa, but also Jack couldn't help but roll his eyes, but there was clearly a trace of envy in Jack's eyes...

late at night.

Everyone was already asleep. The door to Owen's room was gently pushed open. A figure walked in. After locking the door with his hand, he walked towards Owen. With Owen's ability, he naturally heard the movement, but he still closed his eyes. Pretend to be in a deep sleep state and let the other person do whatever they want...

This manor villa was bought by Irving and designed by him. Because of his special requirements, the sound insulation effect is super good, so no matter how loudly Irving sings in his room, the entire manor remains silent.

Three o'clock in the morning.

"how did you do it?"

The figure finally spoke.

"what you mean?"

Owen said lazily.

"Stop pretending!"

The figure pushed Owen a little unhappily: "About me having cancer! You kept reminding me before, but then I was really diagnosed with cancer, which was still in the late stage. Then after being crazy with you for more than ten days, we inexplicably became Misdiagnosis, there must be something wrong here!”

"I just said it casually before."

Owen closed his eyes and said casually: "Besides, you are a doctor. You should know that misdiagnosis of cancer is not uncommon. What could be the problem?"

Cancer is a very magical thing. Even if Owen warns it in advance, what is supposed to come will still come, and even early prevention cannot be done.

Because many pre-cancers are deeply hidden and do not have any abnormal symptoms. Unless you know exactly what kind of cancer you have, it is possible to detect it through targeted examinations. Otherwise, it will not be discovered at all. By the time it is discovered, most of the cancer will be in the late stage.

The figure was silent for a moment, obviously knowing that what Owen said was reasonable, but the woman's intuition told her that there must be something wrong here, so she asked: "But why do you have to make me drink so much..."


Before the other party could finish speaking, Owen was so shaken by these words that he coughed. He opened his eyes and shouted, "Don't say it as if I forced you. It was obviously you who asked for it. You were the one who drove me crazy in the first place." of!"

The figure fell silent again, because this is indeed true!

When she learned that she had terminal cancer, she was completely confused. Her first reaction was to go find Owen, who kept reminding her.

Then when Owen was thinking of a solution, she didn't think that Owen had any solution. Her mind was filled with the thought of 'after being a good girl all her life, she will eventually go crazy and die'.

When this thought filled her mind, when she looked at Owen, her thoughts had completely changed. She knew Owen's name very well, because her best friends told her almost everything, and she was teased a lot. Second-rate.

In the past, because my sanity was still there, some thoughts passed by in a flash, but now I am about to die, so don’t worry about it!

So, when Owen redeemed Skill 3 in the system and wanted to tell her the good news, he was knocked down by the crazy female doctor. She didn't believe it at all and didn't want to hear it at all. The only thing she wanted to do was one thing……

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