Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 125 Awkward yet polite smile (please vote for recommendation!)

Los Angeles.

California Science Center.

"Howard, look!"

Rajesh pointed to Irving and reminded: "Irving got a girl."

"God, why is Owen so good?"

Howard wailed: "We can only see skinless chicks, but he can pick up such a hot stunner here."

Ding dong.

The mobile phone message reminder sounded.

Howard opened it and patted his head: "Oh, I almost forgot, tonight is Leonard and Penny's first date."


Rajesh stared at Owen and said casually.

"So, we should rush back immediately and install monitoring equipment."

Howard put away his phone and said, "Aren't you interested in Leonard and Penny's relationship? Maybe we can capture some very interesting scenes~"

Rajesh instantly understood what his good friend meant, and with a lewd smile on his face, he urged: "Go back quickly, Penny is much hotter than these skinless chicks."

"You don't have to say that!"

Howard complained: "We went over to find Owen, and by the way we met a hot girl he just met. Maybe he has any friends?"


Rajesh marveled.

"Hi, Owen~"

Howard walked up to Irving and greeted him with a smile, while Rajesh became a silent background.

"Hi, Howard."

Owen had to interrupt his chat with the red-haired beauty Emily, glanced at Rajesh meaningfully, and introduced both parties: "Howard, Rajesh, this is my new friend Emily who I just met. Emily, these are my two very horny friends, Howard and Rajesh."


Emily greeted generously.

"Hi Emily."

Howard winked and smiled: "You are very interested in human specimens, and so am I~"


Emily smiled and said: "I am very interested in various human specimens. Is there any chance to communicate?"

Howard was startled. It was his character to harass women a few times when he saw them. It didn't mean that he really wanted to pursue Emily, not to mention that Owen was there. He was still a little bit worried. At this moment, he suddenly saw Ai Millie responded, truly dumbfounded and a little at a loss.



Emily glanced at Owen and saw a smile on his lips, and his smile became even brighter: "I'm not very good at anatomy, and I've always wanted to find someone to practice with. If you are interested, you are welcome to come to me at any time.

I saw before that you were very enthusiastic about these skinless human plastic statues. If you like to see skin peeling, I am very experienced. "


Howard and Rajesh were stunned. After a while, they asked blankly: "What?"

Owen smiled and explained: "Emily is a dermatologist and is very knowledgeable about skin. Howard, if you want to have a good communication with Emily, don't worry about me. I have no objection."


Howard trembled, and when he looked at Emily, his eyes immediately changed, and he sneered, "I was joking."

TBBT Apartments.

"Are you sure you want to install this?"

Owen sat on the sofa and watched Howard and the others install a rotatable camera at the door of room 4A. He said speechlessly: "What are you working on for a long time? Just to look down at Penny's broad mind?"


Howard and Rajesh both looked over and shouted in unison.

"All right."

Seeing the two people's eyes shining brightly, Owen inexplicably remembered the state in his previous life when his eyes and minds were full of broad-mindedness. He immediately understood the mood of the two of them who went to great lengths just to see their broad-mindedness, and shrugged.

"I'm coming."

Howard looked at the light spot displayed on the computer approaching and quickly reminded him.

Irving grinned, knowing that the two of them had locked the GPS signal of Leonard's phone to warn him.


Rajesh closed the door, and Howard also controlled the camera to focus on the corridor.

In the surveillance screen, Leonard and Penny walked up. Leonard was talking endlessly, but Penny was holding ice cream and smiling awkwardly.

At the door, the customary kiss goodbye.

"Wow, that's a great close-up capture."

Rajesh praised Howard for his cool moves.

Owen sat in the back, looking at the broad-mindedness that was getting bigger and bigger in the surveillance video, and thought to himself: "Penny has nothing else, but she is still very broad-minded."

"He found out and came in. Quickly switch to the screensaver."

Rajesh reminded.

But it was Leonard who heard the sound of the camera turning and discovered the two men's obscene surveillance operations.

"Hey Leonard, how was the date?"

Howard greeted Leonard who walked in angrily.

"Leave me alone!"

Leonard retorted and said to Irving and Sheldon: "Sheldon, Irving, why don't you stop it?"

"They saw that I had absolutely no interest in any of this."

Sheldon was busy working on a new paper on his work table and replied without looking up.

Irving smiled and said: "They gave an unstoppable reason."

"What reason?"

"When posterity wants to know why you and Penny weren't together, this is the black box."

Howard answered: "Irving is an expert. Is it possible for you to ask him to analyze you and Penny based on the video?"


Leonard was now more concerned and no longer bothered by Howard and the two's peeping actions.

"It's a bit confusing."

Owen analyzed objectively: "At least now you can't win against Penny."


Leonard shouted.

"Because you don't know how to fall in love at all, and you don't have enough time to make Petunia surrender."

Owen smiled and said, "So in the near future, your relationship with Penny will be at a stagnation period."


Leonard half-believed it: "I think tonight is perfect."


Owen hit the nail on the head: "Just like every man thinks that the girl who smiles at him is interested in him, but he doesn't know that there are many kinds of smiles. Penny's smile just now is obviously an awkward and polite smile."

"I agree!"

Howard raised his hand and said with empathy: "Leonard, you should listen to Irving, he can pick up a very hot female doctor at the human plastic sculpture exhibition, listen to him, that's right! "


Rajesh echoed: "That female doctor is indeed very hot, but her smile is a little scary and makes people's hearts jump."

"I'll go meet Penny tomorrow."

Leonard pouted.

Although Owen is very powerful, he still doesn't believe it. He feels that the atmosphere tonight is great. Penny is always smiling, and she laughs very happily. What is the awkward and polite smile? He is experimental physics. Scientists only believe in the facts they see, and will never blindly believe in Owen...

PS: Group number 710235464, answer the protagonist’s name: Owen, if you are interested, you can add it.

PS: Thanks to Guest Officer 01 for the tip!

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