Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 155: Love grows over time (please subscribe!)

Los Angeles.

A secret place to stay.

"Take a rest, let's eat right away."

Owen consciously paused the deep learning function of the academic mode, pushed away the computer, stood up, moved his hands and feet, and smiled at Ramsey behind him.


Ramsay glanced at the laptop on the table, and followed Owen to the kitchen wisely to help him. In the past three months, she had thought about running away, but she chose to give up due to various reasons.

First, Owen didn't let her touch the computer at all. He just let her teach and Owen operated it by herself, and asked her to explain the meaning of each line of code in detail.

After all, she was not an agent. In front of the expressionless Owen who had turned on the deep learning function of the top student mode, she was so timid that she didn't dare to do anything at first.

But when she got acquainted with Owen, her fear subsided, and she started tampering with the code and secretly sent a distress signal, she found that Owen's hacker skills were already amazing, and she had no confidence that she could do it without alerting Owen. , sending the distress signal secretly.

Secondly, I originally hoped that the Toretto family could find me, or sneak away while Irving was out, but after seeing the large amount of food that Irving had obviously purchased in advance and piled there, this idea slowly faded as time went by. Slowly disappeared.

Thirdly, hackers are also a talented and technical profession. For someone with amazing talent like Owen, Ramsay always feels like she has met a close friend. In addition, after spending three months together, Owen has a very good attitude towards her. Of course, It is also indispensable that Irving has both Eastern and Western looks and figure. To say that Ramsey has no fondness for Irving at all is pure nonsense!

Appearance has no national boundaries. When Asians watch American TV series and Hollywood blockbusters, they often wonder why foreigners have such strange aesthetics. Asians who are ugly in their eyes are beautiful women in the eyes of foreigners. However, in American TV series and Hollywood blockbusters, The beautiful Western beauties are very charming in the eyes of Easterners!

In fact, no one is a fool, beauty is universal, and there is no such big aesthetic difference at all. The reason for this situation is just a kind of deliberate vilification and discrimination.

Seeing Owen skillfully cooking dinner, his figure looking more and more handsome under the light, Ramsay's eyes flashed with passion, thinking of Owen's previous proposal to form a team, he couldn't help but feel a little moved...

"Let's eat."

Owen's senses were sharp and he naturally caught a glimpse of the strange color in Ramsey's eyes. While greeting him, he hesitated in his heart: "Should I make a sacrifice tonight..."

Ramsay is of mixed race, his mother is of Spanish descent, and his father is half Latin and half British. His appearance and figure are not as good as those of Owen's many female friends, but among ordinary people, she is definitely considered a beauty.

She is the creator of the Eye of God. If you don't want to kill her, before Owen leaves this universe, you must ensure that the other party does not create an additional Eye of God. Moreover, a top hacker like her can still do it in terms of logistics. To provide a lot of help to Owen, of course, the premise is that the other party sincerely helps.

Therefore, from the beginning, Owen tried to win her over and suggested that the two form a team. During these three months of getting along, Owen also showed his male charm intentionally or unintentionally. Now it seems that the harvest season is approaching...

"The dinner is simple, please bear with it for now."

Irving made up his mind and prepared to sacrifice himself tonight. He couldn't help but open a bottle of red wine, poured a glass for each of them, and said with a warm smile: "We can leave here after the Eye of God comes back online. By then, Sunny Beach , snowy plateau, depending on your mood.”

Ramsay took a sip of red wine, and listened to the intimacy in Owen's words. His heart swayed, and he changed the subject in a covert manner: "Even if you have the Eye of God, you can't be so relaxed. There are too many forces that covet the Eye of God. , they will never give up.”

"rest assured."

Listening to Ramsay's obvious preference for his own words, Owen's smile became brighter: "Although the original Eye of God was powerful, it was more focused on search, but after these three months of study, I have a better understanding of the Eye of God. My eyes have other ideas."

"Another idea?"

Ramsay asked curiously: "What do you think?"

"The original eye of God is the eye that overlooks everyone, the inclination eye!"

Owen smiled meaningfully: "And my idea is to turn myself into God!"


Ramsey's IQ was online. He was slightly shocked and immediately reacted: "You mean to make everyone invisible on electronic devices!"


Owen nodded and said with a smile: "God is said to be everywhere but invisible. Wherever I go, all electronic surveillance cannot capture my picture. Think about it, what a powerful function this will be! "

"This is so hard!"

Ramsey shook his head and said: "Invading the global security system and calling all video and audio messages is already the limit. If you want to silently tamper with the surveillance video in real time and erase your video image, it is simply impossible!"

Of the two, one shot and changed places, and the other robbed the bank and not only refused to leave, but also wanted to legally transfer the bank account to his own name. This is completely whimsical!

"I know."

Owen smiled confidently: "But I believe I can do it."


Ramsay was speechless.

She had witnessed Owen's super learning talent with her own eyes. Didn't she think before that it was impossible for Owen, a CD-burner, to understand her program code?

"If you can really do this, then you are the God of the hacker world~"

Ramsay took a sip of red wine and murmured: "Everyone must bow at your feet~"

"Including you?"

Owen didn't know when he had walked up behind Ramsay and whispered into her ear.

"Of course~"

Ramsay was completely drunk.

That night, Irving unexpectedly discovered that Ramsay had become one with the maid in Game of Thrones. Not only that, but the style also changed from PG-13 in Fast and Furious 7 to HBO in Game of Thrones. …

Ramsey, who had never dared to shout for help since being captured by Owen, really tried hard this time, but his throat was almost broken and he didn't call anyone.

Seeing this situation, Ramsey completely resigned to her fate. Owen gave her a chance, but she didn't seize it. Who can blame her?

People are emotional creatures, and the three months of seeing each other day and night was not in vain. Before, there was a barrier due to the status of being held hostage and being held hostage, but after the barrier was broken tonight, the feelings suddenly surged out.

That is to say, Ramsay does not understand the language of the other side, otherwise she would definitely have a deep understanding of the profound idioms such as "love will last forever" and "love will last forever"...

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