Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 162 The arrival of the Emperor of Sai (please subscribe!)

Washington DC.

National Research Assessment Group.

"Owen Lee?!"

Rick Bayer walked over with an ugly expression: "Hasn't he been destroyed?"

"It doesn't look like it."

The team member smiled bitterly and said: "If we hadn't accidentally seen the news in Los Angeles when we were searching for Jason Bourne, who would have thought that Owen Lee, who was supposed to be dead, would have been living under our noses."

Because of the top-secret nature of the harvest plan, even the CIA director didn't know about Owen's existence, and the FBI and police were even less aware of it. When Owen's profile picture was leaked to the authorities by Seve, they just regarded Owen as an ordinary criminal.

Regarding the Harvest Plan, the relevant information has been tightly sealed. Without a super weapon like the Eye of God, and they have important tasks to be busy with, they will naturally not pay special attention to an existence that has been destroyed.

If it weren't for coincidence, no one would notice Owen at all!

"What is he doing?"

Rick Beyer asked.

According to the general situation analysis, if he were Owen, after he successfully faked his death, he would definitely choose to leave the United States as soon as possible and find a beautiful but very backward place to live, to avoid possible exposure and the pursuit that would surely follow after being exposed.

But Irving chose to stay in the United States and made such a big fuss. This is definitely a problem. Is it because he has not taken medication and his intellectual perception has begun to deteriorate?

"He hijacked a hacker named Ramsey who developed a super hacking software called God's Eye."

The team members worked for a while and replied immediately.

As team members of the harvest plan, they had the highest authority and could call and view all confidential documents, and they quickly figured out the cause and effect.

"Eye of God……"

Rick Bayer's pupils shrank and he said in shock: "Don't tell me that its function really matches its name!"

"I'm afraid so."

The team member replied with a heavy face: "Although top-secret security systems cannot be invaded, most security systems cannot prevent the intrusion of the Eye of God. The owner can call all public information. Once ignored, the consequences will be Disastrous!"

"Not only that!"

Another group member added: “Although I don’t know Owen Lee’s purpose, given the other party’s intelligence and relationship with us, we must consider the possibility of the other party exposing us!

Although this Eye of God cannot invade the most top-secret security systems, under the intentional control of Owen Lee, it can collect flaws that we have not noticed and then launch a retaliatory attack. The possibility and success rate are very scary! "

This was recognized by everyone, because the reason why there was a silence incident more than three months ago was because after the Harvest Planning Team was alerted by the Jason Bourne incident, they reviewed all previous operations and messages and found them on YouTube. The chief medical director of the Harvest Project and the chief medical director of the subordinate Stumbling Block Project are good friends, and there is a video of the two chatting happily.

For the medical director of the Stumbling Block Project who had been arrested and had a bad reputation, the Harvest Project absolutely did not want to be implicated in this, so it would kill each of the super agents worth 30 million U.S. dollars by cutting off their wrists.

Although they have always been cautious about keeping secrets, and have repeatedly erased traces afterwards, they will definitely be in trouble if Owen, who has such a powerful Eye of God, really wants to take revenge on them, will leave traces.

One bad thing is a super international scandal!

This is absolutely unacceptable!


Rick Bayer cursed: "There was Jason Bourne before, and now there's Owen Lee! Do you still want to tell me that even Alan Krause is still alive?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

The team members, all ruthless elitists, said matter-of-factly, "I think we need to send someone out to double check."

"Do it immediately."

Rick Beyer took a deep breath and ordered coldly: "Also, on the grounds of national security, give the FBI an order to kill Owen Lee with all your strength."


"How's it going with the CIA?"

Rick Beyer asked.

"Jason Bourne was shot and fell into the sea, but no body was found. He is suspected to be still at large, and the CIA is still hunting him."

The group members replied immediately.

"Inform the CIA director and ask him to send Agent No. 1 to Los Angeles to ensure that Owen Lee and this Ramsey hacker are destroyed. If possible, capture her alive. If not, make sure she does not fall into the hands of others."

Rick Bayer said solemnly: "The Deep Dream Project is underway. Once someone else gets hold of the Eye of God, it will be a huge disaster!"

DeepDream Group, a rising star of American social media, has users covering as many as 1.5 billion people around the world. The chairman of DeepDream Group was supported by the CIA, so the social platform of DeepDream Group holds big data of these 1.5 billion people. Messages are continuously transmitted to the CIA through deliberately left backdoors, making it easier for the CIA to monitor privacy.

To a certain extent, this is even more powerful than the Eye of God. After all, one is only an active intrusion search with a single target, while the other is full coverage!

On the ghost plane.

"Interesting, interesting."

Seve danced his fingers, the world's number one hacker at full capacity, constantly searching for information about Irving, only to find that there was no useful information at all, as if Irving had never existed.

Obviously, this is a special person whose past has been deliberately erased!

"Boss, Jane discovered the target's traces and asked if she was waiting for an opportunity to snipe?"

The bearded man reminded.

"Stand where you are!"

Seve muttered: "Since he wants to see me, then I will go there myself!"

"Boss, this is too dangerous!"

Big Beard advised: "The other party's identity is mysterious and powerful. Once the boss goes there in person, we have no confidence in protecting the boss's safety."

"I know."

Seve waved his hand and said: "But we have to get the Eye of God, don't we? Once we successfully recruit the other party, we will not only get the Eye of God, but also gain a powerful helper, which is very important for realizing our grand plan. Help! I trust my instincts! Make arrangements and we’ll head to Los Angeles immediately.”


The bearded man had no choice but to obey.

Outside Owen's foothold, the big-mouthed beauty Jane was lying there with a sniper rifle, listening to the orders coming from the headset, muttering to herself: "You are lucky..."

"Oh, is it so?"

At this time, a chuckle suddenly came from her ears. Jian's hair stood on end. She raised her foot and kicked it without looking back. Unexpectedly, her whole body was shocked, and a strong force was exerted on her back, pressing her hard to the ground. , causing her whole body to lie there in a posture of prostrate to the ground, unable to move...

PS: Recently, due to subscriptions, the severe situation in the Internet literary circle, etc., I have been in a bad state, a bit stuck, and no longer have the carefree feeling I used to have. I will make some adjustments in the past few days. I hope you can forgive me!

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