Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 179 Arctic Scientific Expedition



"Who's that big guy?"

"I heard he is Alyssa's boyfriend~"

"Are you kidding me?"

"I also thought I was joking, but I wasn't."

"Holy shit! Is what Owen told us before true? He and Alyssa really have a purely working relationship? Otherwise, how can we explain the current situation?"

"I don't know, I really don't know~"

Under the weird gazes of Leonard and the other three, Irving, Karen Smith, and Alyssa stood together with Alyssa's boyfriend David. The two parties were bidding farewell in a very friendly atmosphere and could not figure out the situation. Yes, I would definitely think that they are very good friends.

"David, do you really want me to go?"

Alyssa confirmed again: "Actually, this Arctic expedition is completely useless to me like in the past. I don't have to go."

"go Go."

David changed his previous ferocious anger and comforted him with a smile on his face: "You are Owen's life assistant, so naturally you have to take care of all Owen's daily needs. How could it be useless? Don't worry about me, I have been on leave for half a year. , I have to rush back to the military camp."

Owen had carefully observed David, and with his spider-sensory level of insight, he could not find any disguise in David, so there was only one truth.

David really awakened his incredible artistic talent under the strong impact of art from the other side.

After being slightly surprised, Owen accepted this as a matter of course, because the world is full of strange things, and their existence is reasonable. There are people in the octagon, not to mention the enhanced version of the Green Superman who is just a druid who has awakened his artistic talent. .

"Owen, let's talk?"

David suggested.


Owen responded with some surprise.

The two of them walked aside. David glanced at the increasingly beautiful Alyssa, rubbed his hands, and said hesitantly: "Owen, I have a request..."

"Say it."

Owen smiled and said: "If I can, I will try my best."

As soon as he finished speaking, after hearing David's impatient request, Owen's face suddenly became weird, and he shook his head and said: "Sorry, I'm afraid I can't promise you this. It was an accident last time, and if Alyssa knew what you were thinking, Do you think she will still be your girlfriend?"

"I believe Alyssa will agree."

David said excitedly: "When you come back from the North Pole, I will propose to her."


Owen kept coughing and couldn't keep up with the druid's enhanced version of Green Superman's brain circuitry. He said perfunctorily: "Then I wish your proposal will be successful."


David said sincerely: "Please consider my suggestion seriously, and please take more care of Alyssa during these three months. I hope to see a more beautiful her."

"Try your best."

Owen looked at David's sincere and expectant eyes, and then responded after a while, looked at David deeply, patted David's shoulder heavily, turned and left.

On Owen's private jet.

"how did you do it?"

Howard asked what everyone was thinking.


Owen pretended to be confused.

"Come on! Everyone knows about your relationship with Alyssa, but now Alyssa's boyfriend not only didn't beat you to death, but also acts like a good friend with you. What's going on?"

Howard pointed it out directly: "Don't he know about your relationship with Alyssa? No! Definitely not. Everyone knows what kind of person you are. Alyssa's boyfriend is not stupid, how could he not think of it?"

Owen smiled lightly.

He is a low-key person, so he naturally knows how to give up when things go well. Although David unexpectedly awakened his special artistic talent, he didn't want it to be known to everyone.

When the plane arrived in Alaska, everyone got off the plane, got on a special cruise ship, and started heading towards the North Pole.


The northernmost part of the earth is covered with ice and snow, and is extremely cold. The temperature is tens of degrees below zero all year round. The harsh climate environment makes this place inaccessible.

However, with the advancement of human science and technology, the Arctic's special geographical environment and rich natural resources have attracted more and more countries to send scientific expedition teams to establish scientific research stations in the ice and snow to study up close the only remaining part of the earth. Virgin, female land.

Irving and his team's Arctic scientific expedition trip originated from Sheldon's need to explore the existence of slow magnetic single-stage particles at this special location in the North Pole. Once discovered, Sheldon can prove the correctness of string theory. Sex, with this research result, it is certain to win the Nobel Prize in Physics.

It was the temptation and temptation of the Nobel physicist that made Sheldon, a homebody for thousands of years, leave his home and office and come to the extremely harsh environment of the Arctic.


"Oh, my god! Is this really our scientific research station?"

When everyone got off the cruise ship and took a snowmobile to the legendary Arctic Station, what they saw completely overturned their impression of the Arctic Station.

I saw a huge building sitting there in the middle of a blizzard. Its area was four or five times larger than the North Pole Station in the data.

When they entered, they were even more stunned, because the layout inside was almost the same as that of Room 4A of TBBT Apartment. What was even more exaggerated was that there was an activity room next to it. The only sport that Sheldon and others were good at was a bowling alley. .

"Oh, great!"

Sheldon was not so shocked. After seeing these familiar and almost identical facilities, he clapped his hands and shouted happily.

He doesn't like change, not at all!

"Is this the right way for a rich person to open up?"

Rajesh murmured.

"Is it my imagination?"

Howard wondered: "The more I look at Owen, the more I think he looks like Iron Man!"

"do not doubt."

Leonard looked at Owen standing between Karen Smith and Alexa Page and sighed: "He is the real-life Iron Man!"


Owen clapped his hands, attracted everyone's attention, and said with a smile: "Everyone, take a rest first. Later we will go out to visit the beautiful scenery of the Arctic. This is the top of the world. Only a handful of people in human history can witness with their own eyes what we are going to do." The sights you see.”

"Okay! ×n!"

Everyone responded in unison.

Even an eccentric like Sheldon can't resist the offer of seeing the North Pole with his own eyes, well, at least not yet.

"Owen, where are you going?"

Leonard saw Owen walking towards the door with Karen and Alyssa, and asked subconsciously.

"Let's go to our apartment."

Owen smiled and said, "Don't worry, I specially donated this place. It has a large space. There are apartments for you and Sheldon, Rajesh's apartment, and of course our apartments."


Leonard was speechless.

When he asked the question just now, he regretted it, because the answer was obvious. Apart from beautiful women, who did you see Iron Man living with?

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