
Malibu 10880.

"Tony, there are a few things that need to be reported."

A tall blonde woman in a women's suit, holding a folder, stood behind a man and said very professionally.

"Pep, I'm listening."

The man was about thirty years old, with a cynical expression. He was sitting in front of a sports car and was dismantling the sports car's engine. His name was Tony Stark, the CEO of the Stark Group, a super genius, and a playboy.

Compared to the "obedient and good" Iron Man a few years later, he is now at a carefree and unrestrained age.

"Larry called and said that there is another buyer for Jackson Pollack's painting. Do you want to buy it?"

"Is it the representative work of his spring series?"

"Yes! But the price is a bit too high."

"Buy it!"


"And Mr. Stan invites you to the company's dinner..."

"Put it down! Sorry for me and Uncle Stan, Maxim magazine's cover girl for this month is out. He understands, right?"

"Talk about Maxim magazine~"

Pep is Tony's personal assistant, responsible for all his chores, whether in life or work: "After the Maxim magazine was released, I made an appointment for you as usual, but she said she was not available tonight and would not be available until tomorrow night. Have time……"


Tony Stark put down the tools in his hands, looked up, and frowned: "Did I hear you right? You mean someone stole my cover girl? Who is this bastard? It can't be Justin Hammer, right? "

With his status as a super rich man, not to mention just a Maxim magazine cover girl, there are not many actresses in the entire Hollywood who can refuse his date invitation.

What Tony was playing was a novelty. Think about it, when the sexy and sexy cover girl had just entered the public eye and was bought by countless men for sexual pleasure, the real person was lying on the big bed of his mansion that night, letting him have whatever he wanted. How unrestrained and joyful this is.

There was only one day difference between that night and tomorrow night. The cover girl was still the same cover girl, but for a super rich and playboy like Tony, it was completely different.

Justin Hammer, CEO of Hammer Industries, like Harry Osborn, Justin Hammer also lives in the shadow of other people's children, Tony Stark.

Even compared to Harry Osborne in New York, Justin Hammer is even more miserable!

Justin Hammer and Tony Stark are similar in age. They are both the second generation of super rich people. They both inherited their father's arms company, but their achievements and fame are in the sky and the other is on earth.

Under Tony Stark's radiant light, Justin Hammer could only tremble and keep picking up scraps from the Stark Group's hands.

If the military hadn't allowed one arms contractor like the Stark Group to dominate, Hammer Industries would have been bankrupted by the Stark Group.

Of course, no matter how miserable he is, Justin Hammer is still a super rich man and belongs to the same class as Tony Stark. Being disgusted by Tony Stark from time to time is a common hobby of everyone who lives in the shadow of Tony Stark.

"Not Hammer!"

A smile flashed in Pep's eyes, he shook his head and said: "I asked, it was Owen Lee who made an appointment with the cover girl!"

"Owen Lee?"

Tony Stark was stunned for a moment, and then said with a look of disgust: "You mean the imitator in New York?"


A smile appeared on Pep's lips: "That's the 'Tony Stark of the East'!"


Tony stood up and said while getting dressed, "Where are they meeting?"

A date like this would naturally not end with just a phone call and ask the cover girl to go to her house for a night. That would be too low. The standard routine is to take the cover girl to a large high-end cocktail party, and then go around and let everyone know. , and then went back with the cover girl who had a different kind of light on her body.

"Umbrella is having a high-end party in New York tonight..."

Pep was clearly prepared.

"Arrange a special flight for me!"

Tony looked at his watch and saw that he had enough time. He ducked into a sports car and ordered, "I want to see this imitator with my own eyes!"

As the most famous playboy, super genius, and super rich man in the world, Tony Stark is very disgusted with the sudden rise of Owen!

Because same-sex repels!

There is no shortage of playboys, super rich people, and super geniuses in the world, but the only one who perfectly combines these three attributes is Tony Stark!

This is his unique label!

But now this label cannot represent him, because Irving also perfectly integrates these three attributes. Even because Irving is self-made and he inherits the family business, Irving is vaguely overpowering him.

If it weren't for the fact that the scale of the Umbrella Company is far smaller than that of the Stark Group, Irving would probably be more than just the 'Tony Stark of the East'.

Recently, the gossip media has been comparing Owen to him. Arrogant and arrogant people like Tony Stark instinctively think that Owen is trying to make trouble and want to use his fame to improve themselves. They instinctively dislike Owen.

Now that something like this has happened again, this is absolutely intolerable!

"Happy, let's see who gets to the airport first!"

Tony said something in the communicator, then hit the accelerator, and the sports car sped away with the roar of the car.

"Wait for me, sir."

Seeing this, a fat bodyguard quickly got into a black SUV and chased Tony's sports car.

New York.

Umbrella Corporation Headquarters Building.

A big party is taking place here.

The United States can be said to be a country of parties. It is similar to the drinking table culture on the other side. Most of the interpersonal communication takes place through parties. Public relations lobbying is open and legal in the United States!

Parties like this happen every night in America.


"Boss, the time is almost up."

Monica walked into the apartment and saw that Owen was still there and busy with his assistant Natalie, and there was a graceful figure with no ups and downs beside him, so she couldn't help but remind her.

"Wait a minute."

Owen glanced at the sleeping curve next to him and said with a slow smile: "She is my female companion tonight. Give her some time to rest. I don't want to help her enter the venue then."

"You can definitely find another female companion!"

Monica frowned and said: "There are so many magazines and so many cover girls, why do you have to choose Maxim magazine? Don't you know that Tony Stark has fallen in love with this magazine and has been dating Maxim magazine's monthly cover girl for six months in a row? ?”

"I know! It's more fun this way, isn't it?"

Owen looked down at Natalie and smiled playfully: "Natalie, you will come with me later."

"Yes, boss."

Natalie, who was standing in front of Owen, responded softly without looking back. Her long burgundy hair hung low, completely covering her delicate face. Her eyes flickered, thoughtfully...

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