TBBT Apartments.

Rooftop terrace.

Everyone moved the laser transmitter from the laboratory and was busy debugging it, preparing to fire lasers at the moon to verify that humans had set foot on the moon and that it was not a moon landing conspiracy.

"I should have brought an umbrella."

Sheldon muttered.


Leonard asked casually while debugging: "It won't rain tonight."

"I know."

Sheldon said seriously: "But my delicate skin may still be burned by the moonlight~"

"Should I add 'just to tease you' after this?"

Howard complained.

"My pinnacle."

Sheldon smiled and said, "What do you think?"


Howard echoed with a smirk.

"I'm afraid it's not a joke, right?"

Owen joked from the side: "Sheldon, don't forget that you still wear baby powder every day! It's still possible for the moonlight to burn your delicate baby skin~"

"Sheldon is just a big baby!"

Rajesh laughed in agreement.



Howard and Leonard scoffed.

"I'm not a baby!"

Sheldon bulged his eyes and retorted: "I have long been an adult who can live independently!"

"Then why are you still wearing baby powder?"

Owen smiled playfully: "Do you expect to use this to awaken women's maternal nature and make them think you are a sexy giant baby?"

"Holy shit!"

Howard's eyes lit up and he shouted: "There is such a trick? Why didn't I think of it!"


Leonard rolled his eyes and complained: "Given the fact that you can only buy clothes in children's stores, you are indeed more suitable for this move than Sheldon!"


Rajesh laughed.


Owen glanced at Rajesh and said: "Actually, Rajesh also meets this condition. He has the best listening effect and the pitiful effect of being disabled because he can't speak in front of women without drinking, as well as women's attitude toward gays. With the innate recognition effect of Qi, Rajesh is the one most likely to succeed."

"Come on! How can anyone in the Lun family be gay?"

Rajesh retorted, how could he admit such a thing, but when he heard Owen saying that he was most likely to succeed, he still looked happy and subconsciously asked: "But, really?"

"of course it's true."

Irving suppressed a smile and said, "And you have another advantage, which Howard should know very well~"

"What advantage?"

Rajesh asked.

"Your complexion is like chocolate."

Owen raised the corners of his mouth and said with a half-smile, "Don't you often ask Howard to call you Sweet Chocolate?"


Howard looked embarrassed and shouted anxiously: "I have never called you that! Don't say it so ambiguously, okay?!"

"Do you know, he knows~"

Owen joked: "But you don't have to rush to defend~"

Howard followed Owen's gaze and looked at Rajesh. Seeing the nostalgic expression on the other person's face, the corner of his mouth twitched. This feeling was similar to when Leonard's mother came over and insisted that he and Rajesh were partners, but he still couldn't explain it. Same, it really hurts!

However, from a certain perspective, he does not have enough confidence to try his best to prove himself, because he himself cannot figure it out. A gay old man from Star Trek appeared in his subconscious to help him solve his doubts, which is proof!


Leonard interrupted: "Howard, would you like to check the equatorial mount on the laser again? We have to lock it on the Moon's Sea of ​​Tranquility."


Howard immediately dropped the embarrassing subject and walked over to check it again.

"I'm going to ask Petunia if she wants to see our experiment."

Leonard struggled for a while and finally went downstairs to invite Penny.


Owen shook his head and smiled: "This is embarrassing."

"What's wrong?"

Howard said in surprise.

"You still can't see it."

Owen analyzed: "Leonard can't let go of Penny and is always ready to get back together, but I guess Penny will never be single, especially the last time Elizabeth came over, Penny saw the way Leonard didn't hesitate to take action.

By the way, Rajesh, did you end up with Leonard? "


Howard's eyes lit up and he echoed, "I've always wanted to ask this question too!"


Rajesh waved his hands repeatedly, and seeing the disbelief on both Owen's and Owen's faces, he shrugged and said, "I don't mind, but in the end Leonard backed down, and Dr. Plimpton was very sorry for this!

So is Leonard! If he agreed, Dr. Plimpton might stay a little longer! do you know? She actually wrote the section about the Wilson Bapp Effect in her book naked, and then she even recreated the scene for me when she was writing the book~"

"Holy shit!"

Howard's eyes shone brightly, and he shouted while swallowing his saliva: "You lucky dog!"


Owen smiled lightly.

Where did this go? Rajesh and the others didn’t know that he was actively promoting chapters such as gravitational lenses, distance scales, hot big bangs, and expansion coefficients in the book~

"Hi guys, this is my friend Zach."

Under the leadership of Leonard, who looked uncomfortable, Penny and a tall white young man walked up. Penny greeted them awkwardly.

If it weren't for her new boyfriend Zach, who was a bit silly and insisted on joining in the fun, Penny would never have come.


Howard winked and smiled: "You mean the kind of person who can be honest with you, right?"

"Besides us, does Petunia have any other male friends that she's not honest with?"

Sheldon stabbed seriously.


Penny stared at Sheldon, wanting to refute, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't say them, because after Sheldon's reminder, she suddenly realized that although the situation was not that exaggerated, it was not much different...

"Whoa, is that a laser transmitter?"

Zach took aim at it at a glance, walked over, and exclaimed: "It's so fucking handsome!"

Sheldon raised his head suddenly, glanced at Zach, and mocked: "Yes, in 1917, when Einstein elaborated on the theoretical basis of lasers in his paper "On the Quantum Theory of Radiation," his biggest breakthrough I hope the final instrument will be so cool!"

"Well, my wish came true."

Zach said seriously.

"I thought I was the only one who didn't understand sarcasm. I didn't expect there were people who didn't understand it better than me."

Sheldon complained: "Maybe this is the man worthy of Penny!"


Penny rolled her eyes, too lazy to argue.

"Let me explain what we're doing."

Leonard smoothed things over: "In 1969, the astronauts on Apollo 11 placed several reflectors on the surface of the moon. Now we are firing lasers to hit one of them and send it back..."

"I have a question."

Zach raised his hands.


"How do you make sure it doesn't explode?"


"No, it's the moon!"

When Zach seriously worried about the safety of the moon, everyone suppressed laughter, while Penny was full of shame. In the past, she didn't think Zach was stupid at all, because she was the same as Zach at that time.

But now that I have been with geniuses like Leonard for a long time, my IQ may not have improved, but my knowledge has definitely increased greatly. I can already clearly see Zach’s stupidity. If it weren’t for Zach’s strong personal skills , she couldn't help but hide her face and left...

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