Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 221 Embarrassing Cancer

New York.

Ted and Matthew's apartment.




The video has reached this point, but it still hasn't ended. What makes Ted and others even more disgusted is the next scene.

"is that so?"

In the video, the Indian guy asked while closing his eyes, kissing, and modeling his lips.

"Oh, yeah~"

The Jewish boy closed his eyes and was reluctant to make any other unnecessary movements with his mouth. He only responded to the Indian boy with a nasal sound.

"I was shocked, this feeling is so realistic~"

The Indian guy kept moving and sighed.

"Yeah...oh, it hurts, it hurts!"

The Jewish boy smiled proudly, but then his expression suddenly changed. He opened his eyes, removed the lip model, and complained: "Why are you biting my tongue?!"

"Just a nibble."

The Indian guy explained weakly: "I just want to have more love and fun~"

"Why do you make everything so obscene every time?!"

The Jewish boy shook his head helplessly.

Having said that, after scolding the Jewish boy, he naturally brought the lip model to his mouth and kissed him actively. The Indian boy responded happily, and the two of them became selfless and obscene...

"how do you feel?"

Owen turned off the video and smiled at the stunned people: "Although this friend of mine is wretched, his imagination in self-help and mutual aid applause is absolutely unprecedented. There is nothing he can't do except what you can't think of.

Moreover, he is a very capable engineer, and the equipment he developed has been used on the space station. This long-distance love artifact, the most critical tongue sensor, has been carefully designed and laid out by him, and it is absolutely extraordinary.

You have also seen that it can even make bite movements, which is not comparable to those electric products that can only go straight! "

“Straight-forward electric products~”

Lily whispered to herself, her eyes changed into classic Lily-style magical and confused eyes, and she looked at Robin, and the two started an eye conversation.

"Robin, do you think the same as me?"

"What do you think?"

The two of them suddenly felt uncomfortable and both averted their eyes, but they couldn't help but fall into memories.

Recently, Lily and Matthew were preparing to get married. They had been preparing for the wedding. Relatives and friends gathered together to present their gifts to the bride-to-be, Lily.

Robin was originally planning to give away a short, thin, and transparent sling, but Barney laughed at him, so he didn't hesitate and followed Barney's reminder to buy a black electric product.

According to the usual American habit, Robin wrapped the bag on the outside and tied it with a bow. Robin held this carefully prepared wedding gift and walked into the bride's bachelor night party with a wicked smile on his face.

But as soon as she entered, the evil smile on her face froze. What she saw were middle-aged and elderly women with gray hair, and children running around. It was not at all the gathering of young girls she had imagined. A girl of similar age and a quasi-nun...

Robin turned around and wanted to run out with the gift, but was pulled by everyone. In the end, he could only awkwardly put the gift on the pile of gifts. Then, while no one was paying attention, he swapped the card on another gift with the same packaging. , and this similarly wrapped gift was given by Grandma Lili.

So when Lily got Robin's wedding gift and was about to open it, Lily's grandmother began to talk at length about the meaning of the gift.

"Baby Lily, this hand-controlled gadget has been passed down from generation to generation in our family. I have used it, your great-grandmother has used it, but your great-grandmother has never used it, but she has a similar one. They are all made of wood. I want to use it. Before that, people relied on their own hands to solve problems..."

When Robin heard this, he almost spit out the red wine in his mouth. But even so, faced with Lily's mother's request for wine, Robin still chose to hug the bottle tightly. Without alcohol, she would not be drunk for a moment. I can't stay any longer, it's too embarrassing.

But despite being embarrassed, a strange thought flashed through Robin's mind: "How could it be such a coincidence? Grandma Lily's description perfectly fits my gift~"

"When I was a little girl, my mother taught me and my sister how to use it. We often used it to compete, and the whole family gathered around to watch. It was so exciting..."

"Oh, god!!!"

As the culprit, the more Robin listened, the more stunned he became. Fortunately, this was an ambiguity. Otherwise, if it were true, it would be too shocking...

"When I was newly married, your grandfather went on an expedition to the Northern Empire of the Universe. Thanks to it, I was less lonely and unbearable during those long nights when your grandfather was away."

Grandma Lily talked more and more enthusiastically: "Speaking of your grandfather, although he never admits it, I know that he will take it out every once in a while, and he also likes this~"

Robin could only cover his mouth tightly with his hands to barely keep from losing his composure.

"Honey, open it and take a look, I'm going to teach you how to use it!"

Grandma Lily urged.

So, Lily tore open the package and took a look, and then she was confused. Seeing that the situation was not good, Robin had to admit his mistake and tell the truth. When everyone looked over, they all had strange expressions on their faces.

This is definitely not the antique sewing machine given by Grandma Lily!

Fortunately, everyone was a fan of the American TV series Rain in the City, and there was a scene similar to giving away electric products, so everyone laughed heartily and started to have fun.

"How's it going?"

After coming back from the memories, Lily and Robin's eyes met again unconsciously. The eye conversation continued, and Robin smiled playfully.

"How about what? I'm useless~"

Lily retorted weakly.


Robin sneered: "I wanted to give you a new gift and return it, but you refused..."

"I'm just afraid of bothering you."

Lily covered it up in embarrassment: "And I wanted to scare Matthew, that's why I stayed~"


Robin sneered with side eyes, not believing a word Lily said.

Compared to the married Lily, who only had five singles to accompany her, she needed this more. At first, she had the courage to buy it, but she didn't have the courage to go again, so she wanted to take advantage of the situation and take it for her own use, but she didn't expect it. Lily didn't cooperate at all, which made her a little unhappy.

"I don't want this!"

When Lily and Robin looked at each other, Ted, who had passed the shock stage, shook his head and shouted: "This is really disgusting!"

"Buddy, where are you? You've never seen something even more disgusting, okay?"

Owen sighed.

Not long after he shot this video, Howard and Bernadette reconciled, so the project was shelved. In Howard's project documents, Owen saw an even more jaw-dropping design, well, very HBO, Indescribable...

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