Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 231 Mermaid in the Moonlight Night

Mystic Falls.

Open air party.

"Ha! Man!"

Elena was chatting happily with Stefan. From the corner of her eye, she saw Caroline and Owen having an intimate conversation there. A feeling of displeasure suddenly arose in her heart. When Caroline laughed and staggered, she pulled Owen away from the party. Afterwards, Elena frowned, sneered in her heart, shook her head and sighed.

"What's wrong?"

Stefan's gentle voice woke Elena up.


Elena came back to her senses, raised her head and looked into Stefan's deep and passionate eyes, dispelling the displeasure in her heart, and enjoying Stefan's endless affection.

"You have to be kidding!"

But just as she and Stefan were gazing affectionately, her brother Jamie's drunken figure flashed across her face, which immediately wiped away all her accumulated interest. Elena chased her brother away, He looked back and apologized: "I'm sorry, I have something to do."

"Do you need my help?"

Stefan has been spying on Elena for several months, so he naturally knows Elena's situation. Since Elena's parents passed away, her brother has indulged and degenerated into a drug addict.

"Need not."

Elena shook her head and said: "Believe me, you definitely don't want to see what happens next."

Stefan didn't force it, just stood there and waited.

"Ah!!! Help!"

A moment later, a scream came from the woods. Stefan's expression changed drastically because he recognized that it was Elena's voice. He looked around and saw that no one was paying attention. He flashed his body and came in the blink of an eye. When he arrived at Elena's side, a seductive breath passed into the tip of his nose, making his eyes filled with black threads. It was the smell of blood!

"Wei Ji! She was bitten by something on the neck and is losing a lot of blood. Call an ambulance!"

Stefan opened his mouth slightly, vaguely revealing two fangs, and gasped, but Elena looked back and saw him. He quickly turned around to avoid Elena's eyes. When Elena looked back again, Stefan Fan's figure has disappeared.

"What's going on with him~"

This is not the first time that Elena has seen something weird about Stefan. Yesterday at the cemetery, Stefan's eyes were vaguely filled with black threads. When he saw the wound on her leg, he disappeared directly. Now it's like this again, Even if he was suffering from haemorrhage, he was running too fast.

"You are so afraid of blood, what will you do when the time comes~"

At this moment, the same thought as Owen flashed through Elena's mind, and then she suppressed it forcefully. She even secretly decided not to tell anyone about this thought, not even to write it in her diary.

She does like to write diaries, and diaries are indeed a person's privacy, but this does not mean that the diary records are all the most secret thoughts deep in her heart.

It can be said that what is recorded in the diary has been beautified intentionally or unintentionally. Those secret thoughts that do not fit her personality have been automatically filtered out long ago and cannot enter the diary at all.

That's why she didn't react much when Stefan picked up her diary. On the contrary, she was slightly disappointed when Stefan emphasized that he had not read her diary.

Because she hopes that Stefan will be more considerate of her after her parents have died after reading her diary. People like the history teacher who don't know how to cherish the beauty are really annoying...

"No! Wei Ji!!!"

At this time, everyone rushed over. Elena's ex-boyfriend Matt squeezed through everyone and saw his sister was unconscious there due to blood loss, and suddenly screamed in grief.

In other words, his life can be described as a real tragedy!

After his parents divorced when they were young, he and his sister Wei Ji became transparent people whose father did not love their mother. After finally growing up, they even fell in love with their childhood sweetheart Elena, but they were dumped again not long after.

At first, he could still use Bonnie's excuse that "Elena has undergone a big change and needs time to recover" to deceive herself, but then Elena dressed up carefully, smiled brightly, and went out together with the new handsome guy Stefan. , completely shattering his illusions.

Just when he was feeling depressed and his head was heavy, he found his dependent sister lying there without knowing whether she was alive or dead. This was like a nightmare!

Although Wei Ji was dependent on him, she didn't have his enterprising character and had degenerated into a drug addict early on. He was worried about this, but there was no way he could handle a rebellious girl. After repeated unsuccessful conflicts, he could only hope that his sister would be safe.

He had experienced scenes like this many times in his dreams over the years. He thought he was almost used to it, but when he actually encountered it, he was still so distressed that he couldn't breathe.

When there was a lot of commotion here, Stefan had already ran back to the old house, panting heavily at the excitement brought to him by the smell of blood. When he looked up, he saw a handsome guy standing by the window sill, looking at him with a half-smile. Looking at him: "Hi, my brother~"


Stefan was startled, and then suddenly said: "It's you! Are you responsible for the beast attacks in Mystic Falls in recent days?!"

"My stupid brother~"

Damon smiled evilly and said, "Did you not think of it until now?"

"Why did you come back?"

Stefan said solemnly.

"I want to ask you this question too."

Damon smiled and said: "But I am sure that no matter what the reason is, it can be summed up in one word, Elena! She is so charming, just like Catherine, and it takes away my soul~"

"She's not Catherine!"

Stefan panicked and said coldly.

"Of course she's not."

Damon smiled evilly and said: "But this doesn't prevent her from becoming Catherine's replacement, right? Don't tell me, you don't have this idea at all?"

"I don't……"

Stefan retorted, but he was not confident enough. He was joking, if Elena was not exactly the same as his former lover Catherine, how could he have fallen in love with her at first sight and risked staying for her.

You know, this town is his hometown. He lived here decades ago. If someone recognized him, it would be troublesome. Although vampires are powerful, they can only hide in the dark. There is a reason. .

Whether it is sunlight or the increasingly powerful technology of humans, they will deal a devastating blow to the arrogant and exposed vampires.

"don’t worry."

Damon walked up to Stefan, put his arm around Stefan's shoulders, and said with a meaningful smile: "You know, I won't hurt her, but she can bring a different kind of happiness to our brothers~ "

"shut up!"

Stefan pushed Damon away and growled angrily: "I don't allow you to touch her!"


Damon poured a glass of red wine and sat on the sofa. While drinking, he sneered: "You were not polite to Catherine back then, my good brother!"

"I don't!"

Stefan tried his best to control his anger and said slowly: "Catherine was with me first. It was you who betrayed me and you who were rude to me!"



Damon crushed the glass in his hand and said coldly: "I was with Catherine first! It was you who betrayed me!!!"


They have argued about this topic countless times, and each time no one can convince the other. They always feel that the other party has cheated on them. In the past, Stefan would not have backed down, but now that he has Elena, he is already 'dead' His former lover was gradually forgotten by him.

"Maybe we are all wrong. It was Catherine who played with us, just like when she forced me to become a vampire~"

"So you also forced me to become a vampire?"

Damon said coldly.


Stefan smiled bitterly and said, "I just didn't want to lose you at the beginning."


Damon covered up the resentment in his heart and smiled slightly: "So I'm here, my good brother, no matter where you go, I will follow you. Let us forget the past and rejoin a new life, together~!"


Stefan naturally heard the connotation of Damon's words, shook his head and said: "I don't allow you to touch Elena!"

"Don't be so stingy..."

When Damon said this, seeing Stefan staring at him, he shrugged and said, "Okay, I'll try my best, but you also know that we are brothers, and sometimes the same preferences deep in our genes cannot be changed~"

"I advise you to leave here."

Owen's figure flashed through Stefan's mind, and he threatened: "There is a mysterious wizard here. With the way you act, you will definitely be targeted by him. You don't want to die, right?"


The smile on Damon's face disappeared, and a memory of extreme pain appeared in his mind. He narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice: "What about the wizard, I will definitely tear him apart!"

"Have you met him?"

Stefan was stunned.

"Not for your stupid brother!"

Damon glanced at Stefan: "I originally wanted to help you eliminate this scourge, but I didn't expect that he is really not simple, but it doesn't matter, this is fun, isn't it? I have plenty of time to play with him~"

"Fun? Playing?"

Stefan said in horror: "This wizard named Owen is very mysterious. Our speed has no effect in front of him. It is difficult for you to sneak attack him. But once you anger him, you should know how terrifying it is to offend a wizard." one thing."

"That's a witch!"

Damon smiled nonchalantly and said: "I know the terror of witches, but wizards, haha~ How can I be afraid!"

In this world, witches are a magical species. They possess magical powers and have both good and evil personalities. However, no matter whether they are good or evil, once they are angered, most witches will turn into the most terrifying existence in minutes and are willing to sacrifice everything. , but also to activate forbidden witchcraft to destroy the enemy.

There is no point in staying in front of the blackened witches. Their more options are to make the enemy worse than death, or to go one step closer and torture the opponent forever for the rest of their lives. The key is that they can really do it and are willing to do it. This is a terrible price to pay!

"Just take care of yourself."

Stefan shook his head.

He had talked with Owen and instinctively sensed that Owen was not the kind of person with a good temper. Once Damon angered the other party, God knew what the other party would do in response.

Wizards generally have better tempers than witches. This is because men generally do not value all kinds of emotions as much as women. They are more rational and will not harm themselves or others easily. However, this does not mean that wizards cannot do evil and terrifying things.

Stefan didn't know about the others, but Owen in his normal state made him feel extremely evil. You can imagine how terrifying the angry Owen would be.

Outside the town, a waterfall pours down, which is where the name Mystic Falls comes from.

"Keke, it's so refreshing~"

A sweet cry spread far away, and downstream of the waterfall, a graceful figure swam in the water. Under the moonlight, the hazy curves were particularly moving.

"Come and catch me~"

"Among the flowers in the mirror, a mermaid emerges from the water~"

Owen couldn't help but recite this scene, then pulled off his clothes, jumped into the water, and chased the mermaid.


"Elena, do you know where Caroline went?"

A middle-aged woman in police uniform put down her mobile phone, walked to Elena and Bonnie, and said anxiously: "I can't get through the phone."


Elena hesitated.

The middle-aged woman Liz is Caroline's mother and the police chief of Mystic Falls. As the top leader of the town's law enforcement agency, she knows much more than ordinary people.

The so-called "beast attacks" in recent times were actually secretly arranged by her and the TV host to publicize it. In fact, she knew that a vampire had appeared again in Mystic Falls.

But this kind of thing cannot be leaked, otherwise it will cause panic, so she has been searching secretly. There was an additional student victim tonight, and now her daughter cannot be contacted, how can she not panic? batch.


Thinking of this, the police chief couldn't help but increase his tone: "You have also seen Wei Ji's situation. I must find Caroline immediately. Do you want to see Caroline get hurt?"


The Sheriff was still very dignified. Elena panicked and said quickly: "Caroline should be fine. She, she just went to play with her classmates."

"Going to play with your classmates?"

The police chief was stunned for a moment, and then said with a livid face: "Male classmate? Who is it?"

Since she divorced Caroline's father, as a single mother who had to work to support her family, she felt powerless to care for her only daughter.

The town is not big, so how could she not have heard of Caroline's reputation as the 'school sweetheart'? It's not that she hasn't been advised before, but rebellious girls never listen to advice, so she can only pretend that she doesn't know. .

But now in such a dangerous situation, the chief's usual helplessness and compromise turned into full of anger.

"Owen Li, a new Chinese international student."

Bonnie said.

"It turns out to be him!"

The Sheriff naturally knew that Owen, whether it was his Chinese identity or his wealth, gave Owen a lot of exposure in Mystic Falls: "Where did they go?"

"It looks like a waterfall~"

Elena vaguely heard Caroline mention the word waterfall.

"I see."

The sergeant said with a straight face, turned around and left, gave some instructions to his police officers, and drove the police car towards the waterfall alone.

“Oh oh oh my lucky strike

Your body rocking, keep me up all night

One in a million, my lucky strike

she takes me to the sky

And I don't wanna go down, go down

She said i'll feel you later, go ahead and fantasize

She make me want her right now right now

And I can't wait another minute

I can't take the look she's giving

Your body rocking, keep me up all night..."

When the sergeant drove to the bridge over the waterfall, a male and female chorus came to her ears. She had naturally heard of this song called strike, and the connotation of the lyrics and the melody of the song made her His face was extremely ugly.

When she followed the sound, she saw Caroline disappearing and reappearing in the water under the moonlight, and there was another figure in the distance. The police chief couldn't help but cursed: "This damn girl really knows how to play!"


The sergeant pondered for a moment and then shouted.

"Ah! It's my mother."

Caroline exclaimed: "What to do?"

At this moment, her drunkenness had long been washed away by the mandarin ducks playing in the water. In addition, her body and mind were extremely happy, and her usual rebelliousness miraculously dissipated a lot. Before, she definitely didn't want to pay attention to her mother.

"Let's go up."

Owen suggested as he glanced at the Sheriff on the bridge.


Caroline reluctantly responded.

"What, haven't you had enough fun?"

Owen said playfully: "Don't worry, the days are long~"

"Whoever is with you will have a long life, huh, whether I will give you a chance next time depends on your performance."

Caroline said arrogantly.


Owen helped Caroline go ashore, and while getting dressed, he joked: "You are wrong, it's whether I give you a chance~"

Caroline's face turned red. She obviously heard the connotation of Owen's words. She wanted to refute but she spoke out again. Thinking of them playing in the water and singing in the moonlit night, the impact on her was too great. It made her feel like she had never been there before. Falling in love is nothing, this is real love...



After cleaning up, the two of them walked up to the police chief. Caroline called out sheepishly, while Owen nodded and smiled.

"You get in the car first!"

The sergeant frowned and ordered.


Caroline shouted dissatisfied.

Now, in her eyes, Owen is no longer the same as his previous position as number two prey. Seeing that her mother wants to teach Owen a lesson, she naturally wants to defend him.


The police chief looked at his daughter with wet hair and watery eyes, and shouted.

"It's okay, Caroline."

Owen interrupted: "You get in the car first, I'll talk to the police chief."

"All right."

Seeing Owen's calm face, Caroline felt inexplicably relieved. She responded, gave her mother a warning look, turned and walked towards the police car.

The corner of the Sheriff's mouth twitched. This was her good daughter. She caught a glimpse of the culprit, Old God Owen. She didn't have the panic of a high school student being caught by an adult. The disgust in her eyes was even worse: "Your name is Owen, right? This is the first time." This and the last time, I don’t want to see you near Caroline again, do you understand?”

"I do not understand."

Owen shook his head and smiled: "It shouldn't be illegal for me and Caroline to fall in love, right? I remember there is a very loving bill in the United States called the Romeo and Juliet Act. I am also a student, and I am the same age as Caroline. There is no age difference. If you are over 3 years old, it should comply with this loving law, right?"


PS: Thanks to Wanjuan Qianlilu for the reward!

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