Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 243 The Three Witches of Destiny


Diagon Alley.

"Hermione, who is he?"

Hermione's parents looked at each other, and under Hermione's father's winks, Hermione's mother seemed to ask casually.

"A spiritual guide."

Hermione was no longer the same Hermione. She saw through her parents' worries at a glance and smiled: "He is from the other side, his name is Zhou Shuren, he is a great man who is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent!

There is a saying on the other side, as long as what is said is reasonable and philosophical, it can be said that it was said by Zhou Shuren. The greatness of Zhou Shuren can be seen. "

"He turns out to be a great man!"

Hermione's parents were relieved. Fortunately, it wasn't some perverted lolicon spying on their precious daughter.


What they didn't know was that the object in Hermione's sleeve shook hard, and the smile on Hermione's face grew stronger.

The family of three started walking around Diagon Alley along the road paved with warm stones.

"Floors and Blotts Bookstore? Honey, I remember that the Hogwarts admission notice requires you to buy your own textbooks, right?"

Hermione's father reminded.

"Yes, Dad."

Hermione nodded.

Although she didn't need these lower-grade books, since Hogwarts required them, she was still prepared to buy a set.

The three of them pushed the door open and entered, and saw that in a small bookstore, books were piled almost to the roof. There was no protection, and there was no fear of falling apart. It was very magical!

If Newton had lived in such a world, he might not have realized the gravity of gravity just because he was hit by an apple!

Hermione's parents saw books flying automatically under the clerk's wand, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wow! It's amazing!"


The movements of Hermione's parents only caused most people to ignore them after a quick glance, but it attracted the attention of the family of three on the second floor.

A blond boy looked down at Hermione and the three of them. His overly white face glanced at Hermione's parents with disdain, and then placed it on Hermione. His eyes were slightly fixed, as if he was surprised by Hermione's beauty, but Then he was a little annoyed at Hermione's ignorance and calmness, and he hummed heavily: "Mixed-blood!"

"No! It's a mudblood!"

At this time, a couple walked beside the blond boy. They were obviously the little boy's parents. The man with blond hair and dressed like an aristocrat corrected them disdainfully.

Although Hermione's parents didn't know what these names meant, they instinctively knew that they were not nice words. They looked ashamed at the thought that their baby might be discriminated against because of them.

But as dentists in the Muggle world and standard middle-class people, they know that there is no absolute equality in any world. Especially in this powerful country where the Queen exists, ordinary people can never afford to offend the powerful!

Therefore, even though they loved Hermione deeply and did not want Hermione to be discriminated against, they did not dare to speak out against the family of a blond boy who was obviously a noble in the wizarding world.

"Dad, Mom, don't pay attention to them!"

Hermione glanced at the blond boy's family indifferently and comforted: "Some people are like frogs in the well. Yelang is arrogant and thinks he is superior. In fact, he just hides his head in the soil and looks at the world from the bottom up!"

"What an arrogant half-blood! No! What an arrogant mudblood!"

The little blond boy exclaimed: "How dare you mock our pure-blooded Malfoy! Who gave you the courage!"

"Pure-blood Malfoy?"

Hermione smiled: "Where are the pure bloods? There are only tens of thousands of people in the wizarding world in Europe, and more or less they have married ordinary people, what you call Muggles. If you Malfoy is really a pure blood If so, then there is only one possibility..."

"What's possible?"

The blond boy asked subconsciously.


The father of the blond boy obviously had a premonition of something. He glared at Hermione fiercely and shouted at his son, trying to interrupt the conversation, but it was obvious that Hermione did not give them face.

"The only possibility is that you Malfoy family are all the product of inbreeding!"

Hermione ignored Malfoy's threats and mocked unhurriedly: "Only in this way can you insist that you are true pure bloods! But after seeing you, I still believe that you Malfoy is true pure bloods... …”

"You know what's going on!"

The little blond boy Draco Malfoy did not hear the deep meaning of Hermione's words, thinking that Hermione had given in, and hummed proudly with his head held high.

He obviously doesn't know what they call the Muggle world, how advanced technology is, and the dangers of inbreeding have long been known to the world. How can pure blood be as good as mixed blood!


The little boy's father, Lucius Malfoy, understood. He shouted down Draco with an emphasis, and then looked at Hermione with a gloomy face: "Little girl, you are very bold!"

"I have received the admission notice to Hogwarts. After reporting the sorting, I think I will be sorted into Gryffindor. Mr. Malfoy, what do you think?"

Hermione laughed.

"Hmph! Another little Gryffindor lion!"

Lucius felt even more disgusted and said coldly: "Since you know so many secrets of the wizarding world, you should know that Hogwarts is sponsored by our 24 pure-blood families. No wise person should Defame and blaspheme the glory of pure blood, otherwise..."

At this point, Lucius stopped. In front of everyone, he couldn't do anything to Hermione. He didn't even hesitate to make serious and clear threats. Now is not a good era for Voldemort to lead his Death Eaters to destroy families and destroy families at every turn. .


Hermione's parents were frightened. They quickly pulled Hermione and stopped her from talking. They wanted to apologize to Malfoy with a smile on their faces, but the other party didn't even look at them, which made them even more worried.

If I had known this, it would be better to let Hermione be an ordinary person in peace. With Hermione's intelligence and good looks, even if she doesn't learn any magic, she will definitely be successful in the future.


Hermione smiled slightly at her parents, her calm and wise eyes instantly comforted her parents, and then she looked at Lucius, with a trace of pity in her eyes that made Lucius very angry.

"You know why Albus Dumbledore is called the most powerful wizard of the contemporary era, Grindelwald is called the most powerful Dark Lord of the first generation, and Voldemort can only be called the second Dark Lord. The adjective is only the most dangerous but not the most powerful?"

"Dumbledore is not the most powerful..."

Draco said angrily. Before he could finish speaking, his mother pulled him over and covered his mouth.

"Ha! Pureblood!"

Hermione glanced at Draco with pity. Among the knowledge instilled in her by the Zhou Shuren, there were secrets about the wizarding world. She knew that the Malfoy family in front of her was a family of Death Eaters, following Voldemort to cause terror in the wizarding world. Activity!

In Draco's eyes, Voldemort is the most powerful!

"The real power in the wizarding world is never pure blood! It's the witches!"

Hermione smiled and said: "After the five great witches in ancient times cultivated into the five great goddesses: the goddess of light, the goddess of darkness, the goddess of nature, the goddess of earth, and the goddess of the ocean, they joined forces to open up the world of witches and left this world of mixed powers with many powerful witches. .

After that, the power of witches gradually declined, so that the dominance of the European wizarding world was later replaced by wizards, and a ridiculous pure-blood family was formed with wizards as the core!

And with the rapid increase in the number of half-blood wizards and Muggle wizards, it has seriously threatened the interests of the so-called pure-blood families. You pure-blood families have begun to follow a mixed-blood Voldemort, and you are still shouting "long live the pure blood". It is simply ridiculous. !

The reason why Voldemort is called the most dangerous rather than the most powerful is because he is not as good as Dumbledore or even Grindelwald! What's really frightening about him is that he has no humanity at all, and he kills people at every turn!

Those wizards who care, love and have weaknesses are extremely afraid of Voldemort! What they were in awe of was not Voldemort's power, but Voldemort's cruelty!

You know nothing about true power! The five great goddesses who created the world of witches are the real strong ones. The supreme mage Gu Yi, who maintains the ultimate power of this world, Kama Taj, is the real strong man. The seven queens who inherit the blood of the five great goddesses and rule the great world of witches Also a strong one.

Albus Dumbledore, who worshiped the goddess of light and became best friends with the Queen of Dawn, could barely be considered a strong man! Everything else is just a joke! "

"Impossible! I don't believe it! You're talking nonsense!"

Draco exclaimed in disbelief.

Hermione's words were earth-shattering and completely subverted his three views!

In fact, not only Draco, but also the other wizards watching in the bookstore were stunned. After a period of silence, they all started discussing.

"Dumbledore actually has such a secret? Is it true or false? The reason why he became the greatest wizard of our time is because he and the Queen of Dawn became best friends?"


"I think this is very possible!"

"How to say?"

"If you think about it carefully, you will know that Dumbledore and the first Dark Lord, Grindelwald, the most powerful dark wizard of that era, had a murderous relationship!"

"I know this. Grindelwald was subdued by Dumbledore and is still locked up in a secret prison!"

"I can understand killing each other, isn't it what I thought?"

"It's just what you think. I heard that the reason why Grindelwald was so arrogant at the beginning was because Dumbledore had made a blood oath with him and couldn't take action against him! If Dumbledore didn't take action, no one would be Grindelwald's opponent. !”

"Yes! In the end, it seemed that Dumbledore planned to destroy the blood oath and subdued Grindelwald. I heard that Dumbledore would visit Grindelwald every once in a while!"

"Tsk tsk! I really didn't expect Dumbledore to be like this! If this is true, then it is very possible that he and Queen Dawn become best friends~"

"That's right! Maybe the reason why Grindelwald became the first Dark Lord was because he and the Evil Queen became best friends?"

"Ahem! According to what you said, if you want to become a truly strong man, do you have to become a girl?"


"~Now think about it...~!"

"Merlin on top!"

"Merlin's beard!"

"Merlin's fattest briefs!"

Everyone was chatting, and they were all shocked by what they dug out. They didn't know it, and they were shocked when they thought about it!

The world of witches, the five goddesses, and the seven queens are too far away from them. The supreme mage Gu Yi of Kama Taj is a bald woman. They know it, but because they are not in the same system and are far away in mysterious Asia, they usually don’t have it. Any contact, so they are not much touched!

But the story that Dumbledore and Grindelwald, Merlin and King Arthur have to tell happened right next to them!

The authenticity is too high!

The impact on them is naturally much stronger than that of the Goddess, Queen, Supreme Mage and so on!

damn it! Is it possible that if you want to become a top powerhouse, other than being born into a female fetus...well, it seems to be's worth a try...

The wizards who were watching all had strange expressions on their faces, and countless thoughts flashed through their minds.

If Hermione's words were heard by those True Love Supreme organizations, they would definitely be regarded as the Bible!

This is so convincing and bewitching!

Lucius looked at Hermione coldly for a while, and had countless thoughts in his mind. Although he could not see through Hermione's true identity, he would not think that Hermione was just a mudblood who had not yet entered school. The shocked Draco left first.

"Dad, Mom, let's go too!"

Under the awe and scrutinizing gazes of the onlookers, Hermione calmly walked to the counter that had been vacated by the onlookers' wizards who had given up their seats. After buying the magic books needed for admission, she greeted her quiet parents and left the bookstore.


Lucius's family looked at the backs of Hermione's family from a distance.

"Who is she?"

Draco's mother Narcissa Malfoy said bitterly.

"We don't need to know who she is now..."

Lucius sneered: "Only if she can survive tonight safely will she be qualified for us to remember her name!"

"You're thinking……"

Narcissa was startled: "Is this okay? It won't involve us, right? After all, we just had a conflict with her?"

"Who dares to say anything?"

Lucius said disdainfully: "Are those idiots from the Ministry of Magic? We don't need to do it ourselves. There is no evidence. What can Dumbledore do to us?"

"That's good."

Narcissa breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "This mudblood is too arrogant. The wizarding world belongs to our pure-blood family, and we will never allow such an awesome person to exist!"

"Wait, I have already ordered you to go down..."

Lucius murmured: "I want to see who knows nothing about real power..."

"Ollivander's Wand Shop..."

Hermione walked to a store, looked around, pinched the items in her sleeves, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, greeted her silent parents, and walked in first.

"Welcome, young wizard who is about to enter school, Ollivander is your most trustworthy choice!"

A bad old man with a wizarding temperament came out, looked at Hermione with his silver-white pupils, and greeted her politely.

"I heard that when buying a wand here, the wand chooses the wizard, not the wizard who chooses the wand?"

Hermione asked with interest.


The bad old man's eyes flashed and he glanced at Hermione in surprise. He didn't expect that Hermione, a little wizard who looked like a Muggle half-blood, actually knew this.

"Ollivander's wands are all top quality!"

"Haha, then I'm going to give it a try and see which wand chooses me."

Hermione didn't care about the old man's pride and said with a smile: "Do you want to measure the size first?"


The bad old man nodded and said: "First, measure your arm length, forearm length, height, head circumference..."

"I can understand height and arm length, but head circumference..."

Hermione interrupted the bad old man and said with a strange smile: "What does this have to do with the wand?"


The bad old man was startled. This was the first time someone asked him this, but he didn't know that this was the tradition of the Ollivander family.

"Well, maybe the size of the head is related to a person's mental power. A bigger head can accommodate more mental power."

Hermione complained, "Let's get started."

The bad old man glanced at Hermione angrily, took a measuring tape to measure, walked to the shelves filled with wand boxes, and began to select a suitable wand for Hermione according to her body shape.

"Try this one!"

Hermione took it and waved it, but there was no response.


The old man was shocked. Although he had been promoting Ollivander's wand to the outside world that he could choose the most suitable owner, in the final analysis, the wand was just a wizard's tool, a magic used to assist the wizard in controlling magic and enhance the wizard's magic output. props.

The appropriate wand, the stronger this assistance and amplification will be. Wand that doesn't fit. This kind of assistance and increase is limited!

But no matter what kind, as long as it is a wand, any wizard can use it, even the most spiritual Elder Wand. Even if you are not its owner, as long as you do not attack its owner with the killing curse, it will be at your disposal. Absolutely not There would be situations where Hermione would wave her wand and get no response.

"You haven't awakened yet? Or you are simply a Muggle!"

The bad old man never doubted that there would be something wrong with his wand. It could only be because Hermione was no longer a wizard at all, he said with an ugly face.

"Fly around!"

Hermione lightly snapped her fingers, and the wand box in the old man's hand automatically flew into Hermione's hand. Hermione put the wand back and handed it to the stunned old man, smiling silently.

"Wandless casting!"

The bad old man murmured in a daze: "How old are you? You have just started school, that is, at the age of 11, and you can cast spells without a wand. Is another genius witch about to rise..."

"Mr. Ollivander, do you have any other wands?"

Hermione reminded.

"Yes, yes!"

The bad old man came back to his senses, put on a smile on his face, walked over and fiddled with it for a while, handed a wand to Hermione, and introduced: "This wand should suit you, grapevine wood, dragon heart string, nine and another wand." Three-quarters of an inch!”

"It still doesn't seem to be working."

Hermione waved, still no response.

"How could this happen? There is no reason!"

The old man began to sweat on his forehead. As a family craft and a famous wand supplier in the wizarding world, he had never encountered such a strange situation.

"Forget it, I think I know why."

Hermione pinched the object in her sleeve, smiled knowingly, and turned to leave.

"Wait a moment."

The bad old man stopped him quickly and asked, "Why is this happening?"

"Maybe it's because I have no connection with the wand here."

Hermione blinked, gave a perfunctory sound, and pulled her parents away. After buying other school supplies, she and her parents left Diagon Alley.

"Dad, Mom, do you have something to tell me?"

Walking on the streets of London, Hermione smiled at her parents who had been silent.

"Hermione, what on earth are you thinking about?"

Hermione's father said solemnly: "With your intelligence, you should know the danger of offending the nobles, not to mention the feeling of completely looking down on them as soon as you open your mouth. This is so unwise and not like you at all!"

"Dad, you should know now why I advise you to try your best to immigrate to the other side, right?"

Hermione said calmly: "This world is so dangerous. Although we don't take the initiative to provoke others, others will still take the initiative to bully you!

Muggle is what wizards call people who don't know magic, half-blood is a bit discriminatory, and mudblood is the most unpleasant insult! Almost like a dead bastard! "

"This is too much! How could they do this!"

Hermione's mother said angrily: "This is racial discrimination! Is there no law in the wizarding world?"

“Mom, where is there no racism?”

Hermione said quietly: "Even dad has one, doesn't he? Even the most tolerant shore, which is never racist, but they don't like Nico either!

Fortunately, mom and dad are not! There will be no impact if the immigration is successful! The reason why I did that is that I am not afraid of them at all. What I said is true. The truly powerful wizards are always witches! In that case, why should I be insulted by them?

If my power hadn't reached the point of ignoring the entire wizarding world, and I was worried about your safety, in this situation, I would have destroyed them with a wave of my hand!

Furthermore, it would be better if you, parents, have a clear understanding of the world, so that you will be more serious and motivated to immigrate to the other side! After all, if you sincerely and proactively request immigration, you can still get extra points! "

"It's your parents who are dragging you down..."

Hermione's dad sighed.

"Hermione, what do you want to do?"

Hermione's mother was puzzled: "You have been trying to get us to immigrate to the other side, but you yourself said that because of your witch blood, you can't immigrate. Now you rely on your own strength and offended the pure-blood nobles of the wizarding world. What do you think about the future?" Any plans?"


Hermione smiled and said: "Mom is right! Of course I have plans for the future! Witches also have levels! Apprentice witches, ordinary witches, title witches, queens, empresses, goddesses, and my goal is of course the goddess, now My small goal is to go to the world of witches and become the queen who rules the world!"

"Goddess, Queen..."

Hermione's parents were stunned: "Hermione, are you kidding?"

Although Hermione can do magic, they still can't equate their baby daughter with the Queen Goddess.

"I'm serious."

Hermione smiled and said: "Women are the goddesses. If they can do it, why can't I?"


Hermione's parents still couldn't believe it. This was much more exaggerated than others calling them out to see God. Their baby girl was ready to become God...

"Nothing! I have already planned my short-term goals, medium-term goals, and long-term goals. What I need now is your help, Mom and Dad."

Hermione solemnly said: "Except for the other side, I don't care where you live. Do you still remember the most dangerous and inhumane Voldemort I just mentioned? He caused a bloody storm in the wizarding world ten years ago, but you have heard that Never heard of it. I don’t know how many such things there are.

Now that I have officially entered the wizarding world, it also means that you have also been passively involved in a more dangerous world by me. I'm sorry, Mom and Dad, I do have the ability to modify your memory and make you forget me completely, but I don't want to do this. You are my Mom and Dad after all! "


Hermione's parents screamed in horror: "Hermione, my baby, your parents can't bear to leave you! We listen to you, and we will actively apply for naturalization in the other side, so that you have no worries!"

"Very good."

Hermione said happily: "Mom and dad, you go to the other side first, and when I become a goddess, I can bring you back, and then we can be together forever."


Hermione's mother nodded repeatedly and hugged little Hermione tightly, as if she was afraid that Hermione would disappear in the next moment.

Hermione's father hugged his wife and daughter, sighing in his heart, his little Hermione would fly away before she grew up...

At night.

The family of three went shopping. For Hermione's parents, every moment they get together now is too precious. When they go to the other side, they don't know when they will meet again.

Although Hermione is full of confidence, how can it be so easy to become a goddess?

Hermione's parents have been mentally prepared to never see Hermione again in this life. Although they are very painful in their hearts, they also know that their existence is dragging down Hermione's growth. For the sake of their children, parents will never suffer more. It's also bearable.

Because of this, they cherish the present even more!

Hermione obviously knew her parents' emotions, but she had to do this unless she was willing to be an ordinary witch and find an ordinary man to spend her life for a mere hundred years.

But after knowing many secrets of this world, how could she be so proud and willing to give up when faced with the opportunity to achieve immortality?

She, Hermione, will never be weaker than anyone in her life!

Although the existence of her parents has given her a beautiful family relationship, it has also become her biggest concern. As she grows up, her enemies will become more and more powerful.

Even the Supreme Mage Ancient One is not completely sure that he can protect the safety of her parents. The only way is to send her parents to the other side, so that they can live safely in a place where the earth, the universe, and even the multiverse have absolute defense. .

It is indeed difficult to naturalize the other side of the country, but with the help of "Zhou Shuren", she can actually do it. The reason why she did not do it immediately before was that she was not sure to persuade her parents.

And before her parents' arrogance as citizens of the Danniu Kingdom is completely destroyed, arranging for them to go to the other side may not necessarily be a good thing!

Only when they truly realize the dangers of the world and that her lofty ambitions are not just casual remarks will they take her seriously!

And now it is still not enough, but Hermione knows that someone will help her add fuel to the fire, otherwise, as her father said, there was no need for her to be so arrogant against the pure-blood noble Malfoy at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore!

You know, Malfoy, who secretly followed Voldemort, was definitely not a good person. Although Voldemort was seriously injured and hiding, the dark shadow of the Death Eaters still shrouded Europe.

Hermione believed that something dirty would attack them soon, but she just didn't know what it was...

When they walked around a corner, three well-dressed, pale and handsome men stood in front of them as if teleporting.

"What a beautiful little girl, her blood must be very delicious~"

A man stared at Hermione, as if smelling the most delicious food, licking his lips.

"This young woman is not bad, I like her! It's mine!"

Another man had a lewd smile on his handsome face.

"Then I'll choose this man! Seeing him shaking like this, it feels good to be afraid!"

The third man smiled evilly.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Hermione's father instinctively protected his wife and daughter behind him and shouted sharply.

"You don't need to know who we are! Now, come here and crane your neck!"

The man with an evil smile gave the order as if it were a matter of course. When he looked directly at Hermione's father, his eyes changed color, and an invisible wave was transmitted to Hermione's father.


Then, the evil-smiling man's smile froze because his tried-and-tested hypnosis technique failed, and Hermione's father did not obey his orders at all.

"Is it you who caused the trouble?"

The man with an evil smile looked at Hermione who had already walked in front, and his pupils shrank. From the news they got, they knew that Hermione was a witch, but they bullied Hermione for being too young and didn't take her seriously. , now it seems to be a bit troublesome.

"Three vampires, do you know how vampires are born?"

Hermione gave her parents a reassuring look, then looked at the three men carefully, and without waiting for their answers, she said to herself: "The earliest vampires were created by witches using magic, don't you know? "

"Do it!"

The leader of the vampires shouted.

The three vampires rushed towards Hermione and the others as if teleporting.


Hermione sneered, and a light shield covered them inside. The three vampires collided with it. The huge momentum caused by the rapid speed made them scream, and several bones were broken. Fortunately, they recovered quickly and lay down. There he quickly stood up.

"Hermione, don't go out."

Hermione's father shouted quickly when he saw Hermione walking towards the three vampires.

"rest assured!"

Hermione smiled and took out an object from her sleeve. It was a wand about eleven inches long. It was different from ordinary wands that were thin at the front and thick at the back. This wand was a cylinder and was equally thick at the front and back. .

"big big big!"

Hermione muttered, and the wand, which was originally only eleven inches, instantly grew in size and turned into a stick of about one and a half meters. The stick was flashing with light, and there were golden hoops on the front and back. Mysterious runes flashed on the hoops. .

While Hermione's parents were dumbfounded, Hermione rushed over with a long stick in her hand, and struck a vampire who had no time to dodge. The light flashed, and the vampire screamed, and the stick swept across the vampire. Gray again.

The remaining one was so frightened that he disappeared in a blink of an eye. Hermione stretched out her stick, and it immediately lengthened into a fifty-meter-long stick and hit the fleeing vampire. There was another scream, and then the whole world became pure. .

Except for the ashes on the ground, it was as if the three handsome vampires had never appeared at all.

The stick in Hermione's hand retracted and turned into an eleven-inch wand.

"Oh God! Even vampires are real!"

Hermione's mother shivered.

"Hermione, you are taking too many risks!"

Hermione's father was frightened and said: "You are obviously a witch, why do you want to fight with them at close range? How dangerous it is!"

"Dad, you don't know."

Hermione smiled and said: "All super powerful people are good at close combat, and witches are no exception! The Supreme Mage Ancient One who protects the entire earth is an example! I have the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in my hand, not to mention a few vampires , even if a group of them come, they won’t be enough for me to smash!”

"Ruyi Golden Cudgel?"

Hermione's father looked at the wand in Hermione's hand curiously: "Is this also a wand?"

"Well, that's right!"

Hermione smiled.

Hermione's father didn't ask further questions, but then became concerned about the three vampires: "Were they trying to hypnotize us just now?"

"Yes! This is the power of vampires! As long as they look at ordinary people, they can hypnotize ordinary people and make ordinary people do anything to them. It is a very evil ability!"

Hermione explained: "There is often news in the wizarding world that a vampire passes by a certain house, becomes evil, breaks into the house, and ravages the wife and daughter of the house in front of the father and husband..."

"Oh, God! That's so cruel!"

Hermione's mother exclaimed.

"They were the same just now..."

Hermione's father was livid.


Hermione nodded: "You are wearing the amulet I gave you, which can resist most mind control, so they can't hypnotize you."

"But they can use force. Without you, we can't resist, right?"

Hermione's father didn't look any better.


Hermione's original intention was to expose the danger and cruelty of this world, so naturally she would not hide it. She nodded and said: "This is not the most cruel. There are many more cruel things in the shadows of this world."

"I understand! We must immigrate to the other side!"

Hermione's father said solemnly.


Hermione's mother echoed: "It's too dangerous here. I don't want to encounter something like this again one day! It's too scary!"

The so-called ignorance is bliss!

If you know too much, you will have all kinds of fears. However, this is a negative world. You can't just pretend not to know. Can you hide for a while or for a lifetime?

As the saying goes, people come from the sky to take the blame at home. Even if the evil villain doesn't come looking for you, if you encounter Thanos, the great and upright Universal Family Planning Commission, you will still be unlucky!

The only safe place is the other shore, which is untouchable and indescribable, untouchable by all dharmas and impervious to all evil!

Hermione was very satisfied with this trip to Diagon Alley. As long as her parents immigrated to the other side, she could let go and achieve a career!

The road to the goddess officially sets sail!

island country.


"Sister, sister!"

A little girl who seemed to be from the second dimension rushed in and shouted: "Are you looking for Brother Owen?"


In the room, there was a girl with white and tender skin, an angelic face, a devilish and proud figure, who seemed to have stepped out of the second dimension. She had warm purple-black flowing long hair that reached her waist, and looked at her little sister with big bright and moving eyes. , smiled softly and said: "Xin, you must be obedient from now on!"

"Yes, I will!"

The little girl nodded heartily, clenched her fists to emphasize her tone, and then said coquettishly: "Sister, can you take me with you? I also want to see Brother Owen!"


My sister shook her head and said: "Brother Owen is in trouble now and needs my sister's help. He is still too young..."

"Too small?"

Xin looked down at her blank figure, then at her sister's exaggerated curves, and muttered dejectedly: "Sister, you're too big..."

"Don't be discouraged, Xin. This time, due to indescribable reasons, I will use a pseudonym to go to Europe. In this way, I will call Gui Yan Xin, and I will go with my sister to help Mr. Owen."

Sister touched Xin's head and comforted her warmly.


Xin raised his head and said in surprise.


Sister Gui Yanxin nodded: "Owen Jun will definitely know Xin's thoughts! You have to practice well at home. Maybe Ou Wenjun will still need Xin's help in the future!"

"I will work hard!"

He clenched his heart and said.

"Beware of bad guys at home!"

Gui Yanxin reminded: "Don't be like my sister, who was almost deceived by bad guys. That would be too dangerous!"


Xin nodded: "Sister, can you give me the infatuation spell?"


Gui Yan shook his head in his heart: "Your temperament is not suitable for the infatuation spell. After you learn the basic magic well, with your heart's talent, you will be able to create your own spell like your sister! Only what belongs to you can The power of the spell is at its maximum! You don’t want to be inferior to your sister forever, right?”

"Of course not!"

He shook his head in his heart: "I will definitely surpass my sister in the future, and I will also..."

Speaking of this, under the gaze of my sister's bright big eyes, my heart stopped shyly, lowered my head and stopped talking.

My sister sighed inwardly, but didn't say anything and continued to sort out her things.

Xin secretly observed and saw that her sister did not blame her. She was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Sister, is it really okay for you to go to that school called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this time? I checked and found that most of them enroll at the age of 11. ! Six school years! My sister is already 18 years old, how can she still go to school?"

"it does not matter."

My sister smiled and said, "According to Owen-kun, my sister is a legal loli. Even if she says she is 11 years old, some people will believe her!"

"Then this person is really pure, otherwise he would be blind. My sister is so old, how can she be 11 years old?"

Xin wrinkled her nose and glanced at the huge difference in figure between each other in dissatisfaction. She felt that her sister was her mother's daughter, and she was not...

"Sister, are your injuries completely healed?"


Sister Gui Yanxin's eyes narrowed and she looked out the window: "If it weren't for the fact that the injury was completely healed, I wouldn't have gone to find Mr. Owen. I will never allow anyone to hurt Mr. Owen, never!"

Far away from the house, a figure disappeared in a flash.

"Are you finally moving?"

In another corner of Rejing, a beautiful girl with a ponytail and full of heroic spirit was sitting there lazily, with a fair-faced and beardless young man kneeling at her feet.

"Yes, Master, we have found out that the target has booked a ticket to England."

"Very good, as long as I keep an eye on her, I can find that man. Compared with him, you are all useless scum! As long as I lock him with a love-locking spell, then I will have everything!"

The heroic and beautiful girl laughed and said, "Zha Tao, go get ready!"

"Yes, Master!"

Zha Tao's body flashed and disappeared.

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