Rebirth of America: The American Drama System

Chapter 82 Friends with benefits (please vote for recommendation!)

On the way back.

The two cars were one behind the other.

The car in front was driven by Leonard, the co-pilot was shotgun by Sheldon of course, and Owen and Jamie were sitting in the back seat.

The car behind was driven by Penny, and the co-pilot was snatched away by Howard. Rajesh could only sit quietly in the back seat, looking pitifully in front of him.

"So, Owen, did you really accept Caltech's invitation to serve as a professor in the mathematics department?"

Leonard peeked at Jamie from the rearview mirror, but met Owen's half-smiling gaze, and smiled awkwardly: "I have read the P=NP paper you wrote. It is really wonderful. I must think that you are Phil As the winner of this award, Caltech must have directly hired you as a full professor, right?"

In foreign academic systems, bachelor's degree, master's degree, doctorate degree, and doctorate degree are already the highest degrees. Therefore, when Sheldon and others call themselves and others, they always add "doctor" in front of their name or surname, which is different from those with foreign titles. It's the same as adding "sir" before a person's name to show respect.

Professors are teaching positions. When doctors apply to take students, the school will select the best to hire them as assistant professors. The number of doctorates has been growing, while the position of assistant professors has basically remained constant. Therefore, it is considered a promotion and salary increase, usually 3 to 3. 7-year probation period.

After assistant professors pass the inspection period and perform well, their schools will hire them as tenured professors and then be successfully promoted to associate professors.

Only after achieving outstanding academic achievements will associate professors be promoted to full professors!

Of course, for people like Irving who solved a millennium mathematical problem and won the Fields Medal, the highest award in mathematics, top universities such as Caltech have directly extended invitations to become full professors.

After all, the Fields Medal is different from the Nobel Prize. It is only held every four years. Every winner is invited by various universities because it is a good way to increase a university’s heritage and ranking!

Just look at the official websites of the top universities and you will know that the winners of various world-class awards such as the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal have always been one of the focuses of vigorous promotion by the top universities.


Irving nodded and said with a smile: "Caltech has gathered talents like you and it is worthy of my joining."

"Teach students, oh~"

Sheldon in the passenger seat made a disgusted expression.

He didn't like teaching students very much. In the original time and space, when the school took the initiative to promote him and raise his salary to assistant professor, so that he could "use his extremely smart brain to teach his profound knowledge to the next generation," what was his reaction? It’s: “You guys are really sick!”

"Teaching students is fun."

Owen knew Sheldon well and smiled: "You can't hate the profession of professor just because you failed to teach little George well. By the way, I met Missy on the plane before, and she is now working as a stewardess."

"That's because little George is too stupid."

Sheldon thought about how in high school, his brother George Jr. couldn't play football because he failed again, so his father, a football coach, asked him to tutor his brother. However, he didn't expect that his brother had no intention of studying and ended up cheating to get through. , allowing him to experience the frustration of educational failure.

"Oh, I really didn't expect it. I always thought she was working as a waiter."


Owen twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at Sheldon who tilted his head and looked unconcerned. He mourned for three minutes of silence for Missy Cooper and said to himself: "Having such a twin brother is so heartwarming." , no wonder Missy didn’t like calling me by my name at first, but she always insisted on calling me Big Brother. She really lacked brotherly love.

Well, to put it this way, I still feel a little sorry for Missy. If I had known, I would have let her scream for a few more years, but she has grown up and is about to get married, so it shouldn’t matter anymore..."

TBBT Apartments.

Room 4A.



After a simple welcome party, Owen and Jamie stood up and left. Looking at the backs of Owen and Leonard, the three Leonards stood there for a long time.



Rajesh, who had no girls present, and the coquettish Howard looked at each other. The pair of good friends instantly understood each other's thoughts and shouted in unison.

"I told you first, I like her!"

Howard yelled.

"You just like her and I'm deeply in love with her."

Rajesh is even more shameless.


Leonard's reaction was half a beat too slow, and he yelled unwillingly: "Irving is my good friend, why do you call him dibs?"

"You already have Penny, and you still fight with us for Jamie?"

Howard said angrily.

They all acquiesced to Sheldon's Owen's super-male theorem, and they all wanted to wait until Owen and Jamie broke up to try it on Jamie. Even in their dreams, they had never been close to a beautiful woman of this level. Now there is Naturally, I don’t want to miss the opportunity.

"What do you mean I have Petunia?"

Leonard spread his hands and shouted speechlessly: "Which of your eyes saw that I have Petunia? And in which universe did I have Petunia?"

Howard was startled by Leonard's excited tone, then his heart moved, and he softly asked, "So, I can chase Penny?"

"Hell, no!!!"

Leonard immediately yelled back. Although Jamie was more beautiful and moving, Penny gave him a very wonderful feeling. He didn't want to give up at all. It didn't matter if Irving could assist. Howard was so wretched, how could he take advantage of Penny?

Caltech Faculty Apartments.

Owen took Jamie to the 6th floor and opened the door to room 6B.

"Wow! So small!"

Jamie looked around and said sarcastically: "It's nothing compared to your mansion in New York. I still can't understand why you gave up your happy life in New York and went to a small place like Pasadena to be a professor?

With your assets, you don't even care about the professor's salary. It's not enough for you and Barney to go out for a 'fancy challenge'. "

"Am I the same prodigal son as Barney in your eyes? Can't I be lofty because of my academic ideals?"

Owen grinned.

"Aren't you?"

Jamie opened his big eyes that made Owen hot, and showed an expression that said, "You should have an AC number in your heart."

"All right."

Owen shrugged, no longer refuting, but smiled: "When are you going to go back?"

"Then it's up to you."

Jamie pushed Owen hard and said with a charming smile: "I am the best professional headhunter in New York. Hunting you and letting you join the Renaissance Institutional Futures Fund is the key to taking my career one step closer.

This is a war. Either you conquer me or I conquer you. I am willing to give enough time and patience. Don’t you welcome me to live here? I thought we were friends..."

"Of course we are friends with benefits."

Owen leaned against the wall, looking down at Jamie's big eyes that looked even more charming as he raised his head, and murmured confidently: "But you will definitely lose..."

PS: Thank you Qing Huan for your lifelong reward!

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