Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 254 New events, old methods

Sometimes the idea is beautiful, but the reality is very ugly. Even if Ethan hopes that the banquet can end as soon as possible, when the opponent falls and everyone is full, those happy guys still make a scene late into the night.

Since the theme of the banquet was Ethan's awesomeness, when everyone was praising him, Ethan couldn't force the party to leave and hit the smiling person. Therefore, he could only accompany him.

After waiting for the banquet to end and letting the staff settle down the happy guys, Ethan and Evelin set out on their way home. When the drunken two arrived in Palo Alto, the time It was already four o'clock in the morning. I simply washed up and got into bed. It was already dawn.

This situation made Ethan sleep until two o'clock in the afternoon. If Steve Ballmer hadn't called him to tell him that all the guests invited to the dinner had left on a special plane, he probably could have slept for a few more hours.

Yawning, he asked about Barbara's movements. When Ethan learned that the Archmage, who had rested in San Francisco last night, was on his way back, he originally wanted to stay in bed and immediately jumped up and asked the bodyguard to prepare lunch. , he took a quick shower, and when Barbara arrived, he was already waiting in the living room.

"Oh Ethan, it seems you had a good rest..."

Barbara said with a smile: "You are full of energy."

"no way."

Ethan shrugged, "Who makes the next thing more important than the release of the movie?"

"Uh-huh." Barbara said with her nose, looked around and said, "Where's Evelin?"

"I drank too much and had a headache. I haven't gotten up yet."

"Then let's talk directly?"


While talking, Barbara opened her handbag and took out a thick copy of the "Code of the United States" with Volume 17, Copyright written on it.

The Archmage flipped through it and found the folded page, then handed it to Ethan.

Looking around, Ethan saw the words marked by the Archmage——

[When a copyrighted work is copied, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of the copyright owner, the above activities are considered infringement. 】

There is also a note at the end of the text, newly revised in 1976.

Ethan didn't understand and looked up directly.

While he cast a doubtful look at Barbara, Barbara took out a stack of documents from her handbag and pushed them in front of Ethan. The cover of the first document read:

[Data relational model of large shared databases]

[Author: Edgar Corder]

The cover of the second material reads:

[SEQUEL: Structured English Query Language]

[Author: Donald Chamberlain, Raymond Boyce]

While Ethan was flipping through the pages, Barbara also smiled and said: "Ethan, after I listened to Evelin's entire description of this incident, I discovered a problem. That is, Don Valentine and There was nothing illegal about Nolan Bushnell's investment in that software research lab, and Larry Ellison, the founder of that company, has so far shown no unusual violations of the law."

"So, their attacks on you, or Steve Ross's possible plans, are all normal business practices. So far, they should not have violated the law."

"In this case, it would be difficult to attack them with the weapon of law. But after I spent some time and collected all the information related to this matter, I found that you wanted me to This case is very interesting.”

“What’s interesting here is not the case itself, but the relationship between the parties behind the case.”

Ethan raised his head.

He shook the two documents that Barbara found and said, "Them?"

"Yes." Barbara nodded and said: "If we want to explain the whole incident clearly, we have to start with the first document. Edgar Corder is a scientist in England who participated in After World War II, he came to America and settled in New York."

"The first company he joined was IBM, and the project he participated in research and development was SSEC, which was an electromechanical computer project and the last large computer in human history."

"After completing that project, he participated in the development of IBM 701 and 702, which were also IBM's first and second commercial scientific computers. However, he did not participate in the whole process because before the research was completed, he worked on it in 1953. It was time to leave America. As for the reason..."

The Archmage lengthened his voice.

Ethan remembered the story his sister told him before, "Is it related to Oppenheimer?"

"Yes, it has something to do with Oppenheimer."

Barbara sighed and said, "Because Oppenheimer was persecuted."

"In order to support Oppenheimer, Einstein directly occupied the front page of the New York Times and wrote an article criticizing Washington. However, scientists like Edgar Corder who were capable but not as famous as Einstein, They helped Oppenheimer with practical actions."

“A lot of people dropped what they were doing and just left America.”

"If the persecution continues, they would rather die together."

"It is precisely because these scientists were so bloody back then that they dared to confront our government head-on without giving in, so now no one dares to provoke these scientists who are really working together."

"This incident also made Edgar Corder realize a problem. There is no group in this world that can be truly loyal to. All groups come together because of the same interests. When there is a fight within the group because of the issue of interests, , the group loses the meaning of its original establishment.”

"So, even if he later returned to America and IBM, he would no longer publish papers with constructive opinions to the outside world. All his articles would be circulated within IBM."

At this point, Barbara stopped.

His eyes were filled with amusement, and his eyes flashed with smile.

And Ethan...

He lowered his head and found Edgar Corder's paper.

After staring for a moment, he raised it up and said, "So this paper is actually IBM's internal information?"

"That's right." Barbara smiled and nodded.

Ethan's eyes gradually brightened.

"Barbara, are you saying that Larry Ellison plagiarized IBM's research?"

"This is just a guess at the moment. I can only say it is possible."

"Because this paper was first published in 1970, it was first published within IBM. It was not a public paper, and Larry Ellison happened to be working at IBM at the time."

"At the same time, Larry Ellison told the CIA that he saw this paper in 1976, and that's how he came up with the idea of ​​Oracle."

"Although IBM did publish that paper publicly in 1976, if IBM had not published that paper publicly, Oracle might not exist, right?"

Barbara blinked at Ethan and said, "Can you understand what I mean?"

Of course Ethan understands what the Archmage means!

When Edgar Corder lost confidence in the American government because of Oppenheimer's experience and was unwilling to reveal everything to the outside world without reservation, the paper he published within IBM was IBM's trade secrets! If others dare to use it arbitrarily, it is legal infringement!

Although IBM published Edgar Corder's paper publicly in 1976, this does not prove that Larry Ellison did not study relational databases as an outsider before 1976. , or when Larry Ellison boldly stated that he could research the database that the CIA wanted and only needed a small amount of funding...

He must have copied it!

He was already secretly using IBM's internal data before IBM published the paper!

Otherwise, if IBM only made the paper public in 1976, Larry Ellison would have dared to pat his chest and tell the CIA that this matter would be done in 1977? Did you submit the results in 1979? Who gave him the courage? Liang Jingru?

You know, Larry Ellison is not a scientist who graduated from a prestigious school!

All of his techniques are self-taught!

How could he say that this matter would definitely come true in one year without systematic study?

So who are the other scientists?


More importantly, he is not the same as Steve Wozniak!

That little fat boy Woz has a good father after all!

As soon as scientific computers came on the scene, he was able to play with them!

He was already cheating when he was born!

"If all this is true, then his behavior should fall into the category of commercial espionage, right?"

Ethan frowned and asked, "Barbara, why did you show me copyright protection?"

"Because our country currently does not have a bill related to economic espionage."

Barbara spread her hands and said: "All espionage activities will eventually turn into various infringements."

"And in the field of papers, that's copyright infringement."

"Using what I just showed you in Volume 17 of the United States Code, if Larry Ellison had already studied the relational database model based on Edgar Corder's paper before IBM published it publicly, , then his behavior must be classified as producing derivative works without the permission of the copyright owner."

"This is illegal."

When the word 'illegal' popped out of Barbara's mouth, Ethan's face immediately filled with an excited smile, because it meant that he could use the iron fist of the law to hit people again!

But after he thought about it carefully, he felt something was wrong, "Wait a minute, Barbara. Although I haven't studied law, if I remember correctly, copyright infringement should be a private prosecution case, right?"

"In other words, even if Larry Ellison infringes the law, the prosecution can only be done by IBM?"

"Oh - your statement is not accurate." Barbara shook her head and said: "Copyright infringement can be resolved through civil lawsuits in our country, but sometimes it can also trigger criminal penalties."

"If a court finds that an individual's infringement was intentional and intentionally infringed upon the copyright owner's personal interests or corporate interests, then federal prosecutors can prosecute."

"Of course, before that, civil litigation is indeed required, and the copyright owner or beneficial owner needs to file a lawsuit against the infringer."

"So, what you said is actually correct. In this case, IBM is the leader."

"They have to take the first step."

When this fact emerged, Ethan immediately fell back and leaned on the sofa.

He understood the meaning of Barbara's words and discovered many problems in this case.

First of all, assuming that Larry Ellison really copied it, then IBM, as the victim, is the party to the entire case. Not to mention that Ethan has no right to intervene. Even if he intervenes, it is just a dog meddling in its own business.

Secondly, because the time span is too long and IBM has already made the paper public, it is very difficult to prove it. IBM must prove to the court that Larry Ellison plagiarized the paper before he made it public. model, that is, Larry Ellison had already misappropriated IBM's data when he was working at IBM. Otherwise, the court would not have found that Oracle's products were infringing.

When IBM makes the paper public, it can be developed at will as long as it is cited normally.

Ethan said the judgment in his mind, and Barbara immediately clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Oh - Ethan - when I come back, how about I give you a lesson?"

"I said before that you were suitable to study law, and now I see... you are suitable."

"I have no objection." Ethan smiled and shrugged, which was regarded as agreement.

As long as you don't go to school, it doesn't matter.

If Barbara is willing to give him a tutoring lesson in his spare time, then why not?

Before, he didn't have time, but now, life really needs it.

"Oh, then we have an agreement?"


After changing the subject, Barbara continued: "Actually, in addition to the two difficulties you just mentioned, there is actually another problem in this case, and that is that the beneficiaries of Oracle's product are the CIA."

"When Larry Ellison developed Oracle to meet the needs of the CIA..."

"This case is actually not that easy to handle."

"Because the CIA, as an organization, is just a bunch of—defense."

"As long as he thinks the product is useful, no matter whether the product infringes or not, there is no infringement on their part. Therefore, even if you contact IBM, IBM will probably not file a lawsuit."

This thought made Ethan nod.

The CIA stinks no matter where it is.

When Larry Ellison effectively solves their needs, they will definitely protect Oracle's product, even if the infringed party is IBM.

In this case, even if Ethan is IBM's biological father, he can't let these people fight a lawsuit that is difficult to obtain evidence and even more difficult to win. Therefore, even if Ethan can catch Larry Ellison There is no way to get rid of Oracle's product, and once Oracle's product can't be got rid of, Vinton Cerf's troubles will remain the same. What makes Ethan even more uncomfortable is——

The guys who invested in Oracle were Don Valentine and Nolan Bushnell.

Oracle now has Steve Ross on its side.

More likely a Rockwell ally.


"This matter can't be solved, can it?"

Ethan asked.

"Judging from the current situation, we cannot cure this problem from a copyright perspective."

Barbara admitted.

But at the same time, she also said: "But I personally feel that we can tell Vinton these facts, and then, knowing that the Oracle database is suspected of infringement, he can use this as an opportunity to find a balance in the Research Bureau of the Ministry of Defense and start from the current situation." dissociated from the controversy and attacks.”

"What do you think?"

Barbara looked at Ethan.

Ethan nodded, "I think it's okay."

"I'll leave this to you. It's not convenient for me to go to Washington right now."

Although he can't slap Steve Ross in the face like he did in Hollywood, but if Vinton Cerf can get out of the vortex of public opinion and return to a normal life to conduct scientific research, then Sen is still willing to do it.

After all, overturning the table of a capitalist and overturning the table of an organ of state violence are two different concepts.

The former only harms the interests of a small group of people.

As long as the fist is big enough, it doesn't matter.

The latter is really touching the sensitive nerves of countless vested interests.

This is not a question of whether the fist is big or not, but a question of redistribution of interests.

Sometimes Ethan does get hot-blooded, but he is not an idiot.


"Then let's leave this matter as it is."

“Let Vinton get back on track, and we’ll talk about the rest later.”

And just when Ethan was about to charge Steve Ross with a chance to regain his position from the other party with profit in the future, Barbara was suddenly stunned.

"Wait a minute - Ethan - you don't think this matter is over, do you?"

She looked at Ethan in surprise.

"Ah?" Ethan was also confused, "Isn't it?"


Barbara was convinced, sighed forcefully, and said: "You are questioning my ability."

"I gave you two documents."

"The first document is the original foundation of Oracle's research and development, and the second document..."

"That was IBM's thesis research on Edgar Corder."


"This study has nothing to do with Edgar Corder."

Barbara looked at Ethan seriously.

But Ethan's eyes widened and he stood up suddenly, "WTF?"

"IBM studied Edgar Corder's paper but did not involve Edgar Corder?"

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true." Barbara nodded carefully.

Not only that, she also added: "This news was confirmed by the principal."

"After I got the news, I went to the principal, and he asked people to investigate the matter. Then, the current situation is that Edgar Cord has completely fallen out with IBM."

"!" This fact made Ethan's lips curl up.

Within two seconds, a knowing smile appeared on his face.

Because he understood what Barbara meant.

When dealing with Oracle, they can use the simplest old method——

Dig people!

Dig the founder of technology!

There are no non-compete agreements in California anyway!

And after poaching people...

There are many ways to defeat Oracle, right?

Make your own database, the price will be cheaper, the service will be improved, and the volume will be enough!

If that doesn’t work, then it’s free!

As long as all the competitors who are burning money are dead, are you afraid that you won't make any money?

Don Valentine wants to use Oracle to hurt Vinton Cerf's reputation at the Department of Defense?

Is this what Steve Ross and Rockwell want to do to kill his computer business?


Then I will give your company special orders!

Note: ① Edgar Codd is the Codd of "Codd's Theorem", the one who won the Turing Award in 1981, and the creation of Oracle came from his paper. And his paper was indeed published in the 1970s. At that time, it was only circulated within IBM. At first, he wanted to make a database himself, but IBM did not want to invest in the relational data model. ②Before the introduction of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996, the United States did not have laws specifically targeting commercial espionage. ③The paper does have copyright, and the copyright belongs to either the creator or the employer.

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