Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 258 Incentive Plan

As Tripp Hawkins took his seat, the second team's speech on stage officially began.

Ethan walked into the conference room at ten in the morning, and when he came out, it was already lunch time.

Since the two plans of the R\u0026D department were very good, Ethan was very happy after seeing them, so he decided to spend his own money to treat everyone to a big meal in San Jose nearby.

After satisfying his appetite and returning to the company, while watching everyone get into the office, he also waved to Damio Dean and motioned for him to follow him.

"Boss, is their plan not working?"

As soon as he entered the office, before he sat down, Damio Dean couldn't wait to ask with concern.

This behavior made Ethan confused, "Why do you say that?"

"Because you called me here." Damio Dean is a very honest kid.

"In the past, when you talked to us about games, you would directly point out the design flaws, but you didn't do that today, so I guess you don't like either of the plans they made?"

The act of trying to figure out the holy will made Ethan feel dumbfounded.

Angrily punched him, Ethan said helplessly: "Oh Damio, don't do reading comprehension for me here. The reason why I didn't speak is because they had clear ideas, complete planning, and the project they were talking about was not What needs to be modified, Okay?”

"Really?" This result made Damio Dean a little happy.

"Do I need to lie to you?" Ethan rolled his eyes and motioned for the guy to sit down quickly.

This result made Damio Dean sit down happily.

That silly smile made Ethan put away his usual thoughts and said straight to the point: "I called you here mainly because I want to know something from you. How has the environment in our company's R\u0026D department been like during the past period? Or, how is the atmosphere?"

"Uh, everything's fine."

This question left Damio Dean a little confused. “We have a high degree of freedom in work and the best pay in the industry, so everyone spends every day happily.”

The slightly official words made Ethan curl his lips, "This is not what I want to hear." He said: "What I want to know is what the R\u0026D department thinks of my work assignments."

When Ethan felt the love for video games from those guys, he felt that these people might have some ideas of their own. This idea does not refer to job-hopping, nor does it refer to dissatisfaction with his boss, but to talk about his creativity and inspiration.

When they can express themselves in essays, they will definitely have the will to paint by themselves. However, Ethan has only allowed them to do this kind of open-minded creation once so far.

This is not because Ethan does not want to delegate power, nor is it because the sales of "Taken" and "Need for Speed" are not good, but because the company is short of manpower and has heavy business.

Although normal people can understand this kind of thing, when Ethan did not explain the reason and just continued to issue tasks to the R\u0026D team, his behavior might make those people feel disappointed?

This is not because Ethan is neurotic!

But today's conversation made him see the distance between himself and them.

Those people crave his approval.

Those people were somewhat unsure of their designs.

"Oh - boss, I think I understand what you mean." Staring at Ethan's probing eyes, Damio Dean laughed, "Do you think that the act of formulating a scope and delegating work will make them feel like they are Have you lost the opportunity to create freely? This - not really."

"Although the defeats of "Taken" and "Need for Speed" made them a little sad, everyone can accept this fact. After all, the original purpose of everyone coming to Destiny Game is to learn from you and learn how to make video games. Make a video game that people enjoy.”

"This goal has actually been achieved. Every time you come up with new ideas and new ideas, we will be very excited. When we find that we can learn something new every time we make a production, we are really willing to receive it. The work you assigned is because it can get your guidance and also allows us to verify the gap between our own design ideas and yours."

Damio Dean tilted his head slightly, and Ethan could see the joy from his heart.

However, while revealing his inner feelings, he changed the topic, "As for the thing you said about having your own inspiration...that does exist. For example, Tripp likes to write and draw after work. "

"He is very interested in the sport of rugby. He wanted to make a game related to rugby. On the Apple 2, he just never found the opportunity."

"Others have similar ideas. Some are interested in shooting games, some are interested in war games, and some are interested in word games. They will all record those interesting ideas when they are inspired. , because they believe that it may be useful in the future..."

Damio Dean is not a man of many words.

Back then, when he was desperately maintaining the factory, Ethan knew that this guy liked to let his actions speak for himself.

But after he opened up the conversation, especially when the topic was a field he liked, he kept talking non-stop. I entered the office at around one o'clock and didn't leave until almost two o'clock.

After seeing him off, Ethan also got into his sister's office and leaned on the soft sofa. The comfort that enveloped him made him instinctively squint.

"Evelin~ Do you think it's time for us to develop a promotion mechanism for the company?"

"In other words, we should develop an incentive plan for the R\u0026D department."

"What's wrong?" Evelin raised her head that was drawing a picture.

"Why did you suddenly think of such a thing?"

"Because of Edgar Cord." Ethan said bluntly, "What happened with Edgar Cord made me understand that all R\u0026D personnel want to turn their inspiration into reality."

“Everyone wants to develop something that interests them, but many times management who cannot see the future clearly will be skeptical of projects with unclear prospects.”

"It's very scary for a family to be at odds with each other at this time."

"This will castrate countless dreams and disappoint countless developers."

"But if the company has a fixed incentive mechanism, it can avoid a lot of problems."

"Even if the money is only 100,000 or 200,000, it will make them feel that their contribution is meaningful. Their relationship with the company is not just employment, but mutual progress and unlimited growth."

If we could go back in time and go back to four years ago, Ethan would definitely not have such thoughts at that time. With the memories of his past life, he would feel that what he has in his mind is the future.

But his experiences in the past four years have made him understand that many times what he knows is just the general trend of the times, or a visible wave under the wave of the times.

Before coming into contact with Chuck Paido and Bill Mensch, he had no idea that there were so many secrets hidden behind MOS 6502 that had never been publicly reported;

After meeting Steven Spielberg and the others, he realized that in his previous life, those successful capitalists had long used various means to bury the dirt on their way to fortune.

When the story becomes life and you are in awe, you will not be caught by the boomerang of history.

Again, by being careful in the process, he might be able to gain more.

For example, he has never heard of Nintendo’s COLOR TV GAME.

Another example is Oracle, which I missed before.

Or, in other words, things in the future that he can't remember clearly but definitely exist.


In fact, you can find them all.



"You're a little deep today."

Evelin held her chin with one hand and looked at the guy lying on the sofa with a smile.

"Really?" Ethan, who was already lying on the sofa during the narration, tilted his head and said, "Are you saying that I have the aura of a melancholy handsome man?"

"Oh, I know that - but thank you anyway, thank you for telling the truth again."

"Pfft..." The narcissistic tone made Evelin burst into laughter.

Throwing a big hygienic eye at Ethan, the girl said: "An effective incentive mechanism can indeed help a company go further, especially companies like ours that rely on creativity to survive."

“So, if you really have an inspiring idea, then I support you in turning your idea into reality.”


"How do you want to calculate my share?"

When Evelin expressed her support for Ethan, the guy leaning on the armrest of the sofa started laughing. But after the girl said the words that Ethan couldn't treat one favorably with another, the guy lying there was speechless and choked.

"Oh - Eve - you still need motivation? The whole company is yours, okay?"

Ethan raised his voice and said angrily: "I have been starting a business for so long, how many large expenses have I had? In total, I bought a house and a car. What about the rest of the money? It was all spent by you! "

"For the dividend money, if your father says to buy land, then buy land. If you want to build a manor, then build a manor. If you want to build an aquarium, then build an aquarium...I have no objection to anything you say. Then Now you still want to ask me for motivation? Haha - I am the one who needs motivation, okay!"

"Oh - Ethan - what do you mean? Do you want to settle a score with me?"

Ethan’s words full of complaints made the smile on Evelin’s face even wider.

"Shall I settle accounts with you? Then there must be accounts to be settled!"

Ethan jumped up from the sofa, turned around and left, "My pocket is cleaner than my face now!"

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you——"

The figure leaving angrily made the girl laugh out loud, and the thumping sound made her shake her head.

After sighing, she continued to work, but before she could draw for a while, she put down the pen, pressed the pager on the table, and called her assistant, a girl who had just graduated from Stanford last year.

"Chairman, do you have any orders?"

"You know President Jones's car, right?"

"I know, Dino, a sub-brand of Ferrari."

"That's fine. You go and look at the car for me. If you find something suitable, buy it."

"Huh?" The assistant didn't understand.

Evelin, who was leaning on the seat, explained lazily, "President Jones likes Ferraris, but I don't know anything about cars, so you go see what's good and just buy it."

"I only have three requests."

"First, move quickly, just find the car."

"Second, money is not an issue."

"Third, don't make any announcement, I want to give him a surprise."

The assistant was stunned for a moment after hearing the wealthy man's words.

After she summoned her companion from the administrative department and asked him to accompany her to San Francisco to choose a car, the two of them were stunned by the neatly lined up supercars waiting for inspection in the car dealership.

"You two ladies, do you have any needs?" the salesman in suits and leather shoes asked with a smile.

"Uh--let's take a look at the car."

"..." This answer stunned the salesperson for a moment.

The next second, the assistant, who realized what he was saying was nonsense, immediately said, "Our boss likes Ferrari. Do you have any good recommendations?"


The salesperson responded, "So, does the boss of your company have any requirements?"

"The car is here, it looks good."

Such a broad topic made the salesman feel that things were a bit tricky, but when he learned that the two girls in front of him who knew nothing about cars came from the Destiny Game in Palo Alto...

The corners of his mouth raised involuntarily.

With a light step, a diligent attitude, and a respectful introduction——

"Two ladies, this car is the 512 BB. It is Ferrari's latest sports car and the first sports car equipped with a mid-mounted twelve-cylinder engine. The blade-like body is super cool..."

"This is the 365 GT 2+2 that has been discontinued. It was a very popular coupe in the past few years. Its streamlined body will definitely attract countless films on the road..."

"This one is the 365 GTC/4. The prismatic body, fastback profile, and sharp creases are what men like. The difference between it and the GT 2+2 just now is that this car The headlights can be hidden and can be raised and lowered with the push of an electric button. It’s really cool to operate..."

After leaving his sister's office, Ethan went back to his nest.

After spending two hours writing an incentive plan and confirming that there were no problems, he walked into the R\u0026D department again and held a small meeting with the guys.

"Everyone should have noticed that a few hours ago, I had a relatively private communication with your supervisor Damio Dean. During the communication, I learned that everyone here can get excellent inspiration every day, but you are unable to do so due to various Due to various reasons, it cannot be realized for the time being.”

"This situation makes me very sad. When I announced to the people of the United States through TV signals that I wanted to share the progress of the times with everyone, you around me did not get the most needed attention. In order to solve this matter, I just announced I thought of a temporary incentive plan.”

"From now on, all of you here can record the inspirations that burst out in your mind, and the company will support you to turn them into reality. And this support is also easy to obtain. Counting from the current project on hand, the next two As long as the sales volume of the project reaches the target, the company will pay for your inspiration.”

"As for meeting the standards..."

"It's very simple. If it is a game development or game sequel of a well-known product, as long as the sales volume of the new product is not less than 50,000 or 80% of the original game, it will be considered as a standard."

"For example, if you are currently developing a sequel to "Pac-Man", then when the sales of "Ms. Pac-Man" exceed 100,000, the entire production team will be counted once as long as the sales of the sequel reach 80,000. It meets the standard, and the current "Empire Strikes Back" because the genre of the previous game and the sequel are not consistent, so as long as the sales of the work reach 50,000, it can be considered as meeting the standard."

"If it is a self-developed new product, then as long as the sales volume of the new product reaches 10,000, it will be considered as meeting the standard. This situation can refer to the previous "Windfall", "Hurricane Rescue" and "Need for Speed".

"After you have achieved the standard twice, you can prepare your own plan. When you submit it to me, you will receive $50,000 in R\u0026D funds. Because the projects are different, the development time is also different. Therefore, we will communicate when the time for paid research and development is available.”

"Of course, all the sales I'm talking about now, those are arcade machines."

"In terms of consoles, because the consoles have not yet been launched, the sales volume cannot be determined for the time being. But don't worry, this incentive plan is only a temporary draft. We will modify it according to the actual situation every year in the future. So, if you have any ideas, you can Report it directly to Damio. As long as the suggestion is reasonable, we will definitely adopt it."

"Finally, I would like to say one more thing. After your performance reaches the standard, if anyone wants to start your own business, the company will provide you with at least 200,000 angel investments."

"If you accept it, the company will help you produce and publish games in the future. All costs will be the lowest in the industry."

"The Destiny Game is where my dream was born, so I know how important a successful company is to a man. Since you all come here because of your dream, I hope that one day in the future, everyone can also realize it. My own dream.”

"If I can help you in this process..."

"It would be an honor."

When Ethan opened the door of the R\u0026D department and announced his plan to everyone's puzzled eyes, the incentive plan of paying real money made everyone excited.

"Oh boss, is this true?"

The young men couldn't believe it at all.

"of course it's true."

Ethan smiled and nodded.

Following his confirmation, the scene immediately erupted in howls like a slaughtering pig.

Someone slapped him, and the sudden pain made him jump three feet high.

Another guy opened his arms and rushed to Ethan, hugging him while shouting——

"Boss, I love you so much!"

"You must be the best boss in the world! Definitely!"

For this kind of joyful enthusiasm, Ethan naturally refused to accept anyone who came.

Accept the hugs from everyone, listen to the noise in your ears, and look at the smiling faces...

Ethan was also very happy at this moment.

Although on the surface, his generous behavior seems a bit silly, there is no such thing as a feast that lasts forever, and a capable person cannot always be inferior to others.

When these guys in the R\u0026D department are either the founders of Activision or the bosses of Electronic Arts, Ethan can't guarantee how long they can work in the company. Since no one knows who will arrive first tomorrow or leave, before the unexpected arrival , why not maintain a good relationship?

If a certain amount of incentive funds are used, limited angel investment can be exchanged for countless disciples...

Then this business must be worth doing.

Of course, he's also been able to snag talent like Edgar Corder in the process.

And just when Ethan was accepting the thanks from his subordinates, exclamations suddenly came from the outside world.

The sudden noise made the guys in the R\u0026D department look strange. After they opened the window and stuck their heads out, the fiery red color immediately ignited everyone's attention, and even made the people who were still cheering look pale. Change, discuss loudly——

"Oh Sxxt! Why so many supercars?"

"MFxxk! They're all red! They look so cool!"

"That's not right! Are these supercars brought here in sedans? We are at the Stanford Research Park! This is not a storage base! Why are they being pulled here? And they are parked in front of our building?"

"Hey, look! The guy signing downstairs seems to be our chairman?"

After hearing the word chairman, Ethan, who didn't want to join in the fun, immediately squeezed to the window.

He looked down and glanced at the familiar back, which made him frown.

Full of doubts, he quickly went downstairs. When he passed through the crowd of onlookers and came to the door, the girl who was supervising the work in the parking lot saw the confused figure.

"Hey~ It's here so soon~" Evelin greeted with a smile.

"What are you doing?" Ethan asked confused.

"you guess?"

"...How could I guess that?"

Although Ethan’s tone was tough, Evelin was not angry.

He hummed twice, raised his right hand slightly, and drew his index finger in the air.

"Do you know what kind of cars these are?"

Ethan is not blind, the Prancing Horse logo already tells their identity, "Ferrari."

"Good, they're yours now."

The girl said a fact with a smile, and at the same time she raised her left hand hidden behind her back.

With a flick of his fingers, a bunch of red keys fell down.

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