Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 262 Suspected plagiarism of patent barriers

Chapter 262 Suspected of plagiarism (×) Patent barriers (√)

Previously, when Ethan and his sister Evelyn went to the General Laboratory in Los Angeles to learn about Professor Robert Hall's research results on optical storage, the other party introduced to them in detail how his research direction related to Philips' products. What a difference.

At that time, Robert Hall said that the technology disclosed by Philips and American Music recorded that both of them used analog signal storage methods for the optical disc product. The track of the optical disc was a continuous variable, and they Their research uses digital signals to store information in optical discs, so their optical disc track is a discrete variable.

At first, Ethan did not understand the meaning of the other party's words, but after Evelin described the data storage and reading of the optical disc in binary when communicating with Professor Robert Hall, Ethan's brain suddenly understood Understand the concept of data CD and have a certain understanding of digital encoding.

Therefore, when Evelin photographed the explanation article from the American Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in front of Ethan, he found out that the optical disc displayed by Philips yesterday was also a digital optical disc. He immediately picked up the newspaper and waited for him to see the article. It is clearly stated that Philips has broken through the limitations of analog laser discs and combined optical readout and storage with digital encoding technology. Even if Ethan is a layman in the technical field, he also knows that Robert Hall's research and development The direction may have collided with Philips.

"Can you believe this news?"

Ethan raised his head and stared directly at his sister.

"What do you think?"

Evelin asked back with wide eyes.

The affirmative tone made Ethan quickly pick up the landline phone on the table, but the next second he dropped the receiver again, rushed out of the office in two steps, leaned on the railing of the corridor and shouted below :

"Steve! Steve! Steve!"

"Eh eh eh——"

Ballmer, who heard the shouting, rushed out of the office and stuck his head towards the direction of the sound.

"Is something wrong, boss?"

He leaned back and stared upward.

"Has the announcement been sent out?"

Ethan asked condescendingly.

"Not yet, I'm looking for Warner's financial report for the first three months of last year."

"That's good, let's put this matter aside for now."


Ballmer didn't understand.

"Go and do other things first."

Ethan didn't know how to explain it, so he waved his hand and took his body back.

Ballmer was a little confused, but since his boss had told him, he would do as he was told.

After asking Ballmer to suspend posting, Ethan returned to the office and asked his sister: "Did you call Robert? Have you confirmed this matter with him?"

"I tried, but I didn't get through."

This fact made Ethan pick up the receiver and dial immediately.

After a while of transfer, he heard a busy tone. This situation only represents one possibility, that is, all the telephones related to the other party are making calls at this moment.


"I'm going to Los Angeles!"

Ethan decided to go and have a look.

Evelin didn’t hesitate and followed directly.

After the two of them arrived in Los Angeles, they got into the general laboratory and came to Robert Hall's exclusive floor. They saw a group of busy figures. At this moment, Robert Hall was leading his team. Students and subordinates were talking on the phone frantically.

The sudden appearance of Ethan and Evelin did not surprise them. Robert Hall, who was on the phone, also raised his hand towards the two of them. After quickly talking to the guy on the other end of the phone, he put down the receiver and spoke directly. He walked out of the workroom and led the two of them into his office.

"I know why you're here, so let's get straight to the point."

Robert Hall resolutely raised a piece of paper with a bunch of pinhole words on it.

Before Ethan could read the content clearly, Robert Hall had already spoken, "I have confirmed with people from the association that the optical disc released by Philips yesterday is indeed a digital optical disc. That is, digital signals are stored on the optical disc. , directly abandoning the previous analog signal technology.”

"So, your judgment is correct."

"Their behavior overlaps with our research."

"As for why Philips gave up analog laser discs?"

"The reason is also very simple. According to my friends, this is because Philips has discovered that the upper limit of analog laser discs is only 1MB, while digital optical disc technology can increase the capacity to up to 800MB."

"So, starting in 1975, they have conducted targeted research on digital optical discs."

When Robert Hall placed these facts in front of Ethan...

Ethan, who thought he had the potential to catch up from behind, was stunned.

He looked at the old professor blankly and said, "Then - will this have an impact on our research?"

Ethan said it very implicitly.

Because what he was thinking about was actually suspected plagiarism.

Their project started in 1976, while Philips started in 1975.

This time difference puts them at a disadvantage.

"Uh-" Robert Hall certainly understood what Ethan meant.

But he didn't know how to explain it.

After thinking for a moment, he turned his attention to Evelin, who was better able to communicate, and said: "When a project crashes during development, you should know the reason better than Ethan, right?"

"I have the paper supporting sources for the entire project here. You can explain it to Ethan after you read it."

"I still need to make a few more calls to find out how far Philips has gone in its research and development."

"Excuse me, sorry."

After handing the citation papers for this project to Evelin, the old man hurriedly walked out of the office. This situation made Ethan a little overwhelmed.

Evelin pulled him to sit on the sofa and opened the folder handed over by Robert Hall.

The above briefly describes the history of the development of digital optical discs and the technical sources of the project.

Technical support related to digital optical discs can be traced back to the 1940s. In 1841, the French mathematician Augustin Cauchy proposed the sampling theorem, which opened the door to converting audio into A first for digital formats. The next year, the British mathematician Charles Babbage developed analytical formulas for storing and performing calculations.

Next, in 1922, American scientist John Carson proposed the concept of time sampling in communications. Six years later, Swedish physicist Harry Nyquist verified all this.

As for why John Carson and Harry Nyquist collaborated across borders?

That's because they were both working at Bell Labs at the time, and this was a Bell Labs project.

After the sampling technology was confirmed to be useful, British scientist Alec Reeves invented pulse code modulation technology in 37 years. In 48 years, Claude Shannon, the father of information theory, integrated all previous communication technologies into Together, he proposed the "Mathematical Theory of Communication".

This theory lays a solid foundation for the digitization of audio.

In the 1960s, after laser technology was officially developed, American inventor James Russell proposed that laser technology and digital technology could be combined.

At this point, the concept of digital optical disc was officially established.

It's just that before Intel invented the micro CPU, the analog laser disc that simulated the TV signal was easier to integrate with the TV. Therefore, the digital optical disc was not noticed by the majority of scientists. When microprocessors were already commercially available, After it became a civilian product, it was even beaten to the price of rotten cabbage by people like Chuck Paido and Bill Mensch...

The accumulation of hundreds of years of digital storage and the newly developed optical disc technology have become the direction of research.

Therefore, in the digital disc project, there is no such thing as anyone copying whom.

When the most recent technology related to it appeared almost twenty years ago, and when the most recent basic theory related to it appeared almost 50 years ago, no matter who makes digital discs, there is no infringement!

This thing can no longer be entangled with orthodoxy! And if you have to struggle, then no one in the world is more orthodox than them! Because Claude Shannon, who wrote the summary theory, was Fred Terman's younger brother! He just retired from MIT last year! If the old principal comes forward to show off his face and ask the other party to name himself as a consultant, then all the other guys with special codes will become heretics!

Of course, this kind of thing is meaningless, because it cannot form a patent and cannot block the necks of other companies. And when the research and development direction of digital optical discs is in chaos, several laboratories are studying the same technology at the same time, that is A completely normal thing.

And this kind of car crash——

This is also the origin of standard war.

Since everyone is not orthodox, the right to speak in this industry can only be achieved with fists.

at the same time--

"This crash has nothing to do with plagiarism."

After reading Robert Hall's project citations, Evelin said with certainty: "Robert Hall has not infringed on anyone's patent, and there is no plagiarism."

"Huh--" The affirmative words made Ethan sigh in relief.

Since there is no plagiarism in the projects he invested in, this technology can be monetized.

And since it can be realized, Ethan has nothing to worry about.

"Special code! I will definitely ask Steve Ballmer to continue posting when I go back!"

"What a bastard Philip! I was shocked!"

And just when Ethan was angry and wanted to make a note to Philips, before he got up to say goodbye to Robert Hall, he suddenly thought of another question.

"Wait a minute, Evelin, I have something else to do."

"Say." The girl who was flipping through the paper responded directly without raising her head.

"Even if the collision between us does not involve issues of infringement and plagiarism, when registering patents, will Philips' first launch prevent us from obtaining patents for technological products?"

The tricky question made Evelin frown.

"Are you talking about multiple discoveries or simultaneous inventions?" The girl tilted her head and looked at Ethan.

"Like calculus?" she asked.

There may not be two identical snowflakes in the world, but it is very common for the same invention to appear at the same time. There can't be just one smart person on earth with billions of people.

The most typical one is calculus, which was independently proposed by Newton and Leibniz at the same time.

There was also the telegraph, which Wheatstone and Morse invented in the same year.

Not to mention phone calls. The controversy caused by Bell and Gray could circle the equator a hundred times.

When coincidences of simultaneous inventions occur too frequently, the patent disputes related to them can really make a lot of people beat their heads. After all, in a society governed by the rule of law, this thing means money.

And after Ethan nodded, indicating that this was what he meant, Evelin immediately made a judgment, "I'm not a law student, call Barbara!"

Without hesitation, Ethan directly picked up the phone on Robert Hall's desk and dialed the number that he had memorized long ago. When the Archmage far away in Washington learned that something was wrong with Ethan again. At that time, the guy who had just returned to work suddenly started laughing.

"Oh Ethan - why do you always encounter some weird things?"

Barbara couldn't figure it out.

But she knows what to do now. “Technical patents are actually handled very roughly in our country. If two technical contents are roughly similar, then whoever applies first can obtain the patent. In other words, if Philips has already If you submit an application to our country’s Patent and Copyright Office, then according to the rules, they can apply for the product patent for digital optical discs before you do.”

"..." This fact made Ethan feel chilled instantly.

However, before he could curse, Barbara added: "However, I personally think Philips should not have applied because Robert Hall should not have made such a mistake."

"He is an old man in the industry and has dozens of patents in his hands, so he should submit his idea to our country's Patent and Trademark Office in the form of a provisional application at the beginning of the project, and then use his own Channels for patent comparison.”

"If there is a conflict, he probably won't continue research. But since he dares to continue research and development, and does it with external funds, it proves a problem..."

At this point, Barbara stopped.

Ethan immediately answered, "Philips didn't apply for a patent?"

"Yeah~" said Barbara on the other end of the phone: "He will only continue if his research is unique in our country, or if he can apply for a patent."

"Especially if the principal comes forward."

"If he doesn't even have this awareness, his reputation in the scientific research community will be ruined."

Of course, as a lawyer, Barbara also pays attention to rigor at the moment, "However, if Robert Hall really forgets to apply, there may be problems."

"So, you'd better find out from the person involved."

"Okay, thank you!" Ethan hung up the phone in a hurry, jumped out of Robert Hall's office, came to the other party's work room, and gestured at him through the glass.

The old man who was talking to someone on the phone frowned. He didn't understand Ethan's sign language. After he hung up the phone and walked out, Ethan also expressed his anxiety, and then——

The old professor scratched his head, "Uh...Ethan, I didn't apply for a patent."

"WTF???" Ethan was shocked.

With eyes as wide as bells, he asked in surprise: "Why???"

He couldn't understand.

Although in America's patent application process, the patents for hired research and development are declared by the patent owner company. In other words, according to the general process, only Robert Hall first comes up with the product that Ethan wants, and Ethan can make it. When Destiny Games applied for a product patent, Robert Hall's name only appeared on the patent table as the inventor, but that was limited to ordinary scientific researchers.

For big guys with their own laboratories, they apply for it themselves. They submit documents to the Patent and Copyright Office and then put the name of the patent owner on it. Just like a video game patent, that is Ral. Mr. Bell applied by himself, only filling in a company when filling out the form.

This is actually done to ensure the autonomy of R\u0026D personnel. The hiring company will not interfere with their research. It is a manifestation of decentralization. In this case...

Robert Hall didn't apply for a patent?

So what does his previous investment by Ethan Jones count?

To top up his poor IQ?

Just when Ethan had difficulty understanding Robert Hall's behavior, the old man who understood what he meant quickly said: "Oh Ethan, control your emotions, I think the two of us have already had differences in thinking!"

"What worries you most is that your investment may fail!"

"What makes me anxious is that I want to know where Philips' research has gone! To put it more simply, I want to know whether his research progress is faster or mine!"

"As for whether my research can be commercialized?"

"That's not a problem at all, Okay?"

"Because in our country, it is impossible for Philips to apply for a patent before me!"

"Because they don't have patent support for front-end technology!"

"Those patents are in the hands of me and my friends!"

"You know?"

Although digital optical discs are an open project and there is no problem for anyone to research them, how to turn digital optical discs into a player product will still involve patent issues.

For example, in the optical disc player that Robert Hall showed to Ethan and Evelyn before, the light beam used to read the surface of the optical disc, that is, the coherent laser light, was invented by Robert Hall. Made with semiconductor laser diode technology!

The patent for the playback of optical digital recording equipment is in the hands of a scientist named James Russell, a former colleague of Robert Hall and a former scientist at General Electric.

After leaving GE, he went to the American Department of Energy's Hanford Base, which was the world's first plutonium-operated nuclear reactor production plant laboratory during the wartime Manhattan Project.

Eleven of the ten people there knew Fred Terman.

If even Robert Hall cannot apply for a patent, then the American Patent and Copyright Office will no longer need to exist. Scientists on the North American continent can send those idiots into their mothers' wombs!

Therefore, from the very beginning, Robert Hall never worried about patent issues!

And what he wants to know now is how far Philips' research has gone, and whether Philips has used their patents. If it doesn't work, it would be incredible, but if it does -

Sorry about that.

Although he, Robert Hall, couldn't stand Fred Terman, and he was also annoyed by Fred Terman's behavior of lowering his face and constantly poaching people for a university, but...

The face that should be given will still be given.

"In other words, if Philips uses your patent, they will not be able to apply for a patent for their own products in North America without your authorization?"

Ethan was shocked instantly!


Robert Hall nodded seriously and said, "We can throw those idiots from the Patent Office into the Pacific Ocean without Fred's intervention."

"Oh - this is really -"


Ethan, who had been struggling all morning, finally laughed.

He never expected that those guys from Philips were running around naked!

You don’t even have a front-end patent and you still want to make a CD?

I'll be your horse!

In an instant, a funny expression appeared on Ethan's face.

Well, that’s right, it’s funny when you laugh.

The old man's eyelids jumped at that wretched look, and he sighed, but he also laughed after a few seconds.



"Do I know why Fred likes you?"


"Because you, like him, will do whatever it takes to achieve your goals."

Robert Hall shrugged: "In the era when Fred went to school, Stanford was an ordinary school. With his talent, he could get tenure at any school."

"Of course, this is also the fact. After he graduated, MIT and Cornell gave him job offers, but because of his parents, he just wanted to go back to Stanford."

"In fact, everyone who came into contact with him felt that his behavior was a waste of his talents, but when he made Stanford better in order to fulfill his father's wish, his crazy poaching behavior really We are all deeply impressed..."

"You should know that competition in our circle is very serious. Everyone will have the idea of ​​​​comparison when they meet their peers. Only when they have achieved academic breakthroughs can we admire someone, but he is different. , even if he has grades, he is willing to abandon face and invite others to teach and do research at Stanford, which is not something ordinary people can do."

"You know William Shockley, right? He's the founder of Fairchild."

"He was living very happily at Caltech, but Fred dragged him to Stanford. Do you know how Fred impressed him? William's old mother lived in Palo Alto, and Fred He often went to talk to his mother, and after a long time, the old mother missed her child."

"Then, Fred told William that as long as he came to Stanford, he would be able to provide whatever Caltech could provide, and he could provide on behalf of Stanford what Caltech could not provide, and then William came."

"Fred is probably the most shameless person in our circle, but you..."


Perhaps because he didn't want to continue this topic, the old man snorted arrogantly and stopped immediately.

His words also made Ethan a little distracted.

Because this was the first time he heard the detailed process of the old principal’s recruitment.

That kind of behavior of giving up everything is indeed not something everyone can do.

Since neither of them wanted to talk more about this aspect, Robert Hall changed the topic, "Although I own an important patent for manufacturing optical disc players, this patent can only ensure that the things I develop can pass the review smoothly. It doesn’t help you succeed.”

"Because my patent was obtained in 1962, and the patent protection period is only twenty years, including this year, the optical storage project we are studying can only be protected for a maximum of three years. Therefore, if Philips really uses With my patent, I can only buy you so much time."

‘Three years? ’

When this word rang in Ethan's ears, he suddenly remembered why Philips stated at the press conference that it would market optical discs in the next three to five years!

Under the protection of patent barriers, once they are released in advance, they must obtain authorization!


They cannot enter the North American market for infringement!

If Robert Hall hadn't taken over his Ethan Jones business, Philips might still come to buy it, but now, looking at the old man, he knew that even if Philips spent money, he wouldn't sell it!

In this way, aren't these more than a thousand days an invincible time?

It may not be useful to others, but to Ethan...


During the invincible period of more than a thousand days, he was able to use up all his troops!

When this fact emerged, he no longer had to worry about the violence of Philips and Sony!

Because they don't have a patent.

Slightly, slightly, slightly -

"Thank you." He smiled and extended his hand to the old professor.

Robert Hall rolled his eyes and shook his hand.

At the same time, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Are you satisfied now? I have made everything clear to you, so can you let me finish the phone call?"

"I really want to know whether Philips uses my technology."

"Of course -" Ethan laughed and made a please gesture.

"I actually want to know too."

"Just get busy, I'll wait for you."

Yes, now Ethan really wants to know how many advantages he has!

If Philips really used Robert Hall's patent, then their Destiny Game would not be suspected of plagiarism, but a patent barrier! Hahaha--

Oh no! Can't laugh now!

Because now that I’m laughing, I look so much like a villain!

Ah ha ha ha ha——

Note: ① Two people applied for the patent for the telephone on the same day, but because Bell’s application form was at the front and was the fifth on the day, he obtained the patent in order (official statement). ② Robert Hall’s invention is still in use today, and it is a technology that cannot be circumvented. ③In reality, Sony released its optical disc player in 1982, and Philips released it in 1983. No company is willing to pay more patent fees to others. This is reality. ④In addition to the patent involving semiconductor laser diodes, the optical disc player also involves two other patents, US 3,501,586 and US 3,795,902. The inventor of these two patents, James Russell, is indeed a former colleague of Robert Hall. In reality, Sony and Philips cannot bypass these two patents because they are too long to wait until they expire, so they can only take them. Authorization. This is what was written on the MIT official website in 1999 (due to iteration, only the Internet Archive currently has the mapping). At the same time, it also records that as of 1985, James Russell A total of 26 optical disc patents were obtained. It seems that Sony and Philips made a lot of money, but they also paid more in licensing fees.

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