Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 267 Only when people are alive can they have hope

"An emergency news break. In the early morning of March 28, 1979, Eastern Time, there was a loud noise at Three Mile Island near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania."

"After the incident, our resident reporter from Columbia TV immediately went to the scene to investigate. According to local resident William Whittock, at about four o'clock in the morning, a loud noise woke him up from his sleep. The piercing sound sounded like It was the sound of a large jet plane piercing the air."

"After the accident, he immediately rushed to the window and looked out, and then he discovered that even if it was dark, he could see countless steam spurting out of the cooling tower at Three Mile Island. It felt like a The fire fountain looked more like a kettle enlarged countless times to boil water. This situation panicked local residents because everyone knew there was a nuclear reactor there."

"At 6:56 in the morning, Three Mile Island officially declared a state of emergency. Afterwards, their parent company Metropolitan Edison reported the unexpected situation at Three Mile Island to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. The state capital responded in two days A press conference was held an hour ago, and Lieutenant Governor William Stockton said at the press conference that there was just a minor accident at Three Mile Island and that everything was under control."

"But local residents were not satisfied with the result. They felt that the Pennsylvania government was deceiving themselves. At their request, state officials reported the matter to the National Nuclear Energy Regulatory Commission. When the association chairman Joseph Hend After Leigh learned of the situation at the scene, he immediately activated the emergency response headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland, and immediately went to Washington, D.C., for support."

"To this day, we don't know exactly what happened at the site, but we know that if it was just a small accident, Metropolitan Edison would not have put the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant into a state of emergency. Our nation's nuclear energy management It is also impossible for the committee to activate the emergency response headquarters."

"So now, we're hoping that Pennsylvania's spokesman, the lieutenant governor, will tell the truth, and we're hoping that Metropolitan Edison will make public what's going on inside Three Mile Island. If there's a problem, it's best to fix it right away, because there's It is home to at least two hundred thousand people.”

When Ethan heard the CBS noon news at noon Western time on March 28, the term Three Mile Island accident instantly appeared in his mind.

Although the media reports did not show the full picture of the incident, the memory of the past life made Ethan understand that the special code there was a big thunder. Even though he couldn't recount the key points, he knew the outcome of the incident. The nuclear leakage directly caused America to give up the development of nuclear power. In the future, America would suffer from power shortages and major cities would be forced to power outage situation.

Of course, this is not the most terrifying thing.

The most terrifying thing is that according to some people familiar with the matter, the radioactive material produced by this accident was actually a hundred times that of the explosion in the East. Although the protective measures played a certain role, there was no immediate panic because of this. There were no immediate deaths from the accident.

When these facts emerged one after another from the depths of Ethan's memory, the news broadcast on the TV also made him frown, and when he learned that the lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania actually said that the accident at Three Mile Island was controllable. , when he asked local residents not to panic, he immediately shook his head.


"Traditional arts——"

In his previous life, when Ethan lived in America, the biggest feeling he gained was that no one here believed in the American media, let alone the American government.

When he first arrived, he was indeed a little surprised.

But later, as he gradually understood the surrounding ecology, he became relieved.

It's okay to hear the story of the boy who cried wolf once, and it won't have any impact if you hear it twice, but if you hear it three times, four times, a hundred times, a thousand times, and you're still being deceived, it's not because you have a problem with your IQ, but because you're doing it deliberately. Acting stupid.

Therefore, when broadcasting news, Columbia TV would publicly state that local residents were not satisfied with the Pennsylvania government's statement. Not only that, even the TV host felt that the Pennsylvania government was declaring that there was no problem while entering a state of emergency. His behavior really insults the public’s intelligence.

And these questions...

Ethan can't solve it, he doesn't have the ability.

But he knew what he should do at this moment.

He picked up the landline receiver and dialed Ballmer's short number. After the bald man hurried into his office, Ethan asked: "Where is our game now?"

"Registration should be over soon, right? There are still three days left?"

Ethan's arithmetic stunned Ballmer for a moment, and then he realized that the boss did not include today, so he nodded and said: "Yes, if today is not included, there are still three days."

"After all, when we promoted it, we said that the entire March was the registration period."

"There is no need to end it early because it would damage our reputation."

"Boss, do you want to know how many people have signed up in total?"

"The figures from each state for the first twenty-five days have been calculated. Can I get them for you now?"

“No, no, no—” Ethan didn’t need that number.

When Ballmer can take charge of the entire project on his own, all he needs to do is show up at the finals.

"The reason why I called you here is very simple."

Ethan said, "Tell me what our contingency plan is for the game."

While speaking, he pointed to the TV in front of him.

The news being broadcast made Ballmer blink his eyes.

"Boss, do you think the incident at Three Mile Island will affect the competition in Pennsylvania?"

The bald head's probing made Ethan shrug, "It's a nuclear power plant after all. If something goes wrong, it will definitely affect a lot of people, right? And, do you believe what those people say?"

Ethan's rhetorical question made Ballmer smile and nod. Without further questioning, he directly stated the contingency plan engraved in his mind, "There are two National Football League stadiums in the entire state of Pennsylvania, one is the Philadelphia Eagles' Veterans Stadium. Soldiers Field and the Pittsburgh Steelers' Three Rivers Stadium, both of which are our registration addresses and game venues."

"They are more than a hundred miles away from Harrisburg, where Three Mile Island is located. Judging from the current situation, unless Three Mile Island bombs, it is unlikely to have an impact on them."

"However, as the capital of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg already has our registration point there, so according to the emergency procedures, I should now contact the National Football League and ask them to prepare for the transfer immediately. At the same time, we are also To divert the knockout crowd that was put in Harrisburg to Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and that... is a big undertaking.”

Ballmer frowned, his round cheeks filled with heaviness.

"According to what is written in the contingency plan, we need to bear all the expenses incurred by moving the competition point, including but not limited to providing round-trip travel expenses for the contestants and covering their meals during this period."

"Okay -" Ethan nodded and said, "Have you received the money from Nintendo?"

"I'll give you another five million dollars to solve this problem."

"If the players there still want to continue participating, then follow the process."

"If they give up voluntarily, we respect their wishes."

"Of course, the five million is only part of the cost of transferring Match Point. For meals, you have to contact McDonald's, and for drinking water, you have to contact Coca-Cola."

"This is a major public safety incident, and I believe they are willing to bear this part of the expenditure."

"After discussing it, you can communicate with the media and send an article."

"Although we are an entertainment company, since we have started public activities, we must bear part of the public responsibility. The time will be after Pennsylvania's evacuation notice."

"Then prepare a statement saying that the Three Mile Island incident made our hearts very heavy and painful, so we decided to donate two million US dollars to the local people affected by the disaster."

"To provide necessary living supplies to the affected people."

“This money will be distributed directly to local staff and will be reimbursed on an actual basis.”


Ethan raised his eyebrows at Ballmer, who was listening carefully.

"No problem, boss, I know what to do." Ballmer responded quickly, turned around and left.

Although Ethan does not have the ability to solve the major safety accident at Three Mile Island, well, no one can actually solve this kind of accident, because if Ethan remembers correctly, in his previous life, the reactor at Three Mile Island failed It was discarded directly after the incident.

However, it is still possible to donate money and materials to people in disaster-stricken areas.

Of course, Ethan also admitted that the donation at this time does have a bit of marketing meaning, which can create a good image for Americans to work together with disasters, but in many cases, ruthless commercial considerations have a negative impact on the victims of disasters. Saying that is actually a warm gesture.

Just like the comment widely circulated on the Internet in Ethan's previous life——

"I don't care whether the company's donation is just for show, as long as they really donate money and really use the money for people in the disaster area, then the company is doing good things."

Because of this, even if he punched Warner and kicked Sony, Ethan always felt that he was a kind-hearted entrepreneur, but he was just a little irritable in front of his peers.

At his request, Ballmer also reached a cooperation agreement with the two companies an hour later.

McDonald's spoke highly of the charity of Destiny Game. They are willing to provide meals for contestants who need to be transferred during the competition. Each person is guaranteed to have a hamburger and a French fries per meal.

But at the same time, they also have two small requests.

One is that Destiny Games must include their names when purchasing press releases in the future.

The second is Destiny Games’ donation to the people in the disaster area, and they want half of it. In other words, McDonald's hopes that Ethan Jones will directly spend one million US dollars to purchase their meal packages and distribute them to people in the disaster area. For this reason, they are willing to give a 20% discount on the meal packages, and will ask local restaurants to assist Destiny Game in distributing meals.

Coca-Cola's requirements are the same as McDonald's.

They are also willing to provide products, but they also hope that they can sell some goods while becoming famous.

These requests may seem ruthless, but they are actually reasonable. After learning about them, Ethan naturally agreed wholeheartedly.

Since McDonald's and Coca-Cola are willing to tie their images to the game of destiny, using bailout money to purchase their merchandise is no problem at all.

After all, if the money is sent directly to these companies, they will be able to come up with supplies to relieve the victims.

As long as he can actually send something out, Ethan doesn't care who his money goes into.

After the three parties reached a consensus, there were only two things that everyone had to do next.

The first thing is to prepare supplies. This is not difficult for McDonald's and Coca-Cola. The former's central kitchen model allows them to prepare ingredients as they wish. The latter's industrial chain developed over decades is the first in the world. You can deliver with your eyes closed.

The second thing is to wait for the next development of the matter and wait for Pennsylvania to start announcing the evacuation of people, if there is one. After all, the current official news is that everything is under control...

Well, it’s actually not controllable at all.

Shortly after Destiny Games and Coca-Cola reached a cooperation, Pennsylvania held another press conference. The lieutenant governor who said in the morning that he was fine for the time being has now changed his face, saying that the local situation is more serious than what they learned. complex.

This news made the local people angry and wanted to know more about the inside story.

And that's before local residents united to demand an explanation.

By evening, the lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania changed his tune again, advising residents to stay indoors and farmers to hide their animals under shelters and store some feed.

When this news appeared, everyone knew that there was a problem at Three Mile Island!

Such a situation has caused the local government near Three Mile Island to be besieged by local residents.

They used vehicles to block the government entrance and needed an explanation from the officials inside.

But unfortunately, those people couldn't give it. They could only keep expressing their hope that people would follow the lieutenant governor's advice, stay indoors and monitor the radio in order to get the latest news.

As the next day came, and after the full intervention of the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Commission, Metropolitan Edison was finally no longer able to conceal the situation at the nuclear power plant. They stated that during the explosion at 4 a.m. on the 28th, the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant actually 'Some inert gases' have been emitted into the surroundings. But at the same time, they also emphasized that these gases only contain a small amount of radiation and will not have any impact on local residents because there is no large increase in radiation in the surrounding environment.

This situation led Joseph Hendry, chairman of the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Commission, to make a decision and require Pennsylvania to evacuate the surrounding people immediately. At this time, Governor Dick Thornburgh finally came forward. He ordered that all schools within five miles of the nuclear power plant should be evacuated. Closed, pregnant women and preschool children must evacuate immediately.

If the people yesterday were just dissatisfied, then today they must be ignited by anger.

"MFxxk! The explosion happened yesterday, and then we were told to evacuate today???"

"Oh! Sxxt! Evacuate? How to evacuate? Where to evacuate? You ask us to evacuate, and then you don't give us any plan? Do you want us to die on the road?"

"You bunch of bastards! How much money did you charge Metropolitan Edison? Yesterday you said things were under control, but today you are harming the surrounding areas for several miles? Schools can't be opened? You are all criminals ! You are all executioners! You want to kill us!"

To be honest, announcing the evacuation but not giving a plan is really fucked up.

That behavior of only using lip service and not receiving funds is really disgusting.

However, the game of destiny at this moment has no time to criticize them. For them, the evacuation order of the Governor of Pennsylvania is the starting gun in the track and field competition.

After receiving the official official news, Steve Ballmer immediately asked CBS Television to release a statement he had already written to the public across the United States——

"Destiny Game has just made an urgent contact with this station. They want to issue a statement through us. The statement said that in line with the attitude of being responsible to the people and the principle of bringing happiness to the people, Destiny Game decided that Pennsylvania The competition schedule will be modified from now on."

"The official competition time has been postponed from the original 3rd to the 10th, and Destiny Game will close the registration and competition venues in Harrisburg. Those who have registered will still be scheduled to compete, and those who want to participate will have to wait until April 1. Just go to any registration point in Pennsylvania to reconfirm your information on April 7th. The travel expenses incurred will be fully borne by Destiny Games. People who need to travel long distances due to the modification of the competition area will also receive certain meal subsidies. This part The cost will be borne by the benevolent McDonald's Corporation and the Coca-Cola Group. I hope everyone will not be anxious."

"Destiny Games expresses strong indignation at the Three Mile Island incident and strongly condemns Metropolitan Edison's handling of the incident. At the same time, they hope that residents near Three Mile Island can follow the recommendations of the Pennsylvania government and evacuate from the area immediately. .”

"Not only that, Destiny Games also decided to donate two million US dollars in necessary supplies to the victims in the disaster-stricken areas to ensure that the victims can evacuate smoothly."

"Destiny Game has teamed up with McDonald's Corporation and Coca-Cola Group to set up material supply points on 17 evacuation routes thirty miles away from Three Mile Island, providing at least one burger and a cup of French fries to each evacuated affected person. A bag of apples and a bottle of Coca-Cola."

"Destiny Games knows that these materials may not be much for individuals, but they and McDonald's and Coca-Cola have promised that they will allocate as much materials as possible to satisfy everyone in the evacuation area."

"Game of Destiny, McDonald's, and Coca-Cola sincerely hope that people near Three Mile Island will not stay there! Parents, please think about your children! Husbands, please think about your families! Bring your necessary items and comply with Pennsylvania regulations The governor’s advice is to leave immediately!”

"They hope everyone can stay out of danger! I hope everyone can be safe again!"

"Finally, Ethan Jones, the founder of Destiny Game, has something to say to the people near Three Mile Island - Only when people are alive can they have hope. Only when they are alive can they defend their rights from those idiots!"

"Uh - you heard it right, the person in the fax we got is an idiot. If nothing else, Ethan Jones should be very indignant at Three Mile Island's slow response? After all, this unexpected situation is also Their game plan has undergone huge changes, and everyone is a victim..."

When CBS broadcast the announcement of the Game of Destiny to all of North America through television and radio, the people who were still confronting the local government near Three Mile Island were all stunned.

After a moment, they regained their senses and immediately dispersed. Some went home, some drove. After grabbing their necessities, they scattered towards the outside world without looking back.

The torrent of steel composed of countless vehicles confused the Pennsylvania governor who still wanted to persuade the local people to leave. It also surprised Joseph Hendry, chairman of the Nuclear Energy Association who was responsible for the investigation.

"Is this Ethan Jones being protected by Fred?"

Joseph Hendrie cast a doubtful look at the assistant beside him.

As the former director of Brookhaven National Laboratory, he certainly knew Fred Terman.


The assistant nodded and said: "The name Destiny Game has been revealed, so the Ethan Jones mentioned by Columbia must be the one from California."

"Besides, this kind of thing is indeed in line with Ethan Jones's style of doing things, right?"

"According to Professor Ralph Bell, he really likes video games and is very happy to communicate with players. There are more than 600,000 people near Three Mile Island. There must be people signing up for his game competition. In order to let those players Being able to race well, he’s definitely been looking at all corners of North America.”

"So - it shouldn't be a problem to prepare in advance, right? Maybe they have more plans than we do."

"After all, Colombia has said that they have set up supply points."

This guess made Joseph Hendry nodded and kept the matter in mind.

Regardless of Ethan Jones's reasons for making a national statement, this statement helped him, "This kid is interesting. I wonder where Fred found it."

After sighing, he turned his attention to the governor of Pennsylvania, "So - maintain order?"

"After the people within five miles have been evacuated, we will then allow those within ten miles to evacuate?"

"After all, our circle is only twenty miles, huh?"

"Okay." Pennsylvania Governor Dick Thornburgh, who understood the opportunity, nodded quickly and ordered his subordinates to let the local police direct traffic on the evacuation road. And asked the commissioner to take the police to what CBS said were seventeen supply points to help the people there find a place to rest.

With the concerted efforts of all parties, at 12 noon that day, the first people to evacuate the disaster area saw the flag flying in the air. When the snake overlord opened his bloody mouth and wanted to swallow Mr. Pac-Man's outrageous drawing After appearing, the guy in the car felt a sore nose.

And when they stopped the car and got two burgers, two fries, two apple chunks and two bottles of Coca-Cola each, they were even more surprised.

"Isn't there one for each person?" the man in the car asked doubtfully.

"It's one per person, but our boss Ethan Jones donated two million." The staff at the scene said with a smile: "A McDonald's meal plus a bottle of Coca-Cola costs one dollar. "

"There are almost a million inhabitants within thirty miles."

"So of course everyone gets two."

"However, due to time constraints, the food here may not taste the same as when it was freshly baked."

"Please forgive me."

Having said this, the staff smiled and waved, "Okay, you should find a place to rest quickly. There is only so much we can do. Next, please contact the local government."

The smiles of the on-site staff stunned the people who had escaped from the disaster.

It wasn't until the piercing horn sounded behind them that they released the clutch and stepped on the accelerator to leave.

As they left, flying cartoon flags were reflected in the rearview mirror.

The brutal hunting scene seemed so warm at this moment.

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