Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 269 Personnel Adjustments


"These people are really talented!"

Gary Kurtz's explanation convinced Ethan very much.

He didn't understand, how did these people's brains grow? Want to create an atmosphere of harmonious coexistence so that other groups can buy their companies and projects with confidence?

What is the difference between this kind of behavior and wearing high-quality silk to commit fraud?

Oh no!

This special code is a scam!

Because after he announces the rating standards for the Destiny game to the world in June, laymen who know that the Hollywood rating system has collapsed will definitely find ways to lower the prices of Hollywood studios.

If Columbia Pictures is worth 200 million now, then in three months it will drop to 1.8 billion no matter what. After all, the right to speak is the basis for their dominance in Hollywood.

Although in this case, the Big Seven of Hollywood can still destroy those small and medium-sized companies, their rule has changed when Ethan Jones is extraordinary.

In this case...

Creating falsehoods and selling in advance is indeed the best way to gain profits.

But the problem is——

What does this kind of thing have to do with him?

Ethan Jones was very puzzled.

Whether others sell it high or sell it low, he doesn't get a penny.

In that case, why should he help those people?

As for what it means to be a good person, keep a thin line so that we can meet each other easily in the future?

Stop talking nonsense!

This kind of culture is useless in the West!

Even though Ethan had already made a decision in his mind, he was still very curious, "Does the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences also have a relationship with the Seven? Isn't this organization a neutral organization?"

Although Ethan doesn't understand Hollywood, the name of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is very familiar to him, because in his previous life, this academy had a very strong presence in North American society.

For example, they are the organizers of the Oscars. Every year, the Oscars are selected by thousands of members of the Academy. Not to mention fairness and justice, it is also full of shady matters;

For another example, they are the most politically incorrect place in Hollywood that pays attention to political correctness. As a non-profit organization, they were the first to be labeled as racist because in many years, the Oscar selection Neither has achieved diversity, and OscarsSoWhite has become a protest slogan;

For example, this is also a breeding ground for scandals, such as vote-buying and public relations. These are all normal. In this regard, Harvey Weinstein can even publish ten books.

But even if there are a lot of problems here, the Academy seems to be the only 'pure land' in Hollywood that cannot be manipulated by the giants, because every year you can hear that a certain company is going to give awards to its own movies. ~The news that a certain company failed to win the prize again this year~.

When all the giants need to compete to win the Oscar that year...

The giant ordered the academy to award itself?

Why does this sound so weird?

"Oh boss, this matter is actually not as complicated as you think."

Gary Kurtz explained: "On the surface, it seems that the Big Seven cannot control the Academy, because there are thousands of members in the Academy. If a film company wants to win an award, it must convince at least one-third of them. People vote for themselves, which is impossible for those film companies. Because each company only has so many projects every year, when the film company cannot give enough benefits, why should the members of the academy follow the rules? How about fulfilling their requests?"

"After all, the votes are secret."

"But if you think about it the other way around, the problem is very simple. Not only practitioners want to win the Oscar, but employers also want to win it. So behind every game, there are seven figures. When every company hopes that their work will win awards, they naturally cannot influence the entire academy, because each company has its own base."

"But if the seven major universities want to do something at the same time, the academy will definitely be affected. And now, Columbia and MGM are not the only ones who want to send a signal of stability to the outside world..."

Gary Kurtz winked at his boss.

Ethan Jones, who was leaning on the sofa with his legs crossed, understood.

"Are the other families having a hard time now?" he asked with a smile.

"Yes." Gary Kurtz nodded and said: "Warner Communications' stock price has fallen very ugly. From last month to now, they have fallen by almost 20%. This has directly led to Some outside funds are eyeing them and want to make a hostile takeover of Warner Communications."

"Paramount is better because their parent company is strong enough."

"Although Universal and Fox are our allies, they have also suffered. After all, Steven has not announced a contract renewal so far, and George's movie has also hurt Fox."

"In fact, even if the other companies have not announced sales, they are not in a good situation at the moment. With the emergence of video tapes, the copyright of Hollywood movies has gradually gained value, and they have changed from a short-term business to a long-term one. Investment, so now many companies want to get involved.”

"It's just that they don't understand the current situation in Hollywood, let alone your attitude. As for those companies in Hollywood... they don't want to be maliciously attacked when the market value is too low. For example, I often Fox, their shareholders don’t want to sell at a low price.”

Gary Kurtz's words made Ethan nod.

In his memory, the major mergers in the media and entertainment field began in the 1980s.

When movies in Hollywood changed from gambling to long-term investment, their value suddenly increased, and all big and powerful companies were eager to get a piece of it.

Coupled with the gradual arrival of the era of special effects and the global promotion of Hollywood, the fact that one movie can spread advertising all over the world has made countless companies extremely envy.

For example, in Ethan's previous life, Coca-Cola acquired Colombia.

That is, they hope to use Colombian movies to create a good image for their brand.

The heroes always drink Coca-Cola, and the villains always drink Pepsi.

Pepsi was so angry that he vomited blood.

If it weren't for the fact that movies are not something that can be done with a slap on the forehead, and they can't profit from it without knowing the industry, then Coca-Cola probably wouldn't sell Colombia to Sony.

Sony acquired Columbia, News Corporation acquired Fox, and Panasonic acquired American Music, the parent company of Universal, and then sold it to Seagram, and then it was absorbed by Vivendi...

That's all for this reason.

And now, the beginning of the era is about to begin?

Is he Ethan Jones or one of the promoters?

Oh - this is really -


Because in this case, Disney's stock price will definitely fall accordingly.

This is very helpful for him to scan goods at low prices.

This fact made Ethan touch his chin and said with a smile: "Okay, Okay, since everyone has their own ideas, then I naturally respect the blessing."

"I welcome all the next deals in Hollywood. Whether they are new friends coming in or old friends choosing to leave, I wish them all the best in the future."

"But--just forget about getting the prize."

"I won't do this kind of thing that is not good for me, so..."

"Please tell those people that I, Ethan Jones, don't care about the Oscars, so I won't go to Los Angeles specifically for it, even if they award the best picture to "Alien" next year."

Not to mention that Ethan is not from the film industry and has no obsession with awards like Oscars. Even if he is from the film industry, he is too lazy to receive an Oscar now.

When the American Film Institute, which represents the highest rules for American movies, has been smashed by him, what is the meaning of awards? It's not exciting at all, is it?

When he has been able to discuss industry standards with the Big Seven, he still needs praise from others?

Aren't you ridiculous?

If you have this spare time, why not go to the competition venue? Meet his parents more often and improve his influence in front of his fans. This way, he can earn more!

Ethan's attitude made Gary Kurtz give up.

After nodding in agreement, he left Palo Alto with his boss's decision.

As he left, Ethan also picked up the receiver of the landline and dialed Steven Spielberg's number. After a few words of greeting, he said: "Steven, is Gary reliable? "

"We have a great time cooperating, what's wrong?" Spielberg was a little puzzled.

"It's like this..." Ethan told Spielberg what had just happened, and said: "Can't he just call me for such a small matter? Why do you have to go all the way?"

"Also, he should know what happened before, right? I asked Steve Ballmer to go to the Film Association to inform the film association. He should know my attitude towards those companies, right?"

"Those people and I are enemies!"

"And now he wants to persuade me to help my enemies?"


"Is this considered betrayal?"

Spielberg got it.

When Ethan and most people in Hollywood were enemies of each other, the best thing Gary Kurtz could do was ignore the academy invitation, because there was a high probability that Ethan wouldn't go.

Of course, this kind of thing also needs to be reported.

When reporting, Gary Kurtz should be very frank and speak clearly.

There is no need to go through such twists and turns as today.

"Well - Ethan - that's what Gary is like."

"He felt that film was sacred and that everyone should be in awe of this art."

"Therefore, the Oscar, the highest award in the film industry, is his biggest dream."

"That's why he came to you from Los Angeles because of an invitation."

"Oh——" Ethan understood, "Idealist?"

"Well, you can put it that way." Spielberg replied on the other end of the phone.

"What about you? Do you want to win an Oscar?" Ethan asked again.

"Of course, this is also my dream." Spielberg said bluntly without hesitation: "If possible, I naturally want to win an Oscar."

"Okay, I get it, good luck to you, thank you."

The conversation between the two was very brief.

After figuring out what kind of problem the general manager of his film company had, Ethan took the initiative to say goodbye.

While putting down the receiver, Spielberg also focused his attention on the documents in front of him. They were two scripts. One had George Lucas's name on it, and the other had his name on it. After staring at the cover for a long time, Spielberg picked up the receiver again.

Only this time he dialed George Lucas' number.

"Hey George, Ethan just called me."

"What? Why?"

"He came because of Gary Kurtz, because Gary did something that he wasn't very happy with... He didn't seem to like Gary's idealism."

Spielberg described it briefly.

Lucas, who understood the cause and effect, said: "Oh——So?"

"So I think I can let my story go first and shoot the James Bond you wrote. What do you think of this idea? As you said, although movies are an art, making money is the key. That’s what allows this art to continue to evolve.”

"Oh - Steven! Congratulations on making the most correct decision!" George Lucas laughed on the other end of the phone. "So who are you going to find to invest? You have to know that the budget of this movie is huge. At 20 million, that’s even higher than The Empire Strikes Back.”

"Although 'Jaws' and 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' were both successful, that doesn't mean those studios are willing to accept a movie that demands $20 million before filming even starts."

"Except Universal, of course."

"Oh, George, you actually have the answer in your heart, don't you?" Spielberg chuckled and shook his head, saying, "Let's wait until "Alien" is released. After "Alien" is released, I will take the script and talk to Ethan."

"If he is interested, then the movie is already half successful. If he is very interested, then the movie is guaranteed to be the box office champion in the next year, right?"

"Hahaha——" George Lucas laughed and said, "Yeah~ I believe it."

After venting his anger, he added: "Of course, I think he will fire Gary."

"So...just wait..."

"When the time is up, we can talk to him about things."

Lucas' words made Spielberg's eyes twinkle.

He did not express his opinion on the matter.

And just as George Lucas thought, after learning that Gary Kurtz was an idealist, countless thoughts suddenly popped up in Ethan Jones's mind.

"Because he doesn't have the right personality to be a general manager, right?"

In the evening, when Ethan and Evelin were walking home from dinner, Ethan told what happened today, and Evelin immediately smiled and said: "An idealist cannot become a businessman. He can't run a company well, so it's totally fine to fire him."

Evelin spoke out Ethan's heart.

If Gary Kurtz was just a producer, there would be no problem for him to regard Oscar as a sacred goal, but now he is the general manager of a film company. In this case, he must abandon his illusions and everything. Money is the only way to bring huge profits to the company.

Although Ethan is a time traveler and has countless classics in his mind, he only knows a rough outline of many things and has no idea of ​​their origins, let alone how to copy them.

He knew Back to the Future was awesome, but where was he going to find the copy?

He knew that James Cameron was the usher in the next era, but where was this guy now?

Most of the projects in Hollywood are like "Alien". They have been around for many years, but they have not been filmed because of insufficient technology or not being optimistic.

In this case, when Ethan has no energy to deal with this situation, it is inevitable to let a reliable general manager go to the market to collect scripts and invest in projects.

Therefore, the general manager of Destiny Pictures cannot regard winning the Olympics as his only belief.

Don't let your mentality get upset because of Oscar's favor.

This will leave him full of flaws.

"Do you think I'll shoot him?"

Ethan, who had his hands in his pockets, turned his head and looked at the girl.

"why not?"

Evelin shrugged and cast a puzzled look at Ethan, "I have always thought of myself as a technician, but what I am studying now is actually not my favorite thing, is it?"

"When I can study some projects designated by you for the development of the company, why should he, a manager, show off his own personality? Since he is not suitable..."

"Then we will have to say goodbye to him."

Ethan was startled when he heard his sister's words.

The next second he laughed, "Oh Evelin, you really look like a capitalist now."

“…” This comment made Evelin roll her eyes.

He made a small noise and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

As Evelyn said, saying goodbye to Gary Kurtz is a mutually responsible act. In this way, Gary Kurtz can pursue his dream without being disliked by his boss, and Destiny Pictures can concentrate on making money and make crazy profits, but...

Breaking up is never done impulsively.

First of all, Gary Kurtz was introduced by George Lucas. His original purpose was to steer Destiny Pictures from scratch. It would be too unkind to fire him directly.

Therefore, even if it is to be opened, it must be communicated with George Lucas first.

Secondly, if Gary Kurtz is fired directly, Destiny Pictures will be in a situation where no one is available. Therefore, Gary Kurtz will have to serve for a while before a replacement can be found.

Of course, it would be best if we could not open it. For example, we could set up a new position for him and let him discover some movies that have the hope of winning awards. This approach would not only meet his needs, but also eliminate the need for him. This is simply the best win-win situation for hurting the friendship between friends.

It's just that the setting of this position will definitely weaken Gary Kurtz's current power. If he can accept it, everyone will be happy, but if he can't accept it, new problems may arise.

And when Ethan said what he was thinking, the girl walking side by side with him immediately curled her lips.

"Is this the daily routine of business management?"

"Why do you have to think about so many things?"

"Oh - this is so painful."

After sighing, the girl added: "But I think you can consider these issues slowly, because even if we want to cast Gary Kurtz, it will have to wait until "Alien" is released, and that will be June at the earliest. It’s not April yet, so…”

"You have enough time to think about this problem."

"And what if another accident occurs during this period?"

"You can't use your current solutions to answer future questions, right?"

There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain?

This idea of ​​​​my sister made Ethan laugh, "Okay, then don't think about it for the time being."

He clapped his hands and said, "So, do you have any plans tomorrow? Going out to play? It's the weekend."

"Wow~ You don't have work tomorrow?" Evelin smiled pretending to be surprised, "I thought you would be very, very busy every day..."

"The work is never done~ You still have to take a break when it's time~" Ethan stretched.

Hearing the open-minded words, Evelin pursed her lips with a smile, and with a roll of her eyes, she had a destination in mind, "How about going to Vancouver? We haven't been to Whistler for a long time. We used to queue up to buy tickets, but now, is it included? "

"Okay, it's a two-hour flight and we can leave tomorrow morning."

Ethan responded quickly, "I'll call Ballmer later and ask him to communicate about booking the venue~"

Note: ① The acquisition of Hollywood studios by various capitals is indeed due to the rise of video tapes and the emergence of special effects films. The former made the copyrights of Hollywood movies very valuable, and the latter allowed Hollywood movies to be shot in a formulaic manner. ②The James Bond in the article refers to "Raiders of the Lost Ark", and Spielberg's story is "E.T.". From the information I found, the former already had a third version of the script in 1979, a photocopy It is marked above that the latter has completed the story. In reality, he could shoot both scripts, but Spielberg chose the former. ③Gary Kurtz is indeed an idealist. In reality, he criticized George Lucas for forcing "Star Wars" to be long and ugly for profit, and also disclosed part of the profits from "Star Wars" , by the end of the second installment, George Lucas had made three times as much money from Star Wars toys as from the movies. George Lucas did not respond to this and did not hold him accountable. When Gary Kurtz passed away, George Lucas issued a condolence letter, saying that there were indeed differences at the time, but Gary Kurtz treated him Helps a lot.

PS, I have a question. My collection suddenly increased by more than a thousand today, but I did not receive any recommended website shortcuts in the background. Does anyone know what is going on?

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