Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 271 The advantage is mine!

Ethan has always believed that ATV is an American company because in his previous life, Michael Jackson, an American, owned it. However, when Steve Ballmer followed Ethan's request to collect ATV's After collecting the information, he learned that ATV turned out to be a proxy company.

ATV was founded in 1955. Its initial business was television broadcasting. In 1958, they extended their tentacles to the record field. In 1966, they officially started the publishing business, and in 1969 they acquired the former John Leone Jon and Paul McCartney publish music for Northern Music Publishers.

At this point, ATV has truly become a force that cannot be ignored in the industry.

Because they hold almost all the music copyrights of John Lennon and Paul McCartney.

However, their success was met with disapproval from their parent company.

In the mid-1970s, the parent company of ATV was in financial trouble. The failure of investment in the film department lowered the profits of the entire company, causing the stock price to plummet. Not only that, in 1978, their television department also lost the government The license granted cannot continue to broadcast TV series to the market. In order to maintain the stock price, they are considering cutting off their arms to survive. ACC, the parent company of ATV, wants to put ATV on the shelves.

That's right, when Ethan asked about the ATV, the company was for sale.

Among those interested were John Lennon and Paul McCartney, who wanted to get back the copyright to their songs, so they offered £21 million;

There's also Colombian music, for which they're asking for £24 million;

In addition, EMI in London, Warner Music controlled by Steve Ross, and music companies owned by Paramount are all competitors in this transaction.

However, these people are only interested in northern music under ATV.

All they wanted was the music rights to John Lennon and Paul McCartney.

But this is not in the interest of ATV’s parent company, ACC, because everyone knows that other copyrights in ATV are not valuable, so ACC directly rejected those people’s offers.

When this fact emerged, everyone who participated in the bidding withdrew their bids and wanted to use cold treatment to force ACC to split up the ATV and sell it.

After all, it's a buyer's market now.


Like a gopher, Ethan Jones popped out of the dirt and asked for a price.

"Boss, the current situation is very simple. As long as we are willing to swallow the entire ATV, their parent company ACC will immediately start transaction negotiations..."

On the 6th, Ethan Jones, who returned to the company, received the report submitted by Steve Ballmer.

It clearly states ACC's request, which is to package the ATV for sale. Their psychological price is 60 million pounds, which is almost 73.8 million US dollars based on the current exchange rate.

This price is obviously unreasonable.

Because when other companies quoted a price of more than 20 million pounds for ATV's most valuable asset, the Beatles' music, there was no way the remaining additions could be sold for 30 million pounds anyway!

So, when Ethan found out that ACC was asking for 60 million...

He then knew that he was being taken advantage of.

"This kind of offer has no sincerity at all."

Ethan threw away the document and asked, "You came to talk about this project?"

"No, it was David Geffen who went there." Ballmer shook his head and said: "This guy is very motivated now, as if he wants to make some achievements immediately to show you. So..."

"He is still waiting for news in London."

"Really?" Ballmer's words made a picture appear in Ethan's mind.

It was a beach by the sea, and there was a little boy with blond hair clenching his fists.

Ethan can actually understand David Geffen's mood at the moment. When a person has been suppressed by capitalists and unable to recover for several years, when they are reborn, they will naturally want to use their fists.

In that case——

"You let David Geffen deliver the message of giving up and then keep an eye on ATV and the ACC."

"If they lower the selling price, disclose their financials, or agree to any of the actions of us hiring a third-party auditor to conduct an on-site assessment and summarize the quotation, we will choose to restart negotiations."

"If they insist on paying 60 million yuan, then ignore them."

"Then, my psychological price is 50 million US dollars."

“The price also includes all costs involved in the transaction.”

"More than this price, David Geffen has no negotiating power. However, if we finally get the ATV and the acquisition price is less than 50 million, then the remaining US dollars will be David's bonus."

The agency acquisition plan proposed by Ethan is actually the most common entrustment method in business, because all business acquisitions have only one purpose, which is to bring more market share to the own company or obtain new profit growth points. In this case, no one would trade at a loss.

Therefore, setting an acquisition limit and promising differential bonuses can effectively balance the interests of all parties and enable the transaction to proceed smoothly.

As for the trustee, is it possible that the trustee will disrupt the transaction because the difference is too small?

Of course this exists.

Therefore, when the company sets the upper limit of the budget, it will appropriately float a little above its own psychological price, so that the client can make some considerable profits.

For example, when John Lennon and Paul McCartney quoted £21 million for their music rights, ATV was worth £40 million in Ethan's mind. Converted to US dollars, it is only 48 million. The remaining two million is the specific amount of the bonus.

If David Geffen can get more, that's his thing.

And if he cannot gain anything, it means he is not capable enough.

When the strategic investments of subsidiaries of subsidiaries have to be ended personally by the boss of the head office...

There is no way this guy can secure his position as CEO of Destiny Music.

Ballmer also understood this and nodded to express his understanding.

"Okay boss, I understand."

With Ethan's wave, Ballmer also left the boss's office. A few hours later, David Geffen in London sent a notification letter to ATV's parent company, ACC, withdrawing their acquisition intention.

Ethan's giving up made several people watching around him breathe a sigh of relief.

Because now they are really afraid of Ethan messing around.

It is indeed Ethan's own money that he loses from random acquisitions, but at the same time, his behavior of throwing money will also increase the valuation of other companies in the industry, which is very detrimental to giants who want to expand.

While watching the company relax, Ethan's behavior was also recorded faithfully by PolyGram in Daiying. When Philips learned that their old rival Ethan Jones had actually begun to buy music rights, the big stone that had been hanging in their hearts finally fell.

"So, from the current situation, it seems that Ethan Jones's digital disc project is not going well? If it is going well, then Ethan Jones will not buy music copyrights on the market."

Even though it's the weekend, Philips' headquarters is still busy at the moment.

No one dared to be absent from the meeting chaired by the chairman himself, and the content of their discussion...

That's why Ethan Jones suddenly acquired music rights.

In their view, Ethan Jones's behavior is sending a signal to the outside world that research and development is not going well. If Ethan Jones already has a product and is far ahead, then he can directly show his charm to the world and just Like the Johnson home console last winter, it shocked the world as soon as it was launched.

But now, Ethan Jones has not held any product launch conference or released some eye-catching optical disc projectors. Not only that, he has also joined the ranks of Philips and Sony in wanting to enrich the content of music. Copyright library of your own music company.

When the always arrogant opponent starts to go his own way...

Then everyone's progress should be the same, right?

"I think we can take the initiative to communicate with Sony." An old white man pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said: "Since Ethan Jones is unwilling to join the alliance proposed by Sony, let him play alone. , we develop a standard with Sony and then collaborate on research and development.”

"We strive to have the product ready within one to two years."

"When we launch digital discs and have the largest music copyright library in the world..."

"The remaining companies will naturally know what to choose."

"Ethan Jones, who has no musical experience, will definitely be defeated by us!"

"And after he lost, we had the opportunity to pick up the console again."

This proposal was highly endorsed by other executives present.

And when they set their sights on the chairman of the group who is also the CEO sitting in the first seat...

The old man who combed his hair back pondered for a while and said: "We need to be more low-key and steady this time, because everyone has come to the edge of the cliff, and we can no longer afford to lose."

"So, my idea is to communicate with Sony first to confirm whether they have revolutionary technology. If so, then we will immediately cooperate and formulate standards. If not, then we must strictly guard against Sony. We must not He was defrauded of the patent."

"Because we are both allies and enemies."

"And this time, we can only succeed, not fail."



When Philips made the judgment that Ethan and I were 50-50 split, Sony and Akio Morita also called Norio Ohga and handed over the undisclosed transaction news between Columbia Records and Destiny Music.

When Norio Ohga discovered that Ethan Jones, who had been so arrogant in front of him before, not only secretly bought the popular music star Michael Jackson from Columbia Records, he even wanted to get his hands on Columbia Records' cash cow Barbra Streisand. …

A touch of excitement suddenly appeared on his face!

"President! I think I understand why Ethan Jones doesn't join our alliance!"

"Because according to current scientific research habits, when all technology alliances are formed, the teams or companies that want to join must disclose the technologies they have mastered to the outside world!"

"Ethan Jones should know that his technology is far behind ours. Not only will he not be able to enter the league after it is made public, he will even be blocked by us, so he chose to bluff!"

"He wants to use his tough attitude to make us think he is powerful!"

“He wanted to use his voice to make us feel that his product was already taking shape!”

"But in fact he has nothing!"

“That’s why I can’t wait to set up my own music company now!”

"He even doesn't hesitate to spend a lot of money to recruit people!"

Norio Ohga felt that he had smelled the truth of the matter!

And Akio Morita...

At this moment, he was as calm as water.

He looked at Norio Ohga, who was recruited into the company by himself, with a cautious expression, and said: "But that's not what Hiroshi Yamauchi, the president of Nintendo, said. Before, when I communicated with Hiroshi Yamauchi, he said that in his During the game with Ethan Jones, he discovered that Ethan Jones never fights unprepared."

"Now that he has taken action, he must be sure of victory."


"Can Destiny Music's poaching behavior be interpreted as meaning that Ethan Jones's digital disc is already a mature product? They will be able to launch the disc to the market soon?"

This line of thought made Norio Ohga frown, because Akio Morita was right.

But soon, he shook his head firmly.

"President, Hiroshi Yamauchi must be scared of Ethan Jones."

"There is absolutely no way the Destiny Game can be this powerful."

"Although Ethan Jones has been winning before, when we look back at all his success stories, we can find a very serious problem. Ethan Jones's wins are only in the gaming industry."

"Video games are an emerging industry, and everyone is starting from the same starting point. When no company has its own foundation, excellent creativity is the magic weapon to win."

"But now, he's entering a red ocean market."

"Music is an industry that has existed for many years. People will not choose a device because it is particularly easy to use. People will only choose a device that is easy to use because certain music sounds particularly good."

"In this case, once Ethan Jones does not have leading technology, cannot launch his own products on the market first, cannot obtain content barriers, and cultivate users' usage habits, then..."

"He will definitely lose!"

"That's why he is poaching people like crazy now."

"Because he knows that there is never a partner that is always reliable in this world."

“The only thing a company can believe in is itself.”

"Now as long as we join forces with Philips and exclude him, we have a high probability of defeating him, especially since Columbia Records is already annoyed by him..."

Norio Ohga looked serious.

His words also made Akio Morita nod.

Before that, he had already supported Norio Ohga to continue research and development.

And now, with Ethan Jones showing off his timidity, he felt even more confident.

"Find an opportunity to get in touch with Philips."

After pondering for a moment, Akio Morita said: "But this time they must come forward to beg us."

"Although we proposed the alliance first, there are also highs and lows among allies."

"Even if we cooperate, we have to take the initiative."

"Because after killing Ethan Jones, Philips is our enemy."

"Okay, President, I understand." Norio Ohga replied with an excited smile.

At this moment, he felt...

The advantage is mine!

Note: ① In reality, MJ acquired ATV in 1985, but the tug-of-war related to this transaction lasted for sixteen years. Starting in 1969, John Lennon and McCartney wanted to buy back the music rights from ATV, but ATV refused. When the ACC's finances exploded in the late 1970s, they wanted to buy back the rights, but ATV refused again. In the 1970s and 1980s, a bunch of companies had already pursued it, but they couldn't reach an agreement because of the price issue. In 1982, ACC encountered a hostile takeover by Australia's first billionaire, and the ATV transaction was suspended. It was not until the other party completed the acquisition that ATV's transaction restarted, and it was only at this time that MJ entered the market. The reason why MJ was able to buy ATV is very simple. He was not the highest bidder of all, but he was the fastest to give money. Because the Australian wealthy people at that time were acquiring BHP Billiton and Texaco, he only wanted cash and the sooner the better. . MJ sent the money directly to Australia and signed the contract with him.

PS1, MJ’s contract price in the previous chapter was calculated based on the average of singers of that era. Take Northern Music, which owns the copyright of most of John Lennon’s songs, as mentioned in this chapter. This company was only Worth more than 20 million pounds, I think it is not cheap to buy a four-year contract for 10 million for an MJ who has not become popular.

PS2, Chapter 22 of this volume has already mentioned that Columbia signed a contract with Goldman Sachs. I mentioned it repeatedly in the previous chapter. I misremembered it. I remembered it as Embassy Pictures. This is a BUG. I'm very sorry for the mistake. .

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