Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 288 On the right track

"Stop laughing, stop laughing, the corners of your mouth are almost as high as the moon!"

Ethan knew what Jobs was happy about, so he raised the report and waved it in front of his face.

"Based on the valuation of 1.6 billion, you are indeed a 500 millionaire now, but when we reach a deal with Xerox and Stanford Research Institute, your shares will shrink accordingly..."

"But the value of the stock will also be increased accordingly." Jobs was not a fool. He shrugged cheerfully and said: "As long as the graphical user interface can be successfully introduced to the market, Apple's value will soar several times. ! So after the deal is completed, I may be a billionaire!"

"Twenty-four-year-old billionaire?"

"Oh! My! God!"

"Who else in this world can be more legendary than me?"

"I..." Before Jobs could finish his words, Ethan pointed to his nose.

Not only that, he also smiled and said: "Steve, don't forget, I was born in 1955 just like you. And at the age of twenty-three, I embraced 100 million US dollars in cash, and He also owns 27% of Apple's shares, and this... seems to have been obtained in exchange for tens of thousands of dollars?"

"Oops... When I sponsored someone, I only wanted to get 20% of the shares~ But I didn't expect that guy actually gave me 30%?"

"In this case, when Apple's valuation was 1.6 billion, the stocks I held were also worth 430 million! More importantly, I have done nothing in the past four years! "

“It’s so easy to get this money!”

When Ethan wagged his tail triumphantly...

Jobs, who was still very excited, suddenly became unhappy!

Because Ethan’s words reminded him——

Even if he is awesome! There is a guy above him who is more awesome than him!

This made him feel unhappy instantly!

Looking at that smiling face, Qiao, who became more and more angry as he thought about it, raised his casserole-like fist.


"Ethan Jones!"

"Are you going to die if you ask me to enjoy the joy of success?"

The irritable words and rude behavior made Ethan laugh and hide. After Jobs missed the attack, he slightly stuck out his tongue at Xiao Qiao, who was in the air.

This situation allowed Jobs, who was in the cub state, to evolve directly and rush to the growth stage, but unfortunately...

He still couldn't catch the complete body of Ethan Jones.

You chased me and hid for a while. After discovering that he couldn't touch Ethan's clothes, Jobs, who had no energy, had no choice but to degenerate and became Xiao Qiao's classmate again.

Panting and waving his hands, he raised the white flag in surrender.

Ethan smiled cheerfully. Panting heavily, he asked Ballmer to bring two cups of coffee. After a brief rest, he went straight to the topic. Of course, this topic does not refer to the valuation of Xerox's graphical user interface and Stanford's corresponding patents, but to talk about Apple's internal option reward system.

Previously, when they asked Lawrence Rockefeller to help them recruit Roger Corrin from Pepsi-Cola and let him serve as Apple's CEO and take charge of Apple's daily affairs, the company set up a stock option incentive plan for him. The original agreement was that if Apple's total revenue exceeded 500 million in the next three years, the company would issue an additional 5 million shares for him at a price of one dollar per share.

Judging from the current situation, Roger Corian can get incentives one year in advance.

After Wenlock joined, Apple Computer's total share capital was expanded to 300 million shares. Judging from the original price of one dollar per share corresponding to a valuation of 300 million, this incentive was very reasonable at the beginning. After all, Roger Corian's annual salary was only 200,000 when he signed the contract.

But now...if Apple is valued at 1.6 billion, then Roger Corian's stock options are worth at least 25 million.

This indeed made him a fortune.

However, although it seems a bit much, it is what people deserve.

His appearance indeed liberated Steve Jobs, allowing him to devote more time to product design. At the same time, his appearance also allowed Apple to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve turnover.

Therefore, what Ethan wants to say today is not actually the issue of Roger Corian getting too much, but the issue of whether other employees in the company should receive equity awards.

At present, Apple's method of handling employees' salaries is the same as in the game of fate. It just uses bonuses to satisfy employees' appetites. If Apple has not been listed, then this approach is indeed no problem. But with the emergence of Xerox and Stanford, when When there are more and more external shareholders, Apple's listing will become inevitable.

When a growing company is destined to enter the exchange, any employee with a little ability will be eager to obtain the company's shares, because it will allow them to gain more.

And in this case...

"What do you think?" Ethan hugged his knees and looked at Jobs with a smile.

"Oh Ethan—I have nothing to hide from you, and I don't want to split the stock."

Jobs told the truth, "The three of us are the biggest contributors to Apple's success."

"Without me, Stephen would not have commercialized the personal computer he invented. Without Stephen, Apple would not have been at the forefront of innovation, and without you..."

"We have long been torn apart by those big capitals. Likewise, if your games hadn't been selling so well, and if you hadn't been telling the public what our computers can do, how could we have sold them in such a short period of time?" To produce so many computers?”

"You turned computers from toys into tools!"

"This jump has brought us huge profits!"

"The three of us play an irreplaceable role in the company, and the others..."

"To put it cruelly, there are many capable people in this world."

“But very few people get the opportunity.”

"We gave them a chance."

At this point, Jobs stopped and looked at Ethan very frankly.

The cold and ruthless words made Ethan nod his head repeatedly, or perhaps he had already guessed what Jobs would say before asking. Because in his previous life, Jobs was really unwilling to give out a penny to his employees. Apple’s wealth-making myth was all created by Steve Wozniak. The little fat man asked the company before it went public. Ordinary employees gave away shares valued at 10 million.

After the company went public, these shares were worth more than 50 million.

But this is normal. After all, Jobs grew up in hardship, and Woz...

To put it harshly, as long as the United States is still there, it is impossible for him to starve to death.

The important national defense equipment his father researched can ensure that he has enough food and clothing for the rest of his life.

“But that doesn’t excuse our company from giving up employee incentives, does it?”

Ethan looked at Jobs.

"Of course." Jobs nodded: "I understand what you mean. Stephen also told me about this matter. Likewise, our CEO Roger Corrin also mentioned it to me."

"They say that giving appropriate incentives to employees can better stimulate their enthusiasm. Because none of us know whether employees in the company will come up with ideas to change the world at the next moment. And equity incentives can also make people mature. Talents stay in the company instead of being easily poached by other companies.”

"So?" Ethan pursed his lips.

"How about six percent?" Jobs thought for a while and said, "Eighteen million shares. Based on the valuation of 1.6 billion, there are almost 95 million here."

"That's the maximum number I'm comfortable with."

Jobs shrugged, pretending to be relaxed about his decision.

"Oh Steve-" His choice also made Ethan laugh, "It's hard, isn't it?"

"Yes." Jobs nodded: "I feel uncomfortable when I think about giving money to ordinary people. But if I change my mind, I tell myself that the incentives of these stocks can attract Apple to Edgar just like Destiny Game. ·Technical tycoons like Cord and Bill Mensch allow Apple to steal people from Motorola and IBM, then I feel much more comfortable."

"Of course, while giving up the benefits, I also have conditions."

"Not everyone can get equity incentives, and we need to set up an assessment plan."

"Only employees who meet the standards can get it."

“At the same time, employees’ stocks do not have voting rights, and they are not allowed to sell the stocks within two years after obtaining the stocks. In addition, if the employee wants to sell the stock when the lifting period is over, the company has the right of first refusal, and if the employee resigns, then they The stock must also be sold to the company based on the stock price on the day of resignation.”

"I will not allow these 18 million shares to circulate on the market."

"No problem." Ethan nodded with a smile.

This is to protect their control over the company, and Ethan will naturally not refuse.

When Steve Jobs, the hard nut, gave in, all that was left was Lawrence Rockefeller's nod before the official implementation of the employee incentive plan.

And the old gentleman had no objections.

After receiving the inquiry letter from Apple, the old man replied directly in agreement, and the matter was over.

But this is normal. After all, Ethan and the others control 90% of the company's stock. Even if Lawrence Rockefeller disagrees, he cannot stop the implementation of the plan.

With his agreement, and after spending a day copying out a reward and punishment plan, Apple's employee incentive plan was officially launched, which also meant that Apple was finally on the right track.

Before, it was a barbaric development where the troika took the lead and didn't care about anything.

Now, that is to encourage employees to work together. Starting from today, we will continue to introduce R\u0026D experts.

After four shareholders contributed 6% of their shares as incentives, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs' shares were reduced from the original 94.5 million shares to 88.83 million shares, accounting for 29.61% of the total share capital; Ethan Jones's shares shrank from 81 million shares to 76.14 million shares, accounting for 29.61% of the total share capital. 25.38 of the total share capital; Wenlock's shares dropped from 30 million shares to 28.2 million shares, accounting for 9.4 of the total share capital.

The remaining 6% are unallocated shares waiting to be awarded to employees.

Since the six percent of the stock has no voting rights, the four people's power in the company remains unchanged.

When the latest shareholding structure was determined, Ethan discussed the purchase price of the graphical user interface with the two Steves. In the opinion of these two people, Xerox, a 'defective product' that did not collect all patents, was at most worthless. It's worth three to five million, and if Xerox promises not to enter the personal computer industry and not produce personal computers with graphical user interfaces in the next five years, the price can be as high as eight million.


forget about it.

After all, Douglas has accepted Ethan's invitation and will bring the laboratory to the Destiny Game.

And this price is in line with Ethan's expectations, but for Xerox...

"Mr. Jones, your plan is too insincere, isn't it?"

On August 5, in Stamford, Connecticut, Xerox CEO Charles McCollough looked at the document in his hand and shook his head, "In your opinion, the graphical user interface is only worth four million?"

"At the same time, your self-valuation for Apple is actually 1.6 billion?"

"Oh - God -"

"If you hadn't been sitting in front of me, I would have even suspected that this document was fake!"

"My employees just made something to fool me!"

"The company we want to work with is Apple! It's not your destiny game!"

"Your Destiny Game can earn 1.6 billion a year. If you value it at 1.6 billion, then I can totally accept it. But what about now? In your opinion, Apple is also worth 1.6 billion?"


"Are you really not kidding?"

"Of course not." Ethan shook his head and said, "Apple is worth 1.6 billion."

"Because our revenue this year can easily exceed 400 million."

"The gross profit can be close to 80 million."

"As a company that has just been established for three years, isn't it worth 1.6 billion?"

"If you don't think it's worth it, then there's no need for us to talk."

"As for your question about the graphical user interface worth four million... If I remember correctly, the document I gave you clearly marked that if you, Xerox, are willing to give up the personal graphical user interface in the next eight years, Computer business, then we can add another two million."

"If you don't give up..."

"Then we can only get out to four million."

"After all, you don't have a complete patent."


Ethan raised his eyebrows at Xerox CEO Charles McCollough.

Chiguo's words that showed no signs of weakness made the old man put down the documents and look at Ethan seriously.

Charles McCollough was born in 1922. He is fifty-seven years old this year. He joined Xerox when he was thirty-one. At that time, Xerox was still a little Calami that didn't even make a copy machine.

This situation led his wife to persuade him to change careers and go home with her, because Charles McCollough was in the same situation as Warner's Steve Ross. Although he came from an ordinary family, he had a super-rich wife.

His wife is the daughter of the CEO of J.J. White, one of the largest family-owned companies on the east coast of the United States. This company is a well-known construction contractor in the United States. For example, they built the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center and Boeing's Pennsylvania base. They built it, and they undertook the industrial projects of the Delaware Refining Company. Not only that, but also the huge East Coast public facilities, energy storage equipment, power plants, water plants... more than 40% of the business was built by them. Theirs.

As long as Charles McCollough follows his wife home, it won't be easy to make over a year.

And that was the fifties.

But Charles McCollough did not go and took root at Xerox. Then, he became the president of Xerox in 1966. No one knew whether there was any PY transaction in it. His ability was not at the level of Xerox at the time. Not the most outstanding, but that didn’t matter because for the next four years…

He brought Xerox's revenue from more than 40 million to 3 billion.

Yes, after he took office, he introduced the world's leading photocopier.

Since then, Xerox's revenue has skyrocketed like their market share. In the past two years, it even touched an annual revenue of US$6 billion and a net profit of US$500 million.

In the face of this exaggerated and unacceptable fact, Charles McCollough instantly became another American operating star after Ray Kroc, the father of McDonald's.

Everyone is smiling when communicating with him. He has also received invitations from many giants such as the Bank of New York, the New York Stock Exchange, Citigroup, and Dow Chemical, and has become an independent director of these companies.

Over the past decade or so, no one has used ‘Okay? ' Such words were used to ask for his opinion, and now... that 24-year-old figure made him curl up his lips.


He nodded slightly and said: "Mr. Jones, although this is our first meeting, you gave me a surprise, because I never knew before, how did Steve Ross and the guys lose? I It’s hard to believe that companies like Philips and Warner can keep losing money in front of you.”

"But now..."

He stared at the documents in front of him and said, "Is this your final offer?"


"Aren't you afraid that I'll tell you to get out and go back to Komodo and Rockwell to cooperate?"

"Why should I be afraid?" Ethan shrugged and spread his hands, saying, "I said, you don't have all the patents, and you can't take those patents away from me."

"So, if you can't accept this offer and think you can cooperate with Commodore and Rockwell, then just go ahead and I will put those patents into Apple and give Mr. Lawrence Rockefeller a call. Tell him that Apple's patent has been stolen."

"Then you'll have two choices."

"One, stop infringement."


“Stop Infringement Under Lawsuit by Lawrence Rockefeller’s Private Lawyer.”

When Ethan stretched out his voice and gave two identical results, Charles McCullough immediately laughed out loud, "Hahahaha——"

The next second, he leaned back and cast a playful look at Ethan.

"Ethan Jones, are you also this straightforward when discussing business with other people?"

"Of course." Ethan smiled and nodded, "Because from the beginning, I will show my greatest sincerity to my partners." Unless others refuse and want to threaten me to transfer benefits they should not get, otherwise I will not Will show uncivilized rudeness. "

"I assume you are the same person? Mr. McCullough?"

"Oh - you are right." Charles McCollough nodded and said, "Leave this document with me first. I need to discuss it with other people in the company."

"Please." Ethan did not refuse and stood up to say goodbye, "Then I'll wait for your good news."

"Okay." Charles McCullough nodded in farewell.

As Ethan left, the old man picked up the documents in front of him again.

When Apple's offer came into his eyes again...

He raised his head silently.

"We can achieve 400 million in three years!"

"The computer industry..."

"too crazy!"

After muttering twice, he suddenly laughed again.

Recalling the scene just now, he shook his head and said, "Ethan Jones?"


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