When Hayao Nakayama spoke impassioned words in a measured tone, Ethan could still feel his blood boiling even though he was far away in North America.

He admitted that if he were a neon person at this moment, a young neon person in his twenties, when he heard Nakayama Hayao's words, he would be so excited that he could not control himself.

He will definitely put a handful of coins in his pocket, rush into Sega's arcade, and support Sega with his own actions. He hopes that Hayao Nakayama can turn his words into reality, and looks forward to a better future that will appear as soon as possible. It can happen tomorrow!

As for the reason?

Very simple!

Because in the past few decades, the entire neon has been living in the shadow of Millikin!

Since MacArthur entered the station, they have been in a lost situation. If the western peninsula had not been completely destroyed, they became a transit point for materials and labor near the battlefield, selling a large amount of arms and supplies. Their economy would have been in ruins. I don’t know when I can pull it up yet.

After that, they ran all the way on the road to recovery, advancing economically and technologically. When they surpassed most of their opponents and became the second largest economy in the world after North America, the country became normal. The call for transformation is also becoming more and more intense on the huge island.

Of course, they also feel that they have such capital. Various world No. 1 rankings make them full of confidence. And now, can the video game industry, which has always been dominated by Americans, usher in spring?

oh! For the majority of neon young people, this is something worth celebrating!

Perhaps because of this, after Hayao Nakayama's speech was released by major neon media, the discussion and pride that arose from it instantly became a hot topic among neon people.

While the neon crowd was cheering, Ethan, after reading the report...

That's quite a smile.

If Julis Noble had not reported it in advance, at this moment he might be furiously analyzing Sega's sneak attack, but when Julis Noble had already said that Sega would most likely switch exports to domestic sales. After knowing where the "Godzilla" developed was sold to North America...

The fact that Sega chose Paramount gave him great peace of mind.

Even if the cooperation between the two will have a certain impact on Destiny Games, since the video game industry cannot monopolize it, Ethan feels that Philips should be the only one who should be anxious at this moment.

While he was crossing his arms and smiling with his eyes closed, in New York, the headquarters of Philips in North America, CEO Cornelis van der Krucht was using his hands to realize his dream.

Oh no!

He was holding his head with both hands!

Even if he puts his elbows on the table and faces down, he can't contain the helplessness that escapes!

This situation caused the subordinate who came to report to freeze on the spot. He stared at his boss for a moment, lowered his head and scanned the telegram. The letter with the headquarters logo made him not sure what to do.

"So, what the headquarters is saying is that we need to deal with this matter as soon as possible?"

After a while, Cornelis, who had regained his composure, spoke.

The deep voice made the secretary look up quickly.

But unfortunately, he did not gain more from looking around anxiously. Although Cornelis sitting there made a sound, he did not move, and his facial expression could not be observed.

"Yes." The boss's gloominess made the secretary purse her lips and said, "Boss, the headquarters hopes that we can intervene in the negotiations between Sega and Paramount as soon as possible."

"They felt that a partnership between Sega and Paramount would bring huge benefits to us."

"They think this is going to be a turnaround for our gaming business."

"Because when Neon's companies start to develop their own games, they will definitely sell the games to North America if they want to grab more. As long as we control the publishing business of those companies, we will be able to reap a lot of profits. This will Make our financial report very good-looking.”

The clearly articulated report and the unabashed desire made Cornelis's body tremble suddenly.

At this moment, sitting in the room, he seemed to have been struck by lightning and could no longer control his emotions. He slowly released his hands and slowly raised his head. The red face and bloodshot eyes made the secretary retreat instinctively. The ferocious face and terrifying eyes made his heart beat wildly.

"Are they trying to force me to death?"

Cornelis' voice was hoarse and he said word for word: "Control distribution?"

"Significant profits?"

"Does the financial report look good?"

"Haha -" Cornelis chuckled, and the next second, he roared, "North America is already in this situation, are they guys still dreaming!"

"We have been holding the video game patent for more than five years! But so far, this patent has only brought us a little profit! Because all companies! No! Pay! Money!"

"They didn't want to pay us when Nolan Bushnell was in charge of Atari! Now that Atari is owned by Steve Ross, they're even less likely to pay us!"

"Ethan Jones refused to talk to us before he founded the company. After he founded the company, he directly found the inventor of the patent, Ralph Bell, and invited him to become a consultant to the company. This is Tell the whole world directly that he——Ethan Jones! Will not pay!"

"Although we have sued a bunch of companies before and used legal means to force them to pay us patent fees, the money they lost was not as high as our litigation costs!"

"So, the year before last, I put these facts in front of the group's board of directors and told those people that since the video game patent cannot make us profitable, then we will simply use it as a bargaining chip to compete with those who want to enter the game industry. The company communicates and cooperates! Make them allies!”

"The board of directors of the group agreed with my idea! Then we negotiated cooperation with Paramount, MGM, and Disney! We licensed the patent at an extremely low price!"

"And now..."

"They want me to take back these authorizations?"

"Get more benefits for them?"


"I'm a human! Not a god!"

"I can't tear up the signed contract quietly!"

"I can't change everything on the black and white paper!"


"Tell those people in the group!"

"Stop forcing me! Otherwise I will fly back to Europe! Go greet their mothers in person!"

Veins popped up on Cornelis's neck from his hoarse roar.

The look on his face that looked like a cooked shrimp made the secretary retreat.

With a crisp snapping sound, Cornelis couldn't bear it anymore, his chest couldn't help rising and falling, he stood up suddenly, pushed everything on the table clean with his hands.

The crashing fall demonstrated his anger.

The crashing fragments told of his horror.

After destroying everything in sight, Cornelis finally couldn't control his heart. He fell backwards and fell on the seat, facing up to the sky, his cheeks twitching.

After a moment, crystal tears fell from his eyes...

He felt that he was so unlucky!

Cornelis is a Dutchman who joined Philips after graduating from university and has deep feelings for this company. According to the normal rhythm, he would live in his country for the rest of his life and devote his life to this national-level company. However, two years ago, the board of directors came to him and told him that the North American branch lacked a doer, and the capable people in the group company were missing. There are very few, so I want to send him to North America to take control of the overall situation...

The gears of fate began to turn.

Cornelis admitted that the reason for accepting the transfer order was very pure, that is, the group's board of directors said that this overseas assignment would be a promotion opportunity for him. As long as he stayed in North America for three years, he would be able to successfully join the group's board of directors after returning. , enjoy the highest treatment within the group.

Although Cornelis already knew before coming here that there were a lot of problems in the North American branch. There were countless enemies here. Many jobs that seemed normal in other countries would not be able to be carried out here due to various problems. But even so, he felt that he could survive three years.

But now?

If God could give him a chance to come back, he would definitely not accept the group's assignment!

Because business in North America is like a quagmire with unclear depths!

No! It is a dead end that cannot be saved by God!

When the capitalists here are more and more crazy, using the law to defend their rights and interests, while trampling on the obligations that the law requires them to fulfill...

As long as you are an individual, you cannot do business seriously here!

If that was all, forget it. What really disgusted him was that while he was dealing with the enemy's attacks, he was being beeped by the group's senior management!

At first, before receiving the invitation from Steve Ross to officially join the Avengers, he had discussed the cooperation plan with the group's senior management. Those on the group's board of directors agreed with his view and unanimously felt that video game patents were of little value. , can become a bargaining chip for cooperation.

But it has only been a year since this incident, and those guys have already turned their backs on each other.

This made him very tired.

If we include the questioning from the chairman of the group last year and the ultimatum personally issued by the other party...

That unreasonable behavior of just taking the blame made him feel even more disgusting!

"Sxxt! Sxxt! Sxxt!"

He cursed at the thought.

Although he knew that there was nothing wrong with the actions of the group's top management, and that all self-protection in critical situations stemmed from survival instincts, he still couldn't accept the shamelessness of those guys.

What was even more unacceptable to him was actually Paramount.

No matter what, they are allies!

No matter whether everyone is truly aligned or not, they are at least in the same group in name!

Under such circumstances, if you want to cooperate with Sega, you have to notify us in advance, right?

But now?

Forget about notifications!

Not even informed!

Cornelis was so angry that he was the one who got the patent!

"Barry Diller!"

"Michael Eisner!"

"MFxxk! These sons of bitches! What a bunch of beasts!"

Unfortunately, no matter how Cornelis roared, it could not change the fact that Paramount had stabbed them in the back. When his emotions finally calmed down, he picked up the phone on the ground again.

After picking up the receiver and confirming that it was working, he tapped the numbers and started dialing.

After a while, the voice of Warner boss Steve Ross, founder of the Avengers, came into his ears, "Hello? Cone? Why are you looking for me at this time?"

"Oh - let me guess, have you heard the news from Sega?"

"Wow! I'm telling you! This is really a surprise! Right?"

"I guess everyone in the alliance never thought that before we officially started, Sega had already taken the lead and developed a popular game!"

"They're really awesome! Aren't they?"

"Oh! I'm so excited right now! I guess you are too?"

"I can't wait to see the official cooperation between Sega and Paramount! I really hope that their products will appear on the North American continent in the next second!"

"Because when they start selling games, our behavior won't be so harsh!"

"The end is coming for Ethan Jones!"

“And this time, it’s Paramount that’s attracting firepower from the front!”

The joyful tone and incoherent words made Cornelis's hands and feet go cold.

At this moment, he fully understood what Steve Ross meant.

Because their alliance’s plan in the video game industry is to create a pile of electronic waste in the name of Destiny Game. Destroy the video game industry in America by destroying Ethan Jones's perfect reputation and destroying the market confidence of North American people.

Only the entire industry returns to barbarism! A complete shuffle!

Only then can they regain a new lease of life in a game where they don't have an advantage!

So far, this plan is going very smoothly - they have sent their own people to Neon, set up a line with Neon's company, and provided Neon's company with a series of hardware support, and Neon's company has also Very awesome, I am studying crazily Ethan Jones’s ideas on how to make a hit.

When the entire plan is almost ready, the next thing they have to do is to find a way to sell Neon games to North America, and to establish the prerequisite for sales channels...

That is, a popular game must appear in the neon market first.

Because according to normal business processes, commercial products that can go overseas are generally the kings of a single market. If a product cannot gain popularity among the people in its own country, then they do not have the conditions to go overseas. This is just like Hollywood movies. Those that can be screened around the world are excellent works that have been screened. Those that are average-looking can only be digested in North America.

In this case, how can Neon's company launch a hit product? Open the neon trade route to North America? That's the problem that's giving Steve Ross a headache.

Before, Steve Ross and them were thinking that this matter might take a long time. If it didn't work, then they would just buy the game themselves and create a big-selling game.

Of course, at the beginning of the plan, some people in the league raised doubts, saying that the entire plan seemed to be too complicated, but when Steve Ross emphasized that the simple layout would allow Ethan Jones to find their heads, Then they launched a counterattack with the power of thunder, which might lead to the bankruptcy of all their plans. They didn't want to be the first person and didn't want to be stared at by Ethan Jones, so they accepted this idea.

And just when everyone was waiting patiently, eager for surprises to appear under their cultivation...

The sudden appearance of Sega helped them solve a big problem!

When a guy out of the league solves their problem...

This sudden help can indeed make Steve Ross smile!

But the problem is...

Cornelis called today, hoping that the captain of the Avengers, Undertaker Ross, could help him inquire about the current status of the cooperation between Paramount and Sega!


Sniping Ethan Jones was indeed a plan he participated in!

But his core purpose in blocking Ethan Jones is to hope that North American Philips can gain more!

This gain will allow him to be promoted to a higher position!

But if, during the sniping process, he couldn't even keep the position under his butt...

So what’s the point of this kind of sniping?

Let his successor take credit for it?

This doesn't exist!

Therefore, when Steve Ross said that Sega had given them a huge surprise this time, Cornelis felt angry. He felt that Steve Ross had never considered his own feelings, and was angry in his heart under pressure. Finally, he said: "Steve, I have something I want to ask you to help me with."

"you say."

Steve Ross answered very simply.

"If I can do it, then I will definitely help you, you can rest assured about this."

'rest assured? hehe. ’ Cornelis muttered in his mind.

But the next second, he still vaguely stated his needs——

"I want to know the negotiation process and content between Sega and Paramount. I heard that Sega and Paramount are only a family in name? In fact, the relationship is not good? Paramount has always wanted to annex Sega, but Sega Not willing, they just didn’t fall out for the sake of the same parent company?”

"Oh - I see what you mean, Cone."

Steve Ross on the other end of the phone said bluntly: "Cone, do you think that with the bad relationship between Paramount and Sega, there may be problems in their cooperation?"

"If the negotiations between Paramount and Sega break down, will other companies, such as Philips, have the opportunity to obtain the agency rights for Sega games?"

Cornelis' face tightened upon hearing the straightforward words.

he thinks……

Steve Ross…

It seemed that he had never looked at him directly.

While he clenched his fists, Steve Ross also changed the topic and said: "Cone, I know that selling video game patents will cost Philips a lot of money, but with Ethan Jones Among us fighting against each other, who has made huge profits?"

"Everyone is losing money!"

"Everyone lost a lot of money!"

"It is precisely because Ethan Jones has harmed our interests that we are gathering together!"

"And now, when you see an opportunity to make money, you want to abandon your brother?"

"You just want to let go of everything?"

"You just want all our plans to collapse?"

"I don't think you are like that, right?"

Cornelis gritted his teeth as he heard Steve Ross's words.

And just when he was about to retort, Steve Ross said: "More importantly, Cone, this Sega matter is not something we can participate in now."

"For us, the biggest significance of Sega's presence is to protect us."

"So, for the sake of the overall situation, now they can only cooperate with Paramount."

"All we can do is hope that their joint sales can start as soon as possible."

"At the same time, what you should do is reprimand Paramount, reprimand their president Michael Eisner, reprimand their chairman Barry Diller, saying that they disrespect their allies! They do not abide by the contract!"

"We must show our anger to Ethan Jones!"

"Because only in this way, when junk games appear crazily in North America, they, Ethan Jones! will not suspect us in the shortest possible time!"


Steve Ross raised his voice.

The behavior of only talking about giving without talking about rewards clearly illustrates the ugly face of capitalists.

After taking two deep breaths, Cornelis laughed, "Okay, I get it."

His expression gradually became cold, "I will work hard for a better tomorrow for everyone."

"But at the same time, I also want to say that I am not the boss of Philips after all. If Philips loses too much, then I may be transferred back to the Netherlands by the group's board of directors..."

Before he could finish his words, Steve Ross's voice appeared again.

"Many signed artists under Warner Records will release new albums this year."

This chip made Cornelis' smile grow wider.

"Let me communicate with PolyGram."

"Uh-huh." Steve Ross on the other end of the phone snorted.

After a brief chat, Cornelis hung up the phone.

As the snapping sound appeared, his face instantly darkened.

His eyes flickered and he thought for a long time. After he came to his senses again, he picked up the receiver again and pressed a series of numbers. After the other party connected, he took the initiative and said: "Ron, do you have time? Come on over." New York?"

"I'd like to treat you to a meal."

"Of course, if you don't have time, that's okay. I can go to Los Angeles to find you."

"After all, I'm not the same as Steve Ross."

"He's a villain, and I..."

"Like you, I long for a better tomorrow."

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