As Steve Ballmer once said, Ron Miller is indeed a genius.

Because on the second day after he and Sega officially announced their cooperation, as soon as the New York Stock Exchange opened, Walt Disney's stock price soared by 15%. Almost in a breath, the total market value increased by 100 million. .

This situation made Steve Ballmer, who had just gotten up, cover his cheeks.

By the time he arrived at the company on the clock, due to the time difference, the New York Stock Exchange on the east coast had been trading for three hours. After a large amount of money, Walt Disney's total market value once again skyrocketed. , firmly standing on one billion.

The fact that its stock price has soared has made Disney the most beautiful kid on the New York Stock Exchange.

The crowd-pleased scene also caused countless praises to spread wildly on Wall Street.

Some experts say -

"Ron Miller has made the best deal since he joined the Walt Disney Group! Because "Godzilla" is one of the few neon brands that can do well on the North American continent!"

"This deal may bring hundreds of millions of dollars in cash flow and tens of millions of dollars in agency income to Disney, and what Ron Miller has to do is to strike a good balance between monsters and brands."

"After all, Disney has been presenting itself as a fairy tale kingdom in the past few decades. If monster games are released directly under the name of Disney..."

"This may have a somewhat negative impact on a flawless brand."

Some organizations stated——

"The cooperation between Sega and Disney can definitely be called a powerful alliance!"

"Sega has unparalleled influence in Asia. They are able to select outstanding works from Asia and continuously supply them to Disney. Disney is the world-class king. Decades ago, they had already passed the classic cartoon image Captured the hearts of countless Asian people.”

"Faced with this fact, Sega can gain greater profits through cooperation, while Disney can sell its games to the world while controlling excellent overseas works."

"We estimate that if all goes well, this cooperation can generate at least one billion US dollars in revenue for Disney in the future, making them one of the world's largest video game giants."

The media even promoted——

"When Destiny Games firmly controlled the North American market, Ron Miller took a step that was unimaginable for ordinary people! Since you can't beat Ethan Jones and his production team in a head-on confrontation, why not change your thinking and approach? To operate their products?”

"As far as we know, before this, the quality of the video games produced and released by Walt Disney was not bad, and could even be described as excellent, but even so, they did not achieve good enough results in North America, because Ethan ·Jones’ game is so strong.”

"When Ethan Jones's games are unrivaled in North America, taking great games overseas and bringing beloved characters to other countries is the best way to make profits!"

"Disney has an advantage that no other company can match, and now that Ron Miller has discovered it and taken advantage of it, we are very happy and it will also make Disney shareholders very happy."

"Because after Walt Disney and Roy Disney Sr. passed away one after another, the Disney Group finally found a new! Right! Someone at the helm who can lead them to success!"

Since the present is not the Internet era, the transmission of information cannot be as fast as in the future, so the flattering words of these experts, scholars, and countless institutions may only appear in tomorrow's newspapers.

At this point in time, those who can hear praise are basically people working on Wall Street, or large companies that have business relationships with Wall Street.

Although the Destiny Game had nothing to do with them, because they had sent someone in advance, when Ethan went to work, he still saw a stack of latest faxes that smelled of burnt aroma.

Picking up the document and scanning it briefly, he shook his head at the overwhelming praise.

In fact, when he learned that Ron Miller had come out of nowhere to become the agent of Sega Games, he knew that Walt Disney's stock price would rise significantly.

but now……

In just half a day, Disney's stock price has risen by more than 25%?

This is too exaggerated!

It was so exaggerated that it made Ethan think that someone might be behind it!

"Can we find out who bought Disney stock?" Ethan put down the document.

The question made Steve Ballmer shake his head like a rattle.

"Boss, stop joking. How can we do this kind of thing?"

"Monitoring stock prices and listening to public news is the limit of what we can do."

"As for who is paying attention to Disney this morning?"

"I think only the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange can answer this question for you."

Ethan knew that this kind of monitoring was impossible, so he just asked casually.

The purpose of this was to dispel the anxiety of the bald man in front of him and prevent him from looking at him with a bitter face. After Steve Ballmer showed his incompetence in a half-joking tone, he revealed After getting over this topic, he said: "Then do you think the surge in Disney's stock price is related to institutions?"

"..." Ballmer was silent for a while.

Finally he nodded, "I think so."

At the same time, he also explained: "Although the cooperation between Ron Miller and Sega is indeed a good thing, this good thing is not enough to support a company with a market value of hundreds of millions to rise by more than 25 points in half a day after the market opened. If money is really so easy to make, will there be anyone in the world doing business?"

"Everyone is investing."

"So, if you want the good news to exert its power beyond their own, a large amount of institutional funds must enter the market. And judging from our previous contacts with Wall Street..."

Ballmer paused and said: "The operator this time is probably Goldman Sachs."

"Hahahaha——" The seriousness of the bald head made Ethan laugh out loud.

Looking at the serious guy, Ethan sighed softly and said, "I thought so too. That's why I asked you to send someone to New York overnight."

That's right!

Even if Ethan had some idea that Walt Disney's stock price would rise significantly due to their cooperation with Sega, this could not be the reason for him to set up surveillance overnight.

What really makes Ethan uneasy is his antagonistic relationship with Wall Street.

Ever since he rejected Wall Street's invitation to go public and messed up the acquisitions they controlled and lost money, their destiny game and Wall Street capitalists can no longer pee in the same pot.

Especially when he tried every means to lower Disney's stock price, Goldman Sachs also used the method of selling Columbia Pictures' turnover to forcefully stabilize the Fairy Tale Kingdom.

Since then, Ethan has known that he is likely to be on Wall Street's blacklist.

Although none of the companies under his name have been listed and financial capital cannot attack his core industry, financial capital can still disgust him when he still has the idea of ​​expansion.

Since the above are all his personal thoughts, he doesn't know whether they are accurate. Therefore, when the benefits related to Disney and the disadvantages related to him emerged, he wanted to test it out.

And this temptation...

Sure enough, I found a new way to have fun.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand irritably.

"Steve, go ahead and do your work."

"I want to be alone for a while."

"Okay." Ballmer, who understood that his boss didn't want to say anything, turned around and left.

And just when he was about to close the door, Ethan said: "Wait a minute... let me ask you something. When will Disney's shareholder meeting be held this year?"

"April 10." Ballmer answered directly without thinking.

This number made Ethan nodded slightly and said: "If Roy Disney calls me, you can tell him that I am very busy. At the same time, you can also tell him that I already know about Disney."

"I haven't figured out how to resolve this matter yet, so..."

"Let him wait."

"Okay." Ballmer nodded, expressing understanding.

As the banging sound sounded, Ethan also put his head in his hands and leaned back on the seat.

Staring at the snow-white ceiling, a helpless sigh came from his mouth.


At the beginning, the reason why he chose to form an alliance with Roy Disney to help him fight for control of the Disney Group was because he felt that this combination would make him very profitable.

At that time, the Destiny Game had just joined Hollywood, and they were newcomers who knew nothing, understood nothing, and had nothing. Therefore, when Roy Disney appeared, Ethan, who felt that he could get a lot of help, agreed. The other party's invitation to cooperate, of course...

This is also related to Ethan's desire to obtain Disney's dream-making ability.

According to Ethan’s vision, the development plan of Destiny Games on the road of comprehensive entertainment is as follows——

The first step: launch "Alien" and create Destiny Games' own joint film and game project.

Step two: Promote Roy, cooperate with the Disney Group, and let them create independent movies for "Snake" and "Pac-Man", so that Jack the Snake and Mr. Pac-Man can shine in other fields.

Step 3: If the animated movies of "Snake" and "Pac-Man" do well, then look for opportunities to launch corresponding toys and copy Walt Disney's path to becoming a god.

The fourth step: that is to develop IP, try to turn these IP into park projects, and then throw them into the world's largest theme park-Disney's Fairy Tale Kingdom.

However, the idea is beautiful and the reality is even more beautiful.

When the game of Destiny expands crazily at an exponential rate, when Ethan Jones grasps hardware with one hand and software with the other, both hands have to be grasped, and when both hands blossom...

All the assumptions have not turned into reality.

Because it’s no longer needed!

Regardless of whether it is the Happy Meal in cooperation with McDonald's or the video game national competition created with the American Football League, it has proven that their toys are super easy to sell!

And after destroying the American Film Institute, his movies are now self-censored and self-marketed!

With the addition of Steven Spielberg and George Lucas...

Destiny Pictures can thrive even with your eyes closed!

In this case, what is the greatest significance of Roy Disney's existence?

Can they do animation?

But in the future, DreamWorks Animation and Pixar Animation will not be inferior to Disney Animation!

For the former, only one person needs to be dug up, and that is Jeffrey Katzenberg.

The latter is a product of technological progress. Even if Jobs may not be able to create Pixar in this life, when the graphical user interface is firmly under his control, he can do computer animation by himself.

What about "Snake Crazy", "Pac-Man"...

The only thing missing from these projects is the script.

As for the script?

With Steven Spielberg here, Ethan Jones is still worried that he can't find anyone to write?

Beyond that, all Roy Disney could offer him was the greatest park in the world.

But with a bunch of IPs, wouldn’t it be possible to build a paradise if there is land?

When IPs such as "Star Wars", "Raiders of the Lost Ark", "Snake", "Pac-Man" and "Alien" are all in his hands, are there any entertainment projects in the world that he can't do?

Wouldn’t it be enough to just hold a destiny carnival?


Is his alliance with Roy Disney still solid?

he does not know.

But what he knew was...

Back then, this guy wanted to take away his "Snake"!

"Ethan-what are you thinking about? Why are you in a daze?"

The kind call brought Ethan back from his thoughts.

His pupils refocused, and Linda's face appeared in front of him.

Today is Friday, and when he is not out on business, he and Evelin will go home for dinner.

Looking at the rich dishes in front of him, Ethan knew that he had missed his aunt's careful introduction.

"Sorry, I was thinking about work and got a little distracted."

"That seems to be a very troublesome matter——"

Thomas, who was sitting next to him, took over the conversation and said with a smile, "Can you tell me something?"

"Because you weren't like this before."

Thomas' curiosity attracted the three of them to look around. Sensing the concern of his family, Ethan shrugged and said, "It's not too troublesome, it's just that there are some things that are hard to choose." He took a few seconds to organize his words and said, "That's it. A previous partner may not be important now..."

Ethan's description made Thomas raise his eyebrows and said, "So you want to abandon him?"

"Or do you want to terminate cooperation with him?"

"Uh... I guess..." Ethan nodded and admitted without any pretense, "If we continue to cooperate, the time and money we spend may not catch up with the rewards he gives us."


"It also potentially wastes a lot of our time and energy."

Ethan felt there was nothing wrong with his words.

Because the current Disney really cannot help him.

Not only that, but if he keeps keeping the Roy Disney issue in his belt, the glare from Wall Street will make him upset.

But Thomas didn't think much of it, "Oh Ethan, when you are stuck in a decision, it proves that the effort and reward of this transaction are not as exaggerated as you said."

"Because stopping losses is the best thing in the world."

"As long as you feel pain from cooperation, you will immediately make a decision to stop losses."

"And now that you are struggling, it proves that that partner is still useful to you."

This idea made Ethan raise his eyebrows, "Thomas, what do you mean..."

"My point is very simple..." Thomas said with a smile: "Since you think this cooperation will cause you pain in the future, then you must avoid this problem now."

"Because all business cooperation is not done haphazardly. There are countless deep thoughts behind every cooperation. Since every cooperation is not easy to create, we must maintain it as much as possible."

"We have to find ways to find other shining points in cooperation."

"And the reason why I say that..."

"it's actually really easy."

“Word-of-mouth is difficult to establish, but easy to destroy. After you have spent the past few years maintaining good relationships with various partners, this kind of stable and long-lasting cooperation will make other guys who want to cooperate with you have confidence in the future. Keep a good vision, which will give you the initiative in various negotiations.”

"But if you are someone who breaks the contract wantonly..."

"In the future, even if someone wants to cooperate with you, they will only seek their own best interests. Although this kind of thing is very common in our country, who likes betrayal?"


Thomas blinked.

His words made Evelin laugh out loud.

"Oh Dad~ What if Ethan has broken the contract multiple times?"

"What?" Thomas was stunned by his daughter's words.

Evelin did not hide it and said directly: "The cooperation agreement between our company and Nintendo has been revised many times, and every time... we have the upper hand."

"That's no problem!" Thomas breathed a sigh of relief and laughed.

"There is only one principle for people in our country to do business with people from other countries."

"That's America first."

“You guys did a great job!”

"No problem at all!"

"Especially for Neon! MFxxk! Those beasts suppress the prices of our agricultural products every day!"

"Hahahaha——" Thomas's angry words made the three of them laugh.

The fickle and open words also made Ethan nod repeatedly, "I understand, thank you Thomas."

"Really?" Thomas didn't believe it.

"Of course!" Ethan raised his knife and fork naturally.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

"Let's have a meal..."

Ethan thought his uncle was right.

When he has a good reputation, doing everything he can to maintain it is the most important thing. Of course, if maintenance costs a lot, you can also adapt to your bottom line.

After all, people live to be happy. They can do anything, but they can't cause trouble for themselves.

As for what kind of shining points Roy Disney still has?

This may take some time to find.

And just as Ethan figured everything out and abandoned his anxiety, outside capital was also frantically chasing profits. On the third day after Ron Miller and Sega announced their alliance, they had already obtained the source code of the game from Sega. , on March 20, there was news that Disney's video game production team had completed the localization modifications of "Godzilla" and the first batch of arcades would be off the production line within three days.

Although this speed is in line with the expectations of various capitals, to be honest, the execution ability displayed by Disney at the moment still astonishes everyone and attracts discussion from all parties.

However, at this moment, nothing from the outside world can interfere with Ron Miller. On March 24, arcade dealers in major cities on the West Coast have received invitations from Disney. Ron Miller hopes that they can I flew to Burbank on the 26th to witness the actual demonstration of the Neon Fire game.

When the news came out, almost overnight, there were countless crowds of people watching at the entrance of the Disney Group. After Ron Miller personally held a new product launch conference, Disney's Burbank factory stayed up all night It started working sleeplessly, and cartloads of materials were transported to the warehouse. Stacks of machines were covered with ponchos by the transport convoy and sent away crazily regardless of day or night.

Perhaps because Ron Miller just wanted to win this time, he did a very good job keeping the secret this time. Even on the night of March 31, no one knew what the arcade version of "Godzilla" was. How many units of goods were purchased, but the hot scene made everyone hear a roar...

A roar from the next day.

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