Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 317 New Cooperation

‘Roy Disney? ’

The guy who suddenly appeared surprised Ethan.

Because they have not been in contact for a long time in the past.

There are many reasons for this. For example, Walt Disney's internal situation has turned around. Another example is that Roy Disney's personal ability seems to be problematic. Another example is that Ron Miller's business ability has not been judged. It looks so watery... These are the root causes of the deadlock in their communication.

Ethan originally thought that the next contact between the two parties would be established when there was a huge breakthrough in the external situation, but now, this guy actually came to his door?

Is it possible...

What new trouble did this guy get into?

Ethan is full of spite.

It’s nothing more than Ethan thinking so.

After all, Roy Disney has created quite a few problems for him over the past few years.

If the benefits he brought were not negative, Ethan would not have thought of terminating the cooperation.

But since the person is already here, he has to meet him no matter what. When Ethan came to the living room and expressed his surprise in a polite manner, Roy Disney did not hesitate and said straight to the point:

"Ethan, I know you must have many questions in your mind now. If you want to know why I suddenly came to Palo Alto, I can tell you straightforwardly. The purpose of my coming back is very simple, that is, someone wants to Join our alliance, belong to the alliance of the two of us.”

"I think you should know that a lot of things have happened in Walt Disney recently. Ron Miller and Sega reached a cooperation agreement. They introduced Neon's "Godzilla" to North America and it sold very well. This One situation completely disrupted my plans.”

"Afterwards, Ron Miller signed a contract with Universal and will distribute "King Kong" for them. If they make this deal and "King Kong" really receives a certain degree of praise, then Ron Miller My position within Disney will be more stable, and when the time comes, let alone kicking him out of the company, I may even be officially kicked out of Disney by him."

"Of course, I know that none of this has anything to do with you. Things within Disney can only be handled by me, a person from the Disney family. But now, what I want to say is that I want Ron Miller to be I’m not the only one who was kicked out of the company.”

"Or maybe there are a lot of people besides me who want Ron Miller to go away."

At this point, Roy Disney stopped.

His eyes were looking straight at Ethan.

His eyes were like sharp knives, trying to peel off the layers of Ethan's disguise.

His eyes were full of inquiry, like a magnifying glass, wanting to know what Ethan was thinking.

And his words...

This made Ethan frown slightly, "Oh Roy... I think I didn't understand what you meant..."

Ethan said: "What you just said sent me two messages. The first is that someone within Disney is dissatisfied with Ron Miller's behavior; the second is that there are still people in this world Others feel that Ron Miller cannot be the chairman of Disney."

"It seems that these two messages can exist at the same time, but as Ron Miller has further controlled Disney, the former judgment should not be necessary?"

"So, what you want to say is the second one?"

"Oh! Yes!" This analysis made Roy Disney laugh and said: "You are right Ethan, there are other people in the world who feel that Ron Miller's behavior is a bit excessive. .”

"They feel Ron Miller violated their interests."

"Is it General Tire?" Ethan instinctively reported the name.

Because he remembered the lawsuit Ballmer told him before.

"Yes." Roy Disney nodded seriously and answered in the affirmative.

But the next second, he shook his head and said: "But General Tire is not the only one who wants to remove Ron Miller. Paramount also found me, or in other words, it is Paramount's director. Chief Barry Diller put his most trusted deputy, Michael Eisner, in touch with me..."

‘What the fuck? ? ? ’

When Roy Disney announced the names Barry Diller and Michael Eisner word for word, Ethan immediately raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise.

At this moment, he really didn't understand why the chairman of Paramount would take the initiative to get involved in the infighting within the Walt Disney family?

But after he quickly sorted out the whole thing, he suddenly realized that if he were Barry Diller, then he would also want to kill Ron Miller because Ron Miller robbed Sega!

From Ethan's point of view, the current situation is very clear——

1. Sega and Paramount have the same father, and their parent companies have always wanted to merge them together. Not only that, Sega and Paramount also have the desire to merge, but there is a difference in the ownership of the management rights. There are major differences, so the merger has been stalled.

2. Paramount and Universal have a feud, and the chairman of both companies hates each other. In the battle for the rights to "King Kong", on the surface it was Paramount who won, as Barry Diller ended up bringing "King Kong" to Paramount, but in reality it was Sidney Cimber. A big win. Universal moved "King Kong" into its own theaters without spending a penny, which made Barry Diller, who spent money on the remake, look like a big fool in the industry.

3. When Paramount and Sega wanted to annex each other, but no one could do anything about the other, Sega took the lead and proved its ability. By acquiring Neon, it broke the deadlock in the North American video game business. Not only In this way, when Paramount wanted to take advantage of Sega through patent licensing, Sega found another way to reach an optimal agreement with Walt Disney, which made Paramount lose face. At the same time, Walt Disney's actions also completely disrupted Barry Diller's annexation plan.

4. When the above three facts are all present, Universal wants to make "King Kong" into a game? And Walt Disney still wanted to be represented? This is just like Chen Rui giving eye drops to Qin Shihuang, with a mixed win and loss! If Barry Diller, the chairman of Paramount, can't kill Ron Miller, then he should stop hanging around! Because this guy has already dunked on his head!

And twice!

More importantly, Ron Miller, a little bitch, is also pretty easy to handle.

Because the people who want him dead——

Not a lot!

Thinking of this, Ethan immediately said: "When did Michael Eisner find you?"


"Yesterday?" This time made Ethan snort.

Yesterday, it happened to be the time when Philips and Sony released the digital disc audio format.

These guys came here in a hurry, most likely because they wanted to take advantage of his anger to finalize cooperation.

And this...

Sorry, I'm not angry!

"Okay, Okay, I think I understand what they mean."

Ethan did not dwell on these capitalists' ploys and said straightforwardly: "But there is one thing I still don't quite understand. Why do Paramount and General Tire want to cooperate with us?"

Previously, when the bald Steve Ballmer said that General Tire had a strong background, Ethan was wondering, when General Tire can dominate Universal, how can Universal get King Kong?

And now...

Judging from Roy Disney's visit, it seems that the truth is not far away from him?

"This question is very simple." Roy Disney smiled and said: "Ethan, everyone in this world has desires, everyone is eager to succeed, and no one likes to fail."

"When Ron Miller continues to cause trouble for Paramount and General Tire, as soon as these two companies start to fight back, they will definitely want to crush Ron Miller in one step."

"Because only in this way can other people be restrained."

"And combining their opponents will make this attack even colder."

This rhetoric made Ethan shake his head.

Although he can accept the reason why capitalists fight for reputation, after all, everyone knows that if a capitalist cannot always maintain his bloodthirsty nature, then they who occupy a large amount of production means will definitely be eaten by the same kind, so when they need When they show their power, they must violently kill those who dare to provoke them with thunderous gestures, but at the same time...

At this stage, what they need most is not allies.

Pressing your opponent to death with your own strength is the real way to show off your muscles.

For example——

Last year, he would rather release "Alien" on videotape than strip the pants of the North American Motion Picture Association. This is not because he is really brave, nor because he knows that the old principal can keep him safe, but when the outside atmosphere has become tense and everyone is watching his joke, he can only turn over the table, and other capital will not be lost. If he dared to stretch out his claws, he would only hurt the jackals with a hammer, so they would not dare to attack wantonly.

Now, Paramount and General Tire are facing much the same problems he faced last year.



"Be honest."


"Hahahahaha——" Ethan's question made Roy Disney laugh repeatedly, shook his head, and said: "Well, I originally wanted them to tell you about it themselves."

"Since you insist on letting me explain, I have no choice but to comply."

"The reason Paramount and General Tire want to ally with us is simple."

"First, if you want Ron Miller to completely disappear from Disney, you must find a new chairman for Walt Disney."

"We all know that a listed company cannot be without a leader. Even if the previous chairman is fired, shareholders will immediately elect a new successor, and this successor will most likely want to keep his own position while retaining some of the good governance plans left by the predecessor.”

"If Disney's new chairman still has high expectations for Sega, then what's the point of Paramount driving Ron Miller away? Only one person can completely negate all Ron Miller's decisions. Only then can their needs be met.”

"And I am the best candidate."

Ethan nodded.

This reason is somewhat sincere.

"What about the second point?" Ethan changed his sitting position.

"The second point is even simpler." Roy Disney shrugged and said: "Neither Paramount nor General Tire are sure of victory, because General Tire is currently entangled in lawsuits."

"What?" Ethan really didn't know this.

Roy Disney continued: "They are being investigated by the SEC and FCC..."

Of all the big companies that exist in the world, no one dares to say that they are absolutely fine.

Universal dare not say...

Paramount dare not say...

Not to mention General Tire, which has made the company very big...

The issues related to General Tire can be traced back to 20 years ago, in 1960, when they asked companies within the group to sign a reciprocal trade agreement.

This behavior made them the subject of federal investigation.

The so-called reciprocal trade agreement is actually an anti-competitive behavior. Two or more companies reach an agreement to purchase each other's products and services in order to increase their own sales. It is a very common but relatively Difficult to investigate illegal activities.

In 1960, General Tire's financial reports attracted the attention of the Federal Communications Commission. They felt that General Tire was suspected of fabricating income through reciprocal trade agreements. However, during the investigation, they found no evidence, so The entire case was concluded.

But a few years later, Fidelity Communications, a competitor of General Tire, jumped out. They reported to the Federal Communications Commission, saying that RKO, a subsidiary of General Tire, was engaging in reciprocal trade. So the Federal Communications Commission restarted the investigation. This time, They actually found some problems.

In 1969, they released preliminary findings that General Tire had violated the law.

That year was very critical for General Tire, because their television station in Boston was facing the problem of expiration of the license and the need to renew the license.

So when the accusations surfaced, General Tire went straight to the point of trying to clear its grievances.

Although the problems were somewhat serious, the final result was good. General Tire obtained a new communications license. However, when they obtained the authorization, numerous competing applicants jumped out and accused General Tire of many illegal acts. Ask the FCC to hold a special hearing to investigate the matter.

Since the Federal Communications Commission had just issued a communications license to General Tire a second ago, it was impossible for them to slap themselves in the face the next second, so they ignored the call. However, with the expansion of General Tire in New York, Los Angeles and other places, After the communications licenses expired one after another, competitors who wanted to kill General Tire took the matter directly to the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission.

This time, they accused General Tire of falsifying the company's financial statements by creating false domestic and foreign transaction records and payment certificates, an act that violated federal securities laws.

When this report emerged, in 1975, the Federal Securities Commission immediately launched an investigation.

Then, they really found out the problem... (End of chapter)

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