"Currently, the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals consists of a total of nine judges, and a tenth will be added this month. Of the nine judges already in office, six judges are liberal and three judges are conservative Yes, the new judge appointed this month will also be liberal."

“When the ratio of liberals and conservatives is so disparate, the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals is actually the stronghold of the liberals, and their current chief judge, James Wright, is the backbone of the Donkey Party who emphasizes equal rights and freedom. .”

"In the case of Williams v. Walker Thomas Furniture in 1965, he raised the banner of freedom. He gave a special interpretation of the term 'unconscionable' in the common law, which means that the common law The definition of consumer protection is to prevent capital from exploiting the poor."

"This explanation has even been included in the law school textbooks of major universities."

"In the 1967 Hobson v. Hanson case, he stated that schools must ensure the poor and disadvantaged groups have the right to equal educational opportunities and must not discriminate against the poor and disadvantaged groups."

"In Edwards v. Habib in 1969 and Robinson v. Diamond Housing in 1972, he argued that all tenants cannot be evicted in retaliation by their landlords, especially when the landlord has violated the law and has been All refusals by landlords when reported by tenants can be considered retaliatory evictions.”

“When the chief judge’s decision was made clear to the public, everyone knew that in General Tire’s appeal case, RKO, which had already used the reciprocal transaction agreement, would definitely not receive his favoritism, or rather , in the eyes of James Wright, General Tire’s fictitious financial data to deceive investors is a form of capital’s exploitation of the people.”

“In this case, the vast majority of industry insiders are speculating that General Tire will lose this lawsuit, and they will definitely go to the Supreme Court of our country.”

"But General Tire doesn't want to go to that point. They want the matter to be resolved in the District of Columbia, so they will give everything they have to win this lawsuit."

Ethan's arms were flying as he spoke and wrote, showing the current situation on the whiteboard.

When the conflicts between Paramount and Universal, General Tire and Universal, Paramount and Walt Disney, General Tire and the three major radio and television networks emerged one by one, Evelyn looked at the relationship network that was constantly being cut and messed up. His eyelids twitched, and he directly rubbed his temples with his fingers.

However, no matter how chaotic things were, Evelin still figured out the needs of all parties, and when she discovered that General Tire’s core appeal did not seem to be to kill Universal...

A bright smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"If I read it correctly, in the alliance launched by General Tire, their core demand should be to win their lawsuit against the Federal Communications Commission, right?"

"They don't care about King Kong's copyright at all. They don't care about Universal's infringement. They just want to use this as an opportunity to get on the line with us..."


His sister's rhetorical question made Ethan smile and nod, saying: "Yeah~ Evelin, you are right."

"When Roy Disney completely cut open the current situation and laid it out in front of me, I discovered that General Tire was not interested in the combination of Walt Disney and Universal. He just wanted to follow Roy and I. Disney’s connections allowed me to intervene in this case.”

"On the surface, he wants to help us remove Ron Miller."

"But actually..."

"Here, this is James Wright's information. I asked Steve Ballmer to check it."

"You'll know after reading it."

"Can't you tell me directly? Is it so mysterious?" Ethan's words and deeds aroused Evelin's curiosity.

He took the document and turned it over with his hand.

Within a few seconds, Evelin narrowed her eyes.

Because James Wright's life trajectory is so beautiful.

That is not only a representation of hard work making up for one's weaknesses, but also a reflection of leading by example.

James Wright was born in 1911 in an ordinary family in New Orleans, Louisiana. He received a bachelor's degree in philosophy from Loyola University in New Orleans in 1931, then applied for graduate school at his alma mater, and obtained a law degree in 34 years. Ph.D. After that, he worked as a teacher in a high school in New Orleans. In three or six years, he received an appointment from his alma mater and became a university lecturer.

If he had been content with the status quo, he might have retired as a university lecturer more than ten years ago, but he did not. Under the recommendation of a teacher at his alma mater, he liked to study law and became a teacher after only a few years. The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, became an Assistant Attorney General, and later, in 1948, he became the District Attorney.

To be honest, no matter how lucky a person is, the position of District Attorney is the limit that most ordinary people can work hard to. But James Wright did not waste too much time in this position because his ideas are very clear. , he was one of the first progressives in the New Orleans area to propose the abolition of apartheid, so he received the focus of the Donkey Party.

After he officially joined the Donkey Party, he was immediately received by Emperor Jing of the United States, because Emperor Jing's progressive idea in those years was to sign an executive order calling for the desegregation of the U.S. military.

After the two talked, within two years, the US military appointed James Wright as the judge of the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. As soon as he took office, he followed the other party's wishes and asked LSU Desegregation orders were issued.

It is no exaggeration to say that James Wright was the catalyst for the civil rights movement launched by American martial artists in Louisiana. Of course, there are many such catalysts at the same time.

However, other radicals were not as radical as James Wright. When James Wright did so, countless white people opposed him, and the entire New Orleans society was frantically ostracized...

The Donkey Party will always remember these guys who really dared to do something.

Therefore, in 1962, when there was a vacancy on the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Melezong nominated him to fill the vacancy, and he became the chief judge during Renzong's reign.

Perhaps it is because James Wright knows how difficult his journey has been. As a poor child born in an ordinary family, the Circuit Court of Appeals is their final destination, so after taking office, he likes to bring some student.

Bring along some students who share your political views and come from ordinary backgrounds.

And among that series of lists is the current legal counsel of NBC, Rick Cotton.

“NBC’s legal counsel Rick Cotton is actually a student of James Wright?”

When Evelin saw this message, she immediately raised her head and stared at Ethan with a frown, "If NBC has such a relationship with James Wright..."

“Then how can General Tire win this lawsuit?”

This question made Ethan shrug his shoulders and laugh.

That's right!

When Ethan discovered that NBC's legal counsel was actually a student of James Wright, he immediately understood why General Tire felt that it had little chance of winning!

When ABC, NBC, and CBS all want to kill them—

When ABC, NBC, and CBS hope they can spit out the market share they dominate——

Even if General Tire has its own sideways!

Even that can’t withstand the impact of the judge who is the person opposite!

Or rather——

The referees, referees, witnesses, organizers, and co-organizers are all mine. How can you fight with me?

"If this is the case, General Tire has no chance of winning now!"

Ethan's affirmation made Evelin mutter to herself, "According to the current situation, if General Tire wants to save itself, they have only one way, and that is to take the case to the Supreme Court!"

"But even this is not safe, because they did break the law!"

"As long as they do have illegal facts, the judgment of the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals is actually the final judgment! Even if they continue to appeal..."

"That's just to vent your inner dissatisfaction!"

Evelin saw the problem.

At this moment, she felt that General Tire would definitely lose in this case.

And her judgment was what Ethan had thought before. After getting all the information that Ballmer had dug up, Ethan knew why Universal was able to successfully obtain King Kong in his previous life. It was not Sidney Sheinberg. Very powerful, but they followed the giant and took advantage of it.

When the idea that RKO was bound to lose came up, Ethan actually didn't want to join this loser's league, but unfortunately, the bald Steve Ballmer found far more information than that...

"Evelin, please continue reading."

Ethan crossed his arms, sighed, and said: "After reading down, you will know why General Tire came to see me, or..."

"The outcome of this case depends entirely on your thoughts."

"What the fuck?" Evelin raised her voice.

"Oh - Ethan - what are you talking about -"

"I'm not a professional in the judicial field!"

"How could I possibly have any impact on this case?"

Evelin was puzzled.

Ethan had no intention of explaining.

As he remained silent, Evelin continued to lower her head and browse the information.

Then, she discovered that in addition to Rick Cotton, James Wright's students also included the current assistant to the governor of California, the current assistant secretary of the Department of Treasury for Economic Policy, a professor at the University of Chicago Law School, a professor at Harvard Law School, and a professor at Stanford University. University Law School Professor…


Now he has many peaches and plums all over the world.

But this was not the point. When Evelin discovered that one of James Wright's students actually taught at Stanford, she noticed something strange and immediately turned the information to the marked page.

When she saw that the guy who taught at Stanford was named Thomas Gray...

Her whole body suddenly froze.

Because this guy is Barbara Babcock’s husband.

Not only that, there are four paragraphs of text marked in red in Thomas Gray's information.

“Barbara Babcock, the wife of Thomas Gray, studied under former Chief Judge Henry Edgerton of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, who was a close friend of James Wright. ’

"Henry Edgerton was promoted by Franklin, and James Wright was promoted by Franklin as his deputy. The two were openly "comrades-in-arms." ’

'In order to ensure the Donkey Party's firm control over the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals, James Wright communicated with the Chairman of the Donkey Party National Committee after Jimmy took office, hoping that Jimmy could elect one of his own to take over. After the discussion of the Donkey Party think tank Earlier this year, Jimmy nominated Ruth Ginsburg, a Stanford University researcher and close friend of Barbara Babcock, to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. ’

'The appointment had been approved by the Senate earlier. ’

When this series of descriptions appeared, Evelin immediately raised her head.

"General Tire hopes Barbara will come forward to convince James Wright to change his mind?"

The girl stated her guess word for word.

"I think it is."

Ethan raised his eyebrows.

The next second, he added: "At least that's what Roy Disney said. He said that General Tire's appeal is simple, that is, to win the lawsuit."

"But this deal is not fair at all!"

Before Ethan could finish what he said, Evelin interrupted loudly: "Is General Tire's brain sick? Do they know what it means to let Barbara come forward?"

"This means that we took the initiative to join a war situation that has nothing to do with us!"

"This means that we have to face the three major broadcast and television networks in North America at the same time as General Tire!"

"When there is no conflict of interest between us and them, this kind of confrontation is sick!"

“And, what do we get when we help General Tire?”

"Kicking Ron Miller out of Disney?"

"Or is it disgusting that our world has suffered a strong blow?"

“Do these things that don’t bring us real benefit make sense?”

“Do we need to do General Tire such a big favor for these little things?”

“Is General Tire crazy, or does General Tire think we are just stupid?”

Evelin couldn't understand!

In her opinion, General Tire’s demands are simply outrageous. It’s so damn outrageous!

And her excitement was also seen by Ethan.

After Evelin finished venting her anger, looking at the panting figure, Ethan then said: "First of all, I want to say that I also think General Tire's appeal is a bit outrageous."

This statement made Evelin's expression soften.

"Secondly, I want to say that Roy Disney only conveyed to me the demands of Paramount and General Tire, but did not inform me of their efforts."

"So, I can't tell yet whether they are out of their minds."

"What?" Evelin didn't understand, she frowned again and said, "Roy Disney only talked about demands when he came today? He didn't talk about giving? Oh! What do they mean?"

"Do you want to talk to us about dedication?"

"No, no, no -" Ethan, who knew the whole situation, shook his head and said, "We will definitely not talk about the donation with them, and Roy Disney did not convey the donation because they wanted to interview us."

"Interview those details."

"When?" The slightly sincere choice made Evelin's expression soften.

"They want to make an appointment tomorrow afternoon."


"Filore Manor, are you going?"

This question made Evelin shake her head, “Go on your own.”

"It bothers me when I see those retarded people."

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