Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 328 It’s over, it’s over


"Goldman Sachs has just sent a cooperation invitation to Apple. They want to contribute to Apple's listing. In terms of underwriting fees, they have also shown their sincerity and charged them in a tiered pricing manner."

“If the amount of Apple’s IPO financing is less than 50 million, they will charge an underwriting fee of 7%. If it is greater than 50 million and less than 100 million, then they will charge an underwriting fee of 5%. If it is greater than 100 million, they will charge an underwriting fee of 5%. billion, then they will charge an underwriting fee of 3%.”

"In terms of strategic consulting, they also promised to provide Apple with the highest quality services."

"The total charges will not exceed one million."



"Lehman Brothers has just sent a cooperation invitation to Apple... In terms of underwriting fees, they promised a minimum of 2.8%... The consulting fee will not exceed one million..."



"The latest news! Merrill Lynch's quotation is also out! The underwriting fee is as low as 2.50!"



“Citigroup’s current offer is the lowest, and they can report it at 2.4!”



"First Boston is crazy! They gave it two points and one!"


When the quotations from major investment banks appeared in front of Henry Ford II like snowflakes, this 60-year-old man who was born in 1917 immediately felt nostalgic.

Although Ford Motors had exploded in popularity before he could remember, he had never personally experienced the era when his own designs shocked the world, nor had he witnessed his grandfather defeating the entire industry.

But he personally promoted the launch of Ford Motors.

That day, the exchange hall was filled with thunderous applause and flowers.

Countless people rushed to tell each other and cheered for this enterprise that was over fifty years old.

That day, their Ford cars also set an astonishing historical record——

A total of more than 200 banks participated in the IPO, and the entire Wall Street was working for them.

They issued 10.2 million shares at a price of $63 per share, raising more than $657 million. At that time, it was 1956.

At the end of the first trading day, their shares rose to sixty-nine and a half dollars, making Ford Motor's market value more than $3.2 billion and the Ford family's wealth soaring to $2 billion.

When these facts emerge, the Ford family is the most beautiful cub in North America!

They even ranked third in the Fortune 500 that year!

The only ones ahead of them are General Motors and Standard Oil of New Jersey!

The praise from the world makes them famous!

And now...

Henry Ford admitted that he saw himself in Apple.

Twenty-five years ago, in order to obtain underwriting rights, the guys on Wall Street wanted to kneel down and lick the soles of his shoes. The chairman of Goldman Sachs was the best licker, so he chose Goldman Sachs.

This also enabled Goldman Sachs to emerge from countless competitors overnight and become one of the outside directors of Ford Motor Co., becoming a rising new giant on Wall Street.

That's right!

The reason why Goldman Sachs has become Goldman Sachs and can make a real name for itself in investment banking is because they have won the favor of the Ford family!

At that time, the chairman of Goldman Sachs who was responsible for handling this matter was named Sidney Weinberg.

He is the father of John Weinberg, one of the current co-chairmen of Goldman Sachs...


It is precisely because of this relationship that Goldman Sachs manipulates Disney's stock price!

The world only knows that Ford lost money following Morgan.

Who knew that Goldman Sachs had its butt licked for profit?

Of course, these things are in the past.

Ford is the old man, Apple is the new man!


The madness that stirred up the storm made Henry Ford sigh.

"Ethan Jones——"

He stared at the face in the file that had been seen hundreds of times, with complex thoughts flashing in his pupils.

"Are you really twenty-five?"

he muttered.

Disbelief written all over his face.

"Who gave you the courage to go against Wall Street?"

"Fred Terman?"


"Who knows how many things Vannevar left for him!"

Henry Ford suddenly became furious, raised his arms, and swept away the papers on the table.

He admitted that he had long wanted to kill Ethan Jones!

On the surface, it was Komodor that Ethan Jones blackmailed back then.

But those who paid real money were the major shareholders like them!

And a young boy who has just emerged from society is extorting money from capital?

Aren't you tired of living with this special code?

But it's a pity, even if he can't wait to kill Ethan Jones.

You can only think about this kind of thing in your heart.

As a collaborator of the U.S. military during World War II, Henry Ford knew better than anyone how terrifying Fred Terman's teacher, Dr. Vannevar, was.

As the founder of the National Bureau of Science, the Manhattan Project, which is well known to the world, is just the tip of the iceberg that can be made public. In addition, he personally leads most of the military plans of the US military. To put it harshly, the commander-in-chief does not know as much as he does about many things.

The name "Science Czar" is not random!

In this case, Fred Terman was his only crony with student status in the Research Bureau.

He also helped him manage Raytheon Company for a period of time.

At that time, people did not know how much information Vannevar had given to Fred Terman.


To put it bluntly, it is impossible for the Minister of Defense to know more than he does.

No one wants to be an enemy of this guy who has mastered a lot of military secrets!

Capital knows better that what Fred Terman has in mind is to safeguard the basis of truth!

And when such a guy comes forward to protect people, it is already the limit to mix some small tricks in the business struggle. If someone really doesn't follow the rules, then everyone will teach him to write the rules!

"Oh! Sxxt!"

Once again, he forcibly extinguished the thought of physical transcendence in his mind.

Henry Ford gasped as he leaned back in his seat.

But soon, he sat up straight again and picked up the phone receiver on the table.

Press a string of numbers, beep twice, and the other party is connected, "Hello?"

"It's me," said Henry Ford. "Take stock of our holdings of Walt Disney stock. Calculate their cost price and current earnings."

"Then, using this year's inflation rate, tell me the breakeven price for liquidation."

The guy on the other end of the phone didn't understand these words.

"Boss -" the trader from the Ford Foundation asked: "Are we going to sell Walt Disney's stocks? But they should still have some room to rise..."

"But if we continue to hold! We can't buy Apple!" The words of his subordinates made Henry Ford roar, "Now! All the investment banks on Wall Street are looking for Apple!"

“They want to underwrite Apple stock!”

"In this case, what do you think the guys on Wall Street would do if Apple said they didn't want us to hold their stock before it went public?"

The whistle-like sound stung the subordinate's eardrums.

But even so, he didn't dare to show it, he could only claim it.

As the phone hung up, Henry Ford lay back in his seat.

That's right!

Like Morgan Stanley, Henry Ford at this moment also discovered his disadvantage!

Now, everyone in North America knows that Apple stock is worth a lot of money!

But with their bad relationship with Ethan Jones, they just couldn't get on the bus early!

Although this kind of thing is not very important, because there are thousands of investment projects in the world, missing Apple and others, but when everyone feels that there is a project that may represent the future...

Hold it in advance, that’s what you have to do!

They go there for hundreds or thousands of times the profits!

I bought it for the boat ticket to enter the game!

So, compared to the future…

What is an entertainment industry like Disney?

What does their feud with Ethan Jones mean?

That's nothing!

When Henry Ford made up his mind and wanted to temporarily reconcile in order to embrace the future, other capitals on the North American continent were also expressing emotions in their own way.

General Tire Chairman Thomas O'Neill couldn't figure it out.

Why can the situation change drastically in just half a month?

At the beginning of the month, didn’t Wall Street capital still want to give Ethan Jones some color?

But now?

Ethan Jones has opened a dye shop!

This transformation confused him.

But Apple's potential excited him even more.

Knowing that the media station cannot be saved...

What if they were exchanged for purchase rights to some Apple shares?

Thinking of this, Thomas O'Neill, chairman of General Tire, immediately called his subordinates——

"Let our people do a market assessment for RKO Communications immediately! Immediately!"

"If we drop the case and accept the ruling of the FCC and SEC, how much value will our RKO communications have?"

“Tell me as soon as you figure out the numbers!”

"Then, collect information about Ethan Jones for me!"

“The more detailed the better!”

"I wonder if Ethan Jones is interested in radio!"

While Thomas O'Neill was roaring, Cornelis, CEO of Philips North America, was on the phone with the headquarters board of directors with a smile on his face——

"Yes. Judging from the current situation, Apple and IBM are likely to reach a strategic alliance in the computer field in the future. The technology they demonstrated in the transaction does have certain application prospects."

"And if Apple's sales continue to increase, its market share continues to expand, and their technical standards are interoperable with IBM, then Ethan Jones will receive unimaginable help in the promotion of optical storage."

“Imagine if Apple’s new computers ditched magnetic storage and used Ethan Jones’ optical storage format, they could take over all of North America overnight.”

"He doesn't have to waste any words to get his own standards into the federation."

"Are we united with Sony?"

"What's the use of that!"

"Do you think we have the ability to convince the US government to adopt our format, or do you think Sony has the ability to convince the US military to use our standards?"


“Ethan Jones doesn’t have to issue a standard white paper at all!”

"As long as he can succeed in business! Then his will will be the standard of the industry!"

"Pa--" Cornelis had already hung up the phone as soon as he finished speaking.

Although the current situation is very unfavorable for Philips, Cornelis is smiling very happily.

Because those beasts from Philips in the Netherlands have been disgusting him!

Before, he may have had a strong sense of belonging to Philips.


The more awesome Ethan Jones is, the happier he is.

I can’t beat him anyway!

It’s better to enjoy yourself!

"So... everyone has rebelled?"

When Steve Ross learned that the financial giants on Wall Street finally couldn't hold back and took the lead in applying for cooperation with Apple, he almost aged ten years in a breath while leaning on his seat.

To be honest, he really didn't expect that Apple could have such potential.

When Apple revealed its cooperation with Intel, Steve Ross knew that the Avengers' plans in the personal computer field might directly go bankrupt.

Just one apple is already a headache for them to deal with!

And when Apple and IBM join forces...

“Have Komodo and Rockwell’s share prices fallen?”

Steve Ross looked at the assistant who came to report the news.

The other party nodded nervously, "It fell."

"How much did it fall?"

"I dropped...a lot...a lot..."

"How much is a lot?"

"Uh..." The boss's questioning made the assistant look embarrassed, and he said cautiously: "Rockwell lost 12.35%, and Komodo lost 24.6%..."

This number made Steve Ross's eyes darken.

After a long while, he finally regained his composure.

"It's over... it's over..."

His voice trembled as he muttered.

When the capital companies that had a grudge against Ethan Jones were crying and wailing, the only one who could laugh out loud was Nintendo. According to Hiroshi Yamauchi, after Ethan Jones invested so much effort in Apple, His arrangements in the field of video games will definitely be very few.

in this case……

New products at the end of the year?


"I do not believe!"

Yamauchi Pu happily picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

Then, he said to his son-in-law Minoru Arakawa who came to announce the good news: "If Ethan Jones really holds a new product launch conference at the end of the year, then you must give the invitation to me!"

"I want to see what kind of game he will release!"

"And if he doesn't hold a new product launch conference, then you go to the Destiny Game!"

"Just ask him -"

"Will it?"

The old father-in-law's behavior of pushing his nose and face made Arakawa Minoru open his mouth slightly.

He turned his head to look at Imanishi Hiroshi, who nodded.

Imanishi Hiroshi knew that his boss had been frustrated for a long time! Ever since Ethan Jones left them on their knees begging for a way out, it has been impossible for Nintendo and Destiny Games to coexist!

Before, they were confused for a long time.

Don't know what the future will hold.

But now...

They finally turned over!

Since Ethan Jones has no time to take care of them, they naturally have to feel proud!

after all--

The biggest revenue of Destiny Games outside of North America is controlled by them!

At a time when the family was filled with joy and sorrow, Ethan Jones had already read the documents brought by Steve Jobs, and the sincere offer made him curl up his lips and smile like a dragon king.

"Do you feel good?"

He tossed the document and looked at classmate Xiao Qiao.

"It's cool!" Jobs nodded and said excitedly: "I have lived for so many years, and I have never seen Wall Street pursue a company so crazily!"

"The more important thing is that this company was founded by me!"

"Oh! My! God!"

"This is unimaginable!"

Jobs waved his hands.

Ethan captured all of his excited heart, trembling hands, and hearty smile.

"Then do you still want to have more fun?" Ethan asked with a smile.

"Of course!" Jobs nodded vigorously.

"So our next step..." He looked at Ethan expectantly.

"Go and talk to this company about the IPO."

Before Jobs could finish speaking, Ethan took out a business card from his jacket pocket.

Jobs took it and took a look. It said -

Merrill Lynch. (End of chapter)

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