Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 334 You have to come even if you don’t come

Chapter 334 You have to come even if you don’t come!

Xiao Qiao’s classmate didn’t know whether Ethan Jones’ enemies dared to sabotage the Destiny Game press conference, but Ethan Jones’ enemies knew that what they received was a reminder of death.

When Steve Ballmer in a suit and tie walked into the headquarters of Warner Group, Warner executives who got the news knew that the situation was not good. He showed up quickly, shook hands with Ethan Jones's secret secretary, accepted the hot invitation in an uneasy manner, and then watched the other party leave gracefully.

As Steve Ballmer disappeared, they didn't dare to stay and immediately went upstairs. After they delivered the golden invitation to the chairman, Steve Ross's face was suddenly filled with tears. Frost.

When he opened it, he saw an invitation with a clear time and place, which made his pupils shrink suddenly.

Such a situation made the subordinates who came to report uneasy, and when they were looking carefully, hoping that their colleagues around them would take the initiative to break the calm, Steve Ross had already spoken -

"Is Ethan Jones a robot?"

"Does his day have forty-eight hours?"

"Where does he get so much time to do so many things?"

"He just slapped Wall Street on the head, and then he's going to release new products here?"

"Is he too busy to come here?"

As a participant in the Dutch auction of Apple shares, Steve Ross witnessed Ethan Jones's busyness with his own eyes.

From the time Apple announced its listing to the end of Apple's official listing, Ethan Jones was present in every step of the way.

When Ethan Jones has spent most of the past six months focusing on Apple, can he still hold his company's new product launch conference at the end of the year?

If Ethan Jones had free time in the first half of this year and could quietly stay in the office to develop products, then Steve Ross would only sigh and lament how efficient he was.

But when the Destiny game in the first half of this year was shrouded in evil winds, Sega's challenge, Disney's subversion, Rockwell and Komodo's impact, Nintendo's betrayal again... these things gave Ethan Jones a splitting headache. , Ethan Jones still has time to engage in research and development?

Isn't this too outrageous?

As for why Steve Ross is so sure that Ethan Jones will show his personal creativity at the upcoming new product launch conference of Destiny Game?

This question is very simple!

Because Ethan Jones never holds such a large-scale press conference for other people's ideas!

But even if Steve Ross looked sad, at this moment, the people around him didn't dare to talk to him.

I don't even dare to relieve his worries.

There's no way, why are they already scared by Ethan Jones?

Previously, whenever Ethan Jones made a move, they would analyze it for their boss with the attitude of 'I have the advantage', and as a result, they would be beaten to the ground by Ethan Jones every time.

When the fact that you say something wrong every time appears frequently...

Now they have learned to shut up.

The silence from the people around him also made Steve Ross put his hands on his forehead.

After a long while, I slapped the table with him helplessly and made a decision.


"why are you not going!"

"Ethan Jones has already sent the invitation!"

"If I don't go, wouldn't I be afraid of him?"

Although Steve Ross spoke loudly and had a firm attitude, everyone present still felt the boss's guilty conscience. Moreover, they also know why their boss went to the appointment.

Because even if the boss doesn't go, he will still stare at the TV and pay attention to the announcement.

Since stretching one's head or shrinking one's head is just the same thing...

It’s better to go to the site and have a great time!

At the same time that Steve Ross made his decision, Ron Miller also sent Steve Ballmer away. Looking at the invitation in his hand, he called his supporters.

When Disney Chairman Caden Walker learned that Ethan Jones had named Ron Miller and hoped that he would attend the new product launch conference of Destiny Game, the veteran who had served Disney for decades sighed and said : "Ron, you go and participate."

"Although this behavior is somewhat embarrassing, it is better than being kicked out of the company directly by Ethan Jones."

"After all, Henry Ford had already been in contact with Roy Disney."

"Next year, he's definitely going to be supporting Roy Disney."

"We can't change this."

"But at the same time, we can't let this happen right away."

In the beginning, when Ethan Jones chose Merrill Lynch to underwrite Apple's shares, Henry Ford II did communicate with his own fund traders. Wanting to buy Apple stock, he plans to sell Disney Group stock in exchange for purchase rights that may be blocked by Ethan Jones.

But when Ethan Jones chose the Dutch auction method for them to bid, the fact that they could obtain the right to bid without selling Disney stock gave Henry Ford II pause.

After all, they already hold more than 5% of Disney stock.

The total value is over 65 million.

If they are looking for buyers to sell out directly, they will suffer a lot of losses!

But even if they don't have to sell Disney stock, that doesn't mean Henry Ford II will continue to stand firm and side with Ron Miller.

Having already joined Apple, he is even more optimistic about the sunrise industry of personal computers. For the sake of money, for Apple to develop better, and for Apple to continue to raise funds, he decided to slightly adjust his bottom line and stand in Ethan Jones's shoes. aside.

So, while leaving Palo Alto, he also went to Los Angeles, met with Roy Disney, and listened to his development plan for the company.

He also promised that he would issue a proposal at next year's shareholders' meeting, requiring Disney to remove the current chairman, Caden Walker from Ron Miller's faction, and recommend Roy Disney.

Henry Ford II believed that his five percent could influence the outcome of the war.

He even believed that Ethan Jones could feel his sincerity in reconciliation.

Since Henry Ford II did not conceal his whereabouts, when he publicly chose Roy Disney, Ron Miller once again stood on the edge of the cliff after receiving the news.

Although Ron Miller knows that he is probably in trouble this time, he still wants to fight hard, actively communicate with Disney shareholders, and try to keep his position.

But doing these things takes time.

What Ron Miller lacks most now is time.

Because once Roy Disney feels that he has a winning chance and doesn't want to wait until next year's shareholders' meeting to start another attack, but directly issues a convening order for an extraordinary shareholders' meeting, he may be gone.

In this case, not irritating Roy Disney or Ethan Jones is the only thing he can do, even if this concession may be a bit aggrieved.

"Okay, I'll go then."

Ron Miller took a deep breath.

Close the invitation.

At the same time that Ron Miller was making his decision, Steve Ballmer was also making circles in the vast Los Angeles, sending the most sincere invitations to Paramount, MGM, Universal, and Sega. .

After ensuring that all these rival companies knew that Destiny Games would hold a new product launch conference on December 23, Steve Ballmer rushed to New York and handed the share that belonged to Milohua to Philips. Then he took a detour to Seattle and handed the last invitation letter to Minoru Arakawa.


Arakawa Minoru was stunned.

He never expected that the invitation to the Destiny Game press conference was actually sent by Steve Ballmer himself?

Although Ballmer's official identity is Ethan Jones's assistant, he should do this kind of errands, but who in the industry doesn't know that he is actually the spokesperson of Ethan Jones?

And this guy came forward to send the invitation letter?

What's the difference between that and Ethan Jones putting a knife to their necks and letting them go?

He accepted it with a smile and returned home cursing.

When Minoru Arakawa met his old father-in-law, his first words were——

"Oh no!"

"Our previous analysis seems to be wrong!"

Arakawa Minoru told what happened to him.

He also said that Ethan Jones’s confidence must stem from the strength of the product.

Before, they speculated that Ethan Jones, who had no time to develop new products, was bluffing about launching at the end of the year. But now, when Ethan Jones asked Steve Ballmer to take action, he pressed their heads and forced them. After attending my own new product launch conference...

It is impossible for a guy who has defeated Hollywood and defeated Wall Street to accept any ridicule.

Therefore, as long as the invitation is sent out, he must be sure of victory.

And Hiroshi Yamauchi also knows this.

Especially when he learned that Ethan Jones also performed disgusting Wall Street maneuvers during Apple's IPO, he knew that as long as he received the invitation, Nintendo would be equivalent to walking into the execution ground.

Life or death, it all depends on Ethan Jones's thoughts.

Looking at the invitation letter handed over by his son-in-law and listening to the report from his mouth, Yamauchi Hiroshi pursed his lips.

After a while, he cheered up and said with a smile: "Aren't you just going to attend the partner's new product launch? What's there to be afraid of?"

"Besides, wouldn't it be a good thing for us to have Ethan Jones releasing something new?"

"We are their general agent in Neon!"

“The better his product is, the more we make!”

Before he finished speaking, Yamauchi Pu had already stood up.

He strode out of the office, seemingly letting his assistant arrange the schedule.

But that stiff walking posture betrayed his heart at the moment.

Minoru Arakawa turned his head and looked at each other with Hiroshi Imanishi, Nintendo's general affairs director.

Both of them saw the distress in each other's eyes.

But no matter what these people think, Ethan Jones will not stop.

He asked Ballmer to check with various media.

Then, when everyone reports on the miracle of Apple, they will invariably bring up the game of destiny.

For example——

"Hey friends! Did you know? While Apple was on the market, Ethan Jones did not give up thinking. As far as we know, Destiny Games will release a new game before Christmas Eve..."

For another example——

"Now, all of us know that Apple has an annual profit of 100 million and a market value of 4 billion. In this case, how valuable is the game of Destiny, which has several times the profit?"

"This question made us very curious, so we wanted to calculate it ourselves. But during the process of our exploration, we discovered that Ethan Jones had secretly prepared a surprise for us! He wanted to become Santa Claus, Sending us joy on Christmas Eve!”

"Although so far, we don't know what new ideas have popped up in Ethan Jones's head, but we know that on December 23, the answer will be revealed!"

For example -

“The biggest surprise this year is not Apple’s launch!”

"But Ethan Jones has a new game!"

According to the business process of later generations, if a company wants to release a new product, it must warm up half a year in advance. But in this era of underdeveloped information, surprise is the best choice.

Of course, this actually has something to do with Apple. If it weren't for the fact that Ethan didn't want the Destiny Game to steal the limelight from Apple's launch, he would have already let the news out, saying that he still had it this year.

However, with the current size of the Destiny game, it doesn’t matter whether the press conference is warmed up or not.

When the news that Destiny Game has new products spreads across North America via radio signals...

The sudden news made countless people look forward to it.

Wait until December 23rd...

Because it was already a holiday, many people stayed in front of the TV on time.

Desire to be surprised at the first opportunity.

And Ethan Jones...

At six o'clock in the evening Eastern time and one o'clock in the afternoon Western time, he greeted the invited rivals at the door of Stanford Auditorium.

After hugging Steve Ross, shaking hands with Ron Miller, taking a photo with Hiroshi Yamauchi, and meeting Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Steve After Vin Spielberg had a fist fight, at three o'clock in the afternoon, he came to the waiting area of ​​the auditorium again.

After the camera in the front hall flashed a green light, indicating that he could start, Ethan Jones also took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage with a smile on his face.

After briefly introducing himself, he got straight to the point.

“I know a lot of people are a little disappointed in me this year.”

"Because I haven't released my own work for two years since the release of "Star Wars" the year before last. "Star Wars" is the masterpiece of other developers in our company. Although it is great and you like it very much, it is not me after all. It’s a game I made, so you always have a feeling..."

"I feel like something is missing around me."

"This feeling may not have been obvious last year because there was "Starry Night" last year."

"But this year, the feeling is going to be very strong."

"Because I keep appearing in front of the media cameras and making headlines in major newspapers and magazines, but unlike usual, this year I am not appearing because of my work, but because of Apple's listing. This kind of The behavior may make you feel..."

"I seem to be a little distracted."

"You may also wonder, after I am worth billions, will I continue to make games in the future?"

"But today, I can tell you very seriously and formally that your worries, your curiosity, and your concerns are all unnecessary."

"Although I am very busy at ordinary times, this will not distract me from my love for games!"

"Similarly, I want to tell all of you that besides being fun, video games are actually the most intuitive science and technology we have access to!"

"Without electronic games, the computer industry would not have developed so rapidly. It was your love that made me! Destiny Games! Apple! What we have today!"

"For this reason, I chose to hold a new product launch conference today on Christmas day. I want to release a new product of Destiny Game that I personally designed to you who support me."

"I hope everyone can feel the Christmas joy brought by me."

"It's different from the previous electronic arcades."

"It's also different from the home console we launched last year."

"This year, we at Destiny Games will come up with something completely new."

"I call it..."

"hand-held gaming device."

As he finished speaking, Ethan also unbuttoned his coat.

Then, he took out a calculator-sized machine from his arms.

When this happens...

Sitting under the stage, Pu Yamauchi's pupils shrank suddenly!

Thank you to the leader of [Second Army] for the reward!

Very unexpected, thank you very much!

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