Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 337 Big Sale Farewell

Ethan didn't know Steve Ross's attitude.

Because after the new product launch conference, he was surrounded by crazy media.

Some people want to know where the genius inspiration for "Destiny Cube" came from;

Some people want to know how long the Destiny game has been ready for handheld consoles;

Someone asked there, will Ethan Jones abandon electronic arcades in the future? Because judging from the current situation, home consoles and handheld game consoles can already become the pillar industries of Destiny games;

Some people are also very curious, how did the palm-screen China Unicom achieve at the press conference just now?

The noise made Ethan feel dizzy. He would not repeat the questions that had already been answered, but he would generously explain the questions that could be answered.

For example, China Unicom via palm screen.

Ethan stretched out his hand and pointed back, and Steve Ballmer, who walked out from the backstage, suddenly came into view. His smiling face suddenly made everyone present realize.

Even if Ethan didn't say it explicitly, they already knew it.

What Ethan showed on the stage just now was pure performance.

Those who really control the game, or in other words, those who really control the content on the screen.

It's Steve Ballmer in the background.

As for why Ethan did this?

Very simple.

It's like food advertising never uses food in advertising.

This kind of interoperability switching during the live broadcast can make the audience in front of the TV even more shocked.


Ethan answered questions in front of the stage, while Ballmer received guests backstage.

After satisfying everyone's curiosity, the 23rd has actually passed.

As for the 24th and 25th...

While people across the country are on vacation, the game of destiny is running wildly.

Generally speaking, no matter which merchant you are, you cannot get the sales data of your own products during the Christmas period, because Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year for all stores, and superstores do not have the time and supply. Point-to-point one-to-one settlement.

However, Destiny Games has suffered losses before due to delayed payment.

In subsequent new agreements, all clauses regarding payment and replenishment were added.

Therefore, when those merchants applied for replenishment, the relevant data appeared in front of Ethan.


A total of 1.74 million units of "Destiny Cube" were sold in 392 large-scale stores across the country.

Based on the suggested retail price of $59.99.

Their sales in one day have soared to 10.5 billion.

At a cost of twenty-two dollars to produce and about fifteen dollars to sell.

Their product profits are almost 40 million.

In one day, he generated the annual income of countless companies.

However, this is not the real breaking point.

On the 25th, Christmas Day, the superstore that cooperated with Destiny Games hit a new high, selling a total of 1.96 million handheld game consoles.

Let Destiny Game earn another 1.17 billion!

On the 26th, the sales data of major stores across the country exceeded two million!

Sales data of 2.15 million units helped Ethan Jones earn 12.8 billion!

Only three days!

Destiny Game's operating income soared by 350 million in 1980!

If you add the previously released "Star Wars".

Their revenue this year is close to one billion.

Although this precise data can only be seen by Destiny Game itself.

However, the sold-out signs that major shopping malls continue to display still make the world concerned about this matter silent.

The scene that sold out every day is enough to prove the world's love for the game of destiny.

And just when they thought Ethan Jones was likely to break through history and become the world's first gaming company with annual revenue of over one billion, an accident happened.

Twenty-seventh day.

Cube of Destiny has sold only 250,000 units.

Such a huge gap made everyone frown.

But when they learned that it wasn't that people didn't want to buy it, but that Ethan was out of stock...

Almost instantly, everyone felt the absurdity.

When other companies prepare their new products, they are afraid that they will not be able to sell them all.

And what about Ethan Jones?

Stocked over a million dollars and sold out in three days?

This disparity in popularity is the envy of countless companies.

It also made all media shine.

Ever since, when the time came to the 27th, all kinds of weird headlines occupied the front pages of major media. For example, the "Wall Street Journal" printed -

[Ethan Jones is disappointing, the sales of "Destiny Cube" are poor, with only 250,000 sold in a single day]

For another example, the New York Times wrote:

[Ethan Jones suffered the biggest disaster in his life, sales of "Destiny Cube" plummeted]

For example, with a stroke of a pen from the "Washington Post" -

[The flow of "Destiny Cube" has stopped three days after it was launched, and Ethan Jones can't hide the decline]

The eye-catching title aroused the curiosity of countless people, causing people to stop in front of newsstands and spend money to buy it, wanting to know what happened to Ethan Jones.

And after they read the report, they discovered...

These bullshit media are all clickbait!

Playing with quotes out of context there!

Trick them into buying newspapers!

When this fact emerged, a steady stream of curses immediately resounded throughout North America!

And when this matter reached Ethan's ears...

Ethan Jones, who put his feet up on the table, immediately threw the newspaper away and laughed.

"The East Coast Newspaper."


"The financial giants on Wall Street are all their financial backers."

"When the interests of the funders are harmed, they will naturally raise their flags as scoundrels."

What the heck is the media?

Ethan already knew this in his previous life.

Fairness, fairness and openness are just words on the surface. Their true position is to worry about the financial owner's needs, to worry about the financial owner's worries, to solve the financial owner's problems, and to speak out for the financial owner.

As for the rest?

You don’t bring benefits to me, so why should I speak for you?

That’s why the Wall Street Times and the New York Times published such hilarious headlines.

And the Washington Post...

"Steve, after you go to Microsoft, you must tell William to ask his mother to communicate more with the Washington Post and try to get them to side with us."

"We can sponsor them for this."

Ethan's words made Steve Ballmer smile and nod.

"Okay boss."

"After taking office, I will do these things."

While agreeing, Ballmer also smiled and changed the subject.

"If there is nothing else, let me report the last two tasks to you?"


"I don't want to leave Destiny Game with regrets."

Yes, December 31st is Steve Ballmer’s last day in Destiny.

When the 1981 bell rings, he will officially become the CEO of Microsoft.

When he left, many of the positions he once managed were taken over by others.

For example, the chairmanship of Destiny Pictures was handed over by Ethan Jones to George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. With the relationship between the two brothers, there is no problem in being a joint venture.

For another example, Julis Noble has been recalled by Ethan Jones, and she has taken over the chairmanship of Destiny Toys. Because of the current neon lights, there is no need to be dumbfounded anymore.

For example, Steve Ballmer's assistant position was taken by Michael Dell.

When Steve Jobs told him that Destiny Games was hiring an assistant to the president because Steve Ballmer was going to join Microsoft and Ethan Jones was interested in him...

Michael Dell immediately agreed.

After he arrived, Steve Ballmer also began his own handover, telling the young man who was not yet an adult what services he needed to provide to his boss every day.

Although Steve Ballmer has made everything clear in the past half month, and his remaining work can be completely handled by Michael Dell, since he wants to report...

"Okay, then just say it."

Ethan waved his hand and said: "This is your last report as the assistant to the president of Destiny Games. When we meet next time, I will have to call you Microsoft CEO."

"Of course……"

"You still have to call me boss."

"Hahahaha..." Ethan's words made the big bald man laugh out loud.

The fact that he still worked for Ethan after all the detours made him shake his head.

He pulled out a chair, sat down familiarly, and then began to report on the last two jobs.

The first job was related to the technology world.

In fact, people in the technology circle have heard of Ethan Jones’s name as early as a few years ago. Destiny Game's respect for Ralph Bell, cooperation with Bill Mensch, help for Edgar Corder, and support for Douglas Engelbart gave Ethan an excellent reputation in the circle.

And now, Ethan has single-handedly tricked the entire Wall Street and tried his best to protect Apple's interests that should belong to the company. The fact that he won 4 billion in those four years has made countless people jealous.

Therefore, guys who want to start a business come to us.

Hope to get investment from Ethan.

This kind of thing has actually happened before, and it has always been handled by Steve Ballmer.

Because Ethan is very busy and cannot do everything by himself, Steve Ballmer will screen it in advance and eliminate projects that seem to be nonsense.

But even so, Ethan had nothing to vote for.

But this time, things have changed.

The reason why Steve Ballmer reported this before leaving was because he felt that the two new projects had great prospects. As for the reason?

Very simple.

Because the submitters of these two projects are all from Stanford.

"The first project was submitted by James Clark, associate professor of electrical engineering at Stanford."

"The direction of his research is computer graphics."

"Because I don't know much about computers, I just knew that this thing sounded similar to a graphical user interface, and for that reason, I thought his project had promise."

Steve Ballmer's unpretentious judgment made Ethan laugh out loud.

He nodded slightly, signaling to continue.

The bald man didn't hesitate and said: "The product they developed is a geometry engine, and its application direction is 3D computer imaging. They think this is the future of computers, because when computers can display 3D models, the electronic game industry will There will definitely be a qualitative leap."

"Of course, I personally feel that their imagination goes far beyond that. The reason why I say games is because our main business is games. As long as they can impress us, they can get money."

Maybe it's because I'm leaving soon.

So Ballmer is very casual at this moment.

Idealistic judgments abound.

And his words also made Ethan nodded.

"You're right, then vote."

"Tell Michael Dell to contact them after the year."

"Tell them to come to me and get the money."


The sudden decision stunned Ballmer on the spot.

When he caught the lazy smile on Ethan's face, he immediately shook his head and said: "Oh boss, why are you like this, sensationalizing on the last day? This is really... oh..."

Ethan rolled his eyes after hearing the emotional words.

How could he not know at this moment that Ballmer might be wrong?

Ballmer thought that he was about to leave, so Ethan closed his eyes and accepted his judgment for the sake of his many years of playing for Destiny Games.

But actually...

"Don't feel good about yourself!"

"I voted for them because I think their idea is pretty good!"

That's right!

When Ethan heard the name James Clark, he knew he wanted to invest.

Because James Clark was a Silicon Valley celebrity in his past life memory.

Founder of SGI, Netscape, and WebMD.

Needless to say, Netscape is the company that, as the world's first browser that widely used graphical user interfaces, gave birth to Yahoo and almost killed Microsoft.

Many of you may have heard of WebMD, which is one of the largest healthcare websites in the world.

And SGI...

Although it had already closed down when Ethan in the previous life came to the United States.

But their results have continued.

As the first company in the world to develop 3D graphics workstations.

He made George Lucas and Industrial Light and Magic what they were.

When James Clark made a fast 3D rendering system.

The T-1000 in "Terminator 2" and "Jurassic Park" were all transformed from ideas into possibilities.

Until they went out of business, they were a hardware provider to Hollywood special effects companies.

In addition, they are also the first company in the world to seriously produce GPUs.

The purchaser is Nintendo.

When such a master appears, it is inevitable for Ethan to invest. If you don’t invest, you will be stupid!

And this is what he has been pursuing.

When he becomes famous in the circle, the so-called investment will become super simple.

He doesn't need to go to any project because the project will come to him.

Especially when he is still in Silicon Valley, whatever is supposed to come will come.

"Oh boss, don't lie to me..."

Steve Ballmer didn’t believe what Ethan said.

And Ethan didn't want to get entangled in such boring things anymore, so he changed the topic directly.

"Okay, just do whatever you think it is."

"So, can you tell me now, what is the second project?"

This question made the smile on Ballmer's face even brighter. "Of course." He nodded: "The second project was also proposed by a guy majoring in electrical engineering."

"His name is Andy Beckettson."

"He said he had designed a small graphics computer that was more advanced than the Xerox machine."

"He thought you might be interested in his design, or because of the graphical user interface." (End of chapter)

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