Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 343 The undercurrent of celebration

Although holding a national competition is a very troublesome thing, it is after all the oath that Ethan once promised. Therefore, when the good media brought this work that was almost forgotten by Ethan back into the public's view, with it Everything related to it must be laid out immediately.

However, just when the unprepared Ethan thought that this matter might be a bit tricky, Michael Dell handed him a document as thick as a palm.

When I opened it and took a look, plans related to the second national video game competition suddenly came into view.

Steve Ballmer on the planner side also made Ethan raise his head.

"Steve did this?"

Ethan asked confused.


Michael Dell nodded and said: "Boss, when we handed over the work, Steve told me that last year, he only did two things. The first one was to deal with the company's internal affairs, and the second one was to deal with the company's internal affairs. The second thing is to make some simple plans for some possible future tasks according to your arrangements."

"The process of organizing the second electronic game national competition is the focus of his work."

"At the same time, he also told me that I must be forward-thinking in my future work and prepare operational plans for many projects in advance. Although it is impossible for the company to turn every project into reality, as long as one plan is implemented If selected, it can save the company a lot of time.”

The thoughtful arrangement made Ethan bow his head again.

Looking through the last legacy left by the big bald man in the company.

Then, he discovered that this guy's plan could be used directly.

In terms of competition items, Ballmer decided to put all two games "Star Sky" and "The Empire Strikes Back" on the competition stage. The reason for choosing "The Empire Strikes Back" is very simple. As an arcade game for the public, "The Empire Strikes Back" definitely has a larger audience than "Starry Sky". Therefore, if it is put into the arena in a racing way, it will definitely make the game more popular. The people who were addicted to it were very excited.

The reason for choosing "Starry Sky" is even simpler.

Those who can pay for Johnson's home console are their high-quality customers.

Although the national competition seems like a national entertainment, they must also take into account the feelings of the sponsors. After all, video games are razor business, home consoles are razors, and different games are razor blades. If you want customers to keep buying blades, you must make them feel that buying their blades is worthwhile.

In this regard, they must pay close attention to the product value that customers want.

At the same time, they can also attach some emotional value to the product.

And when the games required for the competition are finalized...

This year’s registration rules and competition process need to make some changes.

For example, although their competition is still a universal participation format, each person can only apply for one competition, either "Starry Sky" or "The Empire Strikes Back."

Because signing up at the same time will make the competition system very bloated.

For another example, the competition process also requires some minor repairs. In the first national electronic game competition, they focused on one game, but now, they need to make changes based on the number of applicants and the popularity of different games. Make some fine-tuning of details.

The most important thing is that Steve Ballmer feels that choosing one of the three is actually not very friendly to current game players, because the players who are really willing to spend money must play both arcades and consoles. After Dimension paid for the Destiny Game at the same time, they could actually gain more.

Therefore, Steve Ballmer has an idea, which is to divide the second national video game competition into the main competition and the exhibition competition. The main competition will be conducted according to the process, while the exhibition competition will be signed up by the finalists. For example, if a player who signed up for "Starry Sky" feels that they have performed well in the two games of "Empire Strikes Back", then they can participate in the exhibition match after the finals.

The exhibition match will start within one week after the finals.

Since it is an entertainment competition, Destiny Games will not be ranked based on the performance of the exhibition game.

In this way, guests in the exhibition game will not break the records of the players in the main game.

However, even so, the exhibition game will be very popular. Because human nature is full of joy. After the results come out, the good media and people will rank themselves.

As long as the game of destiny remains fair, then you can gain the most fun...

To be honest, Ethan likes Steve Ballmer's arrangement very much.

Because this plan is not only complete, but also provides a good way to operate it.

Taking sponsors as an example, Steve Ballmer believes that Apple and Microsoft can become sponsors of this competition. When complicated registration information appears, the configuration of Apple computers and Microsoft spreadsheets can make the public better I realize that I live in an era of technological explosion.

They can use a computer to enter the applicant's information in public, and print out the registration form with a printer in front of the applicant. This application will be the best advertisement for the two companies. At the same time, this kind of promotion can also provide opportunities for the Destiny Game. Bring a lot of advertising revenue.

After all, Apple is already on the market.

Now, Ethan Jones can openly ask for huge advertising fees from them.

Although Microsoft is also a company invested by Ethan.

Dear brother, we have to settle the accounts clearly, right?

At the same time, in terms of printers, they can also receive a wave of sponsorship.

If HP gives more, they will use HP.

If Xerox gives you more, then they will use Xerox.

The main thing is to look at money.

Not only that, they can also set a high price for the national live broadcast rights that were not sold in the first session.

Sponsorship fees from Nike and McDonald's can also rise.

According to Steve Ballmer's calculations, a competition that attracts nearly 100 million people can bring them at least close to 50 million U.S. dollars in revenue. After deducting the hosting expenses, they can earn 2,000 U.S. dollars no matter what. Although it is not a lot of money, it is better than paying for it yourself.

Moreover, even if Ethan doesn't want to make this money, he can still make people feel more involved by increasing bonuses and giving out participation gifts. After all, no one can refuse to give out money...

"Have you read this plan?"

After closing Steve Ballmer's plan, Ethan cast a questioning look at Michael Dell.

Perhaps because he was a little nervous, when the young man heard Ethan's inquiry, he immediately nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, "I've seen it, boss."

"Do you have any idea?"

"I think Steve did a great job."

"Then just follow his plan."

"Huh?" Michael Dell was a little surprised.

"Boss, you want to leave these things to me?"

"Of course, any questions?"

"But I have never been exposed to this kind of work at Apple..."

Michael Dell looked worried.

As a young man who has not yet reached adulthood, he has only been a support staff at Apple for the past year and a half. Although he has learned a lot from Steve Jobs, to be honest, he has learned a lot about many things. I've seen it, but haven't touched it.

To put it simply, at this moment, he is full of theory.

To put it harshly, he is just a talker now.

Under such circumstances, Ethan actually asked him to handle such things as the national competition?


He's afraid of screwing up.

"Don't worry, no one is born omnipotent."

"Life is a practice. You spend time and energy, and then gain some experience. In this process, the first thing you have to do is to take the first step in consciousness."

"Of course, I also know that this step is quite difficult, because you will feel that you know nothing, and you will inevitably suffer a loss against some professionals, but I want to tell you, the rules of this world are that it is a mess. Total drama, when you feel like you're lacking, the guy you're face to face with can't be any better, especially when you're talking about an emerging industry."

"If you think others are professional, it's because they are pretending to be calm. When I, Ethan Jones, am the president of this company, you who represent me are actually the most calm one in the room."

"Because most people are afraid of me."

"In this case, you only need to follow one way of doing things, and you can do all the work well, and that is to be profit-seeking, and to be profit-seeking from the company's standpoint."

"As long as you can be extremely selfish for the benefit of the company, you will definitely be able to negotiate these businesses. Because you consider the company, I will not scold you, and those guys want to infringe on the interests of our company, so I will arrest them." He scolded them."

"And, as far as I know, you seem to be very interested in computers?"

“You want to be like Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak?”

"You want to start a computer-related company?"

"If you want to turn your dreams into reality, then I think the assistant to the president of Destiny Games will be your best platform. Look at Steve Ballmer, he has now become the CEO of Microsoft."

"He didn't know anything when he came, but after following me for a few years, he is no worse than other Fortune 500 CEOs. In other words, many companies actually want to poach him."

"The things he has done in the three years he has been with me are more than many companies have in thirty years, and they are more exciting than some companies have in a lifetime."

"So, do it well, do it with confidence, and do it boldly."

"It makes your future better."

"Perhaps in a few years, countless listed companies will come to poach you."

"Of course, if you want to start a business, then I will give my thumbs up."

The instructive words made Michael Dell feel a little trance.

After he reacted, he nodded cautiously and took over the work.

With the banging sound, the young man also left Ethan's office.

Looking at the closed door, Ethan smiled with satisfaction.

That's right, he is Michael Dell in the CPU.

When he cannot provide equity incentives to employees, these dreamy guys are destined to leave.

In this case, it is very necessary to use learning and accumulation to make them work hard without complaint. This will make his company run better.

Although this kind of CPU behavior looks like unscrupulous capitalists squeezing young people.

However, Ethan is not just talking about it. If Michael Dell really wants to start a business...

Then he will also spend tens or even millions to support Dell in the future.

"Oh my! I'm such a damn good person!"

After sighing casually, Ethan put the matter of the national competition aside.

Because while he was watching the excitement, Stanford's winter vacation was also over.

When James Clark and Andy Beckettson, who returned to school, learned that Ethan had the idea of ​​investing in them, they immediately came to the Stanford Research Park.

Submitted a specific business plan to Ethan.

Since Ethan knew they could do it, he just symbolically flipped through the business instructions.

Then, he took out a stack of checkbooks and asked, "How much do you want?"

James Clark: "Because our graphics processor has almost been researched, and we only need some funds to turn it into a commercial product, so we are eager for a lot of funds."

"At million." James Clark stuttered.

"Then how much equity are you willing to transfer?" Ethan didn't care and picked up the pen.

"Well...we think our company is worth at least ten million."

Before James Clark could finish speaking, Ethan had already started writing.

A few seconds later, ten checks worth one million appeared in front of James Clark.

"One million, fifteen percent."

"If you agree, you can take these ten checks now."

"Of course I want structural anti-dilution provisions."

The neat facts made James Clark a little jealous.

When Andy Becktosen heard this question, the amount he asked for was actually quite similar.

"Mr. Jones, can you invest one million in us?"

"This money will allow us to bring the product to market within a year."

"We're willing to pay 20 percent of the shares."

"At the same time, we also hope that you will join our board of directors..."

Without hesitation, I continued to sign.

In less than half an hour, Ethan had already spent two million.

Although compared with the previous investment in Apple, the money spent this time is a bit more, but Ethan believes that the two businesses of SUN and SGI will definitely not be as troublesome as Apple.

And with the finalization of angel investment, the time has come to February.

When Michael Dell, on behalf of Destiny Games, and the American Football League jointly announced that the second national video game competition will be officially registered on March 1...

A burst of joy suddenly erupted across the vast North American continent.

The crowd was excited because Ethan Jones kept his word.

And Steve Ross is also very happy, because the current destiny game has actively stood on the cusp of the storm, so what he needs to do is...

"Are you ready?"

The old man standing by the floor-to-ceiling window looking out at the world murmured.


The middle-aged man who stared at the boss's back replied solemnly.

"Then do it."

Steve Ross took a deep breath and made a decision. (End of chapter)

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