Rebirth of America, this is my time

Chapter 77 Ethan’s Holiday

"Hot Afternoon" is a movie adapted from a real case. The main line of the story is very simple. It tells how a robber became the most unlucky bank robber in American history.

The content of the story is: the protagonist Mike Corleone and his good brother Fredo Corleone robbed a bank on a hot afternoon. Since a large amount of cash in the bank had just been taken away, they opened the safe and robbed it directly. I was dumbfounded because there was only $1,100 in it. Perhaps it was good fortune and misfortunes that never come singly. Before they could leave with the money, their criminal behavior had been discovered by the police. As a result, a robbery that was supposed to end in ten minutes was dragged into ten by them. Hours of tug-of-war. The final outcome also ended with the Godfather being arrested and Fredo Corleone being shot dead on the spot by Verber.

Although the plot of the story is not complicated, there are still many plots in it.

For example, the protagonist played by Al Pacino is called Sonny, and he hacks Sony in the book openly;

Not only that, he is also an LGBTQIA+ person who directly touches social hot spots;

His main purpose of robbing the bank was to raise money for a sex reassignment surgery for his partner. This starting point was very awesome;

What's even more awesome is that during the confrontation with the police, Al Pacino in the movie became the people's hero.

Because when Al Pacino released a black hostage in accordance with the police's request, the police blocking the door of the bank regarded the black hostage as his accomplice, swarmed up to him, and handcuffed him. This situation made Al Pacino very angry. He defended himself as a white man and shouted the word Attica.

This scene made Ethan very happy, because the future Freud case appeared in his mind. When this connection across time and space appeared, he immediately sighed that Hollywood in the 1970s had already played Did it cost so much?

Are you already emphasizing that black lives matter at this time?

But after he asked Evelyn what Al Pacino meant when he shouted 'Attica', he realized that it was a joke.

“Oh Ethan, don’t you remember this?”

In the dark cinema, Evelin turned her head and glanced at Ethan, and said strangely: "Is this what happened a few years ago?"

"At that time, there was a riot at Attica Prison. Inmates took control of the prison, took forty-two staff members hostage, and demanded that local officials and prison authorities in New York improve the conditions and treatment inside the prison."

"The two sides negotiated for several days but failed to reach an agreement, so the then governor of New York State sent armed police and troops into the prison to quell the riot. During this exchange of fire, dozens of people died in the prison, and many of them were hostages. The most important thing is that these people were shot, and the only ones with guns at the time were the police and the military who were quelling the riot."

‘Oh shit! ’

‘Is there such a thing? ’

Ethan only knew that asking Mao Zi to rescue the hostages was a very unreliable thing, but he didn't expect that the police in the United States would be so cheating? Can a prison be suppressed and a bunch of hostages be killed?

What are these people doing? Could it be that he was in CosT-800, using Gatling to rescue the hostages?

Ethan couldn't figure it out.

"Then the governor of New York State who was in charge at that time shouldn't be unlucky?" Ethan asked curiously.

At this moment, he was like a turtle in a melon field.

His face was twisted as he wanted to hear gossip.

But Evelin rolled her eyes at him, "Unlucky? Why are you unlucky?"

"Because dozens of hostages died!" Ethan said matter-of-factly.

"But in that guy's eyes, these dead hostages are not human beings at all." Evelin said.

"Don't you know? The governor of New York State at that time is now the deputy commander~"

"That's Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller."

‘Oh~ it turns out to be this uncle! ’

‘The basic operations of a capitalist! ’

‘I understand, I understand! ’

Ethan was satisfied after eating the melon.

Although "Hot Afternoon" is not an action blockbuster, Ethan still had a great time watching it despite all the jokes.

I walked into the cinema happily and drove home with a playful smile.

However, this good mood did not last long. When Evelin told him the next night that Vinton Cerf said that he did not know Professor Ralph Bell, Ethan became a little depressed.

"Don't you know? In that case, we have to find it ourselves."

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Evelin thought she could wait a little longer. "Although Vinton said he didn't know Ralph Bell, he also said he could help me ask, but it will take some time because he won't be going to DARPA in the near future. Maybe at the end of the year, at Christmas, he will go Virginia will ask for us when she visits her old friends.”

‘End of the year? ’

‘That’s only three months? ’

Ethan was able to accept it at this time, "Then I'll just wait and treat it as a holiday for myself."

He stretched.

But Evelin felt that something was wrong with this kind of rhetoric.

Because in her impression, Ethan seemed to be on vacation every day!

In other words, he was busy for a week when he was making "Snake Game", for a month when he was selling "Snake Game", and then he was anxious for a few days when he was sued. At other times... he seemed to have done nothing. !


‘How can this man be so lazy? ’

If Ethan were to know Evelin's thoughts, he would definitely sigh secretly, because his comfort all comes from the power of the times.

When you are in the midst of a wave, the impetus brought by change will naturally allow you to easily peek at the top of the times.

Although Ethan kept saying that he wanted to take a break, he did not really take any time off.

On October 7th, he handed Evelin the company name he had been thinking about for several days.

And when Evelin saw the words on the paper, black lines appeared all over her forehead.

"Kismet (destiny)?"

"You want to use this word as the name of your company?"

"Yeah~" Ethan nodded and said: "It's destiny! It means that the establishment of our company is destiny!"

“…” This explanation made Evelin frown.

Because she felt that using this word as a company name... was a bit strange!

"Why don't you use Destiny, Fate or Chosen?"

"If you want to express an imperial meaning, then I think these three words are more accurate, right?"

good question!

Ethan almost applauded Evelin because she asked the key to the matter.

In fact, when thinking about a name, Ethan almost scratched his hair. He thought of a name that was domineering but not cliché, but unfortunately, he couldn't think of it after thinking for a long time.

Ever since, he very casually connected the name of the company with his own time travel. He felt that since such fantasy things as time travel have already happened, isn't he the chosen one?

But when he wanted to use the word 'Chosen', which has a divine meaning in religion, as the name of his company, he suddenly remembered that there would be someone in the future with this word tattooed on his back!

Although the chosen one has not been born yet, no one can guarantee that he will not get another tattoo in the future, right?

In order to avoid being criticized, Ethan directly eliminated ‘Chosen’.

Then I set my sights on ‘Destiny’ and ‘Fate’.

To be honest, Ethan actually didn’t want to choose these two words.

Because the former represents the game "Destiny" produced by Microsoft in his memory, and the latter represents the very famous Holy Grail War.

When these two words have specific meanings, Ethan, who is emotionally difficult to bypass, can't make a choice no matter what.

So he could only reluctantly discard all these words and choose 'Kismet'.

As for why he didn’t choose ‘luck’, which means both good luck and destiny?

Very simple!

Add ‘in’ after ‘luck’ and the problem disappears.

You can choose.

But he looked embarrassed.

Of course, Ethan couldn't tell these little stories to Evelin, so he ended the topic with "I like it".

After leaving the matter of registering the company to Evelin, Ethan also began to inspect his property.

He first went to Mountain View and went to Chuck Paido Company to learn about the sales of MOS 6502.

Since the launch of MOS 6502 at the Western Electronics Exhibition coincided with an infringement lawsuit, Ethan had no energy to ask about the chip. But when he finished everything and came back today, the manager here looked happy. reported the results to him.

"Mr. Jones, MOS 6502 caused a huge sensation at the exhibition a few weeks ago!"

"When Mr. Chuck Paido introduced to the public that the MOS 6502 could be sold at a price of $42 while having performance that was not inferior to the Intel 8080 and Motorola 6800, everyone at the scene was shocked!"

"They couldn't believe their ears!"

"Of course, more people are also doubting whether we are liars."

"However, when Motorola announced that they would adjust the price of the 6800 to $68, everyone put away their doubts!"

“On the day of the press conference, many companies inquired about the MOS 6502 product from us. As of today, we have sold 10,000 6502 units. If nothing else happens, by the end of this year, our shipments will be The quantity can exceed 50,000, or even 100,000!"

The general manager of Chuck Paido Company is a middle-aged man in his forties. He once worked as a sales manager at Texas Instruments for ten years and has rich industry experience, but when talking about chip orders, he still waved his arms excitedly and his eyes shone.

This is joy from the bottom of my heart and a reflection of my dream finally coming true.

As for the production volume, it seems to be very small?

From the perspective of future generations, an order quantity of 10,000 is obviously not enough, but at the beginning of the birth of personal microcomputers...

An order quantity of 10,000 is already a manifestation of madness.

And sales of 420,000...

It can even bring a guaranteed net profit of 300,000 yuan!

‘I didn’t do anything and I got 60,000 yuan in vain? ’

‘What a good thing! ’

Ethan liked this feeling of having sex for free.

While laughing, he also asked: "Can you tell me which companies have placed orders with us?"

"Of course!" the general manager replied readily.

Because he knew Ethan was the savior of the company.

"Ohio Scientific Instruments ordered us for a thousand dollars, Commodore ordered us for five thousand dollars, STM Systems ordered us for three thousand dollars, and there were some sporadic companies that asked us for one thousand dollars."



These three companies silenced Ethan Qian.

Because he couldn't find the names of these companies from his memory.

'well! Maybe this is because it traveled too early? ’

‘Except for old companies that have been active for decades, I haven’t heard much about them. ’

But Ethan doesn’t care about this kind of thing. Anyway, he is now at the top of the industry and is not afraid of anyone.

After a brief walk around, Ethan, who was satisfied with the current results, was ready to leave.

And just before he left, the fat general manager suddenly handed him a business card.

"This is?"

"Motorola CEO Robert Galvin's business card."

‘? ? ? ’

This business card made Ethan confused, "Where did you get it?"

The next second he felt something was wrong again, "For me?"


General Manager Wei Pang nodded: "Actually, on the day we released MOS 6502, Motorola had already received the news. They had a booth at the electronics exhibition and they were very angry. They found us and asked us to stop infringement."

"But after Mr. Chuck Paido and Mr. Robert Galvin made a phone call, their attitude changed and they publicly announced at the show that they would lower the price of the 6800 within a few months."

"I don't know what happened, but afterward, Chuck Padre asked me to pass this card over to you."

"He said, Robert Galvin, the CEO of Motorola, wants to talk to you."

"As for whether to accept it?"

"You make the decision yourself."

‘Aren’t you trying to say something harsh? ’

Ethan thought he understood.

But when he was mentally prepared and called out of curiosity, a gentle voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Ethan Jones? Inventor of Snake Game? Good afternoon."

"Yeah~ Mr. Galvin, I'm Ethan, do you have anything to do with me?" Because no one knew each other, and Ethan had stolen Motorola's business, he spoke very bluntly, "If you If you want to condemn me, you can start now."

"Oh Ethan~ You think I came to you because I wanted to yell at you?"

"Mr. Galvin, I don't think I can find a second reason."

"Hahaha~ It seems that our reputation at Motorola is not good. I just wanted to have a simple phone call with you, but I didn't expect you to think like this." Robert Galvin on the other end of the phone smiled and then said : "Ethan, don't be nervous. I don't mean anything against you. I just want to get to know you and see what kind of young man you are helping Chuck."

He seemed to know that his words did not have much credibility, so he added: "Don't worry, we at Motorola have given up on the 6502 matter. Since it is a problem that Stanford has come forward to solve, then this market should belong to you."

‘? ’ Ethan was a little confused by these words, “Mr. Galvin, I don’t understand what you mean.”

"Don't you understand? Oh - then you may not know my identity. I am a trustee of the Illinois Institute of Technology, and the school's library is named after my father. Our school has in-depth cooperation with Stanford, and we know What kind of people are Professors Barbara Babcock and Vinton Cerf, so you don’t have to worry, I’m not as stupid as Atari.”

Robert Galvin's words made Ethan laugh.

He understood what the other party meant.

To put it more simply, it means that I know your details. People like you don’t need to fight life and death over small things.

The role of trustees as described by Robert Galvin is actually an honorary leadership position. They will provide financial, strategic and moral support to the school to promote better development of the school. At the same time, they will also enjoy some priority Latest invention.

To put it simply, this identity is actually the corporate identity in Fred Terman’s school-enterprise co-construction plan. When companies draw a steady stream of patents from American institutions of higher learning, they are better than ordinary people. It is even clearer that high and new technology is the foundation of development.

For Motorola, the current chip market, which has no prospects, is not important at all.

Ethan Jones can take it if he wants.

What really matters is the future scientific research results of major universities.

The reason why Robert Galvin and Ethan Jones communicated was also very simple.

When Ethan embraced Vinton Cerf's thigh, he had already obtained a ticket to a top company. The rest depends on whether he can obtain scientific research results from Stanford that are sufficient for commercialization. And those who can try their best to seize the market from Motorola must have the ambition to climb up. Therefore, even if Robert Galvin does not know whether Ethan can succeed, but——

"If you need a partner in the future, you can give priority to Motorola."

"Whether it's electronics manufacturing or attracting investment, we at Motorola are good at it."

"Oh Mr. Galvin, thank you." Ethan smiled back.

Although Ethan acted very gentlemanly, he did not believe Robert Galvin's words at all.

In his opinion, this guy must have something up his sleeve.

After the incident at Atari, he had always been wary.

The only people who can treat each other with sincerity are those scientific researchers who are obsessed with technology. As for businessmen?

Tell them to get lost!

After inspecting Chuck Paido Company, Ethan visited the garage of his loyal Steve Jobs family.

Cough cough cough…

This statement sounds a bit strange, but there is no way. Who asked Steve Jobs to locate Apple's production workshop here?

According to Ethan's original intention, he came to check the sales status of Apple No. 1.

But when he knocked on the door of Jobs' house, the words that came to him stunned him.

"Oh Ethan! We meet again!"

Jobs first gave Ethan a big hug.

Then the next second, this guy stood up on tiptoes and kept jumping around.

His eyes also drifted behind Ethan.

Then, doubtful words came out, "Ethan? Aren't you here to deliver the machine today?"

"Ah? What kind of machine?" Ethan looked confused.

"The signature arcade machine of "Snake Game"!" Jobs, who was holding Ethan, loosened his arms, leaned back, and carefully observed Ethan's expression, "You won't forget this, right?"

"Didn't you ask me to ask you last time why MCA acquired Atari at a high price?"

"Didn't I tell you at the time that my friend liked your games and wanted a signature arcade machine from "Snake Game"?"


‘OhFxxk! I forgot! ’

When Jobs mentioned this, Ethan was immediately confused.

But the next second, he pretended that nothing happened and said: "The signature arcade machine of "Snake Game"?"

"Of course I remember this!"

"But I can't buy the "Snake Game" arcade machine now because I have terminated my contract with Atari and there is no company to produce it..."

Ethan thinks he is a genius!

Such a perfect reason can be found at your fingertips!

But just when he felt that his words were perfect, Jobs blinked and said: "Then how did the world's first "Snake Game" come into being? Could it be that it jumped out of the stone like the monkey in Eastern mythology? of?"

‘! ’

Ethan was shocked. He didn't expect Jobs to ask this.

After staring at the opponent for a long time, he finally gave up and said, "Okay, Okay, I did forget."

"I'll buy the materials when I get home later. Oh no! I'll call Frank now and ask him to send me the materials. I'll try to make it for your friend tonight!"

Ethan felt that he was indeed wrong in this matter.

Jobs' friend did him such a great favor, only to forget what he wanted?

This is so inappropriate.

But his look of admitting defeat made Jobs burst into laughter, and he made a fist with the five fingers of his right hand and punched his arm.

"Oh brother, look how scared you are! Just forget it, he has changed his request anyway."

"What do you mean?" Ethan didn't understand.

"It's very simple. My friend's original purpose was to meet you and get to know you. He wanted to know who the person who developed "Snake Game" was like. But because MCA wanted to acquire Atari, you and Atari Dali has conflicts, so it’s not easy for him to meet you.”

"But now, MCA has given up on Atari, and Atari has been acquired by Warner Bros., so..."

"He wants to meet you."

Jobs spread his hands and said, "It's that simple."

"Warner Brothers acquired Atari on September 28th, right?"

"He called me on September 28th."

"He said that when you are free, let me take you to Los Angeles to play with him."

"How's it going? Are you going?"

"Oh, so that's it?" Ethan understood and laughed at the same time, "Go, why not go."

"Oaky, let's go now." Jobs immediately pushed Ethan out, "Just drive to your car."

"So urgent?" Ethan was shocked, "And does he have time today? Can we see him if we just go there?"

"Of course!" Jobs said: "He is a director, and the work comes one after another. When he is busy, he can't find anyone. When he is not busy, he is just like you, wandering around every day."

"So he's a director?" Ethan understood.

The next second he was dissatisfied again, "Steve, who do you think is wandering around?"

"Brother! I'm not an idler! I need to work!"

Such shameless words made Jobs laugh——


"You need a job~"

"But your biggest job is to watch other people work~"

Before he finished speaking, he held the door of the Ferrari, turned over and got into the sports car.

He touched the steering wheel and said: "Where is the key? Lend me the key~"

"I haven't driven a Ferrari yet!"

Note: ① In reality, the reason why MOS 6502 was accepted by people was the price cuts of Intel 8080 and Motorola 6800. Before they cut prices, no one really believed that CPUs could be that cheap. ② Motorola did not take the CPU market seriously at the beginning. Chuck Paido and the others said they resigned from Motorola, but before they left, Motorola had plans to lay off employees, and they laid off employees in disguise in the name of relocating the factory, because Robert Galvin felt that the CPU was just a market that could be tried, not a market with broad prospects. At that time, they had already invented the mobile phone (in 1973) and obtained the mobile phone patent. From this aspect, Motorola’s judgment was actually correct. The market for mobile phones is indeed larger than that of CPUs. Of course, their chip business only stagnated for two years before regretting it. At that time, in order to make mobile phones, they also sold off their TV business and sold it to Panasonic. ③The relationship between Illinois Institute of Technology and Stanford has been mentioned before. The Stanford Research Institute was almost established by them.

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