Wei Heping didn't ask his father and uncle about the matter between them, the affairs of the previous generation were solved by the people of the previous generation, and he would not get involved, anyway, now that his father is a cultivator, he will not suffer.

He thought that he would go to the United States after the New Year, and he would not give up if he couldn't find the ring, after finding the ring, he and his family would have all the cultivation resources, and they wouldn't have to look for resources everywhere in the world.

The next morning, on the first day of the Lunar New Year, the Wei clan people came to the ancestral hall to worship their ancestors, and the Liang clan also went to their ancestral hall to worship their ancestors.

Wei Heping was not at home for a few years, all by his father Wei Qinghai with sacrifices to worship the ancestors, now the people of Weijiazhuang, the living conditions have improved, when the ancestors are worshipped, the sacrifices are also more, all kinds of valuable sacrifices are placed on the table, but also to tell the ancestors, the life of the descendants is getting better and better, don't worry, don't come back to disturb the life of the descendants.

After the ancestor worship, everyone gathered together for a reunion dinner, this year has passed, the people in the village come like this every year, everyone is Xi to it, no need to be reminded by the clan elder, and know how to go through this process.

"Qinghai, I saw Qingchuan come back yesterday, he didn't ask you for anything, right?" Wei Qingshan called Wei Qinghai aside, he also looked down on Wei Qingchuan's approach, and in his heart he was biased towards Wei Qinghai, afraid that he would suffer.

"What kind of face does he have to put forward conditions with me, and I haven't moved the house at home, he wants to come back and live in his two rooms, don't even think about living in a villa. When Wei Qinghai heard Wei Qingchuan, his face was resentful, and he had no illusions about this big brother for a long time.

"I guess Qingchuan is going back to discuss with Qingcheng, the two of them will definitely come back, now that the village is developing so well, the two of them probably have heard that the village is a villa and a cage, with their selfish minds, they must want to come back and divide the villa and the cage.

Brother Qingshan, we will go to the capital in a few days, and my cage will be handed over to you, you can deal with it as you see it, anyway, don't give it to those two white-eyed wolves. Wei Qinghai thought of his own cage, afraid that after they left, the two shameless brothers would come back to divide his cage and hand it over to Wei Qingshan in advance.

"Don't worry, your cage will definitely not let them divide it, but I can't take care of your old house, after all, that house also has their share. Wei Qingshan agreed to look at the pipe box.

What he is worried about is the old house of Wei Qinghai's family, if the brothers come back, they will definitely live in the old house, this old house is Wei Qinghai taking care of it, although Wei Qingchuan and Wei Qingcheng left at the beginning, but they did not give up the old house, so the old house still has their place.

"The old house is just for them, there are only four rooms in total, and it is still dilapidated, I guess they don't want to live in the old house, they want to live in the villa! Wei Qinghai instructed again, even if his house is not occupied, he will not let others move in, ............

"Qingcheng, I went back to Weijiazhuang yesterday, now the people in the village are better than us in the city, every family lives in a villa, every household has a cage, every young man easily earns a hundred thousand yuan, I think this should also have our share, the third family has driven a Land Rover, more than one million cars, this is also our part.

After Wei Qingchuan returned to the city, he came to the house of the second Wei Qingcheng and told them about the situation in Weijiazhuang, his meaning was obvious, and encouraged the second Wei Qingcheng to also go to Weijiazhuang to see if he could get some benefits from it.

"Big brother, when we left, but I didn't think about going back, the third child will definitely hold a grudge against us, and the people in the village will not favor us, I guess it's enough to go back, forget it! I'm not bad now, why go back and see their faces. "The second Wei Qingcheng has two daughters, and now they are all married, he runs a supermarket that is not big or small, and he can earn more than 100,000 or 200,000 yuan a year, and he has a good life, and he doesn't want to go back to find it uncomfortable.

"What you said is not right, this ancestral property also has our share, why is it cheaper for the third child, and this villa and cage should also have our share, and now they all belong to the third, even if we don't want that share, the third child will give us money, and there are hundreds of thousands of dollars according to the capitation, if we don't want it, but it will be cheap for the third child.

Wei Qingchuan continued to encourage the second Wei Qingcheng, he didn't inquire clearly how the villa and the cage came from, and thought that the village collective was distributed to the villagers, in his cognition, only the village collective or the town, in order to make the villagers rich, the cage was placed, the third Wei Qinghai should be divided to the two brothers The two shares were occupied, of course they had to take it back, which was not at all the same as Wei Qinghai thought that they wanted to share the ancestral property.


"Let's talk about it after the New Year! There will definitely be no time before the year, and we will go again after the fifth day of the first month, and it happens that everyone is there, and we also have a reason to ask for it back. On

the second day of the first lunar month, Wei Heping's family left Weijiazhuang and came to the hanging garden in the capital, where Wei Heping arranged a spirit gathering array, and the family happened to be cultivating here, so they didn't have to worry about someone to disturb them.

Wei Heping is now on the first floor of Jindan, if he wants to break through again, the little spirit stone in his hand is not enough at all, he still has to find the ring, calculate the time, the ring will not appear in four years, he can't waste four years in vain, he still has to go out to find resources, and by the way, go to Europe to get those Chinese antiques back, the Eight-Nation Alliance has robbed a lot of national treasures, and this time they will return it with interest.

"Husband, grandpa called, let us go back, and by the way, introduce you to the members of the family, so that we don't know each other and have misunderstandings in the future. Wei Shiqi took the mobile phone to find Wei Heping and told him what Wei Lao meant.

"Then let's prepare some gifts! After all, there are a lot of people in your family, what do you want to prepare?" Wei Heping thought about Wei Shiqi's uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, there were more than a dozen people, plus the children of their family, he came to the door as a new son-in-law, he must not go empty-handed!

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