Rebirth of an Entrepreneurial Life

Chapter 889: Chen Ping's cruelty

After returning to his senses, Chen Ping smiled awkwardly, and quickly turned off the topic: "Tell me about the Huo family in Nanming province, how strong is it? The information you gave was too much, for a while. I really can't finish the meeting, can you summarize it, just talk about it?"

   Li Qian nodded without hesitation.

   If it's just a brief summary, there is no need for information at all, and Li Qian opens her mouth.

   "Have you heard of the hidden family?" Before talking about the Huo family, Li Qian asked a question first.

   Chen Ping pondered for a moment, and shook his head. There was no such concept in his mind.

   Li Qian nodded, and then whispered: "Hidden families are some family powers that are not visible and not known to ordinary people. In China, there are actually many such family powers."

   "These hidden families are not necessarily completely unknown, but their most important power is definitely hidden under the water."

   "Don't look at the current situation in China's business sector that seems clear. Those giant companies seem to be unbeatable, but in fact, many hidden families are not weaker than those giant companies."

"It's just that these hidden family-controlled companies may have many companies, and their combined strength is very powerful, but these companies do not belong to one person, but belong to the entire family, so ordinary people cannot judge a hidden family. How many industries are there and how powerful are there!"

   "In many provinces in China, there are such hidden families. In Nanming Province, there are two family forces worthy of our Pingyu Group's caution, the Huo family and the Wang family."

   "These two families can be regarded as deeply rooted in Nanming Province, and compared with ordinary group companies, the power of these two families is not comparable to that of ordinary group companies."

"Among them, the Huo family has a history of about 120 years. It is only the foundation. It is by no means comparable to those group companies that have a life span of only a few years or more than a dozen years. Outsiders may not be able to make accurate judgments on how many cards are in the hole. However, just from the news I know, there are 19 companies directly controlled by the Huo family, which are indirectly controlled or hold certain shares. There are 42 companies! Most of these companies are in Nanming Province, but there are also a few companies in other places, but those companies are not important to Huo Jia and can be ignored."

   "On the whole, the Huo family’s status in Nanming Province is even higher than our Pingyu Group’s status in Dongjiang Province. I don’t know how much, absolutely terrifying!"

"It is just the assets held by the Huo family. The total value of these companies that can be found by our Li family and Yang family is as high as 300 billion yuan! As for the Huo family's background, outsiders have no way to know, I am afraid, there are at least several hundred. Millions! This is a conservative estimate!"

"After all, in the process of family development, the background is important, but after more than a hundred years of development, there will still be certain disturbances. Although the family background is constantly accumulating, it is also constantly being consumed. So, at least Tens of billions, but it is very likely to exceed hundreds of billions!"

   "Of course, the background of this kind of family may not be cash, and I just use money to estimate a rough figure."

"It may be difficult for you to understand what I said, but I can give you the simplest example. For example, we are in the Li family. I am just a member of the third generation of the Li family. I only know part of it, but I can tell you about this part."

"Our Li family has a vault. Of course, this vault is just one of the many backgrounds of the Li family. As far as I know, there are about 30 tons of gold, various jade, gems, etc. in this vault. , The total value is about 10 billion!"

   Chen Ping was taken aback for a moment. Is the Li family one of the hidden families?

   Don’t many people know the Li family?

   But thinking about what Li Qian said just now, Chen Ping understood.

   I originally thought that Li Jiaqiang was in other aspects, not too strong in business, but in fact, the strength of Li Jiaqiang in business is probably hidden under the surface of the water, and I can't see it.

   But I have to say that what Li Qian said made Chen Ping's heart full of shock.

  A treasury is just part of the Li family's many backgrounds, and it has such an amazing wealth!

   Thirty tons of gold!

   stacked in a vault, what kind of scene should it be?

   This is just a family!

   It's hard to think about the hidden secrets of the big families in China.

   Until now, he didn't realize what kind of power is behind these big families.

  The Huo family in Nanming Province is just a family. Compared with the Li family, there is still a huge gap. It is just a hidden family in a certain province.

   But such a hidden family, just the bottom line, already has at least tens of billions of wealth!

   And everyone knows very well that for a family, the most important background is not only the background of wealth, but also many other aspects!

   such as a network of connections!

   Although the Pingyu Group now spans three provinces, in these three provinces, it has also established a huge network of contacts, but how does it compare with the Huo family?

   In Nanming Province, what kind of network has the Huo family reached?

   These people present can realize it by simply thinking about a number.

   120 years!

  Huo's family is already a family with a history of 120 years!

   After 120 years of accumulation and development, how large is the network of contacts accumulated by the Huo family in Nanming Province?

   Such a family, just the core members, there are at least dozens of people, even hundreds of people!

   As for the side branches in the family, I am afraid they are countless!

   In the Southern Jiangsu Province, the Zhao family is already the largest family. Many important departments in the Zhao group are assumed by the Zhao family.

   But the Zhao family is up and down, even if you count the ordinary relatives, it is far from the number of core members, but only a few dozen people.

   As for the direct line of the Zhao family, that is, the line of Zhao Wensheng, I am afraid that there are at most a dozen people.

   But the Huo family is different!

   The Huo family’s direct lineage is as many as dozens or hundreds of people!

   If you count the collateral, I am afraid that hundreds of people are possible!

   Plus some existences attached to the Huo family, or people with foreign surnames, it is countless!

   After all, in this traditional family, although a woman is also a member of the family, she can never be regarded as one of the core members of the family's direct line. As for the woman's husband, she is a foreigner.

  Lin Lin finally concluded that there are only a few people who can directly control the Huo Family, I am afraid there are more than a few thousand people!

   In addition to those attached to the Huo family, in the entire Nanming Province, how large is the power belonging to the Huo family?

   Moreover, in Nanming Province, there is not only one Huo family, but also a Wang family!

   This means that the strength of the Wang family is certainly not much worse than that of the Huo family!

   One province, two families, how terrifying would the strength of these two families add up?

   And if it is in Dongshan Province, among Dongshan Provinces, the Dongshan Yang Family, it is the existence that dominates the entire Dongshan Province, and no other family can compete with the Dongshan Yang Family!

   also means that the power of the Dongshan Yang family in Dongshan Province is probably more than the total of the Huo family and the Wang family in Nanming Province!

   What's more, the scope of the Dongshan Yang family's influence is not only the province of Dongshan Province!

   Then, how terrifying is the true power of such a top-notch family in China?

   Chen Ping can only sigh in his heart, horror!

   Although he sighed, Chen Ping did not show any fear on his face. Instead, he calmly asked, "Where is there another Wang family?"

   Li Qian smiled, then nodded gently, and after a little indulgence, briefly introduced the situation of the Wang family.

   However, Li Qian has no complete information on hand after all, so she can only verbally summarize, so what she said is not detailed.

   After listening to Li Qian's brief introduction to these two families, Chen Ping also realized that such a powerful hidden family also needs to be treated with caution and not too careless.

   It seems that when I go back, I still need to study the information of these two families carefully to deal with all kinds of changes!

   At this moment, Nie Wei rushed back with a large bag of tools.

   Opening the bag, Chen Ping's face was calm. Although Li Qian was strong, her face turned pale, and Nie Wei said that she had no feelings.

   The three people tied to the pillar expressed despair.

   But this is what they deserved.

   Chen Ping said that he did it himself, but he really did it himself.

   brings pain to a person without making it too **** and terrifying.

   There are different types of fear.

Chen Ping, who has studied psychology for a few days and considers himself a half-hearted psychology lover, knows very well that when a person is on the brink of extinction, even a sudden small sound can even make people completely collapse and feel endless fear. , It's not impossible to scare to death directly!

   Whether it is mental fear or physical pain, there are different ways of expressing it.

   Chen Ping is not a perverted professional cool official, but he still has some ideas on how to cause extreme pain.

   is very simple.

There are different types of mental fears. For example, when a person is completely unable to resist, the fear of looking at a large knife slashing at him like lightning, and the fear of looking at a silver needle, bit by bit, one millimeter. The fear of getting a millimeter closer to and piercing one's body is completely different.

   Which is more scary?

   Chen Ping thinks it is the latter.

   The physical pain is the same.

  Why in ancient times, Ling Chi was regarded by many people as the cruelest punishment and the most painful way to die?

   can be summed up in one sentence, because it is slow!

  In Chen Ping's view, pain has length and width.

  The length is the time axis, and the width is the pain progression.

   Although the highest level of pain is terrifying, if you go too far, you will die soon and you will not be painful.

   Therefore, the second-level pain, the pain that happens to be at the limit of the person who is suffering, is the most painful!

   Therefore, there is no need to be too **** to make a person suffer.

   Lingchi Chen Ping doesn't know it, and no one knows this craft now. It's not easy for a craftsman these days.

   But Chen Ping can get a needle.

   On the one hand, it can bring mental fear, on the other hand, it can also prolong the painful time of these bastards. Is it possible to kill two birds with one stone?

   The most important thing is that there is an on-site guide.

   Nie Wei is not as comprehensive as a doctor in understanding the structure of the human body, but he definitely knows all the weaknesses of the human body better than a doctor!

   For example, where is more deadly, where is more painful.

   With Nie Wei's guidance from the side, Chen Ping seemed to have found a few white mice and kept doing acupuncture tests on them.

   It’s just a bit cruel that the needle he used is about three millimeters in diameter.

   Don’t think it’s very thin, have you seen an awl? Thicker than that!


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