Rebirth of an Entrepreneurial Life

Chapter 908: Amazing will

Although the two of them were shocked, they didn't dare to say anything in front of Chen Ping. Leng Mei simply treated Chen Ping's wound so that he could perform an operation to remove the bullet after the doctor came for a while.

   After a while, the doctor hurried to the villa. At the same time, two police officers also came.

   After all, this is a shooting case. Without the presence of the police, I am afraid that the doctor would not dare to operate on Chen Ping.

After the police arrived, they did not ask immediately, but asked the doctor to treat them first. After all, everyone who can live in the villa area of ​​Yuteng Homeland is either rich or expensive. Even if it is a rented house, it is as high as a dozen a month. Tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of rents, are not affordable by ordinary people.

   Therefore, when facing Chen Pingping, the police seemed very peaceful.

   After more than an hour, the doctor wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and walked out of the room.

   Outside the door of the room, Li Qian and others greeted him immediately. Li Qian softly asked, "Doctor, how is he?"

The doctor gave a wry smile, didn't dare to sell the bullet, and said straightforwardly: "Don't worry, the bullet has been taken out, and it has basically been processed. There will be no problem, but who is this person in there? Me? Really... I have never seen such a person before!"

   As he said, something incredible appeared in the doctor's eyes.

The two policemen beside    glanced at each other, and both appeared cautiously and asked in a soft voice, "Doctor, what do you mean by this?"

The doctor shook his head helplessly, turned his head and glanced at the direction of the room behind him, and then said in an unbelievable soft voice: "This one inside is almost like an iron man! Before I had the operation, I asked me not to Use anesthetics, or even local anesthesia! Just let me perform surgery! Don’t think that it is as simple as it is in the movie! You know, I have been practicing medicine for more than 20 years, don’t talk about such things I have seen it, even if I heard it, I have never heard of it! How can a normal person endure such pain?"

   The few people at the door of the room looked at each other, and all fell silent.

But the doctor still sighed: "You know, even if someone can forcibly endure this kind of pain and won't have a nervous breakdown, they should at least shout a few times? Even if they can hold back their teeth without shouting, at least Under the body pain, I would naturally respond with a few twitches, and a movement is still necessary? But this one, the whole operation process, for nearly an hour, turned out to be motionless, exactly the same as a thorough anesthesia reaction! It is simply... …I don’t even know what to say!"

   Doctor's words of amazement also made everyone present take a deep breath.

Originally, both Nie Wei and Leng Mei felt that they had fought many battles, and I don’t know how many times they had suffered similar injuries. They could also tolerate this kind of pain, but now they hear the doctor’s emotions. After understanding, what Chen Ping did, they may not be able to do it!

   Yes, as the doctor said, even if they can bear the pain, there will still be reactions that normal people should have, at most mild.

   When the pain is extreme, you can still control your body perfectly, without saying a word or moving, how is this possible?

   For a while, several people were caught in endless shock.

   Li Qian’s face was even more worried, and she asked softly and eagerly: "Doctor, can I go in for a look now?"

   The doctor smiled and nodded: "Yes, the patient's injury is not too serious. The wound has been treated, and the medicine will be changed once a day..."

   Before he finished speaking, Li Qian pushed the door directly and walked in without hesitation.

The doctor immediately laughed. He looked at Nie Wei and Leng Mei who were on the side. He smiled awkwardly and said, "Don't look coldly at this lady, she still cares about her husband! Here and outside. Personally, I don’t think I’m an ordinary person!"

   Lengmei glanced at him lightly, indicating that he did not want to speak.

   Speaking of it, Leng Mei and her elder sister are glamorous, they are all the iceberg women who are not inferior to Li Qian, but they look a little unsatisfactory, far inferior to Li Qian.

   But the three of them are exactly the same in character.

Of course, Nie Wei does not have such a cold temper. On the contrary, he looks a little honest. He immediately laughed and said: "Doctor, there are two police officers, I will take you to take a rest first. In addition to this incident , I was also one of the people who experienced it personally. At that time, I was protecting Mr. Chen by his side, so the two police officers could ask me first, and wait for Mr. Chen to rest for a while, then ask Mr. Chen again.

   The three looked at each other, and then they nodded.

   After Nie Wei took them to the reception room, Nie Wei did not hide it, and directly placed a bank card in front of the doctor in front of the two police officers.

   When the doctor saw Nie Wei’s behavior, he was taken aback for a moment, glanced at the two policemen subconsciously, and then hurriedly said with a smile: "Mr., what are you doing? I am visiting the doctor normally, I can’t..."

Before he could finish his words, Nie Wei shook his head, and then said softly, "Doctor, you have misunderstood. There are one million in this card. On the one hand, we are thankful to you from Mr. Chen, on the other hand. We have heard about your reputation, Doctor Sun. Therefore, we hope to hire Dr. Sun as our personal doctor for Mr. Chen. Of course, Dr. Sun needs to take care of Mr. Chen’s family members. Of course, There won’t be too many people, and it won’t make Dr. Sun too busy. It only takes up Dr. Sun’s spare time. As for the remuneration, it is one million per month! Here, it is equivalent to the first month’s remuneration. , I hope Dr. Sun can agree!"

   Hearing what Nie Wei said, Dr. Sun was stunned.

The two policemen beside    looked at each other, and then they smiled bitterly.

   This matter does not violate the regulations. If Dr. Sun has any concerns, he can even resign and become Chen Ping’s full-time private doctor!

   So, even if they want to control it, they can't control it.

   The atmosphere in the room was slightly silent, and Dr. Sun's face also had a slight hesitation.

   One million is not a small number, it is one million per month!

   After a year, that can be tens of millions!

  Although the job at the hospital is also good, it is a world away from this income, and even if he is fired by Chen Ping in the future, it would be easy to find another job with Dr. Sun’s qualifications.

Therefore, after Dr. Sun was silent for a while, he raised his head, looked at Nie Wei in front of him, and said softly, "Okay, I agree, but I need to resign first before I can come to serve as a personal doctor for President Chen. Of course, taking care of Mr. Chen’s body these few days can be regarded as a normal visit to the clinic during my work, and will not delay the treatment of Mr. Chen."

   Nie Wei nodded in satisfaction, and then smiled and looked at the two policemen on the side: "Two of you, let's start asking questions now, I must know everything is endless!"

   After waiting for ten minutes, the two police officers left the villa with embarrassing smiles on their faces.

   Whether it was Nie Wei or Chen Ping, who asked later, the attitude of the two of them was indeed very good. They asked what they said, but the problem was that they didn't know the true identity and purpose of the other party at all!

After    asked each one, there weren’t many clues. The only ones that could be used as clues were the three thin men.

   There is surveillance in the underground parking lot, but the scope of surveillance is not comprehensive. The hidden locations of the gunmen behind are not within the surveillance scope. Only the three thin men have ever appeared under the surveillance screen.

   In other words, as long as you go back and check the surveillance, you can find out the identities of the three men.

   However, the other party has formulated such a thorough assassination action, and it will definitely not show its feet in such an obvious aspect.

   After the two police officers had left, Nie Wei came to Chen Ping's room.

   At this moment, Chen Ping was lying on the bed and did not fall asleep. Although his face was extremely pale and not half bloody, his eyes didn't show the slightest languor, on the contrary, they were still piercing.

   After Nie Wei came to Chen Ping’s bedside, Chen Ping turned his head and glanced at him, then smiled and asked, "Are they gone?"

   Nie Wei nodded.

   Chen Ping pondered for a moment, and then said in a deep voice, "It seems that Lu Changming is not a generous person!"

Hearing Chen Ping's words, Nie Wei and Li Qian who was sitting next to Chen Ping's bed were stunned for a moment. Then, the two looked at each other, and Nie Wei asked suspiciously: "Mr. Chen, How do you know that Lu Changming did it?"

   Chen smiled flatly, then took a deep look at Nie Wei, and said with a smile but a smile: "Is the truth important?"

   Chen Ping's words stunned Nie Wei, his face full of incomprehension.

   But Li Qian's eyes flashed slightly, and then softly asked: "Do you want to do something with the Lu family? Are you sure?"

Chen Ping smiled, and a cold expression flashed in his eyes: "Sooner or later there will be a battle! What's more, I don't know if Lu Changming is a man with a small belly, but my eyes are definitely not counted. Too big!"

Li Qian immediately chuckled when she heard Chen Ping's words, then patted Chen Ping's arm lightly, and said with a smile: "You will make excuses for yourself! In fact, even if Lu Changming didn't show up~ don’t get along with the Lu family, do you?"

   Chen smiled faintly, and did not go on, only a hesitant look flashed in his eyes.

   After a while, Chen Ping turned to look at Nie Wei, and nodded at him.

   Although Chen Ping did not speak, neither Nie Wei nor Li Qian understood what Chen Ping meant.

   These few hours, they have been worried, if this matter is known to Lin Yuwei, what should be done?

   So, although they haven't mentioned it all the time, they still remember it in their hearts. Now Chen Ping's meaning is obvious, and Lin Yuwei can be notified.

   Lin Yuwei, after all, is Chen Ping's real girlfriend.

Li Qian hesitated for a moment. Although she didn't want to leave Chen Ping's side, she wanted to take care of Chen Ping all the time, but after a long silence, Li Qian stood up and said softly: "After President Lin came back, the branch office There is a shortage of people over there, let me replace her first, and let President Lin come back to take care of you!"

   Chen Ping did not speak, did not agree, and did not deny.

   Li Qian was silent for a moment, and suddenly, with Nie Wei's dumbfounded gaze, gently leaned down.

Seeing the color of astonishment on the face that was getting closer and closer, Li Qian's mouth raised a faint smile, but the movement did not stop at all, although it was slow, it was extremely firm, and kissed gently. On Chen Ping's lips.

   However, Li Qian obviously didn't have any experience in this aspect. After staying for a few seconds, she got up and left.

   And in the room, there were only two men with big eyes and small eyes and a blank brain.


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