Rebirth of an Entrepreneurial Life

Chapter 917: Lu Changming

Chen Ping didn't care about the discussions behind him by these people around him.

   When he came to Pingshan Racecourse today, he never thought about having any conflict with Pingshan Racecourse. Such an incident is purely out of the question, and even Chen Ping's heart at this moment has a feeling of dissatisfaction with Pingshan Racecourse.

   Chen Ping came to Pingshan Racecourse today with the main purpose of coming to Lu Changming.

For Chen Ping, this is like a game, and today is the beginning of the game, but he did not expect that Pingshan Racecourse would disrupt the first step of his game, if Lu Changming had noticed the gate of Pingshan Racecourse Naturally, Chen Ping would have noticed these things that happened, and there would be no surprises.

   Thinking of this, Chen Ping's mood also seemed a bit irritable, and he walked all the way to the private room where Nie Wei told him that Lu Changming was in with a gloomy face.

   Pingshan Racecourse is only a racecourse, but the various entertainment facilities in the racecourse are very complete. After many wealthy boys came to Pingshan Racecourse, the entertainment projects they carried out were not only as simple as horse racing, but rather varied.

At this moment, the reason why Lu Changming came to Pingshan Racecourse was to relax his mood. After the last charity auction, Lu Changming felt that he had lost his face in front of many friends, friends and dogs. It won't feel good, and because of being scolded by my father, I won't have any good moods. That's why I invited a few friends, friends, and friends to the Pingshan Racecourse to relax, drink some wine to relieve my boredom.

   However, what Lu Changming didn't expect was that Chen Ping had already known about his arrival at Pingshan Racecourse, and he rushed directly to Pingshan Racecourse.

   In the box where Lu Changming was, I was drinking with a few friends, friends, and friends. However, at this moment, the door of the box was kicked open, and the loud sound suddenly made the box quiet for a moment.

Afterwards, there were also two young men in the box. They stood up with an angry expression, looked in the direction of the box door, and shouted without hesitation: "Who is not long-eyed dare to break into our box, live Enough is not enough, don’t you know how many of our brothers are meeting here today?"

Lu Changming was also impatient. He raised his head and glanced at the direction of the box door, and shouted loudly, "Where are the waiters dead? Do you want to open the Pingshan Racecourse? Someone came to make trouble during the day. The security's eyes are all blind."

   Along with the scolding of a few of them, the other people in the box began to scold and stand up.

In their opinion, no matter who they are, they will not have the slightest fear. Anyway, under normal circumstances, there are no people in Pingshan Racecourse that they can't afford. After all, even among these dudes. , Lu Changming's identity and status are not comparable to those of ordinary rich sons.

As the second young master of the Lu family, the children of the hidden family, people like Lu Changming can already be regarded as the highest rank among the many dudes in the Devil City. After all, among the more powerful hidden families , The requirements are more stringent, and direct children rarely become dudes like Lu Changming.

As for the higher-level Guwu family, it is even less likely to appear. Once such young masters appear, although they will not be driven out of the house directly, they will nevertheless strictly regulate their behaviors. It is impossible to give them a chance to make trouble. , And it is precisely because of this that in this Pingshan Racecourse, Lu Changming has always been a young boy at the highest level, and no one dares to be too arrogant in front of Lu Changming.

   They didn't even see clearly, the person who broke into the room was already yelling.

Although the identities and statuses of these friends and friends around Lu Changming are not as good as those of Lu Changming, they are only a short-line difference. Two of them are even the children of hidden families, but the strength and status of their respective families Their status in the family was worse than that of Lu Changming.

As for the other people, they are also the young masters of the major group companies in the magic city. Today, there is Lu Changming sitting behind them, so they directly become a group of people who are not afraid of fear, and even deliberately want to make things big. Guys.

However, just as they yelled at them, the rich man who stood up first walked to the door, but suddenly a foot was stretched out of the door, and he kicked the rich man's stomach fiercely, directly Kicked him into the room, **** fell back to the ground.

Seeing such a scene, many people in the box were taken aback, especially the girls in the box who came over to accompany the wine. They screamed in shock, even Lu Changming's face appeared. With a look of astonishment, they really didn't expect that the person who suddenly broke into the box was so bold and daring to do it on the spot, regardless of the identity of the person in the box.

Suddenly, Lu Changming’s accumulated anger over the past few days broke out completely, and he had made up his mind that no matter who came today, even those rich boys who had been against him, he would never He will easily let him go, if he doesn't find the place today, he won't be able to mix in the circle of the devil city dude in the future.

   But at the moment Lu Changming wanted to speak, a sneer sound suddenly came from outside the room.

"Lu Changming, you are really courageous. I heard that the head of your Lu family, that is, your father Lu Zihao, has personally ordered you to be restrained at home, but I did not expect that you would run away without permission. Come out, if this matter is let your father know, I can't guess what the consequences will be."

   Hearing this sound, Lu Changming suddenly frowned slightly.

   felt that this voice was really familiar, and even made his subconscious mind full of anger. However, Lu Changming couldn't figure out where this feeling of anger came from. However, after seeing the figure who walked in at the door of the room, something majestic suddenly appeared on Lu Changming's face. Angry.

   Lu Changming is too familiar with this figure!

Just a few days ago, in front of this person, I lost my face, and even almost became the laughing stock in the circle of the whole devil city dude, so the moment he saw this figure, Lu Changming was already fierce. He gritted his teeth, and almost squeezed out a few words from between his teeth, and said in a very cold voice, "Chen Ping, you dare to appear in front of me."

Chen Ping, who walked into the room, immediately sneered and glanced indifferently at Lu Changming, who was standing behind. He didn't seem to have the intention of putting the other people in the room in his eyes at all. He just said casually in his voice: "Why should I not dare to appear in front of you? Relying on your identity as the second young master of the Lu family? But your identity is really not worth mentioning in my eyes, even if your father appeared in front of me today. You also need to talk to me on an equal footing. As for you, you are just a young master who doesn't know the heights of the sky. What qualifications do you have to ask me if I dare?"

   Hearing Chen Ping's words, the others in the room suddenly looked at Chen Ping with a dull face, their eyes full of doubts.

They had heard Chen Ping’s words clearly, but they couldn’t understand it anyway. They seemed to be in Chen Ping’s mouth. Even the Lu family and Lu Zihao didn’t seem to put them too much on Chen Ping. In the eyes.

According to Chen Ping, Lu Zihao’s identity and status are only similar to Chen Ping’s, but in their impression, the young people who are qualified to say such things are probably only those in the entire Magic City. Only the eldest master of the Guwu family has this qualification.

But they have never heard of Lu Changming and the Guwu family have any conflicts. After all, they are all forces on the same territory. Although Lu Changming is dull, he is not a fool. Who can provoke him? People can't mess with them, Lu Changming probably still knows it.

And Lu Zihao also knows the character of his son very well, knowing that this guy is hard not to cause trouble outside, so from the beginning, Lu Zihao asked Lu Changming to remember all the existences that can't be caused by the entire city. In my heart, especially the descendants of the Guwu family, it is impossible for Lu Changming to really provoke these Guwu family members.

However, what Chen Ping said at this moment caused the other people in the room to look at each other, and their eyes were filled with blank meaning. However, at this moment, the rich young man who was just kicked into the box by Chen Ping However, a sense of horror suddenly appeared in his eyes. After raising his head to look at Chen Ping in front of him, he quickly got up.

   Even Chen Ping did not expect that the first person to react was actually this stubborn guy who had just been kicked by himself.

   After getting up, the guy took a few steps back quickly, and his voice even trembled softly asked, "Are you Chen Ping, chairman of Pingyu Group?"

   Chen glanced at him flatly, but didn't mean to answer.

   However, seeing Chen Ping’s attitude, a few drops of cold sweat flowed on the forehead of the rich young man. As for the other people in the box, they were even more shocked.

If they were replaced by other big people, they might not be able to react immediately. However, after hearing Chen Ping’s name twice, they suddenly thought that Lu Changming called them here today to accompany him. Drinking seems to be because of a man named Chen Ping.

For this person, the wealthy princes present are actually far from familiar. They just heard of the name. However, their respective families have already reminded them of this, even if they and Lu Changming is close, but he must not have any conflict with Chen Ping.

After all, their respective identities and status are somewhat different from those of Lu Changming, and the Pingyu Group and the Lu Family also belong to the same level of existence. Naturally, it is impossible for their respective families to contribute to such a few dudes. Son, the Hepingyu Group is fighting head-on, so after realizing Chen Ping's identity, the box immediately fell into a strange silence.

After a while, the richest son who was the most ostentatious at the beginning rubbed his painful stomach, rolled his eyes, and then hurriedly came to Chen Ping’s face, with a big smile, and said softly: "Chen, I didn’t Knowing that your identity is guilty of income, I hope that Mr. Chen will not be offended. Since Mr. Chen came here today because he has something to deal with, then I won't bother Mr. Chen and leave first."


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