Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 987: Shipwreck in the sky II

"What? You think the flying boat is the clue that brother Kido found, so he went to ride it?"

In the Metropolitan Police Department, Officer Meguro frowned and looked at Takagi who was reporting, the corners of his eyes twitching.

"Stupid! That's Suzuki's flying boat, what's so strange about him getting on it?!"

"But it's too coincidental," Takagi shrunk his neck under Meguro's spittle, "The last day of the 7-day period happened to be when the flying ship set sail..."

"Then why didn't brother Chenghu tell us directly?"


"Forget it, this time I had a guarantee to participate in the investigation, but now I haven't been able to find any further clues."

Mu Mu's voice interrupted Takagi's speech.

"In any case, today is the deadline for the criminal gang's announcement. Before the other party launches a biochemical terrorist attack, we must investigate it as soon as possible. I will leave it to you to keep in touch with Brother Chenghu. If you have any news, the first Let me know the time."

"Yes!" Takagi stood up straight, saluted energetically and ran out of the office.

Mu Mu sighed lightly, turned around and looked out the window at the sky.

To be honest, he was also very surprised how Gao Cheng would go to take the airship at such a critical moment, he must have given up, right?

Before entrusting Gao Cheng, he felt that they might not be able to intervene in this matter.

Because it involves biochemical terror attacks, the police have always been responsible for this. The search class can participate in the investigation this time from the bombing case. Gao Cheng is not only a special consultant, but also a flexible private detective, and his ability is absolutely trustworthy. .

But now, not only is there no news from the police, but there is no result in the search of Section 1. Gao Cheng, who is fighting alone, has no reason to find someone to find clues.

"Brother Kido..."

Mu Mu looked out the window and muttered, with a worried face.

Although he thinks it is unlikely, besides arranging his subordinates to continue the investigation, he can only hope for Gao Cheng. He hopes that Gao Cheng really found the clue, instead of playing at such a critical moment or simply fleeing. of.

Case after case,

Gao Cheng, the special advisor, has long been a Sherlock Holmes figure in his heart, and it seems that there is no case that can stump Gao Cheng.

Should be able to believe it?

Intuition told him that this incident was not a terrorist attack, the criminal gang must have some special purpose, and today is the last chance to stop the other party.


Suzuki I flying boat.

While Mu Mu was thinking about it in the Metropolitan Police Department, Gao Cheng had already obtained the passenger list provided by Yuanzi, and there was also a list of crew members. It would be difficult to investigate many crew members for a while. Gao Cheng was more concerned about the passengers.

Apart from the friends invited by Sonoko and the police brought by Ginzo Nakamori, there were only 4 passengers left, 3 staff members from Nikmai TV, and a freelance reporter Takamichi Fujioka.

Gao Cheng's doubts about the internal response were placed among these four people, and the other was the bodyguard of old man Jirokichi and the crew.

"As an internal agent, you need to be able to walk around and observe the situation at will, and also be able to carry out actions unobtrusively," Gao Cheng explained to Xiao Ai in the guest room, "Of course, it is not ruled out that multiple internal agents are arranged."

"We need to add Kidd, right?" Xiao Ai interjected while opening the computer.

"That's right," Gao Cheng recalled the scene of boarding the ship in his mind, "I think he's already on board, and it's not surprising to pretend to be anyone with his disguise ability, but no matter who it is, with his If you are used to it, you should go to the gemstones in advance to check in."

"So you can find him through this?"

Xiao Ai stopped her movements and glanced at Gao Cheng.

Why does it sound like Phantom Thief Kidd is a minor character?

"Brother Kido!" Ayumi knocked on the door outside and said, "Everyone is going to the Sky Observation Deck, you can see treasures!"

"Go," Xiao Ai said, "I will keep in touch with the Metropolitan Police Department. Police officer Takagi has applied for a Metropolitan Police Department helicopter, ready to support at any time."

"It's not in a hurry now, let's go up and have a look."

Gao Cheng waved his hand and led Xiao Ai out of the room.

With so many hostages on board, a helicopter would not be of much help except for the convenience of the Police Department to understand the situation. However, he did need the power of the Police Department. The gang, there must be other personnel to assist in the evacuation.

He needed the Metropolitan Police Department's help in contacting the county police to deal with other criminals who might be picked up somewhere along the way.

"Oh? Is this the so-called Kid's nemesis, the famous detective Kido Takasei?"

In front of the flying boat elevator, when everyone was gathering, a young man with a long face wearing a military green shirt and slightly rough sideburns turned his gaze to Gao Cheng.

"Haha, it's really not as good as being famous, but you are so young."

"He is the self-recommended reporter Takamichi Fujioka," Sonoko whispered into his ear, "He said that he hoped to be able to write a report on the confrontation between Uncle Jiro Yoshidou and Kidd, and on the other side was Nikai TV producer Mizukawa, Photographer Junhei Ishimoto, and reporter Kasumi Nishitani."

Gao Cheng followed and looked at several staff members who sold TVs to Japan.

The fat man wearing glasses is Mizukawa, the handsome young Ishimoto Junpei, and the beautiful and petite brown-haired beauty Nishiya Kasumi.

"Please give me your advice." Seeing Yuanzi introducing herself, Xiguxia politely smiled at Gao Cheng.

"Meet you again, Detective Kido." Fatty Mizukawa and Gao Cheng have met several times, and they haven't talked much, but they are still acquaintances, and they will come forward enthusiastically, "This time it's my turn to be an exclusive broadcast, although because I can't smoke There were only 3 people, but if Detective Kido was there, it would definitely be a wonderful film.”


Gao Cheng saw Uncle Mao Li snorting coldly from the corner of his eye, smiled and said nothing.

Although the feeling of being famous is very good, being recognized casually like this is also distressing. At least those people in the dark will easily target him because of this. Be careful next, he is still very afraid of being drugged.

"Are you all here?" The crew in white uniforms greeted everyone, "Then I, Asano, who is the cockpit chief, will lead everyone to visit the sky viewing platform. You can also see the inside of the flying ship from the elevator. !"

"See the inside?" Mori Kogoro froze, but before he could say anything, he was squeezed into the viewing elevator surrounded by transparent glass curtains.

"Uncle, are you okay?" Gao Cheng looked at Kogoro Mouri who was shivering in the corner.

"I'm fine, fine, don't worry about me." The uncle replied with his eyes closed and sweating profusely.

The main body of the spaceship is like a whale, with a vast interior space, and there are many dense airbags on the top like whale lungs. In addition to the elevator leading directly to the top viewing platform, there are also many iron escalators.

Gao Cheng quickly found the entrance and exit on the upper part of the flying ship during the elevator ascent. It was a working exit for maintenance personnel. If someone opened the lock from the inside, the flying ship could be invaded from the outside.

In other words, criminal gangs will probably sneak in through this location...

Gao Cheng scanned the surrounding people without any trace.

Having said that, it seems that it is not easy to open the entrance without attracting attention.

"Ha..." When the elevator arrived at the viewing platform, Uncle Mao Li rushed out immediately, leaning on the wall and gasping for breath. At this time, the sky viewing platform was officially displayed in front of everyone.

Unlike the cabin that is suspended below, the sky viewing platform is built on the top of the flying boat, surrounded by a glass roof, which can clearly see the blue sky, and there are even coconut trees with coastal scenery inside.

Gao Cheng ignored the uncle with weak legs, and his eyes fell on the gem display cabinet surrounded by Nakamori Ginzo's team.

Uncle's fear of heights is really serious enough, he has a deep understanding of the discomfort, so please be blessed.

Fortunately, he is only slightly afraid of water, not heights.

"Is this the lady of the sky?" Gao Cheng saw the blue gemstone ring worn on the finger of a model hand in the exhibition cabinet from a distance.

"That's right," Suzuki Jiro said proudly, "This is the lapis lazuli used to lure that kid into the bait, lady in the sky, have you seen the golden particles in the gemstone? The biggest one is where the name comes from."


Gao Cheng looked closely at the main body of the gemstone. There are indeed many golden particles shining like stars inside. The largest particle among the stars looks like a woman's head.

"Then next," Suzuki Jirokichi looked at Ginzo Nakamori with a displeased face, and said to himself, "Let me talk about the mechanism prepared for this gem this time..."

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