Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 989 Panic Killer Bacteria

At lunch time, Xiao Ai put away the computer and followed Gao Cheng to the restaurant. Almost everyone was there, even Ginzo Nakamori, who was guarding the gems, was called down.

Gao Cheng's eyes followed the waiters serving desserts and drinks, and then fell on Kogoro Mori, who was slightly drunk across the way.

The uncle, who was still very sluggish, has regained his energy, drinking beer non-stop.

Even though he had tested the two waitresses just now, he still didn't dare to be careless. Seeing that the drinks brought by the short-haired waitress didn't move, and he didn't even eat the cake put down by the waitress, Yuanzi was greedy To snatch the past.

He had been wanting to talk to this male waiter alone just now, but unfortunately he never had the chance...

"Huh?" Xiao Ai didn't even eat dessert, and looked at Gao Cheng strangely, "Have you already eaten?"

Although it was agreed in advance to eat the food he brought on the boat, seeing Gao Cheng being so obedient was still a bit strange. Logically speaking, even if this guy went to the kitchen to monitor him, he would definitely eat this kind of high-end cake.

"How is it possible?" Gao Cheng said righteously, "How could I eat such a sweet thing?"

Xiao Ai rolled her eyelids.

Still know it's sweet...

"Xiao Ai, don't you want to eat it?" Yuanzi stared at the cake in front of Xiao Ai.

"It's easy to get fat after eating this kind of cake." Xiao Ai said with squinting eyes.

"Change, become fat?"

Sonoko imagined himself getting fatter in his mind.

"What should I do? My favorite cream cake..."

"You guys," Nakamori Gin kept a serious face, holding the cake and shouting at his subordinates, "Hurry up and go back to guard after eating!"

"Officer Nakamori," Suzuki Jirokichi said with a smile, "my subordinates are guarding the jewel."

"Because Kidd is likely to take advantage of this time to investigate, I don't really believe that you will accept it!" Nakamori said after eating the cake.

It's a high-end cake, but it doesn't seem to be anything special...

Conan looked at the cake in front of him without moving, but only looked at Ayumi and the children. These little ghosts seemed to be planning something with the map of the flying ship.

I finished eating the cake and wanted to leave.

"Ah!" The long-haired waitress suddenly sneezed in front of Yuanta, and Conan's eyes narrowed, looking straight at the red rash on the waitress' left arm cuff.

If it was before talking with Gao Cheng, he would not have thought about it, but now...

A red rash is indeed an early symptom of that dangerous bacteria!

Damn it, when is it?

Conan's face was ugly, and he happened to ask Gao Cheng for questioning, when Suzuki Jirokichi's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Huh?" Suzuki Jirokichi looked at the unknown incoming call displayed on his phone, paused, and answered the channel with a frown, "Hey, who is it..."

A man's voice sounded: "I have already spread murderous bacteria in the smoking room of the flying ship."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"If you don't believe me, go and look under the sofa on the left..."

"Hey! Don't hang up yet!"

The strange phone call attracted everyone's attention, Yuanzi was still looking at the cake and worried, and asked puzzledly, "What's wrong, uncle?"

"No, it's nothing, it's just a prank call." Suzuki Jirokichi put down the phone with sweat on his face, smiled at Sonoko, and turned solemnly to Nakamori Ginzo who also heard the phone call.

Conan didn't know the content of the call, but he noticed the faces of old man Jiro Kichi and Nakamori Ginzo. Looking at the old man Jiro Kichi who left the restaurant with a group of policemen, he asked Gao Cheng in a low voice: "Kiroto, what about the call..."

"I know."

Gao Cheng looked calm. He vaguely heard the word "smoking room". Although he didn't know what was going on, he was sure that criminal gangs did not have that kind of dangerous bacteria, whether it was his own impression or through reasoning.

That is to say, it is very likely that the other party is now in a maze. Of course, no matter what, it indicates that the other party will start to act.


Outside the smoking room is a small bar, also on the deck.

Nakamori Ginzo and one of his subordinates put on gas masks and gloves, opened the door cautiously, and entered the smoking room to search.


The subordinates soon discovered the ampoule opened under the sofa on the left, and there was a red Siamese cat logo on the bottle. Nakamori Gin nodded three times, and instead of touching the ampoule, he took a photo first and wanted to go to the main hall confirm.

"It is indeed that kind of ampoule," Mumu replied immediately after receiving the picture in the Metropolitan Police Department, "The police did not disclose the information of this kind of ampoule, so the men on the phone should be those guys, I guess stop The ampoule in the field was deliberately left behind by the other party, the purpose is to let us confirm the authenticity of the ampoule in the smoking room...

In short, I will report to the superior first, the flying ship... By the way, brother Kido is up there, right? "

"Yeah," Nakamori Ginzo frowned, "I originally wanted to deal with Kidd, but this kind of thing happened...Wait, you must have received the news a long time ago, so you sent him here Bar?"

"It's nothing, I just learned about the situation from you, so I will leave the flying ship to you for the time being." Mu Mu breathed a sigh of relief, wiped his sweat and hung up the phone.


Ginzo Nakamori put away the phone angrily, turned to Suzuki Jirokichi and his subordinates and said, "Now seal the smoking room immediately. To be prudent, it's best to isolate the bar as well!"

"Yes!" A police officer hurried to the restaurant to inform everyone.

Gao Chengchi and Conan stood outside the bar watching the police leave.

Unlike him, Conan's complexion became more and more ugly, after all, what happened in front of him didn't seem to be all right at all.

"Kiroto, what's going on?"

"Let's see."

Gao Cheng put his hands together calmly.

He was also a little surprised. If the criminal gang wanted to hijack the flying ship, there was no need to be so troublesome. With the other party's armed forces, as long as they could sneak in, it would be almost unimpeded, because the police target including Ginzo Nakamori was Kidd. There is no gun.

If it is said that it is for the convenience of sneaking in to create chaos, but at present it seems that it has the opposite effect...

Could it be that he was wrong, the criminal gang didn't intend to hijack the flying ship?

"It's not good, the police department!" The police officer who had just gone to inform everyone suddenly rushed back, "Someone has already been infected!"

"What?" Nakamori Ginzo was startled.

In the restaurant, Fujioka, who had rashes all over his body, was knocked unconscious. Just as Xiaolan was about to disinfect, the long-haired waitress also suddenly fainted. The rashes on her right palm and left arm were clearly visible. visible.

When Nakamori returned to the restaurant, seeing this situation, his head was all big, and he couldn't care less about dealing with Kidd.

"Damn it, has anyone else entered the smoking room?" Nakamori asked and looked at the crowd. After receiving no response, he turned to Suzuki Jirokichi and asked, "Is there a place to isolate the two of them?"

"There is a ward in the consulting room. Although there is no doctor accompanying him this time, it is very suitable for isolation."

"Okay, let's move the two of them there. Just in case, this restaurant is also sealed off, and everyone goes to the lounge!"

Several guarded policemen helped the fainted Fujioka and the long-haired waitress to leave. Sonoko watched the scene uneasily and leaned against Gao Cheng.

"By the way," Dr. A Li suddenly asked, "Where are the children?"

"Probably exploring in the flying boat," Conan said with a headache, "I'll go find them..."

"Ah Cheng," Yuanzi hugged Gao Cheng's arm and said in a low mood, "If I hadn't invited everyone, I wouldn't have encountered such a thing."

"It's okay, the world's number one flying ship is making its maiden voyage, but not everyone has the opportunity to ride on it."

Gao Cheng kept his eyes on Fujioka, shaking his head slightly.

"Stay with Xiaolan and don't move around, I'll solve the trouble."

He had identified an insider and was pretty sure there were no germs.

The red rash on the waitress is on the right hand and the cuff of the left arm that has been scratching non-stop, while Fujioka has it almost everywhere...the two have one thing in common, that is, the parts where the hands touch are red It's just that Fujioka scratched a lot of places with his hands on purpose.

Jiroji Suzuki recommended himself to be on the boat for interviews, and independent journalist Takamichi Fujioka was one of the insiders.

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