Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 997 Kido: I Choose Kendo

Kubado High School Gymnasium.

Gao Cheng yawned sleepily, looking at Kyogoku Shin who was instructing the juniors on the field, many people happily asked about Kyogoku Shin's experience abroad.

After all, before graduating, Kyogoku was the leader of the karate club in this high school, and he won the All Japan Karate Championship.

"Senior, don't you like karate?" Wada Yangna noticed Gao Cheng's expression when he was resting next to him.

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just..."

Gao Cheng was stunned and didn't know what to say.

In terms of leg skills, he is not bad, but overall, he is not very used to karate moves.

The development of human beings begins with the use of tools, which is one of the reasons why people are human, and weapons are of course no exception. Whether it is cold weapons or hot weapons, people with weapons and people without weapons are completely two concepts.

No matter how good karate is, it can't compare to his wooden knife.

He was able to deal with the Japanese karate champion Satoshi Maeda when he was not very successful in swordsmanship. When he was not very familiar with the camouflage card, he was evenly matched with Kyogoku with the bamboo knife, and later completely overwhelmed Kyogoku.

Even if the current Kyogoku Shin has made great progress and won the title of boxing master, he is no longer his opponent at all.

Unlike swordsmanship, which has obvious advantages, learning karate is difficult to surpass monsters like Kyogoku Shin, knowing a thing or two is enough...

"Oh, I see," Wada Yona understood, "Detective Kido's reasoning is so good, it's normal that he's not good at other things."

Gao Cheng glanced at Wada Yangna who was thinking about himself.

Forget it, his talent in karate is indeed inferior to these guys...

"Kirodo!" Chiba came looking for him under the leadership of a student, and immediately shouted after seeing Gao Cheng, "Kuichi has pleaded guilty, but he wants to see you."

"Does that guy want to say anything else?"

Gao Cheng looked strange.

"In the end, it's his own fault..."


No," Qianye said uncertainly, "It seems that he wanted to ask about the aliens, saying that he killed Nakatsu according to the instructions of the aliens. "

"and then?"

"I think the motivation is the quarrel with Mr. Nakatsu before. I heard from the editorial department that Kuchiki was very angry at Mr. Nakatsu's belittling of his UFO works, and Mr. Nakatsu didn't believe in the existence of UFOs at all, so he went to Kuwado with Kuchiki. In high school, it was also because Kuchiki agreed to fake it..."

"what is this?"

Gao Cheng followed with his eyes downcast and left the training room.

"Killing people because Nakatsu insulted his beliefs? In fact, he just gave himself an excuse to kill people. The fact that he can think of that slender black plastic bag acting as a UFO trick shows that he is not a very loyal UFO himself. Lover."

Wada Yangnai's eyes followed Gao Cheng's figure, he didn't quite understand what he heard, but he felt very powerful.

Sure enough, a genius is more or less partial, so it's not that she doesn't look down on her strength, and she is indeed not interested in karate, otherwise there is no reason to miss the opportunity of senior Kyogoku to teach.


I don’t know when it started, probably because Kyogoku often asked about the “kendo girl” news, Gao Cheng and this lonely boxing master, the guy like a nobleman became more and more acquainted, and he was one of Kyogoku’s few friends .

Every time Kyogoku has something to do after returning to Japan, he is also used to discussing it with Gao Cheng.

It's the same this time, after the incident at Kubado High School, Kyogoku really took the opportunity to walk with Gao Cheng, talking about his overseas games and at the same time asking about the ship hijacking incident a few days ago.

The panic accident caused by the robbers has attracted quite a lot of attention even in foreign countries. It is said that Gao Cheng saw through the robbers' plot and saved everyone.

It may be because I have seen too many masters recently, and I am too sensitive. When I see Gao Cheng, I always have a vague sense of danger.

I always feel that solving the shipjacking incident is not just relying on wisdom, after all, there are so many gunmen...

"Detective Kido," Kyogoku asked casually, "I heard from the news that you are particularly good at swordsmanship?"

"It's not particularly powerful," Gao Cheng said with a smile. "It's just for self-defense. I only started learning after graduation. Without a master, I can only figure it out on my own... Speaking of which, what do you think of Sougo Okita?"

"Uh, I never had a chance to go to Kyoto..."

Kyogoku was really questioned, and stopped in a daze.

"I'm so sorry, I was delayed every time I wanted to go to Kyoto."

"Then let's go to Kyoto this time." Gao Cheng suggested.

"No way," Kyogoku said in embarrassment, "I'm leaving tomorrow morning, let's talk about it next time, and I don't know how to do swordsmanship, so it's not very good to ask someone for advice."

"That's right," Gao Cheng waved his hand and said goodbye, "Then I'll go back from here, goodbye."


Watching Gao Cheng walk away, Kyogoku's face gradually became serious.

Not only a sense of danger, but also a strange sense of familiarity, is it an illusion?


Kyogoku rubbed the hair on his forehead.

Detective Kido is just a kendo beginner, so he thinks too much.


"I am back."

In the detective agency, it was already evening when Gao Cheng went upstairs, Xiao Ai was still busy in the kitchen wearing an apron.

"Dinner is ready," Xiaolan said to Gao Cheng with lowered eyelids, "help me move the soup out."

"Mr. Okiya should have prepared dinner, right?" Gao Cheng asked in surprise.

"I don't really want to bother him," Xiao Ai served a bowl of rice, "and he's not very good at cooking Chinese food."

"The king's battle is in full swing, and the seven-time champion Haneda Hideyoshi has become the focus. Will he be able to defend his title..."

The TV in the living room was turned off, and Gao Cheng couldn't help watching the news on it.

Since winning the seven championships, Haneda Hideyoshi's fame has reached its peak. During this period, he has shot a lot of commercials and participated in quiz shows. His career has been smooth sailing, but correspondingly, his relationship with Traffic Section Yumi seems to have made little progress.

I heard Xiao Ai mention it before, saying that Hideyoshi Haneda is going to marry Yumi after completing the seventh crown.

"Aren't you not interested in shogi?" Xiao Ai saw that Gao Cheng was motionless, and said venomously, "What? Has someone started to envy you?"

"What is there to be envious of?" Gao Cheng looked at the handsome Haneda Hideyoshi who was quite a master at the competition scene on TV, and said with a snort into the kitchen, "I just thought of his adopted brother Haneda Koji, who was the most handsome man before him. A talented chess player who is close to being a seven-time champion, you said it last time, right?"

"Well," Xiao Ai paused slightly, "Yes, in the list of people taking APTX4869, there are two lines below the name of Kudo Shinichi, who went to the United States to participate in a chess tournament 17 years ago and was involved in a certain incident Then died...why did you suddenly think of this person?"

"The case in 2017 seems to be very deeply involved with the organization. The preliminary judgment is that Rum is involved in it. If the mystery can be solved, it may not be far from eliminating the organization, so I have been paying attention."

Gao Cheng served the soup on the table, and said the clue of rum in Xiao Ai's eyes that froze for a moment.

Rum is also RUM, the No. 2 figure of the Black Organization. It stands to reason that he has almost started activities now, but there has been no news. Even he doesn't know who this person is. He only remembers that there are 3 people in "Conan" The suspicious person, Kuroda Bingwei is one of them, and the other two haven't appeared yet.

"The case 17 years ago..."

Xiao Ai lowered her head and muttered.

17 years ago, it seems that it was also the time when her parents had an accident. At that time, APTX4869 was a drug developed by her parents, but most of the materials were burned in a fire 17 years ago, and her parents also...

She never thought about whether there was any connection between them before.

"Don't think too much," Gao Cheng said as he sat down to eat, "The mission of a detective is to seek the truth, and sooner or later I will investigate clearly...I'm starting!"

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