Rebirth of Conan as a Detective

Chapter 1024: Awakened boy

The next morning, Sonoko was wearing a short-sleeved pajamas and putting on makeup and hydrating water in front of the vanity mirror. She had a petite and delicate face, and her headband was replaced by a shower cap. After waking up, her short, fluffy hair was all tied behind her head. Your Excellency", there is also a love plus "His Royal Highness Yuanzi".

"It's so early, Yuanzi." Xiaolan didn't sleep well all night, seeing Yuanzi who was full of energy, she greeted sleepily.

She saw this pajamas yesterday, and she was no stranger to her best friend's weird tastes, but she felt that Yuanzi had become more and more beautiful and lovely since she met Gao Cheng.

And she, even without looking in the mirror, knew that she had a bitter face, and the dark circles under her eyes seemed to be a little obvious.

"I'm talking about you, Xiaolan," Yuanzi turned around and said, "you've been thinking about Xinyi all night, right? Don't think about it, you will definitely have a lover in the end."

"But..." Xiaolan squeezed her fingers and said, "Senior Kido is also a detective, but he is completely different from Shinichi. He never disappears."

"What, if I hadn't been watching all the time, that guy Ah Cheng would have left me alone when he encountered a case," Yuanzi comforted, "Don't think too much, Xinyi must have encountered some dangerous case, and he is worried about getting involved. You just hid, maybe you secretly protected you when you didn't know."

"Secretly protecting?" Xiaolan paused slightly, "Sometimes I do feel like that, Xinyi seems to be nearby."

Shaking her head to get rid of distracting thoughts, Xiaolan turned to Yuanzi and asked, "Are you going out now?"

"Otherwise, what should I do?" Sonoko muttered, "That guy Ah Cheng said he was going to Liyuan's house today, so I also want to go and have a look. I always feel that there is something about that Dongmei."

"What kind of jealousy are you, Yuanzi," Xiaolan said with a smile, "Senior must be investigating the case."

One night, the snow in the village was quite thick, and it was covered by snow everywhere. Mizuki Tono had to get up early to clear the snow at the entrance of the hotel, watching the carefree children chasing the snowball fights, with a smile on his face. A smile, as if returning to my childhood.


Tono Mizuki let out a little surprise and looked at Tachihara's house opposite the Shanzhuang Hotel.

Gaocheng and Takagi seem to be talking to Tachihara Fuyumi at the entrance...

Because of an accident eight years ago, Dongmei's son Dongma barely survived, but he never woke up again. While Dongmei was working in the village clinic, she also took good care of her son at home.

Gao Cheng walked into Liyuan Dongma's room, and the 15-year-old boy was still lying quietly on the bed, beside the beeping electrocardiogram machine.

"It's been like this for 8 years." Liyuan Fuyumi looked at her son who looked like a vegetable, her voice choked up.

Gao Cheng and Gao Mu looked at each other, without saying anything, they left the room silently.

"Feel sorry."

"It's okay, I'm used to it, as long as he lives in East Malaysia, there is still hope." Li Yuan Fuyumi wiped her eyes, smiled and prepared to take a basin of hot water to wipe her body.

"Miss Dongmei," Gao Cheng calmed down, took out the map of Beizhisawa Village that the village official wanted to come, and asked, "May I ask? Where is the cliff where Dongma fell?"

"Ah?" Tachihara Fuyumi looked at the map, pointed to the county road leading to the reservoir and said, "It's right here. The upstream village was submerged because of the reservoir, but the downstream has not changed that much. I remember this place. There are Take a village road to the mountains on the other side of Lake Sawajiri, where Muto's hut is."

The map of Kitanosawa Village is not complicated. The top is the reservoir, and the downstream is New Kitanosawa Village. The canyon starting from the reservoir is divided into two villages. On the left is the snow field and Lake Sawajiri, and on the right is the mountains. There are open-air hot springs and a ski resort that has been abandoned due to frequent avalanches.

The canyon was twisted and twisted. Last night he rode a snowmobile through a big bend, and it seemed that he had arrived near the place where Dongma fell off the cliff. That's why he met Muto.

And 8 years ago, the location where Shanwei hit someone was just a little below the curve.

"Is there any problem?" Gao Mu looked at the pensive Gao Cheng suspiciously.

"It's very problematic, look at this map," Gao Cheng pointed to the map and explained, "This is the map of Ze Village in New Beibei, so 8 years ago, East Malaysia walked from top to bottom, if his purpose was to go to Ze If you look at the swans in Jihu Lake, the direction is completely off, and it seems that you plan to go straight down the county road."

"Indeed," Takagi took the map and said, "Eight years ago, the village was upstream of the reservoir. Going in this direction in East Malaysia is not like going to Lake Sawajiri... Could it be that you lost your way? Or planned to go back halfway, and then went wrong on the way?"

Gao Cheng frowned, and interrupted, "Why is it so easy to get lost? Dong Ma is also a child in the village..."

"East Malaysia!"

Suddenly there was the sound of a water basin pouring from the house, followed by Tachihara Fuyumi's exclamation. When Gaocheng and Takagi rushed into the house, Tachihara Fuyumi was already hugging her miraculously awakened son, crying bitterly.

"Are you awake?" Gao Cheng looked at Liyuan Dongma who was hugged by his mother in surprise and seemed to be dazed before he could react.

"Mom, mother?" Liyuan Dongma looked at Gao Cheng and the others in a daze, then recovered from his mother's crying, and said happily, "Great, I found my mother!"


Tachihara Touma's unexpected awakening broke the peace of the village. Everyone, including Tono Mizuki, rushed to Tachihara's house, and the doctor at the foot of the mountain was also called.

"Let's put down the work of the clinic first, rest for a while, and stay with Touma well." The doctor left after carefully examining Tachihara Touma.

"Yes, thank you doctor."

Tachihara Fuyumi still had tears of joy on her face, and she didn't look as heavy as before.

"Fuyumi," Tono Mizuki was the first to approach, "How is the situation?"

"The doctor said that there is nothing wrong with Touma's body," Tachihara Toumi greeted the concerned eyes of his friends, and said happily, "It's just that, on the psychological level...he forgot the day he fell off the cliff, so it seems I have no way to understand why I have been in a coma for 8 years."

Following Tono Mizuki and his party was Tachihara Touma's childhood friend, who came to visit almost as soon as he heard that Touma was awake, but it was a bit strange to Touma.

After all, 8 years have passed, and my friends have all become 15-year-old boys and girls. Seeing that they are all big brothers and big sisters, Dongma finds it hard to accept for a while.

"After 8 years of blankness, his mind is still a 7-year-old child. Wouldn't it be a bit cruel?" Xiao Ai noticed Tachihara Touma's blank expression and whispered.

"take it easy."

Gao Cheng turned his gaze to Ayumi and the others.

After being in a coma for 8 years, I didn't expect to wake up because Ayumi and the others had a snowball fight outside.

The timing of waking up was too coincidental, and I just forgot what happened back then.

"Officer Takagi," Gao Cheng pulled Takagi who was in a daze, "Dong Ma may be the key person in the case, and his protection is entrusted to you."

"Ah?" Takagi said dumbfounded, "That afternoon's snowshoe walk..."

"It's enough for me to go alone, and Uncle Mao Li and the others will go too." Gao Cheng nodded.

"But I..."

Takagi hesitated to speak.

He really wants to see the swans...

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