Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 1028: : Invest in AMD

In order to face the competition from Intel, AMD must develop more diversified businesses.

If ATI and Nvidia want to avoid being caught by Intel, they must also cooperate with another major CPU manufacturer.

One is intentional buying and the other is intentional selling.

Naturally, such an acquisition will be achieved.

Although none of the three companies had contacted before, under the leadership of Chen Yu, such an acquisition was quickly completed.

However, in the end, AMD chose ATI instead of NVIDIA.

As for the reason.

In fact, there are not too many reasons.

To say the reason, it is that the old man Sanders feels that he can still be 80 years old.

"Chen Yu, thank you for making this acquisition."

"You're welcome, I actually have my own purpose."

"I know, but you helped me anyway."

He Guoyuan expressed his gratitude to Chen Yu: "However, it may take some time to complete the acquisition."

"I know."

Chen Yu nodded.

A large-scale acquisition like this cannot be completed all at once, even if both companies are interested.

One is AMD is a US company, and the other ATI is a graphics card company in Canada.

The acquisition of both requires the approval of relevant departments.

In addition, a series of businesses and processes have to be completed one by one.

Even if the two sides push forward with all their strength, it will take at least half a year.

But fortunately, the United States has not embarrassed AMD.

At the same time, they did not want Intel to be the only one, but expressed their support for AMD's acquisition of ATI.

"By the way, Mr. He, if this acquisition is reached, what are your plans?"

"I haven't thought about it for the time being."

He Guoyuan said with a smile: "I guess I will travel around the world for a while."

"what's next?"


He Guoyuan shook his head: "Let's talk about it then, God doesn't know what will happen next second."

"Yes. He might have inspired you when traveling. Of course, Mr. He, if you have the opportunity, you can go to the mainland..."


In response to Chen Yu's invitation, Bao Guoyuan nodded happily: "Maybe you don't know, I was born in the Mainland, and I was still in Guang Province."

"Guangzhou, our Huanyu Technology headquarters is also in Guangzhou."

"Yes, I spent my childhood in Canton, I went to Macau when I was 12, and then to Hong Kong the next year... Then I went to Canada when I was 32. So far, I rarely go back to the mainland. "

While talking, He Guoyuan sighed with emotion.

Probably, he was also recalling his childhood in the Mainland at this time.

"Hehe, the mainland has changed a lot now than before."

"I also learned a little about the news, Chen Yu, that's the case first, I'm back to Toronto now. If one day I return to the Mainland, I will definitely contact you."

"I'm waiting for you."

Chen Yu's proposal is not in vain.

He told He Guoyuan to go back to the mainland and he naturally had his arrangements.

If He Guoyuan sold the company, it would be a pity if he stopped working on graphics cards.

If possible, Chen Yu is willing to start the video card manufacturing with He Guoyuan in the Mainland.

However, Chen Yu would not put all his chips on He Guoyuan's side.

Separated from Bao Guoyuan, Chen Yu began to figure out whether he could occupy more shares of AMD in this acquisition.

Of course, this is not how many AMD shares the old man AMD really wants to give up.

But as the world's top graphics card manufacturer, although ATI is not as big as AMD, it is a big expense to acquire ATI.

With the current cash flow of AMD, there is simply not much available.

So, there are two solutions.

One plan is to acquire ATI with part of the cash and AMD stock.

The other is the introduction of other investors.

Obviously, Chen Yu is one.

Originally, Chen Yu just wanted 1% of AMD's shares.

But after contacting AMD Sanders father, Chen Yu discovered that AMD's financial situation is actually very bad.

Just like their dual-core processors.

Obviously they were released earlier than Intel, and they are still true dual-core.

But there is not much publicity, and such a good product has not been introduced to the market.

But after getting in touch with Weibo, Sanders has a good impression of Huanyu Technology.

he thinks.

With AMD's current development, it is difficult for them to compete with Intel.

However, if Huanyu Technology is introduced, it will be completely different.


From Sanders’ hint, Chen Yu heard that he deliberately wanted Huanyu Technology to take more shares in AMD.


This shareholding Chen Yu will not directly use the identity of Huanyu Technology, but will use the reputation of an investment company registered in the United States.

The reason for this is to avoid unnecessary trouble.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the last actual controller is Chen Yu.

"Mr. Chen, you are back."

"Why, Wang Chang, has something happened?"

"It's still a matter of financing. The major venture capital companies have come to us dozens of times, and we are waiting for you to come back."

"Oh, yes."

Chen Yu smiled slightly.

He was thinking about where to get more AMD shares.

"Okay, contact them and say I'm back."

"In the afternoon, I can talk to them first."

This is naturally not formal financing.

In the afternoon's arrangement, Chen Yu just wanted to explore their bottom line.

"Mr. Chen, I am the representative of Damo, do you remember."

"Uh, I don't remember."

"It's okay if you don't remember, Mr. Chen, this is my business card."

"Chen, I am a representative of Goldman Sachs. This time I am here to discuss with you about Weibo financing."

"Who said we are going to raise funds?"

"Mr. Chen, are you not going to raise funds?"

"Not yet."

"Mr. Chen, we are very optimistic about the potential of Weibo and have made a very high valuation."

"How high is it?"

"10 billion U.S. dollars."

"Too little."

"The valuation is still negotiable, and don't hesitate to mention any conditions you have."


Looking at the front ten representatives of the world's top venture capital firms, Chen Yu was unmoved.

Of course he is a little short of money now.

He wanted to get some money first before buying AMD shares.

However, the more money he wants, the more he can't be impatient.

"Conditions, I haven't thought about it for the time being. Why don't you tell me, what conditions can you give us?"

"Mr. Chen, we can guarantee that after financing, we will not interfere with any operations of your company."

"This is necessary."

"In addition, we do not make specific requirements for your company's listing time."

"We will definitely be listed. Don't worry about that. Moreover, I can assure you that after the listing, your investment will surely get a huge return."

"Chen, we also believe in the potential of Weibo."

The representatives of the top venture capital companies were delighted.

Although and Universal Video have not been listed until now.

But their previous investment in these two websites has now doubled.

"Mr. Chen, we are already very sincere, what do you think."

The above stated a series of conditions, and several venture capital representatives tried to ask Chen Yu's opinions.

It's just that Chen Yu still shook his head: "Oh, forget it, although I believe in your strength, but I have dealt with you before. In some places, I am very dissatisfied."

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

"For the use of funds, for example, Huanyu Technology borrowed money from twice at that time, and you have always had opinions on us Huanyu Technology."

"Mr. Chen, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, we are actually worried that the improper use of funds ~ will affect"

"What about now, has it affected it?"


"Mr. Chen, we actually don't have much opinion on your use of the company's funds. Mr. Chen, we will not interfere with your use of funds. What do you think?"

"It's useless to say verbally."

"We can write it in the contract."


"Mr. Chen, please mention any other conditions."

"Okay, I will think about it and contact you when the time comes."

Chen Yu did not show a half expression, but his heart was already happy.

The purpose he wanted has been achieved.

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