Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 1032: :smart phone

Mr. Liu at the Unicom briefing was not humble.

To be honest, they are also playing drums in their hearts for 3G services.

Whether the 3G business can be welcomed by the market or whether their investment will lose money, no one knows.

And from foreign experience, although 3G services have been launched for several years, they are not particularly popular.

In addition, 3G services are generally only available in high-end mobile phones, so this also makes 3G services a bit embarrassing.

If it were not for the relatively rapid development of many domestic mobile phone manufacturers, they would still be considering whether to postpone the release a few years later.

in addition.

Although they are 3G service providers, they are only traffic data providers.

As for some specific businesses, they are actually not proficient.

If you really want to be familiar with this business, it should be Huanyu Technology.

Although Huanyu Technology is an Internet company, it has done a great job in software, application, and ecology.

Take Fetion for example.

This is a business launched by integrating the power of the entire company, but it was also held back by Huanyu Technology.

"Mr. Chen, what do you think of the 3G business?"

"I don't know this too well."

"Mr. Chen, don't be humble. Everyone hopes you can give me some advice."

"Everyone, you are welcome. This is the first time we have encountered 3G business, and we are also studying it."

After the China Unicom business introduction meeting, the heads of a group of domestic mobile phone manufacturers surrounded Chen Yu.

Needless to say, they all want to hear Chen Yu's views on 3G business.

"Mr. Chen, anyway, share with us how much."

"Yes, Mr. Chen, without you, how could we fight against the foreign mobile phone giants?"

"Mr. Chen, it is said that Nokia and Motorola have prepared their 3G mobile phones. How should we deal with it?"

The people in charge said from time to time.

Chen Yu did not dodge it, so he was ready to say a few words.

"All right, just say a few words."

"However, this is just my personal one-sided thought. We don't know if it will go this way in the future."

Although a lot of domestic mobile phone manufacturers are also competitors of Huanyu Technology in principle.

However, speaking of them, they are also partners of Huanyu Technology.

Huanyu Technology's mobile phone operating system, Tianwen mobile phone chips, and a series of parts and accessories, OEM foundry business.

These companies are more supportive of Huanyu Technology.

Pointing to them can also be regarded as helping Huanyu Technology itself.


Chen Yu also hopes that these mobile phone manufacturers will conquer the world together with Huanyu Technology in the future.

After thinking about it, Chen Yu said: "The biggest change in 3G business is the change in speed. We know that once the communication speed increases, it will bring a series of business changes. The first generation of communication technology You can only make phone calls. The second generation can already send text messages and pictures... However, the second generation communication rate is still relatively low. Therefore, we are still relatively limited in processing pictures."

"And now we have reached the third generation, which is what we now call 3G services. Mr. Liu has just said that the 3G rate will be 100 times the 2G rate. Then, in the future, in pictures, videos, games, and other multimedia One piece, there may be a big breakthrough."

"Chen, we all understand this theory, but we are at a loss as to how to operate it in reality."

Backgammon Jin Zhijiang is more familiar with Chen Yu, but he is the first to say.

"President Jin, don't worry."

Chen Yu said with a smile: "Did you just say that Nokia and Motorola are ready to launch 3G mobile phones? We expect that the 3G mobile phones launched by Nokia and Motorola will be the main mobile Internet access, that is, mobile Internet access. Chat on YY on the phone, watch the news on the phone, and even watch TV on the phone... etc."

"Mr. Chen, you talked about YY on the mobile phone, and we understand the news. However, watching TV on the mobile phone is not realistic. One is that our screen is small, and the other is that our traffic does not support it."

"This is all slowly developing. Although our mobile phone screens are not very large, it is still possible to watch TV. Moreover, the mobile phones are for personal use. It doesn’t need to be too big. As for the traffic, the rate is no problem. We can watch TV on the 3G signal. But to watch TV for such a long time as we usually watch TV, this requires three major operators. For example, they will launch 10G, 50G, and 100G data package services at that time."

When Chen Yu said so, everyone nodded from time to time.

They were still rather vague about the 3G business just now, but after Chen Yu introduced it, they have some direction.

Combined with Chen Yu's words, they also felt a trace of the future development of 3G mobile phones.

In fact, looking at it now, mobile Internet access is becoming more and more popular.

Although mobile phones are used to make calls and send text messages, many times there are not so many calls.

So in free time, using mobile phones to surf the Internet, play YY, watch the news, play games... has become a choice of many people.

The opening of 3G services at this time will definitely increase the entertainment of mobile phones.

"Mr. Chen, looking at it this way, do we have to launch a more high-end smartphone?"

Bird Xu Lihua thought for a while and said.

"You can say that."

Chen Yu nodded: "The mobile phone in the future will probably be the era of smart phones."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yu said: "However, the development of smart phones in the future may not necessarily be those popular smart phones on the market. I think some of their smart phones are not particularly smart."

The concept of smart phones has been put forward very early.

Not only has it been brought up, many international mobile phone brands have also launched their own smart phones.

Such as Nokia, Motorola, Sony...etc.

But for consumers of later generations, in their eyes, smartphones at this time are actually similar to feature phones.

Even if it is Nokia's most high-end smart phone, they may not be eye-catching.

The reason for all this is that the performance situation of smart phones has undergone a fundamental change.

This is not to say that Nokia's smartphones are not smart.

But once the gameplay changes, no matter how smart your smartphone is, others will disdain it.

"Mr. Chen, can you be more specific?"

Everyone listened with gusto.

Every word of Chen Yu has a huge inspiration for them.

They wished Chen Yu could talk more.

"Hehe, I can't talk any more. If you talk more, we will have to be robbed of our jobs."

Chen Yu ended the sharing of 3G services when he tried.

This kind of thing cannot be said too much.

Talking too really reveals too many trade secrets.

If these mobile phone manufacturers had not established close cooperative relations with them for many years, at the same time, Chen Yu would also need a group of mobile phone manufacturers to help him complete the future smart phone ecosystem, Chen Yu would not say a word.

"Don't, Mr. Chen, our strength is not enough to grab your jobs."

"Mr. Chen, is your 3G mobile phone making a big move? Take us."

"Mr. Chen, just say a few more words, say a few more words."

Everyone said one after another.

But at this time, Chen Yu just greeted each other with a smile.

Chen Yu can still talk about other bragging and nonsense.

But to continue to share in the 3G business, Chen Yu will ask three questions afterwards.

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