Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 1039: : Show me the ability to type

"Without a button, how could there be no button?"

Looking at the video released by Huanyu Technology, Nokia's global president Suri couldn't believe it.

How to operate the phone without buttons?

How to type without keys?

How to send SMS without a button?

Could it be a voice input?

Although Suri knows that research and development of voice input technology has begun, all voice input in the world is not good.

Even if it is their Nokia, although he has a voice assistant, this voice assistant can only understand specific words.

Such as making a call, answering a phone call... etc.

To fully let the mobile phone understand the meaning of the speaker, it may not be able to be developed in ten years.

Actually speaking, the current speech recognition is not a real speech recognition, at best it can only be regarded as a voiceprint recognition.

For specific voiceprints, then they can be recognized.

If you are saying something else, sorry, this voice assistant is of no use.

The reason why Nokia wants to make this voice assistant is entirely to pretend to be used.

After all, some other mobile phones don't have it, they have Nokia.

Even if this voice assistant is rubbish, I have it, but you don't.

"Are they going to engage in touch pens again?"

Suri looked at the video again.

But in the video, he did not see the location of the touch pen.

Unexpectedly, Suri gave "Xu Ban," the person in charge of Nokia China, a phone call.

"Xu Fan, how is our N95 selling in China?"

"Mr. Suri, things are a little bad."


"Our N95 sold very well just before it went on the market, but recently, our N95 sales have cooled down a bit."

"This is normal, after all, N95 is a high-end machine, the price has exceeded 5,000 yuan, many people can't afford it."


Xu Ban opened his mouth, he didn't know what to say.

"Why, is there any problem?"

"no problem."

"By the way, there is something you need to investigate. Is there a prototype of Huanyu Technology's latest pear phone?"

"Not yet."

"I know if you don't have one, can you get it."

"It may not be possible. Huanyu Technology has done a good job in confidentiality. Moreover, we have received news that BYD is still developing the latest batteries for them, and they have not launched new products so soon."

"In other words, they are just hype?"

"Yes, they are actually hype. On the one hand, it is affecting the sales of our N95, on the other hand, it is also for their new products to warm up."

"So, what do you think of their new products?"

"The new product hasn't come out yet, I don't have any opinion."

"Just follow the publicity they are sending out now. Do you think that a mobile phone is still a mobile phone without buttons?"


There are so many headaches.

Of course he saw a series of videos sent by Huanyu Technology recently.

Although he is also very curious about the new products of Huanyu Technology.

But he didn't want to respond.

If you respond, isn't this helping them to hype?

However, the boss on the other side of the phone seemed to be struggling with Huanyu Technology.

"Mr. Suri, I think we should focus on N95 now. As for other competitors, it will not be too late to wait for their new products to launch."

"Xu Ban, are you teaching me to do things?"

"Sorry, Mr. Suri, I didn't mean that."

"As the president of China, you should have a long-term vision. If we wait for their new products to be launched, it will be too late for us to study."

"Mr. Suri, you are right."

"Okay, you are busy."

Xu Ban didn't find too many answers here, and Suri seemed a little crazy.

How to make a call without a button?

How to send text messages without a button?

Is it still a phone without buttons?

These issues have been embarrassing Suri.

"Does this guy hide the touch pen?"


"Or are they going to use their fingers?"

"But isn't it more troublesome?"

Although Suri can't figure it out, he still has vision.

The absence of a button does not mean that you cannot make calls or send text messages.

For example, you can use a touch pen.

At the same time, if you don't have a touch pen, you can actually use your fingers to pick it up.

But using your fingers is more inconvenient than using a touch pen.

Don't look at a finger so small, but it's big on the screen.

Of course, it's not just Suri who thinks so.

After Chen Yu released the latest 10-second video, many industry experts also speculated.

But the general situation is similar to what Suri thought.

Either use a touch pen or a finger.

But whether it is a touch pen or directly with his fingers, he is not very good at typing.

At most, he can finish typing.


The more you can't guess, the more you are interested in the latest Pear phone.

As many netizens said.

If Huanyu Technology solves the typing problem, wouldn't the latest pear phone be hung up?

This made Suri crazy.

He wanted to yell again on Weibo, but you typed it to me.

However, he knew that if he really said that, maybe Huanyu Technology would use him to make a wave of hype.

As before several times.

Because of their Nokia's participation, everyone is interested in their latest mobile phones.

It's just that if you don't say it, Suri really can't stand it. This is simply uncomfortable.

"I'm grass, so what do I say?"


I couldn't hold it anymore, Suri entered Weibo @了环宇科技, and shouted: "I have the ability to type and show it to me."

After speaking, Suri worried that there was a loophole in his sentence, and then added: "Hurry up and show your touch pen, or, do you want to write word by word with your finger? If so, then you guys It’s a technology regression."

Is it science or technology to write directly by hand?

This is naturally not technology.

If the speed of writing directly by hand can be faster than that of a button, what else do you use the button for?

If you write directly with your hands, what do you want them to do with these electronic products?

In fact, a touch pen is similar to writing directly with your hands.

But in fact, the touch pen and direct writing are just a supplement to the keys.

Some people do not know how to type, so they have to use a touch pen.

They can type, but they can use a stylus.

Moreover, direct writing of this type of invention has existed decades ago, not just a special case of mobile phones.

There are many people in the PC computer who don't know how to use a keyboard, so they invented to write directly with a mouse or write with a touch pen.

But in the end it proved.

Whether using a mouse or a touch pen, he is far slower than the keyboard.

Suri seemed to be a little bit arrogant at this time.

But you know, their Nokia has been researching on mobile phones for decades.

They also have technical reserves for touch pens, resistive screens, and even capacitive screens.

The reason they still focus on buttons is that the buttons are the best to operate.

As for the others, they are just some bells and whistles, flashy.

Suli dare to say that, and it is completely certain that the latest phone of Huanyu Technology is purely his babble.

(End of this chapter)

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