Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 221: : Oriental Fantasy Fantasy World

"Huanyu Technology?"

Putting down the phone, "Where is now" some can't believe it.

How can the president of Huanyu Technology have his own phone?

What is he looking for himself?

I'm just a small author, so it's nothing in their eyes.

However, through the editor's confirmation, Jin Hezai learned that it was indeed the president of Huanyu Technology who called him.

"Everyone, are you here, there is an important thing I want to tell you all."

In the YY group, Jin He Zai sent a message.

This is a YY group called "Kaneland", there are 7 people in the group.

It was said that they were going to complete the world background of "Kaneland" together.

They used QQ before, but it was inconvenient to chat one by one with QQ. Later, YY launched group chat, and they transferred to YY and opened the YY group.

"Where is it, what's the matter, I heard that you picked up a movie called "A World Without Thieves"."

"Oh, there is an answer."

"You're all on the movie route, please bring it."

"With wool, I just wrote the same name for the movie, and it didn't call me a screenwriter."

"That's awesome, introduce me."

Everyone in the group bubbling up when he sent a message.

"Seriously, I just answered the call, who do you think it belongs to?"


"The CEO of Huanyu Technology."

"I rely on..."

Everyone vomited blood: "Why don't you say Ding Lei."

"It's the boss of Huanyu Technology."

"It doesn't seem to be April Fool's Day today."

"I know that my phone number was sent by the editor from Xinlang to the president of Huanyu Technology, and I also called to verify it. It is really him."

"No way."

Everyone was stunned.

Looking at YY, then looking at Jinhezai, Mr. YY called.

"Well, what did the president of Huanyu Technology call you for?"

Today, why did you say so seriously, everyone asked half-believingly.

"He said he appreciates our talents and wants us to go to their headquarters to chat together."

"this one?"

"this one."

"Don't fool us."

"Probably not, he also said that he could reimburse us for air tickets."

"Find out this first. Did he tell you to go, or did he also call us?"

"Call us together, because they couldn't find your contact information, so they asked me to tell everyone."

Although it seems a little weird, it doesn't seem to be deceiving.

People will even reimburse you for air tickets. How can you be paid?

"Brothers, don't stop talking, go or not, give me a letter."

Seeing the silence in the group, Jinhe asked.

"We need to figure out the matter first, why the president of Huanyu Technology is looking for us? It's impossible to just talk."

"Yeah, I won't go if it's a chat, I'm very busy."

Although everyone is not very well-known now, all of them can be regarded as a bit arrogant authors.

The president of Huanyu Technology is very good, but they don't need to run over in a word.

"I suspect it has something to do with the "Kaneland" we made together."

"Kane continent?"

Everyone seems to understand something.

"You mean, they want to do online games with "Kaneland" as the background?"

"Jiangnan" in the group sent a message.


Jinhezai said: "The Legendary World of Huanyu Technology is very popular, and I would like to develop another game. Of course, programming does not require us, but the world structure, game background, etc. are not the same as the "Kaneland" we are currently engaged in. What a difference."

"It makes sense to say so."

"Dajiao" also sent a message.

"How about, to go or not to go?"

I have already said it very clearly. Although everyone is lofty, they are not so proud that the president of Huanyu Technology has come to invite them.

"Go and go, it shouldn't be a bad thing to think about it."

"It's okay to go and see, Huanyu's technology is still good. If they really want to play a game similar to that of Kane mainland, it is also an opportunity for us."

"Well, then go together."

If there is a chance, if you are not sure, then it is really funny.

A few days later, 7 people came to Huanyu Technology.

"Are you Mr. Chen who called me?"

Seeing Chen Yu, why are you waiting for someone incomparably surprised.

Sighed inwardly.

Sure enough, he is the protagonist in the movie, how old he is, he has already created such a big company.

"Isn't it?"

Chen Yu asked the secretary "Bamboo" to pour tea for them.

"Bamboo" is a secretary recruited by the Ministry of Personnel for Chen Yuxin. He graduated from the Department of Computer Science and Technology of Jiangxi Province.

It's not a prestigious school, it's just an ordinary undergraduate. There is nothing extraordinary about it, but it's better to be careful.

When applying for the job, Bamboo threw the paper cups left in the application hall into the trash can.

With this action, Chen Yu recruited her as his secretary.

"It's just an incredible feeling."

Jinhe said with a sigh.

"Hehe, I'm afraid you think I'm a lie and won't come."

Chen Yu also smiled.

At that time, he called Jinhezai, but Jinhezai said several times not to fool people.

"Where, where, President Chen, aren't we here."

"Welcome everyone to Huanyu Technology."

Chen Yu nodded: "Drink tea everybody."

"I heard that you are working together to write a fantasy world background called "Kane World"?"

"Yes, Mr. Chen, this plan was originally proposed by [Blisters]. I, including Jiangnan and Dajiao...we thought it was very interesting, so we completed it together."

"How, how is it done now?"

"Just started, there are still many settings that have not been completed."

"No hurry, take your time."

The memory is indeed correct.

Chen Yu continued to ask: "Is your Kane continent similar to the Demon Ring King?"

"Almost, but with some improvements."

"Will it be too monotonous?"

"Monotone, what does President Chen mean?"

"The world of the Lord of the Rings is a Western fantasy world, and Kane is probably the same. Although such a world is fascinating, why don't you work together to perfect a fantasy world about Middle-Earth?"

Chen Yu just said a word, but the people like "Where is this now" and "Jiangnan" were shocked.


Why do you want to build another Kane continent similar to the Lord of the Rings?

The Lord of the Rings has built such a wonderful Middle-earth world, and the mainland of Kane is actually a bit redundant.

Why not create a fantasy world of Middle-earth?

You know, there is not yet such a perfect Middle-earth fantasy world in the mainland.

"This time I am looking for you, UU reading is actually for this."

Speaking of this, Chen Yu enters the topic: "Our Huanyu Technology is going to develop a large-scale 3D online game, so we need a magnificent, rigorous structure that can reflect various cultures, politics, geography, customs... the background of the Eastern world. This background I hope that the seven of you will be in charge, and will attract more talented writers to join them, and work together to improve this fantasy world."

"This task may take a year, or it may take three years, or even ten years... I don't know if you are willing to participate in this difficult task."

After Chen Yu had finished speaking, the seven also understood what Chen Yu meant.

Jinhe looked at everyone and saw the expectation and passion in everyone's eyes.

Without any consideration, the seven said in unison: "We are willing."

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