Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 240: : I'm going to see Hanfu girl paper, ancient style girl paper, all kinds of

   "Interesting, this chinajoy is very interesting."

   "The leaders praised it. Now it is the Internet age. Chinajoy embodies the Internet culture. This year we can hold the first one, and next year we can hold the second one."

   "Ah, keep doing it?"

"Leaders, of course, must continue to do so. We hold this exhibition every year, and regard this exhibition as a normal state, as a kind of culture of our deep development. Then every year at this point in time, everyone will want to come to us. Chinajoy, it’s like a cultural festival."

   "Cultural festival, great, this idea is very innovative."

   "Thank you, leader."

   "Let's go back and study this exhibition."

   The inspection leader said so, but the Chinajoy mentioned by Chen Yu impressed him early.

  【Enhance the international status of Shenzhen City. 】

  【Increase the development and construction of the Internet. 】

  【To build a deep city cultural festival. 】

   Each of these reasons is so tempting.

   It’s just that it’s impossible to make a statement in person on this kind of thing.

   The leader left Huanyu Technology in response to the excitement of resisting the decision on the spot.

   In fact, Chinajoy’s proposal is very novel.

   did a rigorous inspection and certification in the relevant departments of Shenzhen City, and finally got:

  Chinajoy has novel ideas, keeps up with the trend, and is very popular among young people.

  Second, chinajoy reflects the success of domestic Internet development.

   Third, if chinajoy can be successfully held, it will be very attractive for other Internet companies to enter the city.

  Fourth, chinajoy is indeed very helpful to the promotion of the international status of Shenzhen City. In particular, this kind of exhibition is not held once, but once a year, which has a huge impetus to enhance the image of the city.


  A small exhibition can have such great benefits, so what else is there to consider?

   In addition, it does not cost much to hold such an exhibition, just provide a venue.

   A week later, the Shencheng boss communicated the document to Huanyu Technology and agreed to hold chinajoy.

   And, because Huanyu Technology is the first to propose the idea of ​​Chinajoy, Shenzhen City officials specially invited Huanyu Technology to be the co-organizer of Chinajoy this time.

   As for who the sponsor is.

  , of course, is a deep city.

   Of course, I said it was a co-organizer, but it was actually the host.

   In most exhibitions like this, the organizers are all leading units, so give some guidance.

   It is the co-organizer that is really responsible for the undertaking.

   Therefore, when receiving this co-organizer invitation, Chen Yu was a little overjoyed.

   You need to know that Chinajoy in the previous life was not co-organized by any company. It was all officially organized.

   But I didn't expect that this time, Huanyu Technology was involved in the co-organization, which can be said to have taken great care of Huanyu Technology.

   "Mr. Chen, the above means let us invite major companies to participate one by one?"

   "No need, when the official side posts a news, a lot of companies will come to contact us."

   "It's so cool, can't we..."

   "Hey hey, what do you think."

   "Mr. Chen, just kidding, I'm not that kind of person."

   Chen Yu and Zhang Jianming joked, and the next day the official sent a notice to hold Chinajoy.

   This notice is not big, the content is less than 100 words, but as soon as this notice came out, as Chen Yu expected, hundreds of companies contacted Huanyu Technology to sign up for this Chinajoy.

   "Chen Yu, you are awesome this time."

   "What the **** is awesome."

   "It's not awesome, they have successfully penetrated into the deep city."

   "What does it mean to break into the deep city? I am like a traitor."

   "Hehe, you are naturally not a traitor, but the exhibition you are doing this time is really awesome. What about that, can we go to Ninetowns?"

   Zhu Jun was the first to call Chen Yu.

   "The necessary go, none of you can go to the nine cities, who is still qualified to go."

   "Thank you, I will invite you to dinner in the deep city."

   "Deep City is now my site, I will invite you when the time comes."

   "Tsk tsk, I really speak louder in the big city, okay, I'll talk later."

   Chen Yu hung up.

   In fact, he knew that Zhu Jun called to support him.

   As for the number of participants, with the scale of the ninth city, if they don't come, Chen Yu will have to go and invite them.

   Of course, Zhu Jun is not so stupid, it is impossible not to come.

   This is a nationwide game exhibition held in Shenzhen City. Participating in it can not only enhance the reputation, but also expand the promotion. No, it doesn't need to be arranged by Huanyu Technology. The companies that have been invited have all started to promote this event.

   As a game portal, has not been idle, and it has also made a Chinajoy special topic to report this time Chinajoy.

   "My grass, the deep city is going to hold chinajoy, it looks so tall and tall."

   "What does it mean to look tall and tall, it is originally tall and tall, look at the participants, all of them are awesome companies."

   "Huanyu Technology, Ninth City, Shanda Company, Jinshan, NetEase, Net Finance, Daewoo, Jiuyou, Sohu Games, Xinlang Games, Penguin Games, Kongzhong, Lianzhong World..."

   "I heard that you can also receive a game gift pack when you go to the scene."

   "Wow, I'm going."

   "I heard that there are still many sister paper performances."

   "Ah ah, I want to go, I want to go."

   "It seems that there are Hanfu sister paper, ancient style sister paper, all kinds of sister paper..."

   "No more, no more, don't pull me..."

  Although the first chinajoy has not started yet, watching the introduction on the news pictures, the netizens are extremely excited. Especially for those citizens in the deep city, such a grand event is simply too attractive. Even if they go to work that day, they also say that they will attend even if they ask for leave.

   Not only them, many netizens in other regions also said that even if the deep city is thousands of miles away from them, they will also rush to the deep city on the same day to see the excitement of this grand event.

   Don't think that these people are in the minority, that's really a lot.

  Think about the number of players in each major game company. Any game has a lot of diehard diehards. Those who play Legendary World want to see the true face of the official people of Legendary World. Those who play Westward Journey want to get acquainted with more Westward Journey sisters, and those who play miracle mu, and also think that everyone is familiar with reality. After all, everyone has been playing in the game and they don’t know much about it. If possible, they can get to know the reality. It's a great joy in life.

   Of course, even if it’s nothing else, it’s good to go inside to see a hot spot, a novelty, and see the next world.

   "Brother Jian, UU Read quickly prepare, our Huanyu Technology exhibition area is the highlight."

   "President Chen, I know, I have asked Li Youhu and the others to set up the venue."

   "Send more people, the whole exhibition must be clear and organized, and give the audience a good impression of the company and the people of the whole country."

   "Relax, President Chen, I have already drawn out all the logistics staff, including the customer service, so I just missed the game developers."

"That's good."

   "By the way, President Chen, do we only exhibit the legendary world in our exhibition area?"

   "No, we also have to promote the bubble hall, of course, there is also the Fantasy Westward Journey to be promoted, Kyushu...Where did they go today?"

   "I went home to write a book."

   "Tell them to come and join Chinajoy."


   "In addition, let me know from the yy game, and those who are interested can also come and participate."

   "Mr. Chen, no, we currently have more than 300 companies settled in yy games."

   "Then let them all participate, of course, if they are not interested, just forget it."

   "My God, in this way, Huanyu Technology can have more than 300 games."

"Is not it?"

   "Will it be too shameless?"

"Have it?"

   Chen Yu looked at Zhang Jianming with a naive face.

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