Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 271: : Hot pot Xishi is not hot, and the laws of nature are difficult to tolerate

   "Yang Bin, are you really going to eat Chen Yu's hot pot?"

   "Why, don't you want to go?"

   "No, I went to eat last time, and Chen Yu's parents also recognize us. In case we don't have to pay by then, I'm sorry."

   "It's okay, if Chen Yu's parents don't charge us, we will run away after we give them."

   "That's fine. But why do you want to eat hot pot so much? Didn't you eat it last time? Let's change the restaurant."

   Gao Tian didn't understand why Yang Bin liked Chen Yu's hot pot. Fastest update Computer::/

   To be honest, although Chen Yu’s hot pot tastes not unpleasant, it is not necessarily so delicious.

   Even if you want to eat it, it’s good to change the taste.

   "Is it taking care of Chen Yu's business?"

   "Where can we take care of it alone."

   Yang Bin shook his head: "You guys, why don't you have any common sense of economics."

   "I'm going to eat a hot pot and have learned common sense of economics?"

   Guo Haiyang was also amused by Yang Bin's words.

   "Go, go, really. Haven't you heard that Chen Yu's hot pot restaurant is getting better recently?"

   "It seems to be, but what does it have to do with economics?"

   "Why it doesn't matter, do you remember that we went to Chen Yu's hot pot restaurant some time ago, and the business thieves were deserted."

   "Maybe what activities did they do?"

   "So, if there are any activities, let's take a look. How to say, we can't study economic management, we must study economic examples in real life."

   "That said, I am also interested."

   Gao Tian and Guo Haiyang gave Yang Bin a thumbs up.

   The three of them have a good family background, and the three of them are not the kind of clumsy brains, and their ideas are alive.

   is also studying economics and management, so I am naturally very interested in this kind of business behavior.

   The three people took a taxi to the Shenzhen Central Business District.

   This is the most central place in the deep city, and it is also the most prosperous area.

   "Damn, business is better than before."

   The three people took the elevator to the hot pot Xishi shop on the 6th floor, only to see that the whole shop was full

   "Sorry, the shop is temporarily full, you can go to the rest area and wait for a while."

   The waiter politely explained to Yang Bin and the others.


   Yang Bin nodded, took a number under the arrangement of the waiter, and went to the rest area to wait.

   "My God, so many people are waiting."

   "This, this, this... unscientific."

   Gao Tian wiped his eyes, and then asked a friend next to him who was also waiting: "Why, brother, did you come to eat hot pot too?"


   "Is this hot pot really delicious?"

   "I don't know, I heard that the service is good."

   "The service is good, but I didn't see any service from him."

   "No, look at..."

   pointed to the fruit in front of him, and the friend said, "The store also prepared fruit for us."

   "It's true."

   After a glance, isn’t there a sliced ​​fruit in front of it?

   These fruits are completely free for waiting guests.

   Of course, even if you don’t want to eat hot pot, pat your **** and leave, no one will say you.

   "It seems that the service is indeed okay."

   Not to mention other things, just the fruits prepared by the store while waiting surpass all other hot pot restaurants.

   Moreover, it seems that there are not only fruits, but also other snacks.

  In addition to eating...

   "Sir, do you want to polish your shoes?"

   "Uh, no."

   "Sorry, sir, our shoeshine is free."


   "Yes, we can provide you with free shoe shine service."

   "That, then, all right."

   Seeing the hot pot Xi Shi sign hung on the waiter, Yang Bin nodded subconsciously.

   "This service is really awesome."

   Yang Bin was dumbfounded when he looked at the leather shoes polished by the waiter just now.

   "Yes, this is the service of a 5-star hotel."

   Gao Tian and Guo Haiyang are also very emotional.

   It's understandable to eat a hot pot and provide you with free fruit, but they just wiped your leather shoes, which they didn't expect. Moreover, this kind of service really makes people feel like a god. Not to mention that the leather shoes are shiny and shiny, but the feelings brought by this service are extremely enjoyable.

   "No. 127."

   "It's finally us."

   "Go, eat hot pot."

   At the moment, the shop is full of seats, and Yang Bin and the others have not seen Chen Yu's parents.

   This is also just right.

   When the time comes, pay directly after eating the hot pot to avoid embarrassment.

   "Your apron."

   "Ah, there are aprons."

   "Hello sir, the hot pot soup is richer. Send an apron to avoid staining your clothes."

   "Thank you. Uh, what is this hot towel for?"

   "It was a hard time waiting, sir, you can wipe off sweat with a hot towel."

   "This, this, this..."

   Although Yang Bin and others have a good family background, they have been to many big restaurants.

   But there is really no restaurant that can provide Yang Bin with as much service as it does today.

   "Well, this is really a five-star service."  : :

   "I've been to a five-star hotel once. It makes sense. It is much better than a five-star service."

"I feel so too……"

   The three of them sighed with great emotion.

   Now, they finally understand why the hot pot Xi Shi business is so hot.

   Not to mention the taste, the service alone made them feel extremely happy.

   As for the real time to eat, it is even more happy.

   "Wow, this is delicious."

   "Well, this one is also delicious."

   "It's just that this shrimp is not easy to peel."

   "Slow me down..."

  In an instant, a waiter helped Yang Bin peel the shrimp.

"I go."

   "Chen Yu's hot pot restaurant is not popular, it's hard to tolerate the laws of nature."

   Watching the waiters help themselves to peel the shrimps one by one, the three of them have already worshipped.

  …… Many domestic Internet companies will choose to list on NASDAQ in the United States.

   Xinlang, Sohu, KongZhong, including NetEase.

   However, it is a pity that the Internet bubble in 2000 almost cut the stocks of these major domestic Internet companies. No, it's not just a half-cut, it's a half-cut after a half-cut...

   It turned out that NetEase’s media rate was 15 US dollars when it was listed, and the highest was more than 20 US dollars.

   can look now, only 64 cents.


   Only a few days later, NetEase’s shares hit a new low.

   "Mr. Li, everything is ready for the account."

   "Well, today we will scan NetEase stocks."

   Li Xiaojun is the head of the US investment division that Huanyu Technology dug from idg capital.

   Li Xiaojun himself does not approve of investing in NetEase stocks.

   As for the reason, it is because the global Internet environment has not picked up.

   Although there seems to be a fire in the domestic Internet field of online games, this is only domestic.

  In terms of globalization, online games can only be regarded as a very small market.

  Even, all countries in the world have not entered this market.

   However, this is an order from the headquarters, and Li Xiaojun only needs to scan the goods as planned.

   Recommend the new book of Urban Great God Lao Shi:

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