Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 283: : Brother Shemale

   "Chen Yu, how much does it cost to impose alliance fees on your hot pot?"

   "Why, think about it clearly?"

   "Ask, just ask first."

   Yang Bin looked at Chen Yu and asked weakly.

   "This is..."

   Chen Yu thought for a while: "May not join for the time being, we may consider opening a direct-sale store model."

   "Directly operating?"

   Gao Tian, ​​who was standing aside, interrupted and said, "Chen Yu, the direct business is too expensive, right? How can your family have so much money?"

  Everyone is a student of economics, and the model of franchising and direct sales is clear.

   Only the initial fee is charged for joining, and the decoration of the store is not required. This is the easiest and the easiest to make money.

  Direct operation is a lot harder, not only requires a huge amount of capital, but also a lot of manpower and material resources.

   At the same time, the risk is greater than joining.

"I will try to find a way in the future, but the franchise model is not conducive to hot pot Xi Shi, or the shortcomings of this model are too great. You have also seen that the main feature of hot pot Xi Shi is service, but if it is an ordinary franchise, once other franchisees do not It can meet the strict requirements of the headquarters, which has a great impact on the brand of the entire hot pot restaurant."

   "This is true."

   Yang Bin also nodded.

   "Of course, if you really want to join, there are other ways."

Although Chen Yu refused, but seeing the three of them extremely disappointed, Chen Yu said: "We can change the way of joining. For example, you can join the hot pot Xi Shi, but the decoration, location, management, and ingredients of the store ...All must follow the headquarter arrangements 100%."

   "Chen Yu, this is too strict, right? What's the point of joining us?"

   "Yes, as long as you contribute a sum of money, then the profits after joining can be shared with the headquarters."

   "This is..."

   The three of them understood this.

   This joining is also considered joining, but it is different from ordinary joining.

   This kind of joining can not only quickly spread the market, but also complete the control of the branch.

   But the disadvantage is that this kind of franchise is too strict, and the franchisee has almost no control rights.

   This may dispel the enthusiasm of franchisees and is not conducive to promotion.

   "Then can we not manage the branch?"

   "Yes in principle, but there is the right to make suggestions. However, the specifics have to be based on the requirements of the headquarters."

   "This is..."

   "It's okay. There is no need to make a decision now. Anyway, Hotpot Xi Shi has no plans to open a branch for the time being. You can check it out first, and you can join when you feel good. You can also not join if you feel bad."

Although    is a classmate, it is also a dormitory.

   But in business, you can’t pay attention to strong buying and selling. Of course, Chen Yu will not lose his principle because of his classmates.

   The reason for doing this is not to embarrass Yang Bin and the others, it is all for the company, but also for the franchisees.

  , in turn, is to ensure that Yang Bin and the others can make money.

   Otherwise, letting the franchisees mess around will be of no benefit to anyone.

   There is too much competition in the catering market. Without strict business management thinking, it will inevitably be eliminated by the market.

   Even if Chen Yu has countless experience in later generations, he dare not sloppy.

   After talking with Yang Bin and the others, Chen Yu called Xie Zhang.

   instructed Xie Zhang to arrange manpower for the hot pot Xi Shi hype.


  Because of the previous relationships with major game guilds in China, Huanyu Technology has won the support of many netizens. In itself, some netizens come to play games, but besides playing games, a large number of players also have a lot of extra time. In this extra time, you can watch web pages, watch movies, go shopping, or rush into a certain topic... and because of so many players, Huanyu Technology has formed the first batch of domestic online water forces. .

   Previously, Zhang Jianming was in charge of this batch of network navy forces, but Zhang Jianming was in charge of more and more affairs, which was later handed over to Xie Zhang.

   Of course, hot pot Xi Shi is not part of Huanyu Technology, so Xie Zhang took the navy to hype hot pot Xi Shi, which is not suitable. However, currently Huanyu Technology is not listed, does not need to be responsible to others, and does not accept others' supervision. It is basically 100% controlled by Chen Yu, so there is no such problem for the time being.

   "Yang Bin, do you want to play Fantasy Westward Journey?"

   "Don't play."

   "I'm still thinking about joining, don't think too much, if you have time in the future, you want to play a few, I just created a number to play together in a team."

   After the phone call, Chen Yu also pulled Gao Tian and Guo Haiyang over.

   The three of them originally thought about joining, but Chen Yu was right. They would definitely not think about joining for a while.

   In addition, the hot pot Xi Shi has no plans to join for the time being, so I will put aside this problem for the time being, let's talk about playing games.

   "Chen Yu, aren't you serious in class, why do you think of playing games?"

   Compared with other companies engaged in internal testing of activation codes, Huanyu Technology has never engaged in activation codes.

   The reason why I didn't do it was not because I didn't want to do it, but because I was afraid of being scolded.

  Furthermore, the internal test of the activation code is to engage in muscle-hungry marketing, in order to stimulate the popularity of the game.

   But the games under Huanyu Technology itself are very popular, and there is no need for the excitement of activation code.

   Chen Yu also ordered the company not to use the activation code for internal testing.

   At this time, all four of them created accounts, and after completing a few newbie tasks, they formed a team together.

   "You are serious in get out of class, but why are you so serious after class? You have to play when it's time to play... Hey, I formed a sister paper, which doesn't look like a ladyboy. Everyone will pick it up later."

   Chen Yu chose Datang official mansion and said while operating.

  The operation of Fantasy Westward Journey is very simple and casual, as long as the team is formed and handed over to the captain.

   When encountering some mobs, it is enough to automatically fight monsters for 24 rounds, but encountering BOSS requires special skills to be restrained. Therefore, it is easy to play with a few people in a team, and they can chat while operating. Especially the team also entered a sister paper, because there is a sister paper, Yang Bin and the others have a hot chat.

   "Hello sister paper, my name is Yang Bin."

   "Dare to ask sister Zhi Fangling."

   "Sister paper, why don't you talk."

   "Don't be afraid, brother is not a bad person."

   Yang Bin and several people talked in the channel from time to time, and finally the girl who added it couldn't help it. In one sentence, brother took it out and was bigger than you...In an instant, the four of them vomited blood.

   "Chen Yu, I still say it's not a ladyboy."

   "I don't know, there is no **** on his face."

   "Okay, okay, the **** is okay."

   Although Fantasy Westward Journey is quite suitable for girls, there are still a few girls after all.

   It's normal to run into a ladyboy.

   Yang Bin, they don’t mind, even if the person on the other side is a ladyboy, they still have a good chat with him.

   "Brother shemale, why did you turn from big talk to dream?"

   "At first because this game was very popular, I played it a bit, and then I found out that this game is not easy."

   "Why is it not easy?"

   "Have you found that the life professions in this game are too classic."

   It turns out that this ladyboy brother came from Journey to the West.

   At first, the ladyboy brother didn't like Fantasy Westward Journey, and thought that Fantasy Westward Journey was plagiarism Westward Journey, but after playing it, he discovered that although Fantasy Westward Journey looks the same as Westward Journey, many settings are completely different. For example, this vitality setting because the vitality value has a certain amount, it can only be restored for a long time when it is used up, which also makes the entire gameplay more diverse. Especially for life professions, such as pharmacist, chef... etc.

   Dahua Westward Journey actually has life-related occupations, but Dahua Westward Journey’s life-related occupations are somewhat superficial.

  Many players play life occupations only incidentally, but in Fantasy Westward Journey, life occupations are a major feature.

   To put it simply, even if you don’t upgrade the battle very much, you can only be a professional player in life.

   "To tell you the truth, I have decided to specialize in life occupations."

   "No, life-related occupations are just auxiliary, it's useless."

   "Don't look at him as an assistant, but I studied this life occupation carefully. I found that the entire game is inseparable from life occupations, and the economic system in the entire game is also closely related to life occupations."

   "I'll go, so there is research?"

   "Alright, I feel that life-related professions are very interesting, and I want to wait until I have studied them thoroughly, and I will see if I can become a professional businessman."

   "Professional businessman?"

"what is this?"

   The three of them naturally don't know what the ladyboy brother said.

   But seeing what the ladyboy brother said, Chen Yu's mouth was smiling.

   He knows that even if the Fantasy Westward Journey does not require much hype later, he will be popular.

  :. :

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