Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 290: : Music search site

  "In addition, we do not have the copyright to some of these music, and we have no reason to charge."

Jin Zhijiang added.

"Answer Jin's question first."

Since charging has been proposed, Chen Yu has long thought of a brand-new charging model: "We don’t have music copyrights, but we can cooperate with major record companies to purchase their electronic music copyrights. We know that due to piracy, the current electronic music The music rights are very cheap, and we can buy them back in bulk."

"The copyright issue has been resolved. Then, as Mr. Chen said, users can download for free because of piracy. Why pay?"

"It's also very simple."

Chen Yu explained: "First, our music website can provide better sound quality than other websites."

"This doesn't have much effect. If it's free, the sound quality is a little less acceptable to users. And the mp3 sound quality of other websites may not be so bad."

Chen Yu did not refute, and continued: "Secondly, because we have purchased a large number of music copyrights from record companies, we can ask some singers and stars to give us the platform so that users can support the purchase of genuine copies."

"Please have some effect on star singers, but maybe only a very small number of people will support genuine."

Chen Yu still did not refute, and continued: "Third, we will focus on cracking down on pirated music website platforms."

The music itself is copyrighted, and the same goes for putting it on the Internet.

It's just that there is no emphasis on electronic music copyright at the moment, so all music on the Internet is free.

But this is not a normal phenomenon.

In later generations, with the growing development of the Internet, everyone listened to music on the Internet. If the copyright of music is still ignored, then the entire domestic music will be over. In fact, the previous life has proved this. Basically, there are not a few well-known singers in the previous life after 2005.

As for the reason, why?

It’s because there are pirated copies everywhere, making music and singing can’t make money, it’s strange how many singers can be produced.

Of course, to combat pirated versions, you have to own the music copyright.

Therefore, after buying the copyright of electronic music in the first step, Chen Yu can crack down on pirated websites.

"It is impossible for all pirated websites to be knocked down, and some servers are located abroad, which is very trapped for evidence collection, and there is no way to start."

Jin Zhijiang shook his head again.

But this time Chen Yu did not continue to say it, but looked at Jin Zhijiang with a smile on his face.


Is Kim Ji Jiang a little confused?

What does it mean?

He refuted him three times in a row. How could he still laugh?

But not only Chen Yu laughed, Duan Yongping also laughed.

Not only laughed, Duan Yongping also gave Chen Yu a thumbs up.

This is even more confusing for Jin Zhijiang.

Mr. Duan, what's wrong?

Obviously the way Chen Yu said didn't work, why did he still say this to Chen Yu?

"Chen Yu, you see, you've been blinded by our manager Jin."

Duan Yongping looked at Jin Zhijiang with a puzzled look and said.

"President Duan, what is going on?"

"Didn't Mr. Chen speak very clearly?"


"Are you trying to say that these three methods can't eliminate piracy, but users will still download piracy?"


Jin Zhijiang nodded.

"Our President Jin, your appetite is quite big, and you want to eliminate piracy, not to mention you and me, even if it is written on the hair, it may not be eliminated."

Jin Zhijiang is still a little confused.

But after a while, Jin Zhijiang seemed to understand something: "President Duan, you mean, even if we can't eliminate piracy, we have cultivated many genuine users through these three methods."


Chen Yu nodded.

It is not easy to get rid of piracy.

It is absolutely impossible for everyone to be free.

But if it can train some users to become genuine users, this has been considered a success.

"And these genuine users are the users who have the most potential to buy our mp3 products."

Speaking of why ipod can be successful.

It's not how good the iPod is, nor is it that the iPod was developed by Apple.

The ipod does a good job, but the ipod cannot be said to be the best quality.

Although Apple is a well-known technology company, not all of its products are successful.

For a long time after Apple Computer, Apple made countless wrong choices.

The ipod is just one of his numerous products, but he succeeded.

Of course, the most important contributor to his success is the music store.

This is similar to the app store in the iPhone.

What kind of music you want to listen to, you can buy it in this music store.

However, in the United States, it is very easy for an iPod to build such a music store, as long as he has this idea, he can do it.

Because there is less piracy in the United States, this kind of music is easy to succeed.

But in China, it is not so simple to do a good job in this music store.

Because of the existence of piracy, Chen Yu must do everything possible.

"Not only that, it can also brand our mp3."

Backgammon is actually a brand.

But this is only domestically speaking.

Compared with international giants, BBK is not only incomparable with Apple, but also far from Samsung and Sony.

But if the electronic copyright of music is legalized, it is very possible to make one's own mp3 brand.

"Mr. Chen, I understand what you mean, but I think the genuine payment can be slowed down. Because usually everyone has never accepted payment, and now we have been paying, and some people cannot accept it."

"Can't slow down."

Chen Yu shook his head: "The slower we pay, the more we can't push it out."

Just like a previous life.

After decades of past electronic music piracy swept through for decades, the upper hand finally paid attention to it and began to make music payments.

But even though I did it, I really didn't get any results.

As for the reason?

Others have used it for free for decades, and it is basically impossible for you to make him pay all at once.

In their minds, isn't it that downloading songs has always been free of money? Why do you start charging now?

This concept itself is wrong.

It is 2002, the Internet has not yet become popular, and everyone’s awareness of the Internet is just at the beginning.

In fact, music is copyrighted.

There is a charge for downloading music.

Even if you don't pay, at least you have to have a concept that when you download for free, you are downloading a pirated version.

It's like reading a novel.

As long as he has this concept in his mind, even if he does not pay now, he may still pay in the future.

But if you don't have this concept in your mind, you won't be able to pay for it in your life.

This time is the easiest time to cultivate everyone's Internet awareness.

"It makes sense."

Duan Yongping recognized this incomparably: "Once the cognition is accepted by the public, even if you use strong means to reverse it, it will not be of much use. It is very necessary to start to cultivate the awareness of genuine authenticity. However, in the specific fight against piracy, I am afraid that it will not cost much. Less effort."

"It's okay. I will set up a special legal team in the future to be responsible for combating piracy."

This piece must be taken seriously from the very beginning.

It is obviously unrealistic to let everyone see the genuine version.

Not everyone will buy genuine.

Some do not have this awareness, some do not know how to buy, and some have other reasons.

It is not enough to cultivate genuine awareness.

If you want everyone to see the original, you have to start from the source.

If there is no source of piracy, users will not be able to see the piracy.

In his previous life, Chen Yu had seen a public service advertisement.

This is a public service advertisement for the protection of animals.

Although this advertisement makes sense.

But it is more difficult to get everyone to have such a mind than to destroy the animal-killing guy.

Therefore, if you want users to pay, you have to use all kinds of methods, and the three-pronged approach is effective.

"That's all, Teacher Duan, what else do you have to say?"

"You have more shares than me. How dare I have any orders, you should have ordered me."

"Teacher Duan is teasing me."

Chen Yu knows that Duan Yongping is joking: "Then you will be divided into two groups. Teacher Duan will be responsible for the hardware development. I will buy the copyrights of songs from major record companies and make the website first."

"Yes, chairman."

Duan Yongping replied.


Chen Yu couldn't laugh or cry, but didn't say anything, so he returned to the deep city.


"Mr. Chen, I recently discovered a good music website,"

"Search the net, what do you do?"

"Uh, President Chen, this is a music website."

"Music site?"

Chen Yu was extremely surprised: "Is this website well-known?"

"Currently ranked first in the category of music websites, and ranked 187th in global website traffic."

"so smart……"

Chen Yu was also shocked by this.

When is a music website so awesome?

In memory, Chen Yu doesn't seem to remember such an awesome website.

"Wait, I'll go to this website first."

Through Baidu, Chen Yu searched this search network.

"Strange, the traffic of this website can't be so high."

Clicking in, Chen Yu didn't quite understand.

This is just a very ordinary music website, which is similar to other music websites on the market.

At least Chen Yu didn't notice any difference in this music website.

But after a closer look at Chen Yu finally discovered the finishing touch of this website.

In the center of the search web, there is a search bar here.

This search bar is for searching music.

At first, Chen Yu thought that this search for music was a search on this site.

He is not. In addition to searching for the music source on this site, he can also search for music on the entire Internet site.

For example, search for an Oriental Pearl.

There are hundreds of links in the same search bar, which means that there are hundreds of websites with the sound source of the Pearl of the Orient.

Yes, this is very similar to the [Baidu mp3] launched by Baidu in the past.

"No wonder."

Seeing this, Chen Yu understood why the traffic of this search network was so large.

Apart from listening to songs, everyone on this music website is more about searching and downloading other songs.

After all, it is troublesome to search for many songs in the Baidu search bar. Some searched web pages may not be able to provide downloads, and some searched web pages even contain viruses. But it’s much easier to have, just like Baidu has Baidu mp3. Everyone wants to listen to music and download music to Baidu mp3.

"Don't say anything, hurry up and buy this website."

Chen Yu ordered.

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