Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 339: : I am a pig farmer, can I apply for certification?

Chen Yu's celebrity strategy can be said to push the previous celebrity certification to the peak again.

The previous celebrity certification refers to celebrities, and refers to celebrities that the public will remember.

But the current celebrity certification has all of a sudden pointed the public to the niche.

Or it cannot be said that it is a niche group, pointing to a specific circle.

In the face of the masses, this celebrity is not famous at all, he has no reputation. However, in a certain circle, he may be a celebrity. Even in this circle, he is more famous than any star.

For this reason, Yisou Circle Channel once again upgraded the celebrity certification based on the celebrity certification.

This upgrade adds that users can apply for celebrity certification by themselves.

In addition to providing real identity information, the content of the application must also provide a series of proofs in the circle as a reference.

After all, there are so many people in all walks of life, it is impossible for everyone in Huanyu Technology to invite them.

Not to mention that they can’t be invited, even a series of celebrities may not be able to fully invite them.

Let users apply by themselves, which saves a lot of procedures.

At the same time, it also gave countless celebrities in the circle a chance.

"Hey, what is this, celebrity certification, can I apply for it myself?"

"I'll go, if I apply, am I also a celebrity?"

"Wow, I really want to apply, but what if I'm not a celebrity?"

Regarding the upgrade of the celebrity certification of Easy Search Circle, a large number of users paid attention to it for the first time.

Of course, it doesn't work if you don't pay attention.

Because during the upgrade, the circle has guidelines for celebrity authentication for users.

As long as the user enters the circle again, the circle will pop up specific guidance prompts.

At a glance, this celebrity certification doesn't matter to many users.

Because everyone is not a star, everyone is just ordinary people.

But when you look closely, it doesn't seem to be.

This celebrity does not specifically refer to celebrities, nor is it just a public figure.

According to the certification standards in the circle, that is, as long as you have a certain reputation or influence in your circle, then you can apply.

"I'm going, I am a PhD in Computer Science at Peking University. I am currently working at Microsoft. Can I apply for a certification?"

"I rely on, awesome, talented, of course, necessary ability."

"Then I have worked on water conservancy projects for 30 years and invented several patents. I have a little influence in our industry. Can I apply for certification?"

"Yes, you can."

"Uh, these are all highly educated. I want to ask. I'm just a salesperson with a junior high school education, but I am a gold salesperson in the real estate industry. I sell more than one billion houses a year. I can apply. Certified?"

"The hero does not ask about the origin, as long as you have a certain influence and expertise in the industry, then you can apply."

After getting a reply from the circle customer service, the users felt much more relieved.

"Apply, apply, I want to apply for one to see."

"Hahaha, I also want to create a certification mark to pretend to be a force."

"The celebrity certification is too popular. Although I want to pretend to be a certification, I will also post more quality posts."

Many users who have certain expertise in various circles have submitted applications to Yisou circles.

And, while submitting the application, they also uploaded identity information and various skill certificates.

Of course, Huanyu Technology is not procrastinating on this side.

In the face of so many applications from users, a group of employees also reviewed and passed the certification.

Of course, not all submissions for certification are approved.

For those who fail to meet the conditions or falsify, Huanyu Technology will also refuse the certification.

However, despite saying that, the workload is actually not small.

The main reason is that the whole world is really too big, and the various circles are too big and too big. There are at least hundreds of thousands of large and small circles. Sometimes, some staff of Huanyu Technology don't know each circle particularly. Therefore, after they receive such an application, they have to check the information and call for various confirmations. But in any case, it only took one day, and the first batch of audits passed the celebrity certification to reach 1,000.

"Hahaha, my application was approved, thank you."

"I also passed, thanks to the organization, thanks to Yisou, thanks to the circle."

"Thank you ass, it's the last word to post me well."

In addition to being able to pretend to pass celebrity certification, the most important thing is to post.

Otherwise, if you don't post, it's just a celebrity certification, which can only pretend to be half-forced.

Without a bit of technical content, you are ashamed to say that you are a celebrity in the circle?

"Yeah, after the first post of certification, I will publish some technical points about water conservancy projects."

"As a gold medal sales, I did not expect that I could get the certification. In order to thank the circle, I specially came up with the secret of my gold sales to share with you."

"A lot of people want to know how I was admitted to the Ph.D. I will tell you some of my experiences."

Of course, higher-quality posts can hold more force.

Not only can you pretend, but you can also get more attention and replies.

On the other hand, this stimulates a large number of authenticated users to send out various high-quality posts from time to time.

Of course, these high-quality posts may not be liked by everyone.

Because some posts are more professional, many ordinary people can't understand them.

But it's okay.

Because they belong to different circles.

It's okay if you can't understand, someone can understand.

Moreover, they are not written for you, they are written for friends in various circles.

For example, the doctor, he wrote for those preparing for the exam.

That salesperson, he also wrote for people who are struggling in sales.

The water conservancy project is also seen by people in the water conservancy project circle.

Although the circles look small, isn't the whole world made up of circles, large and small?

When a variety of high-quality posts continue to appear from one circle to another, the popularity of the entire circle has been improved on top of the original foundation.

"I'm silly, the easy search circle is awesome, these posts used to be invisible even with lanterns."

"Well, the posts are of great quality. They are all handwritten by experienced professionals and are under serious study."

"I didn't have any hope for Cobb, but when I saw the post from the doctor, I suddenly found a trace of confidence."

Faced with the emergence of these high-quality posts, countless users were surprised and delighted, and followed them one after another.

Of course, there are too many large and small circles in the world.

After Huanyu Technology approved the first batch of 100 celebrities in the circle, countless celebrities in many circles also joined them.

I am engaged in agriculture, and I am here to publish some knowledge about agriculture.

I am engaged in industrial production. Let me analyze the current domestic industrial situation.

I am engaged in scientific research...

I am a pig farmer. I will talk to you about the postpartum care of sows.

Don't think this is a joke.

This is real.

The pig raising circle has always been a very popular circle.

Moreover, pork is the largest meat in the country, and it is related to hundreds of millions of farmers across the country. This circle is very serious.

Therefore, this circle Huanyu Technology directly approved more than 100 well-known pig farmers.

Even if it weren't for Ding Lei who has no idea about raising pigs, he would like to certify Ding Lei as a pig farmer.

This is totally feasible.

Of course, in the face of the growing popularity of the circle, some companies have also been inspired.

Such as the net.

Net is a platform for writing novels, but there are many well-known writers under his banner.

These writers are not necessarily well-known in the public domain, but many writers have some influence.

For this reason, Netbear immediately thought of cooperating with Yisou Circle.

All the writers under their banner have been certified again.

As the most popular writer on the Internet, he has also obtained certification.

Even Chen Yu was forced to publish a writing experience in the [net] circle.

"Mr. Hu, I really don't have much writing experience."

"Big boss, don't be humble."

"Really not."

"Without you looking at the few works you have written, they are all creating a big genre."


Chen Yu burst into tears when he received a call from the editor of "Nonsense" on the Internet.

Can he say, I'm all written by Blind Kiba?

"Why don't you publish the eunuch's experience."

Chen Yu said wickedly.

He wrote a lot of books at the beginning, but also a lot of eunuchs.

"Big't, I have to say a few words."

"All right, all right."

Chen Yu nodded.

Anyway, I am the most powerful author on the web.

At the same time, this circle is also a product of its own company.

As the big boss, Li took the lead and participated in the war in person.

After thinking about it, Chen Yu wrote the first post in the [net] circle.

[Many people have asked me about my experience in writing novels, and you will know when you click on it...]

This is a title sent by Chen Yu under the pseudonym [The World's No. 1 White].

As for the text.

Chen Yu wrote a sentence: "Look at the author's pen name."


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