Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 342: : Jia Junpeng, your mother called you to go home for dinner

Xie Zhang, you are awesome, so powerful. "

"So so so."

"I said, how did your brain holes open up, I didn't expect to be able to play like this?"

Zhang Jianming was also extremely surprised by Xie Zhang's various post-playing methods.

You know, he couldn't think of some of the gameplay in it.

But it was precisely this kind of thinking that I couldn't think of. Once he appeared, it was extremely shocking.

This also makes the legendary world circle more and more popular under the operation of Xie Zhang.

The number of members' fans alone has exceeded 500,000 by this time.

However, for this, Chen Yu is not particularly satisfied.

Although the legendary world is very popular now, Chen Yu always feels that it is still a little bit worse.

"It's not enough to be hot, go on."

Chen Yu continued to order.

"Ah, President Chen, continue to operate."

Zhang Jianming is actually very satisfied.

He felt that the current [Legendary World] circle had already formed the benchmarking role that Chen Yu said before.

"No, the influence is still too weak."

Chen Yu shook his head.

Think of the previous life wow and Li Yi how awesome it is.

Although currently restricted by the Internet level, it is impossible for so many netizens to participate for the time being.

But the benchmark that Chen Yu wants to see is not only in the industry, but also in other fields.

"Mr. Chen, our influence is already very strong, and now Baidu Tieba has been suppressed."

"If you can't make a bubble now doesn't mean that you won't be able to make a bubble in the future."

"Mr. Chen, you always have to say a specific standard."

"There is no standard."

Chen Yu said: "I'm talking about standards."


Zhang Jianming burst into tears.

When Chen Yu left, Zhang Jianming said depressed: "Xie Zhang, you see, the boss is getting less and less able to hear what we are saying."

"Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Chen's vision is not comparable to ours, he said it is not enough, we will continue to operate."

Xie Zhang is a fan of Chen Yu.

You know, Xie Zhang can have today, but Chen Yu pointed it out.

Had it not been for Chen Yu to reverse his ideas from time to time and let him let go of his mind in eclectic style, I am afraid that he, like most people, had a solidified way of thinking and would never think of any brilliant plans. It is precisely because Chen Yu reversed his thinking that he was able to play well in the Internet planning world with the capital of dignified secondary school students.

"You are right, let's continue."

Of course Zhang Jianming is complaining.

How could he not understand Chen Yu.

In the next time, countless amazing stickers appeared in the legendary world circle.

It’s just that although these stickers have great influence, they also make more people become members. But Chen Yu just feels that he lacks a backbone. Sora has so much popularity, but it is difficult to gather strength. If he could condense all the popularity in the entire circle into one rope, the power he generated would be terrifying.


Thinking of this, Chen Yu suddenly thought of a legendary post in his previous life.

[Jia Junpeng, your mother calls you to go home for dinner. 】

Chen Yu used his certification number [No. 1 in the world] to post a post in the legendary world circle.

After posting this post, Chen Yu came to the planning department.

"Xie Zhang, I just posted a post, did you read it?"

"I saw it."

Xie Zhang nodded, but asked inexplicably, "Mr. Chen, are you trying to hype this post?"


"Then what does this post mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything, it means literally."


Xie Zhang burst into tears.

Today, Mr. Chen couldn't keep up with his brain circuit this time.

As for the previous series of god-level posts, although they shocked people's eyes, they all have logic.

For example, I rely on the 100,000 floor, this not only opened up my mind, but also created a more praiseworthy gameplay.

Another example is the top posts of a series of exaggerated words, which have also provided many people with more new ideas for top posts.

However, what does Mr. Chen's sentence "Jia Junpeng, your mother call you to go home for dinner", what does this mean?

He can't understand it very much.

"That, Mr. Chen, how do you want us to hype?"

Xie Zhang has a headache.

He didn't know what this post meant, so naturally he didn't know how to hype it.

"Hope as you want."

Chen Yu smiled and said.

"Mr. Chen, stop joking."

"I'm not kidding."

"Well, President Chen, then you have to tell me who Jia Junpeng is?"

"I don't know who he is."

"Then how do you write about this person Jia Junpeng?"

"I made up a name casually."

"It's okay too?"


"Mr Chen..."

Xie Zhang vomited blood.

Chen Yu spread his hands, a picture I said so, you still don't believe it, what I can do.

"Well, you guys can work."

Without disturbing them, Chen Yu left the planning department.

"Well, Mr. Xie, are we going to hype this post?"

"Didn't you hear what the big boss said?"

"But, how hype it is."

"You ask me, who am I asking."

Xie Zhang is one head and two big ones.

Looking at the posts posted by Chen Yu, Xie Zhang was about to cry.

This is the least connotative, meaningless, and most nonsense post he has ever seen.

"Well, Mr. Xie, does Mr. Chen mean to hype someone named Jia Junpeng?"

"Mr. Chen has said that this Jia Junpeng is just a random name, so he's a shit."

"Then what is going to be a hype."

"It's because I don't know what to hype, that's why I have a headache."

Scratching his hair, Xie Zhang was helpless.

"Forget it, don't worry, everyone can do what they want."

"Uh, Mr. Xie, it means that we post casually."

"Yes, Mr. Chen said so, let's just hype and see."


The people under Xie Zhang didn't ask any more, they responded to this post one after another.

"Man, who is Jia Junpeng?"

"Yes, the original poster, what do you mean by this sentence, I don't understand."

"Brother, what are you talking about, can you make it clear?"

Everyone didn't know what this post meant, so they asked one after another.

"Jia Junpeng, since your mother called you to go home for dinner, please go home quickly."

"Yes, eat well, or your mother will beat you."

"Which **** is called Jia Junpeng, come out for me."

"Jia Junpeng, your mother called you..."

Naturally, Xie Zhang and his planning department responded to these replies.

But they replied, but they found that a large number of people have also followed up to post.

"I don't understand what this post says."

"I don't understand, just watch the fun."

"It looks so hot, who is Jia Junpeng?"

"I don't know who Jia Junpeng is, but I really want to know who Jia Junpeng is..."

Seeing that more and more netizens are following, Xie Zhang asked the planning department to stop responding.

But even so, the fans who were attracted to it did not have the slightest influence, replying to posting time and time again.

"Okay, okay, I admit that I am Jia Junpeng, but I don't want to go home for dinner."

"Why don't you want to go home for dinner?"

"Because I am playing Legendary World, I eat in an Internet cafe."

"My grass, you are a liar, you are not Jia Junpeng at all."

"Did you not see my ID? I am Jia Junpeng."

"Your ID is newly registered, and the registration time is later than the time the host posted it, you are not the real Junpeng Jia..."

A netizen wearing Jia Junpeng's ID was suddenly dismantled by the masses.

"Damn, do you want to be so powerful, OK, I admit, I am not Jia Junpeng, I am a liar."

"Then why are you lying to us?"

"It's fun."


Netizens cursed.

But even so, countless people who followed him still didn't know who Jia Junpeng was.

But the more I don’t know, the more interesting it is.

"Brothers, think of a way to see if you can find Jia Junpeng."

" My mother wants him to go home for dinner."

"Will you really go to play games? The legendary world is so hot. Many children play games and play games, and they don't want to go home to eat."


"It looks like a prodigal..."

Of course, this is all speculation.

Until now, no one still knows who Jia Junpeng is.

But I don’t know that Jia Junpeng doesn’t matter. At this time, Chen Yu’s post [Jia Junpeng, your mother called you to go home for dinner]... It attracted 370,000 viewers in just a few hours and received 30,000 responses.

Moreover, the number of such views and the number of replies is still growing rapidly.

A legendary post is slowly appearing in another time and space.

(End of this chapter)

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