Rebirth of Cyber ​​Hegemony

Vol 3 Chapter 348: : Take a look at the beverage factory

"Dad, are you going to Shencheng in the second grade?"


"What about mom?"

"Went to the second year together."

"It is too early."

"It's late."

Chen Houguang shook his head: "This is how the catering industry can rest."

"Why don't you go after the Lantern Festival."

"After the Lantern Festival, if we go again, then our hot pot restaurant will be closed down."

This is certainly an exaggeration.

The various formulations of hot pot Xi Shi have been relatively mature, even if Chen Houguang does not go, the hot pot restaurant will continue to operate as usual.

However, hot pot competition is also great, especially this year is the year of the big development of hot pot Xi Shi.

Chen Houguang and Zhang Wenxiu are working hard, and they will have a big development this year.

"Then father, pay attention, and mom, don't be too tired."

"Tired is not tired, parents don't do physical work now, just management."

"No matter what, management is laborious, and moreover, I have to travel every day."

"I got it. It's actually okay. If there is nothing to do, it is even more idle not knowing what to do."

On the first day of the new year, the family reunited together.

Because my parents were going to Shencheng in the second year of the second year, so many relatives all came to Chen Yu's house in the afternoon to celebrate the new year.

"Brother, don't spend a few days in Xinfeng."

"The hot pot restaurant in Shencheng is too busy, and I can't help it."

"Are you going to open a branch?"

"Today there are plans to open a total of 5 stores."

After turning over the excitement, my aunt and others left at night.

The next day, Chen Yu bid farewell to his parents, leaving Chen Yu alone in the family.

Thinking of not going to the beverage factory for a long time, Chen Yu wanted to go to the factory to see the situation.


"Old Li, you really came."

"Why didn't you come? The director said three times the salary."

"Hahaha, didn't you say that you don't even need three times your salary, just to celebrate the Chinese New Year at home."

"I'm going to celebrate the New Year, but there is nothing wrong with my family anyway. After working during the day, I can go back in the evening. It is not easy to make some money now. The factory manager treats us so well, let alone triple it, even if it is I really have to work overtime, and I have to come over."

"Yes, the director is really kind to us."

At this time, several employees from Duoyuan Beverage Factory met earlier to chat for a while.

While chatting, at this moment, Mr. Li saw that a young man who looked like a college student came in front of him.

"Hey, isn't that the big boss?"

"Who is it?"

"You don't recognize it. I entered the factory early and met the big boss."

At this time, Chen Yu registered with the guard and entered the factory.

When I glanced around, I saw that many employees came in and out, and they were very busy.

"No way, go to work for the New Year?"

Chen Yu thought there were only security guards on duty in the factory.

Unexpectedly, it looks as if it is still in production today.

"Several uncles, why are they still at work today, but new years?"

Seeing a few people chatting in front of him, Chen Yu walked over.

"Are you President Chen?"

Seeing Chen Yu walking towards him, Lao Li asked excitedly.

"Uh, do you recognize me?"

"I can recognize it. Didn't you come here when the factory was about to close last year?"

"Oh, you came to the factory to pay?"

"Yes, right, right, fortunately Mr. Chen is here. Otherwise, not only will the factory go bankrupt, but our wages will not be paid."

Seeing that Chen Yu remembered himself, Old Li replied excitedly.

"By the way, today is the second day of the Lunar New Year. Does the factory manager ask you to work overtime?"

"No, no, no, it's not the factory manager's request, but we voluntarily work overtime?"

"Volunteer overtime?"

Chen Yu was a little skeptical.

Someone volunteered to work overtime as a ghost.

Not to mention the beverage factory, even if they are Huanyu Technology, few people are willing to work overtime during the Chinese New Year.

Of course, if you pay enough wages, you can say otherwise.

"Haha, Mr. Chen, it's mainly the factory manager who said that those who work overtime during the New Year will get 3 times the salary."


Chen Yu understands this.

"How about it? It's okay to work in the factory."

"Okay, great."

Lao Li smiled and said: "My child is old, it is not convenient to go to other places, it is okay to be able to work at home. Besides, the salary in the factory is not worse than other places, if possible, I want to work until 80 years old. ."

Last year, Lao Li and the others went to work in the factory, which was the happiest year.

Although tired is tired, but also earned.

Moreover, they earn no less than in the coastal areas.

There are even many people earning more than those in the coastal areas.

On the one hand, the welfare of the factory is good, and on the other hand, their beverages sell well all over the country.

This is not because it is sold so well, many places are out of stock.

No way, the factory had to notify everyone to work overtime.

But in the end it is a big Chinese New Year, and there is no hard and fast rule in the factory that you must work overtime. However, as long as they work overtime, they will be paid three times the salary, plus a bonus during the Spring Festival.

In a small place like Xinfeng, there are such benefits, and all the employees are very happy.

"80 years old, hahaha, you don't need it in the factory when you are 80 years old."

Chen Yu laughed: "Everyone can retire until they are 60."

"Okay, listen to Mr. Chen. I will retire at the age of 60. Even if I can do something later, I will go out and find some small work to do."

"Stop looking for it."

Chen Yu waved his hand: "Don't worry, the conditions in the factory are getting better and better. When the funds in the factory are sufficient, we will buy endowment insurance for everyone."

"Pension insurance... President Chen, really?"

Old Li said incredulously.

They have worked all their lives, but they have never had any pension insurance.

In their prints, things like pension insurance are only available to civil servants, and white-collar workers in large enterprises. Some of them work part-time, and where do they have pension insurance.

"Of course it is true. In the future, not only pension insurance, but also medical insurance will be paid to everyone. However, sorry, the factory has not been established for a long time. It is still developing, and it needs money in all aspects. It can't give you so much at once The benefits can only be the same. But I assure you that there will be some benefits in the future."

Chen Yu naturally knows that the conditions of these employees are not very good.

Xinfeng is only a small county, and many people who come to work here come from the countryside.

Many migrant workers still have to go to work after they reach the age of 60. It's not that they don't want to retire, but the conditions are not good. They can only think that they can do it, so they can continue to do it for a while.

In particular, there are a few boys in the family who want to get The bride price here in Gannan is very heavy and can only be supported by gritted teeth.

It's really hard to live until you grow old.

Chen Yu cannot change this status quo, nor can Chen Yu change the fate of all migrant workers across the country.

But since I came to work in his factory, I would be responsible to these people.

Not to mention making each of them rich and wealthy, at least let them worry about food and clothing and life.

"Thank you, President Chen, thank you, thank you President Chen..."

"I thank Mr. Chen for everyone in the factory."

Lao Li kept thanking him and vowed in his heart that he would give himself to the factory for the rest of his life.


PS: Today is New Year's Eve, I wish you all a happy new year.

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